Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Aug 1957, p. 22

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and give the boys your support hire George Gnhccn has return citronl pleasant visit with her niece Florence Robertson in New York Mr and Mrs GiGordan and family relurned to Ottawalast week alter spending several months with Charles Gordon From Saskatchewrn John Cross Hudson Bay Junc lion Saskatchewan is visiting hla alatcr Mra Susan Reid and other relatives here Improving In llellltl llcr many lrlends here are pleased to know Mrs Roy Good fellow is improving nicely in Toronto hospital Recent Vllltara Recent Visitors included Miss Aiken of Midland withgltiiss Bond allss Harry at Toronto with Jean che Miss Snake and Mrs tlelt Master of Barrie with Mrs llcrh Wallace air and Mrs Palmer of Toronto with Mr and Mrs Palmer Miss Evans at Toronto at llelb Blacks Mr and Mrs Roy llennell and lamily at Toronto at ll llughcs Marilyn motion has returned to her home In Palnswick atter four weeks holiday with her grand parents Mr and Mrs Lennox Black United Church Services The United Church Sunday evening service was ably conduct cd by Mr Creed of Barrie who prcaehed vcry ilne sermon train the text And Jesus Christ Rev Keil ol Knox United Church Durham will be the dpelkcr next Sunday night Aug 25 Mr Kcll is scerotary at Toronto Centerence New arunawlck near Sgt and Mrs Don Menaul and children Virginia and Ricky ot poBihle in emhl thoucolnnlitlca to know me many ladders and anlstanta to read for the course So please 1e In touch with lhc ierrner leaders as soon in possible Birthday ectchmtlun The tarnin oi Hmloseph Bows man werc all present on Aug to help her celcbrllc her birth day Mr and Mrs Robert Brady and boys Mn Betty MacMilIan and ltotiert of North Bay MN Audrey Marshall of Orlllil and Mrs Joseph Bowman and family at Toronto Mrs Graydon Knapp and family tilSutton Mr and Mrs John Bowman and lane ily Mr and Mrs dustln Bowman Ind family of Barrie Mn anil Mrs Sheldon Bowman nd tamliy and Palmer of stroud had an ens Joyablc tlmc celebrating the birthday of their mother and grandmother Beach Wiener Roast BelleAir Beach Association had their annual wlcner roast an Saturdsy night and entertained the members at the township council and ollicials Flower Show Postponed Owlng in the continued dry weather in this district the com mlttec of the flower show felt that the flowers were not of show calihre and decided to postpone it if there are some rains and iiowcrs improvc it might be possible the allow would he held in September Sutton Transfer Mr and Mrs Harold Lee and lamily are being transferred to Sutton ltlr Lee has accepted position there and will be living in Sutton Community Visitors Visitors include Mr and tlrr It Carruthcrs and Kenny Newton nooinsoa Mr and Mrs RCA Station St Margaret New chenan wtlloughhy Angus with Brunswick are visiting Mr and Mrs Fred Mniholiahd for two weeks Trousseau Tea Mrs Fred Muiholland enter tained at lrollsseau ten or hur daughter Bertie on Saturday Aug 17 afternoon and evening Mrs Mulholland received wear ing grey crystaletlc sheath dress with corsugc of pink carnas tions The brideclcet wore princess lincs dress of blue polka dot cotton with eorsage or pink calnations lilrs Don Menan of Chalham NewBrunswlek sis ter of the groom also metthe guesls Miss Sandra Weatherili cousin of the bride and Miss Vir glnia Menzul niece of the groom greeted the 170 guests at the door Pouring tea in the after noon were Mrs Frank Mulhulllnd and Mrs Flora Banting In the evening Mrs George Mulhoiland and Mrs Lawry grand mother of the bride presided at the tea table which was boa ti fully decorated with centreplccc or pink Carnations with white gladiolirand hint dclhlniums on white linen cloth Serving were Mrs Jack Lovell Mrs Bruce Pinkney Mrs Maurice Barre liirs Julm Stevenson and Mrs Leon Garrick Showing the bridal trousseau and gifts were Mas VAuhrey Smith Mrs Glen Adams Miss Betty Weatherill Miss Salts dra PurvisMiss Norma Purvis Illd Mrs lrving Nelson Also assisting were Mrs Russell Lowry and Gwynne Mrs George Weath erlll and Jackie MisslMac Fergus son Mrs aori Mulhulland and Mrs Elmer Pratt Baseball BoysAdvance hi Steoud baseball team won over Palgrave 20 at Everett on FriI day night in fast well played game and advanced to the play oifs against Crecmore pla no Monday at Creérnore and Thurs dty evening ai strau Come out 4H Club Girls Any of the iii this cum muntty interested in taking the Club course Clothes closets up to date please conlaeteithec Mr and Mrs Norman Willough by Mrs Carrie Nelson Mr and Mrs irving Nelsen Charles rind Dick and Miss Georgina Gtcndens it nuihven Allistun at Dwight Nelsons Mrs Nelson Sr remained for visit Father III In London Mr and Mrs Ken