TIIIS EARRIB EXAMINER PRIDAY AUGUST 1951 HELP WANTED Eon SALE SALESMEN MUST IlAvl cAlI EARNINGS $100 TO 8200 WEEKLY Prld dny who eddlllonI monthly honor well errowned nrrn Apply or do Kmchan QUEENS lllIm MDNDAY TUmDAY meIsDAY no to pun lIs LABORATORY ASSISTANT and xlll edunrllon mulrod Ex meme nol Iluceulry wmr more gtneflu srlary roeordlnp Io nurllllrn rIonI APPLY PO BOX 607 AURORA CNTARIO as NEW AND USED CAR SALESMEN uood aslllnns lor eornpelrnt men with re Mme Io rrrn our money Top cammlnwn prld and lloerol Pm ployre brnolur CALL HAROLD MICKS BAY CITY MOTORS LTD uARRlDPllch PA Mm llsu TYPIST RECEPTIONIST AGE l725 Prelorably rlnrle 7pm ersentlal Nepl epperronre end unul perronrllty some Shnrlhrnd erperlence prelerred WE OFFER Excellent connluonr upon fllrfllll ralrry and ruulrr merlI worhInR Incrusrs All nmplnyee hUIILIILI PFY Mr Roberts Household Finance 28 DUNLOP ST sxrlliurzncran Window Cleaners wont ed Phant PA Boost IsaI9 OLDER wolvlIN lnr homework Mum IISII FILL TOP SOIL AND GRAVEL uCAVATING AND IDADINO DENNIS MORAN PIANOS NEW RECONDITIONED ALL PRICE SEE PRANK KENNEDY rnlles unnh urrrlr on llllhvuy One Mlle Lul ol Apla PlloNi ELMVALE yrII IIudP FUR COATS We have numhrr ol lur roelr rrper and Ibckell all In good ranulllon Your cnoloo lor mm MILBURN SON 32 Dunlop Wes PA 82632 rutlr JONES ANTIQUE MODERN FURNITURE DEALERS Ilrye Ierre rloclr dl rntlnue and modern mrnlrlrlnrr lor role It lhelr larre rtoru IAND ESSA ROAD IVo nre elweyr pnmnled In purnhrre genulnr entlnuro old rllyer ehlna Illasr mrnllure elc Aaenlr lor mm at London Purnlluro Pollrh PA 04328 1789 LUMBER of all klnds Plrnllr WIndow rnd Door Pruner SlecIrIoal nnd Plumblnd PIqurer ALL IN EXCELLENT CONDITION wIlI be rold at nhsonhhlu prIrer CONTACT Mcderll LeIolcst Phlls Granary Slam Illghway 90 Open nm lo prn UANTITY LIMITED IIURR PW WONDERFUL BUYS IN GOOD USED FURNITURE KITCHEN SLK Inhlo lpur an Prldo near unrrle Gaol homo and an wuieyx nor unrrlo Exnmllltl chuln 3mm llsa RnclllzN CABINET $13M qulrussus wonlrd lllllsl ht noel COMPLY Ill slam up end dull trrnrportnllo mono PA oom Inr In Inrvlew River Gordon on No II DnVERSALESMAN roqulrod lor nan Marlled rgo 255 unuorm ruppllrd Apllly lo Rellrhle Llnon suvlce ME Innn st Delween Iwso AmulTlnus LADIES Iu sorylre outo llrhed Ayun terrIInrlor Pleurant pm flu and ulolllct end prn lltrblo work Iur personal Innmew wrlte Dionk1 manner Mn Florence mum at Luvllln Blvd Toronto l5 lueq Aqu cosMDTIcs nule openlnzr In Auohdrlo Pleurrrt prom lee Mlnell Polnt Strand nnd vIclnlly role work lor uent eapa ledle mm mm Marlon Town Art and In wtlron Ave Toronto 12 untarlo SEED AND FEED ToNd 0P DATs or role at rlro Pulley lor Ford Tnetor 1H9 Ion Phone 315m Dome Unllurms InIpllod Mon came In TABLES uuPPms GSTBS minus WARnRouPs AND vAsIIsTANDs Ion over the complrle the prlces are dull CLARKS HOME FURNISHINGS la Euylluld PA relecllon 52 Need lllrlorntnr ELLCTIIC rlluht repalrI Phano PA um DIL qutNDn hpnu aiming5L xzdoor orr model no one gt 74 Am In loud ronuulon Grand Tho mar made