Gory Banting aanting was named Grand Cham Following nonald Thompson atheWasaga Beach race on Sat BICYCLE manna euAlnrloNs grin happily as one at their memo her prize trom Bob McKenzie prize from the oiiieer is lnan in the picture from leit to his Champion At Roadeo Alter several extra events Gory pion at the Bicycle noadeo held at Queens Park Wednesday alter noun Four persons originally started the light tor the championship ai ter the regular evean but only one was considered serious threat to Banting It was Donald Banting who won the junior boys cham plonshlp Besides the Grand Champion sh Banting was the top senior boy with score oi 97 Ross Spearn was second and Bob cheese fmanihird who had 97 points in the junior division lLlilN Brian Mills and Norman Freedman Seniorgirls champ was Laura Hennebry with points She W85 loilowed by Jean King and Mary Anne Murphy The senior team championship went to Shear Park it had 375 out of possible 400 points This was the team that Banting was on The lunior team winner was Irum Lions Park with 340 points About 200 children took part in the Roadeo which was hailed marvellous success Girls to Play Utopia Tourney The Barrie Flyers Ladies Snit ball Team surelire tirst place iinishers in District Ladles spit hall League play their last sched irlled game Tuesday against lia in the meantime the rlyers will stay aetivoby playing in tournament at utopia Monday First game starts at 1230 pm other teams in the tournament are Newmarket the Flyers ohiei opposition in their own league near Camp liorden and utopia car Demolished Ai Wasaga Beach Speedway Saturday Norm Lelliutl at Toronto had his stock car completely demol ished in aerash during race at urday Lelliott collided with Bev Air mas oi Owen Sound in the third heat Almos oar rolled over sev eral times beinre coming to halt In the feature race Aimas lin ished ahead oi the pack non Municipal Police Constable The girl receiving her years old Junior Glris Champ Port Severn Dam log boom era receives Champion nebry Corknn 10 Others right are Now Protected previously exposed darn at Fort Severn is now protected by The need for the protective har rier was emphasized in recent representations to the authorities by Port Severn Ratepayers Assos eiation and nlhers and was height ened by the drowning oi tour per sons at an open dam in Muskoka this summer The dam at Port Severn forms part oI the ï¬rst luck link at this end oi the Trent Valley Canal sys tem separating Georgian Bay Irom tho Severn Rivergabove BeeionQusIS Knock From Ball Playoffs Beetnn eliminated Knock trem lurlher play in the Juvenile Baseball League playoit last night when Ihe visitors took 52 decision The contest was more of uel than the score would indicate but Knock er rors knocked the hosts right out oi the running Bceton had won the iiist game the beatni three series Herman chlleked the win or Beeton Don Shannon was the unsuccessfullinock pitcher queview Beats Monsfieici Playoff Game Rogers Park was the scene an exciting Barrie Industrial League playoli soltball game Wednesday eve ng Lakeview iry and Mansfield Rubber were he opponents with Lakevlew coming out on the long end at an ceuni ultehing ot lioss Ronald the win iers collected eight hits over the oute Five runs in the Iiith permen Ronald whiiied tour and walk at three during the game Mansï¬eld scored its runs in be last two innings on nary iingle hit renting did no the Josers third and Doi Batters of Barrie yagiourth idea Don aattrrs is second new driven Doug Warnes oi Toronto made his ï¬rst ap Brown and Al Johnston both oi Toronto iimshed second and The Borr nforni those JIINIOII TENNIS DII Joycaeslw sh to pearanee week oitend the Donald Thompson and Grand champion and Laura Hen 11 Senior Girls Champion rondeo was held at Queens Park Wednes day afternoon MacDonald and llirs walls Backed by the strong three ti nning spelled iinis for the Ruhe the chucking Almos also leads the point par Volt the raceway last contest is scheduled or Queens Park tomorrow nlghiat pm nine iuniors