Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Aug 1957, p. 2

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Daring Kathleen westlake negotiated the soapbox course twice without mishap to take first place in the seven to ten year class Her car Little Lulu also took top honors tor the general pileup resulted in selves up mm the gutter lt Dnrli iti Building Keeps Pace Population Increase Barrie Continued from page one Congdon 99 Blake St or ii Nelson Square Builder Sell Webb 91 oiury Lune ior Zfl Shannon St Builder self il Hogan 10o Napier St for ZIU lliiekworth St Builder self DaySlol Construction 335 God riliglnn St live dwellings on llelross Ave Builder sell Spring 185 Codrington Si two dwellings at39 and 53 Nowion St Builder sell it Walker 36 Straiinne Ave or 35 Strbane Avc Builder Bali Er Ball 240 Corlringtun St tor ill liiclrose Ave Buiider sell lK Conlractors iaa Bercty for 19 Weldon St Builder sell Vcltcii 79 Worsley St two dwellings al iii and 101 Rodney Builder suit MacDonald Willowdaie or 100 Rodney St Builder Veiioh il 13 Allen 19 Thompson St three dwellings at io 52 and 54 Newton St auilder sell Woolvcn 95 Gunn St Ior 57 Gunn st solider self Multiple Dwellings William Ball 51 Eccles St llllplex at 19 Mclrosc St auild er selr Conversions Sarioant illz Duiilop St convert srli to vamunlt apartment at iaz Dunlop Si is Builder Alexander is Soil Repair and Alterations And so to the Eradiord Centennial nightshlrt Parade rsvcro or sell Emrhs 345 Blake St sell ll Swan 12 aerezy st alt nlions to 129Berczy st auild Howey Mrs Tillcy 157 Cuinherla St Builder it McLeod er self Knowles St Builder sell alterations at auilder sell Garages and Carports Pakaroh 82Nevnon St some Biiilller sou land St tor me nullder MoKlnnon tMr Berkey ED Dundonald terallons at 10a Hoary Si aullda re pairs at 345 Blake St Builder repairs at 15 Cumberland Lowrey do Parkside Dr repairs at 340 1nnislil St Build 99 Ducitwnrgi St alterations at 99 Duckwor It Spears H5 Cumberland 145 Cumberland Mrs McKinnon 150 Climber slime BuilderEBali Vi Zictnra 131 Napier St or some aulidcr soil ienneil in llolgrle St ior some Bullde sell Eillntsmi loanole Ave lor slime Builder sell Ford 79 Ecclcs St for same aulldrr Corbett Grillin so Adelaide St lor slime aulldrr sell aradlay lo Drury Lane ior some Builder reli Brown 32 Queen slime Builder sell xendcnun Summary Twenlyone single iamily dwol ling permits $232000 one mul tiple dwelling permlt 318000 one conversion permit $1000 12 repairs nnd alterations per mits $1750 l4 garage and CIIV purl permits $5450 Total $259200 CommercialNew Cnles Service oil Co new ser vice notion al 304 Blake St auilder sell Bakegeotge til shaniy Bay liood relrcshmetn hoolh on Johnson st balhing beach ior Thomas aEleetrlc 180 Victoria St addition to warehouse at 180 Victoria st lluilder Lumber Jackson Motors 149 Dunlop St addition to service station at 100 Bradford Si Builder Allan ddle Lumber Total $10600 itepalra Ind Alterations Luckys Flowers 2ls Brsiiiord St repairs auilder Alsco Lid Harold Hort 145 Maple Ave repairs to shop at 53 Owen st auiidcr 5911 Total 5509 Commercial Summary slimline er er rid alterations at an Parksilie Dr Two permits ior new constntc Minets Point properly Owners Builder sell lion $35150 two permits for Associationwas held an Aug Arisher 45 Sunnidale addillons $16600 iwo permits os planned but the weather cabin at 45 Sunnidale Road or repairs and alterations saoo proved iiclde and interrupted Builder sell Total $52550 proceedings to some extent Thornton din lnmslil St Nahum As my me was mgmm ment 24 Robert St warehouse 42 John St Allindale Lumber loor Home William St addl tlon Builder How To mnto Ltd St auilderssli Jailei Wood St allera Cmml Ed Chmh demo ions at Wood St Builder tlun of church at Dunlop and 55m gt Toronto streets by Cooper Wreck Gel lalt Collier St re pairs at 139 Collier St Builder er PM Serle ar 10 5311 poster panels Sounders 104 Innistil St N0 bIrrdee permits slterrtions at 104 lnnlstil St Tami $119300 CALL THE EXAMINER FOR YOUR FRINTING NEEDS the Eradiord Centennial soapbox Derby when 10yearrold boy wandered out on to the course Two drivers are picking them Barrie Board oi Park Manage shop and Builder one heat oi tailed to pull centre as Centennial Closes In Gay Fashion Coiililiurd lrllin page one Dinning Agility Mr WaLion demonstrated the graceful agility ior which he is noted in the dislrlct by dancing few waltz steps with each or the three beauty queens He