In lInnIIIInn Phone PA 34551 Ewan BABY 13lllmmé5 Elly hillï¬ Ier nod can on PM SL Ant 18940 USED Io IIP lahnron outboard Mo ter Provlnrlul The company Maryusl Phone PA 05965 159 NEW Unitich Tynewrltor 15 lo anI lo the Gultor pond rlnnderd IIBRIWITNJHW CHICKS make 5le Dunlop St East 1a9 AvlTY DIL Steel Purnore end sulvlluxrl CHICKS ry he wore plner Inst years old ME Mm 152 errarunent noyold Ind rlnrted And Alrnore Aye Downrvlew 0m TEHIS guuefl Inoludln roller chlrlu advnon lor lull partlculnrr aunt Cope Irnd RR Breton phone urlz Amer lncrnsr order Arh ur Tad DuDRDDM Purnlture ruItrbln lor rln elo room or chlmg hrdronrn use will couch rnd wnrdrube Imnk Phone PA lyml FOR SALE TYPPwruTaRd nlllee mrrnlnrr port Ihled rddlnp rnaolunu cIrh rezlrtorr Gurney I1 qu and rervloe Pranoer so uarrle phone PA Mus Box 20 south Cumnl reprullnullva IImIP sprlnkler type IrrI llllun ryrtern alurnlnurn plolnrl IIrlna do stnttoh Englne Marlow Pump Wrnllhz Plrr weehr old German JUST LIKE NB SLINSIIINB urby curldo prny In Polar one yerr old 52 Chuluflleldr prod lor runurrer cottage wllh new cover us slur volley Motel RR shrnIy Boy 733 Usm PIIILco Alr Condltloner lully autonone Inr perroct relrlzmtlon coolllll ol alr perleet oondIIlon PItr wlndpw Ao ly Homo Anpllance Dunlap st now 70 LIVING Room lurnltur Kroehler Bencherterlleld Ind Clulr Occnslonnl dis shepherd whllo purebred year chrln yenulne PerthIII Ru end Cu old lenlli wlth onlldrrlu zlrnw rnIorI other artleler Owner Ieovlhz In con SIIIIILyBuy lLLyo trer Apply Perry St 70037 Do and For layertlun on trhrrr over the tele mulledutter llrrt lurertlnn cry4 506 prnrr¢rll dry precedln lrrne DEADLINE FOB MONDAYSATURDAY ADILTS MAY BE TmPHDNm PAJrMM 4c eqchword III mum 80c huowlllg CODSECIIIIVBIIISEIIIDIIESC Ward mlnilnum we cAslI RATE wordIn Foflnwlnz cohdecullve Insertions 20 word mlnlmum 40c MUST BE PAID WITH OKDIIB no Number IIIreplied rlIrected lo tlrlr olllce 2S cm comm EVENTS LQCALS AuchoN SALES NOTICES lc wértomlnlmllm sLoo DELL comelllflve lmgrtlonschyvnrd llllhlmum 75c gt Ml hyuAM CARD 0F THANKSIN APPRECIATION lull mlulngm 5100 ENGAGEMENT NOTICEB SIM rh Drrl urnrlrier wlllpot rrorne mponrllullty lor Iny error In Ilm 60c phnlu nor lor IrrylIln copy Innerr ANN mm SDunr IIARIIIP L115 Lflhf 3913 hï¬an PA 9° I2ailirhroiiilr£fï¬m ml pryrnern ANOTHER GOOD INCOME RUBBER STAMPS moron3A MADETOORDER Imï¬oflyï¬l riprretr 33 lllXcIlIIy decorId SIIflWIlII noI Income Good mum no new pylnr rerun Ind early postman run he lrtlllled mu NIIA HOMES DUNLOP 81 wm 111 vhy rrnI when II mu eonrld IOZ DUNLOP ST WEST mln Door rttorbttl Putt Janie TO REAL ESTATE BLAKE STREET Very llucllvo IPIII level IAIII llr erehlywlorr Io buy nnrr modem bedroom ounralow In ronre ol Ilhr Itd orelurlve nerr rundlmleor Theo rro decorolen to your own hr Illlen Iauo end llnlrhed to In Int detrll end can be yourl lor um down end monthly menu law or $5100 call In lor lurlllrr dull dlnrpeotlon NIIA RESALE bedroom brletr Le Ilv orer 1300 lull rlce hununlnw on Sodrlnylon St Inp mom wlth open