Boys ary Banting 12 Senior Boys The Examiner Stall GoII and Picnic In InniinI iwp Stair oi The tiarrio Examiner took time oil Thursday alternoon tor the annual goli tournament and picnic which was acclaimed best ever Goiiing was at the Allandaie course just oii Big Bay Point road and the iairways sullereil very little damage considering the divot attack No prizes were oil ered this year so the scores are not available Some tallied ine dividuolly and others competed in twoboll ioursnincs Danny posted the best score lot any hole birdie two on the sixth Mrs Walls hit the grcerl with her drive and MacDonald sunk long putt with no less than eight wit ncssing the event Doug Dlincan only member oi the stall ever to score hole in one was not even close this time All Shepherd was adjudged the one who spent the most time toure ing the adjoining bushes The picnic was held at Innisiil Park and families gathered to cm lay the reircshlng waters of Lake Simeoe during alternonn Dinner in the pav ion was ar ranged by ivy Farrow and this was wonderlul treat especially the turkey Presentations at gills from the and Jane Harrington who are leaving The Examiner for other responsibilities Finally there was soitball game in which the lront oliice staiI with Amby itivctt on the mound defeated the composing room stall with Ed MeGrady flinging by 86 in ï¬ve innings llamiiion Big Four League Ger rys Mens Wear will be the vls iiors oi narrie nevnblss jHamilton squad is Russ Johnson an outshndlrrg chucker in his 27ih year oi soitballi It thrilling exbibluoo soiibrll The second place team In the An outstanding player with the From Beach League Johnson Is very well known in bull circles across the eouptry having gained much lame while playing or Tip Top Tailors in the Toronto Beaches League ilcre are tow statistics on other members oi Gerrys team hiarrluti second base Is sport tlng 378 hatlJng average The captain oi the squad ong plays that base and is cur enlly slugging the pill at 358 Clip Barons centreiieldort is liat ng 327 Shortstop strong is hitting ma In the Hamilton league stantl Ings at this week Gerrys boy were only one hali game out oi ï¬rst place with couple at games in hand The DeVilhiss club will prob ably be strengthened by the addi tion oi low players trom other clubs in the local circuit RUSS JOHNSON aradiord will he the locals start mg chucker duel oi pitchers each have many years oi solthilll savvy lam netgaourr umeren united Church easement on Wed nesoay nigni July to honor the male IDDWCI snei Char Congratulations rainc Partridge and Flu wiiilam Gesirln ul itiX Depot of Now Westminster 511 who were married Saturday July 27 Tamar spousa naor liaiseterse Brinelobe Ills Valcri With aanxeo everyone Short Visit lir and Mrs Murray Kenny oi Lonoon spent law day with Mr and MH Oscar Linton Attend Puncrdl Mr and Mrai Walter McMaek on air and Mrs ioomas uuck Wilth and Mr Ind Mn Archie chKwurth attended the inn eral Fred Peacock It Siroud on Tuesday iuiernooni Dccpe sympathy is mended in Mrs oily July 25 Nr Camrabcllm renew and taming itch iur Visit wrih hirs hul lanos parenis Mr and lira Recently iiiarrletl mum lormer Birth at Son Congratulation to Mr and Mrs laLsy Begin on the birth oi boy in Royal Irlddem nee les Victoria Hospital week Shiuld be quite Thornton Ileimlon air and Mrs Sandiord rage at tended lhe Thornton reunion and spent the evening wiIhJir and tits williom reaeock and met nev Carpenter irom Cen Irevilie Tenn who was the min Lions Club Trophy which the Inca crowd or menus and in Angus miscellaneous Vgicrie MCIVCIL many lately and useluiguu inrwaten lo Miss Lor last rl whittlei and ion Page My only litqu in From MIDI lint George Bnozu and tun ly or Maple vlsueu her parents air and ms Gordon Busts last week is At ouiit and and Fair Mrs hunger and Joan Mn Kenneth burn and Mrs Bush attended the quill and rug lair at Lelilngwoeo on Thursday luly 2o fluent Visitor Mrs KcnneLh Walker oi Fort William Mrs Norman Jarolne OI Lreomore and Mr and Mrs itotr ett uconnor at Toronto visited