Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Aug 1957, p. 17

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ll hardly more ditlicult As working girl ive always telt that had the best lob in town nnd1ve never been more convinced of the truth or this sentiment than these last few days when Ive been saying on the amp at pun goodbye to it on arrival at liverpool they vAnd aaylng goodbye to the ion So merely stick to saying Hflllflfifigfigf gaging than saying goodbye to the people who went with itthe people We worked with both In the alike and In the town guess everybody who tor aakea the downtown business world or the kitchen and nuns ery misses lltle planes their lormchile llke cotlce breaks next doorone activity that can he continued Klier luhionihe familiar clutter on the desk that too can be carried home even your Iypewritet with its own peculiar habits But the rcai dittcrence be tween the olilco and the home will be no sound oi voices at the counter asking ier you and tele phone calls coining In no busy rush of getting news copy to the back shop In time 0R late and the absence ol the pleasure there in tackling job that is alien beyond you In tact the corny phases about prlnicr ink getting In your blood and missing the Icel ing at being In the middle ot things come to mind cirque Vlown b1 Nurse From Coidwater To hm Stevens InneLHorringion plui Joan Walsh Ann Roach all 01 Toronto that Ill miss most at all the am illar laces oi all you Examiner people and the lndividuria who over the years have gone out at their way to help me with story or Just to he pleasant when was pestering them or news item Sooner or later almost everybody In town wandcrs into ho local newspaper otiice so this is pretty much at general tareweil My chain will be clanking ghosilike around the oitice tor while guess and wont be Mr and Mn Goldwater will up Canadian nurses protesslnn In lhe metropolis Ilia Stevens will able to help haunting the third In World WIr ll cubicle on the right or some in Paris the vacationers will time renl an qu and tour interest ing places In Belgium But dont contuse this with land Hound and deathbed scene Im incrciy changing jobs and everybody assures me that the next one will take up most or the hours of the day if not the night There wont be too many weeks ends oil and it wont be quite the extended vacation it was termed last week by an associate of long standing But it Is highly attractive project nevcr tireless Pcrhap Hi just describe it us the second best job In town cross to London Canada Oct 11 take Christmas MANSFIELD Cemetery Service The ehtrlcs from the variousbo and Loliypop playgrounds will bc Shear Park The Ted Solomon Sllow Brock street Cross Barrie Hit Parade Qucens Park The Pot that Talk ed Lions Park when was VNoilonJSthore Although the week started oil poorly with rain by Tuesday everything was back to normal An interesting part of our pro gram is craft and last week we had tun making such things as windmills and paper hots which News From The PLAYGROUNDS Comedy melodrama photonline skits nndother entertain ing productions will he featured in the annual Drernu Festival at St Vincent Park Wednesday Aug at pm The eight playgrounds will make one entry each The Piny ground Orchestra will be on hand as well ns refreshments tore the service began man provided the music it is always an to learn new songs our girls baseball team lost to Codrington this week by very disappointing score at lots The team was spurred on by the bril red Nelson at lloekiey lIiotur Irlp Young Oakley Park Starlight liant pitching ui Karen Hare and and Mrs cm and Sndmn Codrinmii the good liming oi Madeline girls motored to Miliiiiiii isi Tlm Flying Trunk Nelson Lewis Colleen Doucctte and my lag weekend Square Three Little Pigs St Caroline Pilgrim to mention only Vincents The Runaway ry row New liouse Started jamas Our new croquet set was met Work has begun on the new with much enthusiasm this week house or iii Hand South at the Orange Hall Attended Service especiallyby the boys We are going to have tournament next Tuesday and pick out cham pion to represent Shear Park at the lieid dly Tour Continent Goldwater nurse Min BIKE who has been nii the in of Peel Memorial IIan and three other mines Jackie Elder and are getting ready to sail tor England llerh Steven or visit her aunt tin Clara Bllrnl of Edinburgh From there the party will go to London where they will look they know who are now employed in their When the group goes to Paris ally with Iriends who sheltered her father In the French underground when he was shot down over occupied territory as Canadian airman Switzer Following the motor trip the toursome will return to Paris and Three of the nurses are expected to sail for but Miss Stev eus plans to stay in London and nursing asslgnmcnts until The annual cemetery service was held at Mulmur Filth Linc Cemetery on Sunday litcrnooI In all the 21 ycals that this serv ice has been held they have ncv er Ind rain on that day until