llreplrre New Thu home ercrptlonoll derorollo rnd Irrro lot Ir rucer tropeu Can he punhued wll lcrnls Inuntolrte poueulon arrlmlml coll ur lodoy Inr Inrpeellon Also Mllly Illllllml home or III Illa nnd Pris Tull Severpl new NIIA home no mun hlolelr lhrullzhulfl onterIn Gaol lexsndmr FRIan Youu LISTING INVITID GORDON STQMLJTT PHONE PA 8590 Member ammo and Idlln Ilonl rom RoIrdr Ian WelmnnPA wall CorbyPA Sm Icllltl MCGOEY TOUGH PRAL ISTAIB Ir PUSlNIss Moms STORE WITH APARTMENT Sllulllod on one ol Irrrrler burlert rtreetr unlldlng ol onnlr eonrtrue Ilon In pond condltlon suluolo lor rlnrort any type ol ourlneu Prloe moon wltn $5M uown Terror In rnnrod 19 LOT SUBDIVISION well pllnned YelldenUII lubdhllllnl WUl ID IlllI lIlEd buIIflflll Intl Ion than me mllb mm ha com IIIIIIEI bullnlu teeHon MI plvdfl In burial or anyone WIIII lo Specullllun rrleed on some RMS AIIIIANGED ANOTIIEII GOOD SPECULATIONIln $4500 down lull prlee sum large hcdmum homo hunt on one rcro ol mum on the lrlnreol Bunlel bu Hun huuslnl developmenI An ex cuplunnlly well bum home win ell ronvcnlencer rner rororr GDGD VALUE0n NIT II Elihuv Soulhu llarrlc II at Ill loud Burden iaIl Mfl Imnlnle on hIthly New hadse two bedroom ennvenlum cu nbundancd ï¬nd waln under Drnssure Perm or In pumlu Ind luck bur WlIh III property Owner lama In mnve qu rell lor um WIIh 52000 down COMMERCIAL LOCATION Por oporrtlon mulrlnz Imo Aer ml plnp lecllllles properly II on ored wll recurlty lenrr IIII concrete block omoe end repIr are on proporly SUMMER HOME AI nlr my Palm Lul room nnn rner home completely lurnlrhed nlr Properly wn volurted $25000 but to rlose estIo wur ueflflcd sumo Terms rrrnrrred Shim In male all elup Ir Included In prlce nrpect toll propony nawbelore rerronrl demand Inrrenrer the nrlre ol tlur type or property HOME PLUS INCOME room hundnlow modern eonvenlen err 31 let lnL One err llllla elur room bungalow currently drrwln Sella yur Incume Pull prlee wlth $25m down caMPAcT RooM DUNGAww nub led umnlllsl lloup ol llne hnmel where nelzhhon tru glide ln thr oppnarrnoe nl tbelr property publle Ind rePrrnIe lchuub olore rt aloud Thls property Ir only rem old and II relllrw lnr only 5130 MODERATE PRICED HOME hed moms end Spleen rtn uprIlrr kn ohen Ilvlrul roorn and dlnlnr room on Thu Dmruty llu huh rutd rrmlwrga Illlllldllz lo mug over loll or wlln summon down LAKBHORE PROPERTYVery retlud ed on routh rlde ol Kemponlelt It ol len lrontre depth In lrontaro on pryed rhout elrot mIIer lrom BIrrle by Prnperly Includes bedroom hunralew ml Insulrled and Tony lurnlrhed Inrlu In electrln my and elmrlo nun hulIMn cupboardr lully equipped betnroorn weter under preuure lpr clml llvlng reorn wltn hrrnwnod noor wIIIr rnd nelllnl Rnlroed In oeruunu collar Flywoad In natural color Smllur Dunn ow on pm my not dotnod Good dock Inn at pure wllh elou lrll wlnon nd trrrnwry lnr hor rtorore rut hoot wlth Id hp out elmd Talun boat urecently treated rer up one rlee Irma Terrnr NIT3 Per lurther InlnrnIllon éontert HILDEN PARKER et PA um uvelr