Bradley spent the weekend in London with their family and visiting the latters lather whols ill in the hospital there irnvod in ur Guaranteed laow lsir Delivery Hula dependable anv ou olviqanda Farmer used Gordon Rix or Mrs Donald and Controlled or our property in case at an ningiToronto Mr and Mrs In her ltdday gestatio period you ask to 150 lbs of firm body weight plus 25gtto needs the right feed have written very little about the subject at Civil Des leocc lmpiy because mostpt us but into qiltqt and penean country have giten veryiiltlo thought tothe possibility iiiever having to be called on Io take any part in rrolecltng ourselves atomic atlacr on our melrupoii tart areas on which we are itti tituwa located We hear squadron of Jets in over and take it for granted that they are Just practice lighters ihal have passed We accept what we hear on radio and TV as something which might happen to someone else but notla us Many or our homesIto not have radio an all the timcand would not know it warning at an at lack had been broadcast We would not realize that we were to he hosts to thousands at fleeing families until the van guard of these evacuees were among us We have no Civli Dc ienee organiution setup that could take over direction and control oi people which would become our care in matter of minutes in letter mm the Meat Pack ira Council lo the livestock pro ducurs analrticlc on Livestock and Civil Defence is well worth reading For those who do not get copy of till we are includ ing extracts at which everyone in the rural areas should be aware whether farmers or Just country dwellers or even urban residents within hundred miles of the metropolis of Toronto The following are extracts from the article While rural areas might be ex pected to he somewhat less sub ject and vulnerable to these the cot and instantaneous devasta lions they are exposed to an other hazard namely radioactive fallout This may affect wide area at several thousoudsqitarc miles for an indefinite period It is about this hazard which livelt stock producers might usetuily have some basic information What is fllout and why is it dangerous When an atomic or hydrogen bomb explodes variety effis sion products are long miles in lo the atmosphere in great cloud of radioactive dust Where the bomb blast is ator near the earths suracc large quantities of dirt and other debris are also hlown or sucked up alongwith the fragments of the bomb itself andjn such cases tho potential fallout is mueh greater than where bomb bursts high in the air The filltt particles all of which emit gamma radiations may drift for many rattles depend and supplies clh tha speed no direction and other factors 0n tailing again to the earth they contaminate any ruriacd nn which they light Sluceieiposure to this containin atlon to varying deilrecs may cause injury or diath to el ct humans or livestock the ottvl is to seek shelter when Hunt is possibility It it obvious that lama mistookIre even more val tonable to tho tirade at ml outahan are people Even Ir they are already banned or are driven into Ihglten when awarding comes they are unlikely to have argued pnr line centres of population Where no auliahie alaclter ole or it ltoeknlust turned out err feed and confinement in the smallcatpos minltnile the hazard Wubiiu to remove possible contaminl tlon tromthc hair and hide stock may he neecssarylla tron crews with monitorln equipment would check to see where radiation is at nonzer nus level Any animals which develop serious symptoms at radiation sickncss either through external exposure or through eating coats riolc area ol good posture will re having dweekafboi days with XL and lrc Harry Whitesldc here Yvonne and Joanilarvla wem holidaying last week an Toroout lth their aunt and and air and tin Iii llammell Mr and Mrs Harry Vetlion Wyehrldgc were recent Vialtora at Mr and Mrs Joseph Vernon Mr and Mrs Boltden via ited at Mr and Mrs Allen How dcna on Sunday Mrs James Cook has returned to her hpmevin Wealonafter visit in here tor two months with her daughter and sonlnlaw Mr and Mrs Roy Smith Charles Wright st continues your honor but the bout teétloia as theirnwnen Feed andlpaetun for cattle and otherhvestodt more liableto contamination than are emergency such or human food Dalry cows are particularly unstable because any contaminated grass or other teed they might cat would affect the mint manly There are low elementary facts about fallout which any one would tie well to keep in mind The first is that radiation becomes lea intensivewlth tho passage at time as well as volh the distance irom the source For cxampie radioactive par licies are only onetenth as dan gerous seven hours after nu clearcxplnsion as they are one hour after and attcra couple at days