Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Aug 1957, p. 14

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ll 0n the very hot alternon you would iind practically all the childrenrwho did not go to on Beach down In thefwldlng pool CONSULTING THE ATURE provided ior tourists by the Depart ment at iraveiund Publicity and the Tour ist Assoclntiun Mrs Lillian Henryiinds she such an extent PUBLIC SCHOOL winter months Mrs Rita Frnllck has re turned to her post at the Bureau ior iive seasons because the work interests her to an lb comm lu trait salad ham hm ur tuna salad or ny partymenu apociail Theda signal tap outline in golden colored marmalade Iddalo their party penance These attracv rive sweet roll which are called Wade limiter could become conversation piece it rtlen or he earmarked or Im meals and the lunch box WE ROSEIIES Yleld Milt 2V dozen rolls twp milk 16 tenpoon silt cupiukewarul water teaspoon granulated Vsugat envelope aetch dry yeast la madman grated nutmeg cup abouii oncealtted allpurpohe ilour llascup shortening 23 cup tine granulated sugar ran tablespoons cold water orange marmalade granulated sugar Scllll mllk illr in salt and coo to lukewarm Meantime ure lukewarm water line large howl stlrln the teaspoon du ar Sprinkle with ycnsl slsnd in minutes then stir wel Stir in lukewarm milk mixture Add nutmeg lo cups oitho flour and silt into vcust mixtuch stir to comhinc then hcri until smooth Cover with damp tea towel Let rise In warm plaocI lree irorn droii unill douhledln cherish during the that she oitcn works several tailing apart val minimisedcircus in our pity Thelut vThllChlkedr spent leahinLtlielr line and pitdish their pull and ithwaljorth itdte really goodloh We were Ill proud oi them lln though they did not win They were Ernie Norris mother Cory Wilson in incr Rita Bertheiolte pot Barry Goodman puller Bill Crotax tarmer and Doll Melniek sound euecu The lighting and sound were very well done this year India would like to than air nuucraod Ken Pratt ior their hard park on it The all the week was spent Add practicinlJor field day Thehoya doing the lumb ling re heeoini quite expert at it even though the mattress is Lei They partlcipated actively in the wc arelvery fortunate in havinl this in our park because it helps Ihe younger children cool at on very hill days In the held at sport the sen ior boyt baseball trainsdeleated Brock to put our bosln lint place but the glrls volleyball team was not so luckythey wcrcdo tented by Oakley Park Nelson Square Monday being aholldry the children gaiiy trooped to Nelson Squire Park Tuesday morning activities included The weeks painting hy the children and the comhlnedeilorh oi the leaders plintlnwe house at the Three Little Pin iDl the drain Elli val The crst oi the play includ ed in llilli Marilyn lay 2nd llule plg Peggy Stevenson srd lltilepig Donna Jacobs The three men were Linda Dusome irglnli Garret and Joan Webster The leroclougwnli was played by Rodney Lunali while the narrator was Aurel Hart Special Day this week wash new surprise in Ihc chlldnn tFleld Diy we bid planned or them Winners were picked or each eventand they are looking iorward lo infield Day at Shear Puritan Wednesday with all the parks completing Lionellarlt The last two weeks at Lions Park have been busy with the Bicycle Rnlden Dllmn Festival MalAND MRS THOMAS MAR quAN Bow Fun is resident dicunada ior two days he one her weddllig married Thomas Mnrr 39 Dunlap Street West in eerémony at Quilter street United church on June the twentyiirst The bride was tromllong Kong and the groom tram Vancouver Reverend 81 Lewis oiliciateld and James Lem oi Barrie was groomsmiul is well suited rur her position because she loves talk and Pet Show Thomas Mar is member oi the Royal Canadian school bulkabout an hour Cream shortening gradually Them me cycle or Iniantry and is stationed camp Borden iioadeo wonviirllt prize The team blend in the 213 cupsuzar Sep r5 consisted oi orothy Blhhy lorry ante egg combine