lnrr PA Hm BEAUTIFUL HOME FACING QUEENS PARK owaR LEAVING TOWN Twa rtoroy Drink horn plltlr llyllll room dlnlnernonr Idtohe hrlI end Iwo Icmznndvpomhu on drrr noor Pour bedroom and hour uulflm noor Couldnflly be conrrrtrd dllPIex ll Ile on tblr ehoolr Phone PAlrnll BBDRDOM Rom rpprerllnr eorer It lront on Id llw store rttrrlred Illll own Phonr Lelon my 10 ItDnlvlLD rllulud um rellar well close In populrr rum ISJl Room Home rrtureltl PURSALL PROPPRTY FOR SALE GLIEEB BROWN REALTOR tam Sm mom PA was $390 DOWN THATS ALL nwlln WILL TAu PAcx UNI lOmMII AT 17 Nu me Her Typo Rorne lun out onto Nloe Inn will rude tun doeI rudeo lotr ol nod ureter room on dronnd Door up rtun not dnlrlred my lor oerrro one NEW HERE ARE JUST FEW WE HAVE MANY OTHERS Ranch Type Bungalows wllh lllnllhtd Elle In Airy room very good ronrtrucuon Pull prIur Suns Curdu ror WM monthly SPLIT LEVELS Itllh arhed garre Pull pnrr H700 own rymentsusa corner or $1231 mont Ranch Type Bungolbw berutllul hon Pull prlre SILL Down pyment mm Carrlrr lor lull monthly ONE ONLY LEFT ROOM BRICKlull prlro mm Down nymrnt um aarrler lor mm Inon COTTAGE ON THE WATER Thlr lovely onll Ir hunt on wrll troed hu yery randy mulch prl yrtn III nlce bedroonu bath room Irrre Ilylnr room bonuulul lut rben Very ruod lurnllure rnu many exlrrr Todayr prlre Sumcoma FOR aNLY slam wllh 33000 down $2200000 CASH Tnlr the hut word In rurnrner holneL It har eyerylhlnr ll you wnlll deluxe colulbu thls one NHA RESALE CARRIESJUII $5100 MONTHLY Beentllul Brick Ennlflownewly den oreted clue to hint Ind puhue rrhoolr owner trrmlerred Golnu lor only ylldml See IhLl onell wlll Ra lost $300000 DOWN cARle FOR mu MoNTlILY Roonr Bflck flunlnlowACndIIllnlnn ulslrlct Pull pr1u Ilmu Thlr homo II In lmmnuulnlo rondltlon LOOKING FOR AN OLDER TYPE HOME INCOME HOME BUSINESS PROPERTIES Call This Office Our Salesmen Will Be Glad To Show You Good Sel ection That Are Priced Right WANT BETTER HOME WE HAVE SEVERAL TO CHOOSE FROM BATHROOM HOME bedroom orthroonrr rneny oxlrnr 1mm wlth $5000 down Ranch Type Bungalow Dulrundlnr vlow lrndurped druundr You hlve to Ihlr one ljull prlor 3mm wlth tam down Full Storey Home bedroom brtnroornr many extrIr Pull prlee mm wlln $5000 down The Above Homes Will Be Shown By Appoint mehl QnIy SELLING BUYING SEE BROWN IT WILL PAY You CLIFF BROWN REALTOR DICK HENDERSON Renrerentuve EMBED8Ale AND DISTRICT JIMI STATE 332Aan maulONTARIO RzAx ESTATE BOARD Illes conAc rt Mlnetr Polnt Apply Illrnle phone PA usll Ioaul ll convenlenrer on rent lrnd olorn to hldhwry Phono stroud l7rll III89 ls Acud move at Irrr cleared land on Sunnhlrle Rood nrller mm ï¬lm Phone FA 1W Inrulelod lull roth ol rrln lroln Hullww II Phone PARSalt mmwuoure wlln bullh ly nerer NHA HOMES SLESSOR REALTOR ll CDLUIR Sn mm PIle PA um YEAR ROUND HIGHWAY BUSINESS ller Ir en opportuntly In own your own yur round burlnrr and ran to on rummer rude troll sInr mm down payment ullh Inormr Glnn Ind rervlu no on Gm end lhllvlnl rnnrlt brr Included Lula huhwy lronlen end convenl ht pm In