they are only onehundredth as strong Similarly the cltects at radiation at distance ol loci are only about twothirds as great as at point close to the source Another net worth not ing is that if protected by font of concrete l5inlhes of brick or 18 inches of earth person or antinal would get dose of rod lation only onetwentieth as strong as it there were no pro lection it In obvious that the first essential for the defence oi eivluun population both rural and iirhanpira warn ing system which will be 011 erotive even it normal chan nels of communication are disabled Assutrilnxthat be received such wanting nl impending danger live stockprodueer eonld fliedrmut them take certain stcps toaninimr ill the hazards of fallout The first step would be to herd cattle or other livestock in to the best practical shellcr available where they may he continue and where emergency supplies or feed and water caa be provided of course be difficult or almost impossible in the case of rancher the range areas would While this would laminated teed may he slaughter ed the meat either before they become very sick or nttcr they meant The flesh out not the bones or internal organs is eon sideled safe to use Milk 1min citpusetl dairy cows should nutbe used until monitored Eggs Ire less liable to contaminallon it may be used for icon in on enter gelicy There are possible longer range effects of exposure to rid Iation on breeding animals tew weeks ailerexpasure herd sire may become sterile tor year or more Breeding units particularly those using stocks of lmzen semen may be useful In this emergency Breeding fe ateriic hut defects in luture gem oration of offspring may show up One oi the riast hazardous pm duels at nuclear explosions is Strontium 90 it pcraista for long time thaving halt lire at all years and since it has chem ical properties similar to calclpm may be deposited in the bone la rue leading to the possibledc velnpment ot bone tumors it also may persist in the top soil tor considerable time and eventually show up 1n the bone or milk of cattle While it is to beboped that global warfare with thermonuclcor weapons will never come to paas stock men should be aware or the Problems thry would face If exposed to fidloartlve fall out on an extensive scale and consider how they would OliE RESERVES Reserves of manganese are re cently discovered in AmapavState in Northern Brazil are estimate at 20000000 ions EARLY RAILWAY Montreal and Toronto were last connected hy railway in load three years alter the that be less subjdct to dangers of fall out than tanning areas close to train ran from Toronto to Bar rie in 1853 males may orvmay not become la spending his holiday here with his is the new Victorian Order None at drillla taking over her duties Aug llcr parents reside in android where rtic attended high school hetero graduating tram Toronto Wettern Hospital School at Nursing in loss she Joined the VON in Medicine not Alberta took public health course at University of Toronto and came to Grillla fmm Wood stock NB her first VON posi tlon Sav ns on rum each Clcaranee oi Qua Upholstery Fabrics snortcnds and Discontinued Lilies paauliluliy comlortablc dnvenports with deep padding over inncrspring co tr gt round tapered legs brasslerruled tor smnrlness clearance ol ends nt tahrles on worthy ornament to modern livingroom recreation room or studiobedroom Colours mostly Beige Grey Green or lteda butearly shopping is advised for your choice at fabrics lute Snllcesuver 54 EAToN Specl lines is thetreason or this value nuvcpporl easly converts to twdperson tied as well as being Elegant selected woodgrain veneered Corr ithncw teatures or Talesonie chassis with iogrphcaato give you new picture clarity new stability with the minimum or interierenee to Speaker tor tidclity sound EATON audgctfilun TelIns mind down 24 monthly payments or 1112 21 Television with matching base From breadth to do before rowtnlr dread to It lbs per day of Undo little St Chnw coneanlrnto and round Iran ow to min by vlslaht mon Sow chow Complete Keep her lalnlnl firm not Provide road pasture or hrlaht lorry legumeth on do helurararmwinr shun ion or to educa danger or under roublei Feeda to in or at until arrowinrlda finned all day Just plenty or wat alter larrowinuilta so live the tow exactly lncrcale rraou wit my until at in daya rhe la leb all aha will cat nulkyeooiin at help Prlvlnh udder trotting as to wean Mint We Chow Compilgste all aho Ill lean Puts Essex ltahd Small Link arCouniry style 24tuhaauoer itrooie chassis an Exclusive with Viking stoping tinted saicty glass to re ducc glare and cut down annuy ingroileciions Cabinettinish in selectedwalnut veneers measures about 35 Mg imavlais siren 3x new

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