Sun day when shower came just be The attendance was not quite as large as usual Waller Couch man oi the Christian Busines men of Barrie district was lhe speaker Harry Sawyers was chair Manstieid United Church choir Allan Noble was present with irienderom Detroit Also isaae Noble who at his advanced age has been tailing in health and is staying with his niece Mrs Wil Mr and Mrs Clarence Cook at tended the annual service and decoration ol the cemetery at Honeywood on sundry atlernoon lhflfififrfli NORMAN VINCENT PAGE enter world as the all th generation on both sides or his romily Shown above is his mo her standing Mrs Kenneth Paget 192 st Vincent St his maternal grandmother left Mrs Cyril Jackson at Minesing and his maternal greatgrandiather George Tracy oi Anten Mills shed although the root was burn ed oit another building Work had just been completed on making suitable place in the barn tor storage of ppiutoes of which they have 25 acres We un derstnnd plans are bcing made to rebuild hits llcnry was iormeriy Emily Armstrong oi llnnstield and the people oillhis community deeply regret their loss It and family in the loss of lov pmm Samoan ing wire and mother Mrs Cut lIr and Mrs Claude Iichuloy he and girls oi Saskatoon Saskv call Sympathy is also extended to ed on their uncle Mr Sam Hawk Mrs McKay in the 1053 ins in the village last week loving sister Mrs Anderson who passed away Aug ln Tor onto alter lingering illness womens Institute The Womens Institute met on Thursday Aug at the homeot Mrs Fletcher The motto was explained by Mrs McKay and the roll call was answered by MITCHELL SQUARE Recently Married Congratulations arc cxtcnded to Mr and Mrs Ray Dubon nee Diane Ilix who were recently married Sympathy Community Sympathy is extended to Cui Nova Scot was the beginning of America ior at Fort linyal Habitation was ioundcd lhc tirsi permanent white etiiement north or the Gulf Mexico Many sites oi historical slgnit icance draw the attention or num Gerald who Is employed Junior Forest Ranger tor the sum er During the second week oi groin tour to eight oclock tor Mralid sin Tony Decalla In Vclled 135 miles to Nakina in Nan thrrn Ontario to visit their son as their holidays they visited on ecariea relatives in Montreal hree llivcrs sud Qucbec Mr and Mrs Wilbur Dobson iCenu Vespra will celebrate their silver weddin anniversary Aug all They wiu hold open house triends and relatives Bliss Pauline Robinson formerly secretary at the Simcoe County treasurcrl ofllcc in Barrie and now with the Board oi Education git Kitimat BC visiting until Elms weekend with Mr and Mrs so Miss Haldco Robinson 131 Peneung Robinson Ictt Barrie In October Mr and Mrs Rodgers Sun nldsie Road enjoyed threeweek mother Mrs Norman Puget oi Barrie are seen with the paternal grentgrnndmother Mrs George Fowler of Toronto vho is holding the newest nddltlon Mrs Fowlers husband is also still living but wnsunahle to be present KNOCK Recent Visitors Recent visitors with liir and Mrs George liicCorriston were Mrs Edwards and iriend lilr Reid at Toronto Mr and Mrs Hopins and Mrs Pedlow who had just arrived ironi Northern ireland to join her husband in Barrie Mrs William Sanders Douglas and Wayne at Toronto visited last week with her mother Mrs who crson and Jack on Holiday Vivienhe McCorriston is on holi day with her sister slrs OCon nor and inmily Mary OConnor and Kathryn Bowman spent couple at days with Vivienne last week would like in our township ComA munications were read and dis cussed Mrs Banbury gave current events Mrs nice gave several Interesting readings The Incqtirig closed with The Queen and Lords Prayer Lunch was served by the hostesses 0n Holiday Norman McKay is on holiday with his cousins id Orlliia Soldrann Mrs irma chb has sold her arm to Mr and Mrs Saunders Cenotaph Service of Barrio who will he moving in The annual memorial ecnotaph Vlly 5mm service will be held Sunday Aug 11 at 300 pm at the Oro Town CALL THE EXAMINER Im erous siiors each year naming some mprovement included many Drawing lllti printing about many subjects is jnyed 0n Fridiy we had freckle and It anyone didnt have real ireickler imitav tion dots were acceptcdi We got lot at irregular shaped polka dot contest frecklessome large fantastic and red Barn Fire gt Il On Wednesday morning oi last mingle week the barn on the farm ot Nel Henry north east or Horn also ens ings Mills on lot 20 Muimur And BLUEBERRY AND CUltRANT iAril burst into flames it is not known what caused the tire No build ings housing about seven hund red pullets six and seven months old were destroyed also the se sons crop of baled hay The fire men came from Shelhurne and dome small and black Marilyn gay and Charlie Firman were the girl and boy with the most freckles and Peggy and Anne Stevenson had the most polka dots George Kaechinowski was awarded prize or making the funniest lace and Julie Smith had the largest polka dots The small est child with the most polkl dots was Bobby Hart and the treekled entry having the