aror crll Gear Wm even Inll PA mu EAST END BUNGALOW NHA RAILBI Belulllully Iallned nulde hfltk buntlow run old All lb Irrollye Mn room olth IdIolnln dlhlnx urea Thlr one prlred In rell lrrl owner Ir trnnrlerred mulrelnenu BEDROOM BUNGALOW Now ml brloh bunrrlou eloro to put up Ind uplnle Annuals All lute roaml lhrournout unduly Illu bedrooms eoulpped vllllt mmy double llldllK noon Double rlnllr In modern rllrhrn wllh dlnlnx rre Samur role NIlA 5y menu SANFORD ST DUPLEX bedroom Ilm floor mnent wltn 2nd nnor one bedroom prrtrnrnt New nrnnre Iwn our name nrll prlro Slum wlth very low down nryrnenl road upgoflulllly to any yo In vrrtruohl or pertlrulrro clll rold Porrler evonlndr PA SUNNIDALEROADBn £71 room buullow on moo lw Iat Modern Irltrhryr lull room dIn llll room good rlred bedroom in rellenlly lpeIIed wllh lully lendrrrped lal lronI Ind book Good In wllh cement lloor only 11$ In end lully decorated time berernenl Emails Lulu Icgflh Tumpul mam poo on to out Dru Cumell onlnlIFpPA all EAST END DUPLEX410900 szcellrnl IIIIEK bulldlhr lerre morn plur hure lloorpd rIlIo ly deeon fled nll thmnlh Ierre eenrplelely sell contrlned eprrtmehtr ul ur rre nnd other hulldlurr Lot men um IIE hull nrlre only slum wllh um down uwner wlll hold one roomre lor Dalnee CIII Drh Donnell oyrnlnrr PA Hm AFTER HOUIS Phone Any of our Salesman PERCY FORDPA 89537 DAN CORNELLPA $7702 JERRY QUINNPA B2893 GEORGE WRIGHT PA 34835 RARBLD PORSTER PA was SLESSOR REALTOR MEMBERS BARRIR DISTRICT RRAL ESTATE DDARD ROGERS REASONABLE PRICES CODRINGTON STREET sum Bclullmfly locrteddeluxe larrenrlrrd Inedroom bungalow wllh rpaelnurly plennod lrltrhen pIur dood dlnette Fully ertrbllrhed and com lorInhle horne complete wlth rnroy exlror lovely luwlu rnd rnrde rem lrnmedlnto ypornt pnneulon wltlr modert down pyment Ind prlrpre open Illonzllla el Phone PA won 492 NHA RESALE slum Cook street llur codnnrton Very pretty rur brlolr Ioedrnonr oun xnlow lIx yelfl all Ind heluullfll krpI uy one owner rlno new Lovely lawn lllfl run In Ind nu VOII hunllnz fluxnu Illd when thrown mxl IllId noLhIll Ian IIIdune Price Is IDW mornIo lmlIIID luhlhn III ellh II Mnlledl DWI DUNDONALD STREET mmv 7mom herutllull looted Illloll Zaturey honre or no If oldor rter but wlth Iul flle rorn lort modem loroed lr huIIlll peolnlly Ill1 buIlHII Illlehen dlnlnl room oodroeore Lovely rroundr wlth tell treer rhrubr nd Rowen nuke Du the Idorl Irrer lrnrlly home um down Pryment wlth rIn glacial rnortnpe or Phone PA NAPIER STREET mm Modern ornonr our home um yerrr old lhllylumnr end Imnrrculrte throudhnul Thlr plen our two bedroom down end two more upbtaln end Irrpo lrrnuyrlred lutehen lderl lor lrnrlly needng beldcroornr It much lower tlrrn unul pr SABEDROOM BUNGALOWS sumo to mm We here merrl goodnurllty home In 0111 pro ifl°r3Â¥ mm NRA ternu on roan Well he sinned to you nlzzathl chnlce OI medle oner Ilcmnd re run Ind hulldllll lot LI Blimp HIT clorr to Town PRoNu PA may ANYTIMEoDAY DR WING Charles Rogers REALTOR STERLING TRUSTS BLDGFDARRIE Memperr