will be 91 In September but he needed all his years to defeat nan Collings Ind Mrs Hodgson both 89 and John Sutherland 81 who were also present Mr Sndeberg and ills wile lire Visiting with the farmers hrolher Kurt Sodcherg ot Bradlord Centennialviionrda The centennial beards were judg ed on Wednesday evening and in spite of Vaarl Sarge Couus claim that there should be extra points for twovtnne job the priz es went to Merle Woodcock John Vodogak William Schrcibcr Al lurid lindgson and Ted Eulpll There were 10 entries Mimmenth Car Draws in the Mammoth Cur Drill the three ca were won mirrluroiallnrscliiib rim Mr Dunhim both 01 Holland Landing with lESSEr hut valuable prizes going to 61 other lucky wln tiers The evening lcllVitifiS were top ped with an impressive tire works display the prelude to the Night Shirt Parade uirnntly noted Field Day At Miners Point Agdin Success Annual Iioldeay and picnic oi opened with the slang 01 horse shoe and tight contest helme winners weie weeded out The grounds were in good condition or this and or the regular list oi sports Many good prizes were up or competition the gills as dale and Barrie merchants come disagreeable early afternoon cooler air and competition resulted also other items for draws for Phone PAS4MB spectators run to assist third having tor the opposite ditch Speed at this point was approaching 20 mph usual each summer from nuan Unfortunately the weather be in the with Wind rain and the program at sports was held up tor time clearup came later and strong line chair was donated and Eais were gt bouotooas tor the Allin himseli clear Is taklng oilf Business AfiE finow Co Opens in Barrie The Sliow Co Ltd has reccnlly opened wholesale heat ing supply business This company originaled in Aur ora in 1550 and alter steady growth in that area it was decid ed to branch out and arrange ments were made to purchase the heating su ly division at Thom as Eloclrica Suppliot Lid Heildell by Albert ashow the new company is located on Ves pra street near Anne Street and will carry complete stock oi heating and cooling equipment lor the tradesmen in this area Mr Snow 43 was born and educated in Ihe Welland area but has lived In Aurora since 1955 Married he has one son Crruht presenily attending Uni versity oi Toronto and daugh er Barbara who still at high school Mr Show has wealth nesshaving worked with leading lurnace manufacturers and at one time he operated success Iui heating contracting buslnss at his own lie is graduate of the National Warm Air Heating Association Interested in fish ing and golfing he believes he could also become enthused about curling Commenting on this new business ii Bud Thomas president oi Thomas Electrical Supplies Lid stated that this was another indication or the awareness or business or Earrles importance as central market ing area llc pointed out that this is the iourth wholesale sup ply buslnoss catering to the building trodes to open in Barrie since 1950 youngvialkhui dogs ice cream potato chips and candy Members oi the executive and committee were busy as usual VicePresident Rolcnberg Treasurer Ormslein Secretary Miss Fraser and Mrs Ballantyne Mrs Duel Mrs George and lowing the modelling eiiort photographers llie cant be too bad either PERSONAL Mr and Mrs Alex Kelly and rimin oi Sudhury are visiting his parenls 62 Owcn St Barrier oi Welland rciurned home alicr ln aarrlenspending week wilh Mrs Edgar Johnston and niniiy oi Llnsing are hnil duying with their parents here Wfllpeltfinée ur theheailng honour and Mrsrophls icigh via 11 BEVerley Barton originals shoilld Scillike HAWKESTONE Mr and Mrs Ernest Wiimnit Mr and Mrs Crawlord Leigh Sympathy Extended iMrs Anderson passed away in Toronto hospital Sunday morning Sympathy is extended to the iomlly Miss Lorcen Johnston returned home utter spending week In Strnttord and Kitchener and also attendedthe Shakespearean Fes tlvnl lit Stritlord Bruce Cirppngc and Bill Hutchinson lelt Thursn dry on motor trip through the north country Lynn Trlynor Wind and Glen da Hutchinson Ire holidaying with their grandparents Mr and Mrs Dan lMoArthiir lied Mr and Mrs Mel Biker at their summer home Coulson Mrs Ellis Leigh and daughter Mrs Crolt are spending week with relatives at Brussels church Supper Success Theannuul church supper and bazaar which were hEld It St Aidans July 31 was great suc cess John Banbury Mervyii Cup page Jim and Leon OBrien in Sunday on trip to Algonquin Park and other places ton of St Catharines