reddest hair was Gayle Gardner She at so had the largest freckles The talicsi entry with the most rrcekles wns Aurel um and Jimmy rirnian was the tallest contestant with polka dots An amusing time was spent as told how they One vers sst behind the sun was However alter long deliblt eration it was decided that litn Then stir and skim by turns for each contestant raised their freckles lon was that she screen door while outl my Firman told the best story Next week our playground will be busy planning our play for the drama festival ll ns Pagk The lmost popular lace other popular games 1The younger children peg Martin Anotherinteresting game was tennis as Lions was presented with new racquets this year Shear Park lacing toothpick black construction paper look and many others Wednesday morning weaii githered ogdiher orja Iingsong ch new Theo rein story and edthway aug activity it Liong this week was the making oi hncelets and lanyards out at Much time was spent play lrig Red Rover Wrote Let tor Letter to My Love and spent time at coloring and playing with Many new crafts games and songs wereenjoyed hy the chil dren It Shear Park this week The children did such crane designs on pine twigs pastedoni crayoued pic tures to give three dimensional Yield about 10 medium glasses lbs jam cups prepared iruit about 1h each ripe blue berries and red eurrants cups lbs sugar Ii bottle liquid truit pectin First prepare the truit Crush thoroughly about pound quart fully ripe blueberries Stem about pound quart iully ripe red cumnts and crush thoroughly Combine fruits and measure cups into very large saucepan Then make the jam Add sugv Ir to Iruit in saucepan and mix welL Place over high heat bring to lull rolling boil and boil hard minute stirring cori stantty Remove from but and at once stil Iii liquid nuit pectin Skim nit team with metal spoon directive dune 21 nusss LEAVE canon To North say To Toronto 1055 am 100 dun no pm 330 pm 805 pnI 745 pan 21010 11111 215 510 am to Huntsville 1035 mm 240 510 pm 045 p1n to Oriiiin to Gravenhurst Monday only minutes to cool slightly to pm vent floating fruit Ladle quick into glasses Cover jam at once with it inch hot paraffin Visited Friends Mr and Mrs Musgrave ot Lakeview visited with friends here thil past week Mr and Mrs Gray and son oi Hawkestone visited with Spence on Sudday Cooknown Villt Dianne Crswtord Cookstown visited her aunt Mr Shear down few days this Eek er Meeting The WI will meet atlbirs III llilyes on Wednesday Aug 14 at pln Motto Politeness Is like an air cushion there may be nothing in it but it eases the jolts byMrs Tee Roll call Size at your head in pennies contest by Mrs litan Lunch MrsEHutcbinmn sire will Cockhurn Sold Home Spencehu sold his home and is moving this week to Peter unetore Ieavlng John was Glfldltonu bag To reaching 1050 Mn 110 pan 825 Inn 740 pm bxlo20 pm To one Sound 750 pm via War ch 1050 In 110 330 pan via orr Lskc Sundays Holidays Direct to summon 245 p111 Sat dc Sun hired to summon 245 pm Sat Daylight Tilrel nus Terminal Minlelnd Simeon sta chevron 85571 its Sam saved the house and one driving 045 aIn 115 plnv soil pnI 1050 am To Collwood 750 pm our COACH JACQU ship Hall PRINTING PHONE PA 824 VERY SLIGHT IMPERrscrIoNS WILLNOT HARM THE WEARING AitD WEAVES CANDY sriiipes PLAIN WHITE Group No Plain Jacquard weave in plain shades Candy Stripes Pastel Stripes Note the big bath towel sizes 20 40 22 stilt 22 44 Group No Extra heavy extra large Plain whlte only wondertul shower or club house towel Note the size 24 x4 stock up on this one Group No Bright Candy Stripes mlke this an ideal extra cloth tor children 10 FACE cLoTII SPECIALS SLIGHTLY mrsilrscr motor trip to Prince Edward 15 land and Clpl Cod Massachusetts returning to Barrie last week Mr and Mrs Wilbur Maynard at Troy Pennsylvania returned home on Friday Ittcr visit with Mr and Mrs Howard Maynard Bhflie RR Mr and lilrs Wallace Fear at Toronto and Mr and Mrs Rich mond Atkey oi Arnprior were weekcod guests or Mr and Mrs it Walls Theresa St Mr and Mrs Rowe are staying at their cottage on Lake Simcoe atior returning irorn an eightday trip with their children to the Adirondack Mountains They returned by way of Quebec City where they visited lrlends Mrs iii Thomas 157 Shanty bay head has her mother Mrs James Scaion visiting hcr tor the summer and her sister Mrs slur ray Blackiock until Friday They are Ironi Pillockry Scotland which is near rerth Mrs Thomas hadnt seen her mother and sister tor three years Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Johnson were Cant and Mrs 11 Robinson and sons oi Montreal Mrs George Rich ardson and Mrs Waiter Davidson oi Toronto IN JIFPV IICH Very rim arr oi writhing muting iiuuld uuo amnion eerliirrly lriiuu meme ashes ch ngothcltlrh ubirr inlnr lvr lrlal bottle in army or menry balk Dont miter Aalr your drunlll or II animal STOPPED QUALIriss GroupNo This is is plain colored cloth with self horderS ck up this low price i3

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