rrrle DIrtrIet Reel but Baud OAKLEY PARK 3BEDROOM HOMES QFIERING CHOICE OF STYLES noTR RANCH STYLD AND SPLIT LRan Molnar by Charley connmcllon boNTAcl CHENRY BERNICK FAB2670 RANY Ill PARRIP we north or Anrur to III run AdornIlla Mllron Ru Arum 165391 DlsTRILuiRAL Ian Tl ly nuns0n yeer old Iran bunrrlorr 49 REAL ESTATE HIGHWAY HOME No to Illclrwml mom DDWN PAYMINT per month on prInelpal ooyr reruncred one very altrrrtlv mama blur rloo Louled lollr lIIII lrorn rrlr on RIDwry lo Ieelurln Irrrr llelIleIn Inn lull rben wml hullhln eupoorrdr roorue counter top rtrlnlerr rterl partn lhreoplece llled DIM planeml wrllr nd oullln nd and Ihlr well lhranhouI Leno horn rrlur beenwe exrrllrnt vmb prururr mum nod lerden urn Ial Surrouan hnrnee rro very nlo Ind well cared lor Ptru 3100 Elll Al Rose PA has al rppolhtowlt In llupecl JOHN ST AREA Ihroe bedroom lour plrco brth Ioroed Ir oll hullIr and oenlrel Iocnuou cell Al Road BEFOREAYOU BUY TRY PHONE PA 85298 Ba HAYFIELD STREET HOMES FARMS ICOMMERCIAL AND SUMMER PROPERTIES 1039 CAIQN REAL ESTATE BROKER Russ CARSON NORM 5mm FA um Dunlap St Rm Burl nlllce en no lo nr Dr SIturdur untII ofnr STOREYAND HALF SIX LARGE ROOMS DUCKWORTII sIRm AREA lrI flour har llvlnu room dlnlnr room ruohrn oalhroorn end one bedroom wnlle there but two good hcdmumd on the recond lloor Full borerrent oIl hertlhl laundry tube owner Ila been trenrlerren out or town end our nore um Pull prlce 0700 Imlt med rte PassedMon Par lull drlllll ronmt Ruuell Cuslm PA Wu GROCERY MEAT BUSINESS wrlll ROOM LIVINR Ann HIM PULL PRIcz Tnlr Ir In or eeptlonrlly rnuvo hullnm wltn turnover ol morn tnrn 000000 It wIIl proyldt you wlth xood rcromrnu drllon living and potter then overdue LIITy Thlr pmpurly II My Mind wIlDIII the Ilrnltr ol the Town ol Elnle end In load rerldenllel em lull Norm shelrwell PA Mm FOUR FLEX mm lull prler low down payment to the rldht person rel contalncd pr menu wllh seprrrtp entrance repnrrte hydro meters Now rontlnr month each lrprrtrnont InInIedlaIe ppueprlan or one rpnrtrnrnt hloelu lronI centre ol Rzrrtn For lull de Irur call husr curroh PA mu QUIET AREA REASONABLE DOWN PAYMENT 3950000 FULL PRIcDn lerre be tIlul roch nlur Iltoohed rrrrre Puly rnodorn In every rerpect Thlr oom lortrhle home LI loorted on lrge developed lot no wlm two lrontrgnr II II thnted out wllh Truu lreer be our es and other lrultr Tnlr Ir an den looIlon lor thprrdent gardgmh For IIIII pIllilï¬un Illd rn pnunyonsoee merl cell Norrn shelrwell PA SSMI ARE YOU LOOKING FOR AN APARTMENT HOUSE ll roeoutut Norn shelrlyell rt PA Suml hrve lhree excellent prop ertler Isw 19529113 Owen some Luann MEMBER aARRll Rm STAT MAID CONSULT US ON Ilaw Dawn Plymlnl Helm In mhlhlt PRODflu Nrunprl nornu loan nrornr Pumaflan Den Runner apportan Property Monument PHONES Marlyn lamva PA In lomtl PARKVIEW HEIGHTS Melrpre Ave between cool one erroo Str nne relectlon ol better clur Ruth and Spllblavpl nunrrlowr Reloro buylnl homo SEE WHAT TRIS SUBDIVISIoN HAS TO OFFER DAYSTOL CONSTRUCTION BARRIE PA aolaalor PA 