In 51an 35th The drea dawnkoown as Camp Borden Military Grounds wu cling great pine latest Tothc older residents in Simone County it will always be Killed The Pine Finins Thc nlentlon ol the him no Plains to the re maining few old timers pnwrrIui an ellxlr aa Ldraughl from the Founlaln Youth spnrkle romesinlo their eyrg as their minds rush bacit so or more years to the good old days Their reminiscences ol lite and conditions during thnt period can hold their audienceZspeilbound or hound rhe your 1914 marked lhe pass ing at an era when thisarea was purchased by the lcdural gnv erlImLntIor use military camp The vns on tracts not rolling plains ialeraprraed with river bollum lands made an ideal location tor mop manoeuvres rifle and artillery ranges route marches and cavalry drills Most important however was the avniiahlllly nn abundances of Ihe purest waters in never tailing nonntilies The trorlers expanse of level iantls were natural re reiliont or an ohrndrome This was quickly established at tor Ennsllllctlull of Cllmp Borden lliiiinry Camp and was named Camp llonre alter the dynamic narnnnntics planner and builder oi World War In the United Kingdom Al the cessation ot hostilities in l9l8 the camp became quiet except for taken one of re gulars hhd brief periods train ing or reserves Until 1939 the poplar trees grew to size at eight inches in inches In dill metrr But as Canada entered the Second World War activities ï¬t the area were renewedoven night and approximately 2000 laborers with sows and axes cleared and levelled the grounds in it matter ot lhree weeks and troops werealr yfng Allhe peak at training there were periods when 35ooo to 380le troops were staudnedia Camp Borden and an ndditi force at the RCAF eenlre At the present time this clmpjlan permanentunit nnd thllfwtg mount Fermanent butldlnga Ind hauling have replaced theeincr gently ntructuros of the shopping centre are provded ior residentsand 2000or more civilians rind permanent or tel rpnai employment Due to the expansion nt the training area habitat in dimin ishcd toauch an rodent that only limited qinntitles ot wildille such or partridge now remain to enjoy the natural cover Mall section have progressed to In other phase 01 the climax lor tstswhere the cedar and conifers have been replaced hyihe proli tie poplar tree which does not oitord the name ooverand load The most recent organized deer hunLof tllrocday duration to which 30 hunter participated produced has at 27 dcer The original areao CampBor Ian was approxiinnlely 19000 llcrcs ni whiohlll000 weroin the Township of Tossorontlo and 9000 in Ihc Township at Elsi In the Colmly oi Simone in 1940 on additional puichasc of 3000 acres extended lht camp to It present boundaries it in locat ed in Llle northern section of the above named townships with ap proximately hall the nren lying bust and West of the boundary lint between thcv two lawnslllps Now let us turn to the prev ious era when it was called the Great White Plainx Siredm flow has been mlill tnined in volume comparable with the past The Mad Ruler land the Pine River still earl linue in flow and empty into the Nottawosoga River in volume Such tributaries as Bear Creek Cnttawonlpus Creek and Lille Stream iiow steadily into the Pine River Ind nrewidely known for excellent speckled trout fish lng while the Pine and Mad rivers are now the hlunts of the rainbow and the brown trout rDue towgovernmentpolicy ot mnint ning natural resources by pr hi ing gihnher operation an nu trespass the wetlands in the river bottoms rennin denseL making cover and food nvnilnhle to Wildiif ï¬ll and hilly ground areas innin ln state nrlording vatléty or and other vine Wind in sheltered lpotn while mnhu loudovn anddlouaha Wide lollinljpota or log hare reproducein and quan tity nailn uullythe In and hruahynllu AILhoogh the beaver dintr pared II the turn of the century it laLnow prcncnt again along with an occasional but bear and bobcat The deer nomnriao the largest population oi wildlile as was the in oflllfl years Held at in udér were com mon and diet yard were nllmlF our lintll lh Ms 11lopruent salmon with very little anows all dp mcusltnle uqr deer valuing the lame extent in the 1890s bobcat were nuns erolisand one oldtiine hunter was In the hit of tlking 30 or 40 In winter with his hounds During this period iavored method for hunting deerwar in run them down with hounds As the deer were driven out three flesh hound would be put on the Irnii The relay syrtom contin ued until the deer were dragged down from exhaustion The lumbering boom Ipphent Iy commenced in the 1865 to 1395 period At this time the area was not ï¬lling butwas cover ed by red pine forest that would nppelr to he unbelievable today it wulrnown as Norway pine at that time Lumbermen were at tracted from Michigan and Pennsylvania and soon hadxtheir mill producing at capacity join ing the Ontario iumbermen in this endeavor During thlii per iod nlllll were running in the allowing locations DePew Mill on the Pine niver nearTings Ontario Beaver ntlll on the Pine River two miles nqrth of DePew Mill and owned by Button and Harri 5° Mill on Cnttn wampua Creek now ECAF east barrier dart Misery on Lot 16 Essa sawmill and village ellalosh Mill Angul Ontario Mad River Mill owned by Mercer Bros