whole egg and egg yolk Add to creamed Anne Murphy Gary lAdIli and Garry Scanll Mary Anne also mixture and beat untllmlxiure Lu Bower lsrflufifi WW risen yeast Mr and Mrs Elmer Woods at took third prize in the junior mixture and add tocreanied mix Janine Street announcc the en sir other entered were Anne lure part at time combining guement at their drughlcr Mad dray ud ioh Sarleani well after each addition Stir in ellne Louise John to Roheri Grln The dayslaittr the Roaddo the suiiicient additional flour to ion Murphyson at Mr Mrs park scinail with the sounds make dough about cups Murphyoi Barr the playeran the pi Wheni more lurn out on flouredbunrdslgzad lng will take piacc on Satur Was Young The emhnra at or canvas and knead until smooth September seventh at three the cast were Dorothy Bibby as and elastic Place in ii greased oclock in the aileraoon in Trinity will Jinks Johnna Bibby at howl grease top Cover and let Anglican Church Barrie Aunt SueEllzaheth Graysas Aunt rise in warm place tree from draft until doubled in bulk about hour Punch downdough and turn out on lightlyiloured board or canvas Knalduniiiumodfll Roll JMJHW km to Ilainch lhic ness loosen fifn heard or canvas andlEi rests minutes Using 2lnehflour cd cookie cutter cut dough into rounds arrange rounds well apart on grcsscd cookie sheets Grease taps Usingscissors snip an in top at each hun Cover wlth tea towel Let rise in warm place tree from droii until doubled in halloshout hour Snip again to deepen coon hours overtime rather than turn away era vellers svvrc ilcilltiesgarbage disposal can tailor wooded picturesque tral ers add additional remarks such as the price the type of all hnrseback riding and athletic fas llltles The book is entitled Camp Sites and Roadside Parks in on uric and is in great demand Filth Mrs Frallek who has been there five years and Mrs Henry who counts our seasons agree Int it is extremely inter esting to meet and talk with the many callers Their iriendliness and willingness to iiod out in formation they dont have read ily availableqleave pleasant im pression of the town Iii Barrie with the Visitors By MAXINE JONES neat little white building at 85 Bradford street holds the inswer or approximatelyizjliio peoples yearboth tourists ind locals The Barrie Chamber oi Comma Information Booth per orms public relations service for Barrie that is invaluable Jpen train the end oi June until Labour Day weekend the damn operates item 10 am to 11 pmunder the supervi iion of Mrs Lillian Eleniy 62 Vancouver street and Mrs Rita Franck Cundies rIhey can direct you to the nearest place to buy ice or pro vide you with iniormiition on How to Live to he 100 Manitoba Service Not on Sale Tou slairorn lho United Stat or Sues niece and Evelyn Keitmar iii the Moon double loIinne Bibby deserved cxtra applluse or her tine portrayal at In old ledy Last Friday 1on thepark with many proud owners at pets The most pdpular pots were dogs Various prizes were presented as dualitythe owner or the largest pet was Anthea Cameronwhila John Sarjeant got the prize for the amallestpet SharronKellyr was the mistress oi the oldest pct her dog being 12ysars oi age Robert Powells dog had the long est ears and Debby Mcrrlcks dog had the shortest cars The prize or the petwith the shortest tail went to loan Greens dog while Lyndl Straetman received the prize tor having thepet with the lonlést tall Glenda Blewitt got the prize or lhc best cared tor pct This ciosrd very active week day They had it roam Indpul on ice and reuiraed homeio show wish in their praise of the all their catch to their lrielids crvice Mrs Henry and Mrs Fra Later ucoiii or their hnmetowli WP W45 88 HELL which he th stayed it eatur ed picture uHhe hree gentle men antheir in ad quoted them as saying li was the only little in Ontario that produced iish or them Beer isalsoa muchsought com tourisls Mrs Hells ry answ heirequeni dues iidn once by haying you can get it in any oifthe beveragegraoins men who run it The tourist