37204 ILml DRDRooM larlolr Dunnlow creed elr oll lluIlnlr hurdwo platVilla hllhmom el PROPEKIYFOR Em IIooM plu hhedhu lnlr OAKLEY DARK lg hunt Tony ESL do ml ADIHIIIMI unlumhhed Olav mm II Iflflfll GDInInIn nan FA aneqaule RanAl mfl PNUVI IV xm HaulN In ry llmlz PA flu 1519 Seth PEI PA Hldu ll II IIw Two NKWV DELUXE mu Aeennreot unhrrnlruu rlra We min AILIIH AuL ONEBEDROOM SUITES to mower bA Ind Elm IL PHONE PA or mnfllfl II hunt W4 aunt rell rontIIno In broth Ir snooty bry Run AVAILABLE SEPI IN THE GARDEN TERRACE cnhNn allm Ducllwnlllflm NIv ntodern home odreornr lune Ilvllll roan luod lutnoen Irlth dun aroe rnodorn both all out who candlflonln laundry Inn oontlnn our hot rervIood on nroundp Dmbw droparm um 33 lbI man nun berlrnd st IIIlu Roonln Apertmntrll NIHum eer Phono PA um lDu Imm mrntrned rtmenl MIA dole Phonn PA war 15413 Room Aprtrneru uhlurnlrhpd Adullr Phnno PA um IIIr149 nanIND Aprrlment lumlrbrd all enhvrnlonrer Phone PA um lseml Room eontrlnod rrtnlent soprate emfMI Phnnr um IIuao orrlcx sPAcx lo rhere CenIrl loo Ilon wnlc Rex at Inm unrulner IHIU Room unlurnlrhed Inlnmem Ap ply ll wmIIm SI Phone PA um lsuuu RDDM tour In Mldhunt nerr ehuroh and Khan Phone PA MILL 154m ApertrnuII boon PKUIEKI PUIL JRLI VALUES $9900 FOUR TO CHOOSE FROM 00M STOREY HOMES EXCELLENT CONDITION HENRY ELRICK MICHIE REALTORS I5 OWEN ST PHONE PA 85583 ISBs BARRIE DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD LIST COOP Thu nreanr thrl rlI RzALTuRs llrted below and tnelr relermon Ire worr lng to dell your property when Iuted Urn COOP Irny You deal only wIth Ihn RRALTOR nl your eholnr BOAKE all landlord St IIRDWN CLIFF I3 DAIM lllzh St PA Lam courts II Owen St PA lull IIINRY DIRch mean ls owen St PA was KuLLDUGIl 41 Tllnn st PA 5m LACEY ll 9S Boylleld st PA Mm ROGERS CHARLES Dunlap st sLPssoR In colllor st PA our PA ml IodIIlP DELUXE 1V2 STOREY FIVE BEDROOMS LARGE LIVING ROOM FAMILY SIZEr DINING ROOM BATHROOM WASHROOM OlL HEATING lllllorut School me two yrrn old new condltlon throurhaut oomplele wlth storm wlndnwr end ocreenr III loot nereze lrndroped lot Irurnedh rte youesrlon For lurthrr detrllr ull Rulry Elflcll erble Rerltorrld corn arr rle Phone PA 58 I541 LDT level rnd dry on land Imt ADPIy 61 Henry St LOT NuAR alrhwry olon to rohool alro lelnmlnl need one your mood Lorre enourh to rneet VLA rtrndardr Sorrller Il dulled ply Euxfl Drrrlr Rxarnln IN coumowoou BI Imh 5L choloe zeprrtmenl lolldhflck hma Down Bedroom modern tllpd bath rre Itltohen wIIb buntIn cupboardr nd erealrlrro roll aroe lorr dlnlnl end Ilvllul roombnth rrlur droolper Ur bedroom both dlnlnplrllohen wth hIIIILIn culpbolnfl Iller llvllll roern mm In roe prldlnron¢ed rood Income No Iwltar heeled anly Inrtrlled modern heatlnd lent nlln olrculrtlnr pumptlrerm rtlo ealllmlled Newly Inrtrlled rrhIte tultr nrt rrtn hunter lrund rnd uhllerehnoILLown added Buy now end uvaullhll Ill Iain lam rt Iduwm dhllllder Inna armor In um Hall Lerue lot III II Idol all em Prlrrd or Dunn nwngf It Yanllslurts ROADS nIanthr old