west of August rrom these mills ties and wooden rolls we built tnroilA head at Angu Steam engines southvvost of and cars were used for the haul and often were derailed Mr Welsh and Mr Bain known trns ditlonally in the camps were sawycrs and sealers respectively Dalton llurd had contract ior removing stumps and roots which were full of pitch These were transported by wagon term to Collingwood where tnctory extracted this material and con verted it to turpentine During the deprelsion an the balance of these roots we again gather ed and sold in towns or firewood at $150 per ioad Owiagto slump removal this deer momm and vary area today is devoid of any sign at the past and la an unproduv live sandy plains the Ilnd wa eloared and until camp nan den came into existence the Pine Plains was on open range or rattle grating Stock WI brand od or carmarked Ind released to roam at will until the big tall roundup took place comparable in the Western Canada roundups The Fletcher lamily launders of the Town of Alliston operat ed two flour mills In Allislon and supplied the Town oi Angus and the lumber campa with this no duct The only road from Allin Inn to Angus was bush trail lhal rambled north to the Pine Plains On entering lhig vast pains area Sign called linger bonrd was erected pointing the direction to various camps and locations Separate trails fanned out in all directions trout this point When the teamster delivered his land oi Hour to the busy centre at Ant gllslie Ilenrelurned tn Allistan with another lull loadthis time liquor During this time there were seven or eight hotels in Angusand live or six more in On Saturday mernodn Aug Mr and Mra neonard Slinsnn celebrated their liivcr wedding ilnnivernry at their holnoin Everett with about 40 trienda and rniatlm present Mr land Mrs Stinson were lnlrried on July 301932 at the brides home near Shelbumer Mrs Stinson is theJormer Ethel Bernire Westieott daughter at Mrs Wesllwlt Ind the late George Westicott dainty supper was served to the guests sealed at tables on the lawn threestorey wedding cake aerntunlly decorated in silver This was out by the bride and groom at 25 years ago Mn Slanieyildorltie Barrie aunt of tho bridp Ind Mn Ber tha Mexee at Million aunt ot thegraom both ot whom were guests at the tlrst wedding ore sided at the sllverderornled lea table and paired tea for the oc eaaion toast to the couple was pro posed by the brides uncle Slan Reloreslotion in background sondyunproduetlve in front on the brides table wls ind waryer charger vices rnrt Elganï¬anerll illranh Mrsjtobert Kelland daughter Helen were in Port EI glh last week ending thetun ernl Mn Ke thotherdndnlfl Stanley Ferguson of Toronto Mrs Whitehead at Toronto ls guest oi MrsPaul Russell this week Midland rrip Mrs Luck Florence Luck Tom Hole Mrs George Ncsbitt and Mary enjoyed motor trip to by Mr Stinsonr Serving the guests were five nieces oi the bride Mrs luck Case Mrs Eigin Stephenson hills Loretta Stephenson To rohto Miss Breodii Wesllcoll Barrie and Mild Velda Stephen aannl chrprnap Amohg the many beautllui sil ver giru received by the couple was among annivelsa elocit gift from the brides mother The cveni was spent dancing Guests were present from To in ChllIel Cartel lontheline including all the ink COLDWATEtlChmgll halved beenvnrndgedlrlor Suns day Mg 25 aslollom 11 United ChurchRe mind Goldwater 10 Prcsbyteriuh ChurchRaver mlnialer dald water I30 nrn service Anglican ChoralRev rector Goldwater St Church arm morn William Jones Christian Folldwrhlp Chapel Herman Kroekor paslor Hamp rhlre to pan Sundry School min and 134 pan church stir to Midland oanondn XIIam Wéddlnl Hair and Mn Robert xelr ad George were in Kingston on Sat may attending the llIllyard Thhmpson wedding It cooken United Church George being on usher nowhewa anctl oilrard line has wonderlul new payed road lrom Highway 11 right downto thelalte Everyone residents are overjoyed with their good fortune thanks to our MPP Georgeï¬ Johnston REMABKABLE GROWTH HALIEAX CPTcfll Murphy shookthe hand at man whom he had not seen or 58 you when his brother called on him recently wililnm letthere in 1901 nnd went Westrwith liar vest excursion He said the changein Hill is relilylln tastier Just edit In on Alliston III doing rushing busi ness at live cents and 10 cents tumbler rv Under the military oecupatlon of the Great Pine Plainsfhll cut ting oi trees ceased exccpt for necessary thinning according In conservation standards Many acres have been reclaimed and blocks at train 100t0ltll acresW of red and white pine and hardoiu wood are again rearing their pmud heads Same stands are now over so years old and the endless rows of precisionvplanted trees are joy to the hearts at the oldtimers This reforestation wni accomplished and planned through the foresight of the mili tary authorities and actively as sisted inadviee rind supervision by personnel oi the department or lands and forests The HinduKush Mountains of lay Marine and was responded Afghanistan nrotram 15000 to i800iilent high pny intereaiypnyahl hultyanriy Unhndillonally neuraltend hi to trust fund sum1d Thishdhitotfgmwsï¬gllohï¬lil its ronto Barrie Cnoltsldwa Cor beltnn and Alliston bntlttakrs péievjrrancr ndmostoralï¬cieqiytomhkadpybhsinusexppd grim nap lehfllloifll loan