are visiting Mr and Mrs irwln Wesllngtoil tor my days Mrs Much and daughter Mari Iyn at Toronto spent the holiday Weekend with Mr and Mrs Ophle Leigh Mrs Bruce Jermey of Orillia Visited Mr and Mrs Leslie sier mey and her ohiltlren Brynn Ind Brenda over the weekend New store Opening ery store of which Ernie Barlbury is proprlelor other members Mr St Stile ior same Builder aall Morris as Maple Ave tor same Builder sell McKinnon 27 Campbell Ave ior same auildsr seii Carson Aieda so same Bulidel self for nickalls 108 Henry St sl Borrow where why most King uhlehed by ilurn expend MI yoarcoe vopromptrtianiloalrloadiy basinsoi ndyoiir etiolo ni has implilVed with lige When you borrow mossy you want Iorvlol tho booked by your ol experienol Tim Pearson ll Melrose St for moneyseMCe people turn to BEE providing lkc truancy your many in oh poymlit piano Planning lripi beinre you arm be sure to get tiresaiety check here Your tires may look good from the outside but small cuts bruises and bumps are iometimes not noticeable train the outside Drop In and let Batstoaes check them for you Propcrywyiieel Balance SivosWQor antralBalancewhec causetlrci to wear down unevely andwear out terl our precliion rm bli unclng and alignment will spare youltireilneeilless wear ranks your drivingeuler lag Coat ll li rllre Yourlires There Is no Chesterfield CALL iJS Benches you the Widest range of upholstery materials Including wool or nyinuFrleaes Bracides Tapestries Brocatelle MotelHe Damask or Homespunx to renew your suite ou trained and experienced workmen can rvuphoister your two piece suite ior as low is $9950 THERE is NO OBLIGATION need or having shabby looking in your living room We can allow FOR AN ESTIMATE TODAY For they Handy Man we Carry large range or leather ette decorative nails suitable ior recreation rooms and Mr and Mrs Arnold Westingg Watch for the grand opening of the large modemmeat and groc situated on the highway near the rlawkestoae Yeb Jermey ii the gravy noon to clear all his congenial skiff David Leigh is hoiida his aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Tyson Langmiirl Rugby by the five lovelles shown above The mcsta so tough air you rrl liftltllv get your folll road Congratulations to him and Attended Funeral number from the village at tended the funeral 01 Mrs John Cuils ot Or on Monday ailer SE Suulvlili Eisy care iahr 1vem Iiillii WOODS TSHIIIPS Regular 198 Sizes small medium large short sleeves crew neck slvle assorted striped patterns EACH ITEM GlittS coma JERSEYS Regular 129 Size to Short sleeve styles JGIIEMAM COTTIIII buss rulings jugular lo 149 illm ironies All higher priced tab Derry Day celebration Saturday Kug 10 Duudalk bus leaves Al Illldaie Orange llilil at am For lickels phone lA 357M will Anniizii Memorial Cenolaph ser vice will be held Sunday Aug 11 ll pm at cro Township IIalL or Lighlbourn will be guest speaker The Orillia Legion will be preseni oi Shanty asy Annual Tea WA oi St Thomas Church at Park lands the home oi iiirs Holden 35 oclock Wednesday LAug 14 91 3iqu9r Petitions Still Not Ready ilions being er in the in heing taken in on possible is oi hrewors ware liquor siore were not prcrcnIilliliii lo coun cil this week total oi no names are needa ed on the millions to reoulm council to hold plebiscite The last test 0i opinion on the same two qiitsliuns was ill Sep lemher 1954 when the present law was retained by only ll small margin Previous to that in April 1947 Coldwnlcr residents voted against establishment of warehouse only CHANGE OF LIFE HOT FLUSIIES we order irons hoi iiiibis nor will tendon lrrilllilliiy walk na too at appeulc mi prlno llm le nemir during change at in limeaha in Clinical Tom the majorily ol wmmmjoyodouikinrrlieluilh New Formul linlhlm Tallinn or Qirnpound Mon lilier you will helped too So we aircr 30 DAVE Fill TRIAMIN it you or not holpod Inorgerrinlihsmrimmyonrom Store Tlho or wdlyi ll direct in altheoaunolyniiraimplainx on do our experience sinking roll1 send the empty crrion or ehrcrluirehind olyuur money We have lilide testimon llll on file from Iltialitd null Join them indy Try our noriok plan on our so New Formula din Er inklllin Tllllell with dell Ionic Iran or oanind with Vitamin al lIKmuIOloulu DITAIo white pink blue yellow mint lIlM svsuitllililiicoiioll Slims Resubmit and 4193 Sizes 12 to 13 Colourful Cotton Prints EACH in gay summer prints cajirom Bur regular stock tieduced

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