more enrolW nhll mmomohlm Phin PA 57m PUINum AprIrnrrIt mun we ntrertee IIIooh Aronbl rmr moo PA lm on me arrowea Iloelr nun Port alllee Mulh Ah rtunern Poon PA In Isatl on IlNPqumnlD or putty men Nut room clone to but rlub Is John at Ihun PA um leuu uynvuRNuIIET pertannTreoru loundry mm loellltloo ull treot tumIL Apply In Rd ls nulLI nrrnlrhed parlnrenl Id containd nound Door Ar ueole And II no Ian PA Heel ISNl 84100 colld In the oouhtry with bulltIn mpborrdr eleclrle Itluveflrllr and llrdan Phon 7m cootutoryn lLlml an Modern mum llaor apartment roomr um orth senrrato entrrnre Phone PA Luau or apply ll Mrple Ava ILM APAIITMLNT looms oyrllahlr on No II llldhway nuler roulh ol llrrrle Phone Ilrlol Slltvlld even Inn lsesoo ROD hailed aprrtnrrnl lore end lrlr not end cold wnler leplnle rntrrnee Aonrlnerr only Phone PA wood Ibu MODERN new bedroom rpnrtrneot enulpped wllh relrlrerrtor rnd rloye elore Io rhopplhn centre Phone PA Hm lSauaP Room Ruhrlow convenlrneer In Perndale lmrnrdlrte panenlon Apply rner ll Tum next door to Cul urry Auto Peru ISNDI TURNIBIIRD Iloolnl ml xround llmr wlIn rnrrlte rlnk hot and cold vu let all herted Central Na rhIldrnn Thompron sI Isue lurDIrunSr bnlnwm nuuu bum nleotrlc not water Ava nuw monthly Huwnld lob 2nd SL Mlolend LA Lows Iseoru SMALL dlIDP wrll located Ilnylleld roll as ylelnlty wllh oll rtreet pnrlrlnd em Rereanrble rrnt Apply Bolt 39 urrrle Exmlner lsooln UNPURNISIISD sell epntrlned rnent rlose to down lowll su Ior worklnl couple Avnlldhle ll Aur III Phone PA um 15well ULTRA Modern onebedran apart ment Prlyole haleny hot wrler hert In West end near Callelldle as monthly Phone PA adults ï¬PuansIIoD Apartment MI colr lalllld momd and bath Ink heavy wlrlnn Prlyrle entronco Ayrllable Aug Pnono PA Mm IsIIHS UNFURNISIIED roam apartment vrlyale barh Sllulllod on urodlord st Very reasonable rent Phone Carson Reel mate PA Mm I5Iy APARTIIISNT brdroornr In month lmohen Sun room centrrl loutlon Aynllonle Aun Pnr lnlorrnouon phone PA Llell or erh St 1568911 Room lurrrlrhed Ipnnmnnl llllll elte lrlp rupoorrdr cuntlnuour hot water on bus Ilnn Adulld AMIInert Dun bedroom Phone PA Lulu ISues Room Illrrllslled apartment nnl etre mm euphorrdr Lonlllluulu not not on our Ilne AdulLr Ahxmlnen bedroom Phone PA raw lsIlw ROOMEII modem aprrtrnent ren lnlly lorntod on mound lloor In quIIt Ilehlhholhnod oll hentlhr No ohllnrorr Avonole And Phoho PA ISwfl B4560 SRLP coNTAINIID room rpnrtment wllh orth seporale entnnce nnd rep rrrte hert culllnll heavy wlrlnr cloro lo School and our rtop Avrlloble lm rnenlalely Phone PA dongs 1509 ROOM Plrt euo lurnlrhed hallsI lleeplrrz room nerr truth Aeranrnrode tlon alro lor reverrl elderly people nurrlnd care ll reenlred In rttrocllvo vlllezo horne Mrs Illll Thornton Ivy an Isuw AmAcnvx lumlrhed eprrtrnrnt wlth brlhroorn and lully 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Apply Gordon Bile well Blur or phone mrll arrrte mall AND Sprln Molrtelnr Prodr Ind unhIedl Called or maï¬a yall no one no rrr In unlqm sduou