Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Aug 1957, p. 9

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By ng Clark 0IMisquoting Ronvo Mrs Kinoear lnnisli Inle at the Lasting It Mindl Polnt on annzxstion the time in writing as loliuw may picture and blame people ior accepting lhl have some doubts about the In surance ratcs being lowered un leu hydrants Ire Installed III over reeve said that he accepting the suggestions acting clerk or claims that we misquot ed accve Allan Todd on his re afiflhgflfbc We have in our notes taltco at think you have painted very would not Mrs it near claims that the constant reader olthil column and who commends our eitorts to keep the atfslrs beloro tho wingers sdvlSed thattheir as socistion has passed rrpulstlons that boats rhbuld licenm Bet manned by In opentor and be Alert It all timcs especially or skiers who or swimmers In the ares That boats towing skiers should go strslght out lrom snore until the arc is reached Also that those learning to slri while using the waters close to land should cxercisc great care or swimmdrs the regulatl as agreed on can would nutl blsms the Barrie committeeror nn thcy latte In par snd iinbiilty It ends by case or an accident FRIDAY AUGUST would be too bad to misquote In mapmmn any township ratepayers lor ol the committee report we tc such however do lake cxccptlon councillor on the few remarks they did make or me questions askctl and it the rcnvo did not intend to commend the their acceptance sure that this will be accepted as community rate to swim or ski Georgi Hunter Hod Krill Trip From Florida George llunter was back to ulcnwood beach over the wcclr ilc had been delayed by cl to the remarks made to in car trouble that at the start at sonallyby the aclms clerks er his trip which cut his time and suggestion was that we were tav hi mm down um he oring llalrio not us such was traitor to lnnisnl and it was too hr 50 bad that we do not get proper and go there Those remarks corn lrom any municipality to anyone less to taxpayer with taxes pa in advance We are sorry that we have acquaint our but know illcy will agree th the report on the meeting should it lilinets was very illoroughiy and clrclully rcpurlcd We also lqoi having done Coltogois Association Asks Boots To Keep 200 Emir From Shari in letter from the secret olticial at any ud him Anutiicr on the they will not agree with the acting clerk that we are Ilzlltur to lnnlstll or had low days lolt to pick up who had been up tor the lirst part at the season and get back bolorL his holidays were over We wore sorry to rntsd seeing lluntcr hall the flDod lor new boat with complete in lamlly Tcd tune to win trailer and all 31 151 draw held on the other side ol the lalre lie is now the proud Lownor ot line new boat Giltovd Cottagor Find No Boar Li cnso it llutt appeared in and lord court this week charged by the items with not having and properly displaying the license on his boat lie had purchased the boat Isomt time back and had the up on that the license went ry with theboal and did not need oi the Gicnwood Beach Assncls to be renewed in his name ill tionl Sniiiil who claims to be paid 350 in line wreanDGs Mr and Mrs Leslie Davidson spsnd the weekend with Mr and Mrs motored io Branglord to Morley French ltoth and acid ltawnvlslted their cousins Joan and llmrn Stewart tor tcw days during the week Mr and Mrs Howard Lummls and son lilark rcturncd Thurs day Ironi holiday at Flat sock At Slxrillle Lillie Mr and Mrs Frank stn and tamlly oi Slldbilry spent tllc wsskend wllh lilr and Mrs Wllr red and Berna Johnstons Mr and Mrs Clark Horns and Mrs Manlord Horns and Mrs Smith were with relatives In illilnlco it Miss Twyla Scott spent last week at the CG camp Midland Point Douglas McLeod or Sudbury spent the woekendwiili his lama iiy hare pg Holidays With Aunt Billy Gray Udncy is with his lllr and Mrs Phillip Lamb nl aunt Mrs Earl Robertson for Barrie spent the weekend with holiday Mr and Mrs Angus stn at their cottage Sixmile Lake Visits cousins TV =Evéry Room lildy Mcclong ls visttlnghcr M°mréfl Hoiei cousin Gwen FaintY at Rivenid air and Mrs Willis Re nolds and Mr and Mrs Henry heinous 0939 Elzabelh motored to Toronto nitSundry to