Mrs Jessie OConnor lalt week On Visit Mrs Edward tlotland and fam ily and Mr and bars Lawrence mallocti and Stephen loll Thurs Back from Maritime Mr and Mrs Victor McMaslnr Keith and Murray returned home Wednesday July 24 train trip through the Marilimes rrona Saskatoon Mr and Mrs smith oi Saskatoon spent week wilh llir and ilrs Harry Smith also Mr and Mrs Norman SmIlh and daughters st LamIierls Quebec spent iew days with Mr and Mrs Smith and Albert huddle brook FAST Illl It numberui years ago when In RAPE heydaytight July Harry Couse who hurled such line game last night against Barrie SCBeuis ColiinQWood Al Cp Borden our to lock oi playing space in als came within an ace at winning last ye In Ill mezntimï¬l It is expocled that BILL be well nln TM mm Club WI It It not completed the enmpelitions guests at the llradiord so at Brady pm the new cmmg Tnth which im Mint MN has been donated to this league in coniuncuon with the centennial celebrations there Barrie in 23 On the ioilowlng Saturdn they Coiling 23 will he at Aurora for another go Owen Sound 15 at tournament trophy sponsored Silcote by that club on September the RCAF big Labour Day Tournament at iuldiand Harry has been in the game live less than Johnson git stall were made to Lillian Cutie Barrio the Barrie SC had to play the Collingwood team in Camp Borden it was an important match lor both teams in that it meant first place standing in the League tor the victor Collingwood has now played all oi its league games and narrie has one to play with Owen Sound Saturday The aarric club had three bright stars missing last night eentre iorward Dennis aradley and hail ilton Good netminding by Bobby Thompson tell the visitors one goal ahead at hall time eolllngwood had the edge on play over aarrlc until Pat oegan iiredone irom the right wing that bounced oil the tar goal post with about eight minutes leit to go Brian Baker raced in with the ball and shutpne that the Colv lingwoed keepcr found just out of reach Final score Barrie Collingwood CLuas stirrup OPEN DAILY Cr EVENINGS 14TH CONCESSIpN OPPOSITE HURONIA can THE EXAMINER FOR Bezlld Equipped withradlo Very eleau Finish lsgaoli were mum in as vv lit illlit DRIVE INV THEATRE good tires REA MONEY savanronvsonuz in Stolliicvilie will at backs Jock Demand Archie llama ironies ron s5 ninown $250 WEEKLY see the Bar New Lowell rie club in compel on tor the Holinndia But brand new litetime guaranteed nominlon Royals lull weight builtwlih patented more noyalon aayon toughest rayon cord long mileage steering and braking eontrot age consian economy ma 917ng with In Matty tinker Albert mddlebmoka Ihe Angus ball club held Vtry Weereod visitors unaod lilnr wiilum Grail nadJirs Neely at Toronto Hunt the weekend with Ilr and Mrs Cliiiord Durkworth Alex Bella is patient in the Royal Victoria llospilal Barrie ills inrny Yirionds wtsh him speedy recovery air and Mrs nucltwurlb spent ch days in Toronto PHELPSTON Wedding Guests Mr and Mrs Marley and daughter Mary Ellen oi Waterloo attcntletl the Edward oyic wod dms in name on Saturday The Illllt have sprayed the woods on one side at llie road This illcs MI slow lluwn the growth on llle other side Mr and Mrs John Coleman and drum oi Mnrborn spent weekend with Mrs Sheppard lllrs Keller and hr and lirs Ilall and sunllliil of Toronto 1r ALLANDALE GOLF ClrllB SNACK BAR SUPPLIES RENTALS TOURNAMENTS INVITED BIG iliv POINT ROAD rAlNSWlCK enossnunn io PIIONE snow 62 it 31 lltIMllllIlii anvil unlinll TlllES NOT SECONDS NOT SUBSTANDARDS NOT EETREADS lulisite the worlds saiety block tread tor positive tremendous buy ior salety mile AT THESE SPECIAL PRICES YOU CAN SAVE SAFELY SET or 51 or e7ois 71015 148° 59180 and your antl your and your recappable reeappahte recappable tlros tires tires ABILSZM PER TIRE TOR tIlIese Royallnellicycles re nnt stripped advertlslnggmodels hut regular deluxe Royallnes ieaturlng perry solely brakes ehaln guards chrome wheels iloshy any paint styling super weather ALL EiSHI Ir ACII OF YOUR NONRECAPPABLE TIRES sandman DOIVN WEEKLY