HennaEyed tor luauus rhelt Beside wilLvlolci in wood writtelredn Nowinn Bunner in her poem Orphln in In attrac tive Byenon Poetry Chlp Boob lhcse liner came to our mind we pitched poorly drersed lit tle boy suddenly slopind nee in wonder at the mxnliicent MP of spring nowen in Winnipegs Conservatory in Ar flnlhoine Pnrkl Itcre were tulips dlllodiis and hyacinth in amazing variety Ind here too were wlrnlng slim hntto touch lhe plants andn vulchlul ntlcndnnl In thehack ground This city child ltnew he could not pick these ilnwon hut heicouid take home with him the memory ni thcir color nndlrag men There arc dont pick nigh beside our wild flowers and as pnrcnts it is our jot to teach our children that they can fllllnylllflm Vltllulll plundering em How does your child think or wild lionrm Does he look lamarvl to seeing them Ind it they are unmmmon is he willing to ienvo them where they nro growing or is his ldcn to pick or iflRlDS BESl llllHlER IIIItlI KIWI am in mi fluici numnumun Illl umvusm mum out By Nancy Glenn dig up as mnyuvpnnlble tut uha an it de MynanluhonihdlII er orinot you hvohmt hint to love then nnd lenve um to Helen Kellen tumour or spy on three Du to Seont1¢ writes of the special thlngl lhl would ehonle to it ranted the llltol llllll nodlncludedln her lilhJs tiklna with In the woodi This is ntlsiylnl ex perience tor tny pennn child or ndult especially in the spring time After thc= long cold winter them Is magic in the smell ill the wood the wlrrrith olrthe sun the song otthe birds ha chntter oi the squirrols Ind the whisper of the Wind in the tiny buds which are utt heginninfl to open on the hrnnbhcs ol the trees The moss nd the old ieovor nro rottnnd cprlngy under loot Along the trlnge Oi the woodlal bordering the paths on the banks of the little streams Andln the sheltered corner at the nil tonne lhcwild lowers tlro hloomihg Interest grow with knowledge and there should be good Wild Flower Guido in every inmin library Wk over the choice of hook at public library or book rioro The rrnnii Golden nook Nnture Guide with their rolonltl illustrations are popuinr llnw many Cnnndlnn writers have recorded thc llinrrn oi wild liownrsl Li Montgomery has helped countless readers to see the magic of the untotdoors in Prince Edward lslnnd Mrs George Black hns painted the wild lowers ot the Yukon Knthw lean Strange has Written Spring comes to the prairies clothed in beauty in Mr hook With the West in Her Eyes Every sec lion of our vnst country hits it own unique matures and some Commander Wldtehend Schwepr Ambassador to Cnnndn would takein chmloo on being howl ldrtnnioua tonic without his innit oomlortabl through the AS IN THE PAST we WILL CLOSED son srArr notions 1Biiliflmiliioii T7 lilieoPlillllltij rues dull13 orrICE OPEN FOR PHONE CALLS PICKUP SATURDAY AUGUST lo FEtlTTYSt SIIIltI lAIINDEIlERS GELInd Errandn penny nl onnmlilr vltltettu 01 Hr Ind Mn hean lord unsnnaylt $an Tumult her unwind dillnlltllflll luv Ind no it LIIktth Mr and Mn in 3m and unity Ind Ills tiny strong spent weekend recent ly with triuntls at Algonquin Park Sundu with Relatives ltlr and Mrs willred Servim Werlltlie ol Bond Held mnl sunny with relltlve ntltulllc Blyllnduy Jrom London Mrs Dough strunzwuys Ruth nndPuul or Lundon xpent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Strungwnynu Mr nlid MIS Sherldln McGln ty undJamlly spam tew dly with Ariendg It Scuzoz lsilnd Port Perry In Musket wlld lowers mind in thti Roch ies some on the pnlrles Ind sum in the East belong to their own area But there is no pine with quite the sum Enchantment that which one Villletl in the golden duysbl childhood can shut my eygl Ind see nutter rlenrly the wild tlowen lriendl rediscovered in ii unnll girl everyspring lnthe wgnr bunh on the 19p hill in Wellington Congo ty lJntIrio What wealth of lower werlltheroblood root Solnmo sell DlluhA mans hrenchmrqulml corn surlluwer