call on tricnds Nursing Broken Anho Mr and Mrs nobert vLutfrnan and lamilyand Mrs Will Eskley visited recently with Mrs Agnes Lulilnan in crillia She is nurs ing broken ankle Sailor At Home Wilson Lultman of the 55 Call edoe SPEIII Saturday with his wits and daughter here Fraud Parents Mr and Mrs RUGBY are For sielr Man The men at the community have been having bees this pa week cutting and smoking grain tor Carl Robertson who is sick lnhospltal with pleurlsy We all wish him speedy recovery Mr and Mrs William ltobso Toronto visited MrLond Mrs Win fired and Berna Johnstons Ted Ratclill Owen1 Soul spent the weekend with his sis ter andbruthcrinlsw Mr and Mrs pverett Horne At Farm Boys Camp number or boys gaunt this community attended tho arm camp at BassLsko last week its and Jack Anderson are proud parénts baby boy Radio television and recorded musian every room that will herone of the boasts Montreals new Queen Elizabeth Hotel Behind it lies story of oil glneering nndl constructing miniature radioTV network bo iteved the largest andmastoid borate of its kind ever installed In Cansda From the master control room technicians will be able to select and distribute programs on six DI nlne possible television chan nels and on six of 10 possible radio Ind audio circuits The entire communications net work Involving sonic 35 miles at wire and five months Work is beinginstalled or the CNR by RCA Victor Companyvoi Canada Construction begins this month Hr dv IT WAS DURING THE FIRST WORLD WAR thn Pop Saunders or Barrie and Torontodrovc lm ollicer named Worthington in this ancient armourcd car During the annual cadet weekend or olllcor cadets attending the Royal Canadian Armoured Corps School atcnmp Borden the two metugnln Mslorfieneral Worthington CE every year at this tim BOB HOPE ARRIVESAUG 2i fisturgeon Buy CNE GRANDSTANDREHEARSAL Resident lest sob Hope radio Tvand illm her or what is considered the Worlds biggest annual revue new music ncw dances and new techniques will Mm mm bring new thrills to the audience mm mm Mrwm as at this years spectacular produc Quebec and firm by Afhu camc as serere blow to his wile There will be potpourri of and relatives as well as host comedian wili arrive in To ronto Alig 21 to begin his rc hearsals lor the Canadian Na tional Exhibition evening grand stand show Canadians 57 out the late arrival at the grandstand headliner does out New thrills drama In Air Crash STURGEON BAYDeath at In the Mari last Sunday MC MM CD Canadas Civil tiltel Commandant or the Royal CnnndtanArrnoured Corps greotSPop now civilian employee at the schu Pop takes over the Wheel ol the battered autocar twoton armoured truck and drives the oliicer once again on tour of inspection delayed CHURCHILL rred Cook in ruipit mean that rehearsals are being paper music Hoadlincd by show will Canadian vocalists old SkiSnoot teliow include made in lratemsl and other or and com or friends only theJWsdilioulemdime Mr Wallace was popular with weeks new the cast or Canadiana 57 has been rehearsng the who we Gcoilrey Hoidsr Caiypsu Kins Sapizations Phyllis lllarshall and Wally Kos ot his long service with the CNR Martha and during his years at residence Ann Bentley the ballerina Velyn In Toronto Winnipeg and latterly and LaVcrn French and cast of at Sturgeon Bay army veterans friends through the course Fred Cook Bradford occupied the pulpit In the United Church Sunday morning last and chose as his subject it is later than you think The basis lor his address Is lound in St Matthew The service of praisu was also greatly enriched when John Leadley ol Tordhto sang HowGrsat Thou Art and Wonderlul Jesus Assisted At St Lukes Rev Maurice Oidham who is holidaying at Ballydnwn Bosch assisted Norman Martin at St Peters Church Sunday morning lilr and Mrs Wicks and non ald ot Markham were Sunday visi tors at Sloans Westero Trip Misses Margaret Campbelland llelen Kell are on trip through the West Mrs Ethel Woodyoradtord spent Sunday at the home at her brother Robert Sinclair and lama Mrs Don Sinclair Toronto visi ted tor low days with her par ents Mr and Mrs T4GVlleivc com sun musics soar PRINTING PIIDNE IA 8bit hundreds Tht Wboys Ind girls who make year by boat with his wile but up the