replied 15 that what The information altered con that mans thought itywas soit cerns raccommndatihn routes drinks pointsot interest fishing husi vprmy Gueslflonk has concerns road cond Travelleis teem everyicontin and entertainment The 105 if out in the world have visited the Want requvsi is for sale saii Barrie lniormntion branch dy bench with cottages und tent young man trom Boytown ind ing space but the directions to on YMCA speaking tour in the nearest Brewers Warehouse Slaioscasno up to see Gene is also pupulur question The expanse oi Kcmpentelt Bay poses aclrcqitent query fAic there Scheduled boat trips on tho Rafi Both Mrs Fraliek and Mrs Henry tool that the Lake Simcoe area has grown in popularity in tne last iivc years The majority of callersa the booth are now looking ior ntormailon concern ing the inity with the inten tlon of aylng large percent age of these have iishingdn mind Fishermans Paradise ladles agree that persons in strategic spots in the area should become more conscious ii the iishingr pospihililics around here rather thansuggesting tour ists govicrlher north Mrs Fra liek relates anexperience with three American gentlemen who had fished their wnyltuln Sault Ste Marie to Barrie cfltchlng only ouc an undersize that had to ho thrown backMrs Frulick arg ranged their accommodation and persuaded them to give Big Bay Paint try Hiring guide recgt unintended by the bureau the Iislierlrien caught their quota Inky trout andbussnn 4he iirsi ime hcrc Is no charge or their serv oe Certain states across the bor iir have too or iniormotion visitors often remark that they Iudge town hy iis iniorrnaiion entire and certainly ihc clean inviting booth with its cntrnncc decorated with flowers iron the Horticultural Society is orcd lo the community and to the was CHEF SALAD with cheddar cheese 41 tomatoes ltrcups 1inch pieces mixed greens lettuce romaine chicory or watercress cup diced celery hardcooked eggs chopped line tablespoonsilnely chopped para ley cup cooked ham cut in thin strips cup Cheddar cheese cu in thin strips package Old Fits Gdrlic DressingMlx for Salads Vinegar water all Slice one of the tonictoe in sections trons top to bottom with sharp knile cutting to within hotiom then spread realities nrush tops with mixiudeoi the remaining egg white slightly beaten and cold water Fill each with little orange marmalade and sprinkle buns with little granulated sugar Bake in not gt gt oven 400 about is minulcs Park andrstnpped to sign the guest book Mrs Fniick relalel meetingw three young tralian druggists who were wor lt ing their way around the world and who found employmenthere as iiim hands through her or torts Situations which arise at the hurcnu vary irom finding man who hadohanged his name to luv eating cottage on Lake Simcae through nothing but deserlp tlong Townspcoplo are taking more advantage every year oi the serv ice scytheladle Usually they are planning halidaysand wish iniormniion on accornmodati and roads tomatoes inwedgos and loss with mixed greens celery eg and parsley Arrange this rn re in large salad bowl Place tomato flower in centre Aroundneio mato arrange alternating strips oi ham and cheese Prepare dressing as directed on package and serve with salad Mags se virigs lun ciieon increase In Tenting Anothern noticeaable trend is thc growinngnpulnrity oi iamin camping in connection wit the Ontario Department oi avel and Publicity has printed tree gt booklet tried camp information givlng dEtaiii on highways ark Ind location like or riverfslzer of park boat tn hire fishing swimming camping section drinkingwater iireplacz es firewood picnic mics toilet Others may match Pied qualiiyi Its the worldsrfirsrfeIy most advanced re All in dimiuli stern andtranaoni are pre cision cut genuioerlhllliplne Mahogany par marine tlr lid mahoganypiydiaod panels brass isstenings mar Welsh guarante for is little inesenm compound on othe necessary in rials and instrucs

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