spring beauty columhlne ind illicitinï¬lt pnipitl The yeuow rpo ed dog tooth vlolrumr in pm luslnn llntl the hunk ntthe rushing strait wu lovely with loansummed hluy vtr lets Not long ago revisited this snme wood in Mny Indl wu die hers were the wild flowerslï¬ot lndy slipper and the whitotrll liuyn had Vanished hut the more common kinds rsuch ns the hcpnticn had almost disappeared as welL The red trilliurn with its rank smell wns about the only to hluurn and shutter its seed in pence wnrt ind happened The But instend at it nnrro dirt road bordering the woodlot there was wide paved rand Tno mlny ears had marked on hnlidIytrips too runny thoughtless loll had trnmned hnstlly through the woods plundering its trensures That was the reason tor the scarcity of him which the lnrnlers wlte dawn the rind gave and she should knowl No one could blame her or the Jasperin in her voice whon rho contrilent ed Thank goodneas our ugur hush was at the hack of ourfarm or it would huve known the same tale Just let our Collie catch anyone making tracks for it and she soon senrbsnheln nwnyl Youd think people would have more sent turn to wipe out the wild llowersl Yuu wouldwouldnt you wehther within rinlu linloy iv pe Club and too ing Schliveppm ï¬wfljs close all hand You know all obanc its superior taste You kilowatt about itsgpnr wnter Be may flipper too and ling Settwepperveooenoe It oould belnninm reorderRmrflNow Copyright km or hohie the Icekndnt the home at Mr and In Emit kiln Mm Mnlthwlot Toronto gt stoutlvtlle vitited rotum in town anhlesdny qvkanll At Auonquln could on visiting with rellives nccollrplnied hv Mnjnd Mis nill PM mnyctl lo scc how low innuni only the rarer speelehlike tiawrr which had been allowed trees were ihujanltiyJBilBh nrrnrthumnmcr visionthorn Chutes Rice o1 Otluwn spent Visitor lir Ind In Wallace lhyes ol Mn Hell Ind Teddy in Caledon East lnmplon Vllltori ur nnd Mrs Holmes ol Bumpton spent two wcelrr the home or their son and tilughlerv Inrllw Dr and Mm vlrllln Parent Bobble thes is visitan with his parents Mr and Mrs Wnl lnee Hlyol nt Sluultvllle or low ween Mr Ind Mrs Frlnk Hornn at Toronto Ill visiting with Miss Wallwin tnr low dnys mmlnn Visit Mrs Churchill is visiting with lrlendl in Thornton tor lew werlrr Baotou BowlerI Bealon bowlers who mended the tournnipent It Nmllhlhcl on sundry liternoon July 27 wereMrs Service Mls Dnle Mrs Noiiwell Wiiiilm Ritchie linrold Ellison Art Bonn ler Vlnltins ltnnt Misc Crowthers at Toronto is villting at the home of her aunt Mrs Cole From Toronto gt Mr and Mrs ltl Bates To mnlo were guest at lilr Ind Mrs swindley during the out wcck Visiting Friend JamesSinclair and daughter Join and Mr and urn Chnrles Conldlum of Toronto who were 1ormer conductors on the Enn adlnn National Rnilwnys in the Allnndillu divininn visited with several friends In town on Tues doy July so A1l3rlg hi Nolei cm for MATEO initials vet mi ant one mu tilt digital Jun msoor amt5m DRIVE IlimL WERE IN THE CAR llppy little bird odd their bright note colorembroid ered onltltehen towelsl Make them hittehlrds or ggnnrietsllf run allow in your avor lilth 1351 Transfer at six lnotlis nhout Shxltï¬ tnchcs Ideal for quick shower gifts hnmfli vSentl THIRTYvFlVE CENTS in coinilor thiscpattem stamps can not he accepted to The Bari1e Examiner Household VArtl hope 60 Front St West Toronto Ont Frillt plainly NAME ADDRESS new NUMBER Ahonus for our readers two ERBE patterns printed in our Book for 1957i Fill wonderful vnriety of designs to ordercur chethnitlln3 embroidery hunk weaving to dolls others Send zï¬eents to yourieopy ot this email NEW Mle hooknow CH GINGLHOLIDAYS re Cnnndlnnhlra with the curious celphrrtinz victorin Dry on near Mondny new Allcel Brooks Needleanft meaningSidney wltsou Plan ale CREAer Dionu HAVS HES GOTLUTS OFEAR TO illASH BERiND DFo CALL ME ENS CHEATER THEIR MOTHERS WallD FORGIVE ME lF FED THEM NOWJTS 9° CLO