chorus ensemble have been this year travelled alone He had in rehearsal undelthodlrcfllflfl originally considered Jolning of Alan and Blanche Land since Black Watch overseas July 2i Ind other acts have been summer which was to take three readying themselves piecemeal to weeks but at the dress rev with the imperial Veterans group come together hearsals into one tlnlshed spec which lasted month Jack Arth the mechanical year will give pace and flash Construction completing mounted on three electrically car was controlled turntables which will 255 Efylmci my give each changing scene the cl yewago fit melting we that 1ch decided it would be an ideal ows The are is at lurkan the when he retired At the bendol sneable problem at grandstaridh 1d curtainupenels who will si me into place on hidden track mg 53 and there will be Having through at the age oi 65 lilr Wallacehad the sudrcnee to distract trom the hm up nnwayv mph In perlormahce instead on the tlrst time the show will he brok en into intermisslousr This will give the stretch its legs relreshments it it wants them yeur candy butchers The BARRIE EXAMINE shvw added rated trip but lortunatcly did out four He tonkn trip overseas last tour this switched to dnothcr Coldwater couple Mr and at say tint some 01 Mrs llarry oale had made tan innnvauom this tative plans to liy on the ill carry through the arrangements VA telldw worker on the can MW Sels told lllr Wallace about line in onginous art lilr and Mrs Wal place in which tp build cottage of giving the the river on the sth concession stage near Highway 12 they put up there permanently in May loss When he retired irom the ONE at years at the time he went on pension he was assistant supervisor audience chance to at Toronto and go for He started to work lor the old Canadion Northern Railway at Winnipeg when he tlrst arrived in nods rrorn Scotland in April to in lots he enlisted with the 43rd sottsiien Cameron nigh of eg on oct the battle ot the Somme Nr Wallace sultered the loss or his right leg reeelvinghls dis ehargc trom hospital in 1920 He retuer to employment CROSSLANDV Sunday visitors MthMrind Mrs James Strath Vwere Mrs Mrs Jack Robertson and thirdly Barrio Weekend visitors with Mrs Barnes were Mr lid Mrs Jackflooper Sheffield Mr and lack Barnes oi Preston Mr and Mrs John Porter and son of Toronto spent the week Strath DerryDay At Dundnlk and MrsSam Allen attended in Dan dsllr Miss wood returns homevzltlrer it oi perishable freight Annltags oi Sildburyo Mr sand Mrs Robort Hanson and boys and and with Mr and MrsWilllsllr Mr and Mrs nussslMcElwain Shullardfl Coiling cnadlan Anny rnolo Delcnce Coordinntor and Col But CNCP PiggyBack To Handle Common Carrier Trailers Canadas two major railways already engaged in hauling rail wayowned trailers in piggyback ssrvicc betwecn Montreal and Toronto have announced iointly with group ol trucking com panies that they have completed arrangements lor hauling the lrailersot licensed tor hire moibr carriers on liat cars be tween Montreal and Toronto commencing about the tlrst of September Piggy back is the movement ol highway semitrailer equip ment on railway llat ears and combinos the advantagesot the ilcxibilily ot the truck in term inal operations and the clficiont masstmovcment or goods by rail the In Toronto he lived at 17 Lamb Avenue short distancelrom his brother Alex who resided on the same street John Wallacclhad an engaging personality which attracted many lricnds llé was member ot Legion Post 10 in Toronto was members oi the Amputocs ASlt sociationi member of anverbraok Legion branch 316 Weuhaushene and was associated with the Black Watch Association camp at Vch tnrla Harbor He was Mad de grcc Mason lilo momberot Calc donia Lodge Toronto and Silriner lilr Wallacc was born at Cow cnbeath FiILshilB Scotland Whilo overcsas hevisited three brothers and two sisters His brother Alex arrived at Sturgcan Bay on Monday with other rela tivos to join Mrs Wallace The Wallaces hfldho children Mrs wallaecr is the runner Lilly Carlton of Nelson Lan cashiro England who came to Canada in February 1011 She married John Wuilacedn Toronto un Sept Vail NIL CGVERFIN Proper lNSUIiANcE can relieve you at lot or worry it ll always relief to know that you have 1N SURANCE to protest you you sul or class andlrl order to ho ass red of FULL COVERAGE 1N1 suanivcs yoli will be wise to con suit all INSURANCE SPECIALIST For is insurance Survey cnli us cultural Association Was hold SIIIIWIIIG Plus Spocinllconiodylaicortoonf REGULAR PRICES 25 sac restrict GARDEN By JEAN GABLE THE ANNUAL MEETING at District 16 at the Ontario llor Couchichlhg Park Drillia Aug it was tairlywell attended There were is rcprcscotativcs trom Bar rie The speaker was John cleric and thc meeting was chair ed by the district director Mrs Koltlc oracebrtdgc THERE WAS VERY GOOD lower show In conjunction it was judged by Russel Heard Woodvillc PICNIC LUNCH at noon started things all very bolua tiful day and the pleasant sur roundings oi this attractive park added to the hospitality oi the Lirilila Horticultural Society all combined for lilost pleasant gath ering REPORTS WERE GIVEN by most societics in the dislricthes pra Society 15 outstanding lor its Work among Ihc Juniors Alliston Society which is comparatively new has made great strides and has very active group Huronia Society is doing excellent work in cited started toward long time objective this spring by calling in hurticulturist tram the one to help lay out plan tor the over all beautification ot Midland They called meeting and had ban quet to which they invited the mayor rceve councillors mem bers or Parks Board and repre sentatives oi an the service clubs to discuss this plan Naturally it is something that will take time to putinto operation THIS SOCIETY put up 70 hang glog llower pots on the streets of Midland in 1956 and had complim entary letters lrem people tal and near This is an idea that has been discussed in the local soci ety tor long time The city at Victoria is well known tar its hang ing tlower pots alongthe streets orliER SOCIETIES are alldo ing good Work Drillia has an abnretum started MRS KETTLE was rc elécted district director and Mrs Pilgcr ot Braccbrldge was re elected district occretnrytroasuren Assistant director is list bert ot Alliston at present secre tary of Allistonllorticulture Soclr ety SUNDAY AUG ll 25 members and one guest Miss Spring oi Minesing toured the local gar dens Special attention and coin The Barrie lloiticellerul Society public beautification Jlidland Stk NOTES mondalion was given to several businesscs lor their ciiort st Bonu illcation namely Mansfield Rub hor Ltd and DcViIbISSOI Canada Ltd whose beautiiul lawns and planting are most attractive slsn Vcslons Bakery on Duniop and General Electric who in spits oi their building program have lrcpl beauty spot at the trout gate General Eicclrics grounds have been one at the pleasant sights on Bradlord Street and we are sure wllcn this building is complete its grounds will be something we run bl as proud as its building and othcr leaturcs WILL MENTION the gardens visited at Iaicr date Thanks are extended to all who opened their gardens or this inspection They are an inhpiratioltto others dildo credit to this community Flowsr Show that Is at hand 72 pra Flower Show is at Spriaswae tor Park Wednesday Aug21 not at the Forsstry Hall where it usu ally is Everyone is invited Wed ncstiay evening THE FLOWER BED at the Forestry is beautilul now Be sure your guests view it This column ist livid miilyothersihave pet grievance that lot years we have been trying to get sign put up indicating the presence ol this lower bed as public garden and not aprivate one would suggest that since sign seems too costlyidr the provincial gov ernment perhaps opening the hedge at thlt Spot so the thous ands whopass by might view the lovely lawn and plantings might suilice Perhaps the provincial government has things it waan to hide but why it should hide sums thing that has won commendation across this province never know EVER so MANY PEOPLE have mentioned thcy would like to have gone into this tlower bed but were slraid they were not Supposed to ow are they to know it is publiev III 511 II ilIIIIE suso FIRE nihilism sccmslvs SICKNESS Bea Mrs Alison Vitamin rclsrihone PArkwoy 84000 no steei at Barrio 1957 sflllll Illln II nuts isd Colour iorlN moon snobs

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