Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Aug 1957, p. 4

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mills fur liar Louis raplarau was surprise participant at the weekly wrestling show held at the Enrrie Arena on Tuesday But nlas Chcr Louis was an olticialfond not wrestler Reason for this is that hauls had on inIcCilun in his late the past couple ol weelu Ind surgery was required to boil it up lions Pap lucau was scheduled to light last week but the infection was his downfall In In ellort to get back into lighting trim Louis has acccpled the relerees role For while Tuesday evening it looked like Louis the Hero when he wrestles was going to be Louis the Bum as retortc con clusion had In be drawn Inr Louis mike 11 mighty hard to see helped Ms It all when villains such as Elephant Boy Rebel Bob Russell and mum Karl Krushcr kowalskl are dishing it out These boys vhlle mm and mum Sen mammoth In site an real culles when it comes to sneaking in bi Lug when my 50 Queens Park The Spot balling righthandcr Legion to seven hits including homer by nan nnd banged out three himsell as the vlsllora dc lcalod Legion 135 Extend Lead Victory ior hiinesing put that ahead at De while It was strange to see Louis in an oiliclals apparel it was even more So to see him want toclean spectator But Louis changed his mind in hurry when as he describes It the guy only weighed about 135 pounds It seems that this young Iellow who doesnt seem lo be too popular causo nobody seemed too anxious to come to his aid had bcnn antagonizing Pnpincau all evening Some 01 the creeks he made were none too kind Finally the fellow made the misluke club three points of challenging tho peoples choice when Louis approached him Vililiss who had held down the the Iclluw walled II only had pounds Papineau said later number hed handicap himsell by tying hand behind his back If the three weeks cllow would loliaw up his threats with anything but whimpering paints excuses to play in nrarllord win could ml them back in the Bill Curry another Invorite of the fans got little excited when running With Pursiainen another youngster called him some names that Couldnt be printed Bill caught up lo the fellow nd gave him good shaking belore slugging the boy darled out ol the arena like shot Do these guys think we got in lhls business on pass Just recently SUMMER SKI JUiilPING rne big event this vcekehd Is the Summer ski lumping event at Midland that starts at pmtumorrow Saturday It continues lay and surprise trophy which we saw to be something wonders ful will be awarded Monday evening on many runny orrnsluns Poll Pettersen the chairman ol tlll meet and Keith Berirand business manager have said that only the to their word This event wlll be the biggest 01 Its kind in the world andfirst into in Canada World record in stimmcrsklr1umping is expected it will really be worth viewing treading the list at riders will be larmer world champion the top jumper in Canada today and us oiympie member who is also the U5 summer ski jumping champ in and Mlnoslugs was la the third Mlneslng mules pilee in the Ilmllcd IllIrrie ny liaenanuld olmosl lllincslng has to DeVllliss was scheduled last night pitching and the host Legion boys were having very bad night in committing Almost settled In his dressing room little later Bill grumbled than eight mlscues Minesin slosned bill was insulted by an amateur wrestler in North Bayu wtthout tur hm but Mfiwflycflfizi lher ado Bill invited the smart nice to the gym where Bill pro like me eearlcd to pin him nine times in 11 minutes The amateur now we in mm mm thinks twice belore passing remarks around about prolesslonal wrest mg thud gum pad lers Thurlow the leagues lending hit ter was iorcorl to hurl the last low innings tor the Legion From the lime he Came on in through the Sunday and lllonday at pm each day rrlzcs will be awarded each Effie £h5d It Came in this ninth the no less or slngles or re tire sevonth inning one run and was unearned Twelve Runs Two Frames hllnesing best on the continent will be accepted as participating entries mm to humorist um hows look at the entry list would indicate that these gentlemen were true the second Sixarun inning the visitors cashed their first six tour com ing on predicted grondrslltm homer by Eob McCartney Ee to be established on the very first day Pete has another surprise simmgivsm Pm lined up tor the first evoningsshow and vveguarantee you that gum homer In the seventh two errors and the winners mates he was four score six more Legions only major uprising helped lord lut night lti defeat the hosts 63 in very Iateltlrflng con lest lhlt hldlo be called utter seven inning of play it lrnme when Dun MIeDonald cracked his threerun touring ger nfler lied ihurlow Ind Run Stewan had singled Legion loaded lhe bases wil none out in the sixth as Mner Donald and George Chappel lln gled and Frank linwn got Iieidels Choice The next three ballcrs struck out lied to tlrst base Ind flied out to centre Cleo Adams iollowcd Pursla inch in the slugging department with pair ol base knocks Bob McCartney had live run attcd in on his humor and sacrifice fly Dim MacDonald was the only member or the Legion teim to hit snlcly more Ihnn ones He hnd two hits hllnnlng McCartney 3b Wen Downcy Adams If Falconer cl MacDonald 2b Wln Downcy Purslltneu Adams Adams rl Marlin Il enuousuwaog El HIINNHMIHN Legion Wannnmaker rl Tomllnson zb ll Thurlow 3b Stewart lb MacDonald ss Chlppel Rawn rf Laws of Lines Richardson Hines 3b puma amnionum snl acoewawwnea Total 39 Mlnesing 080 000 60113 II 113 000 000 78 Ind Win Downey Lines Richardson Thur low and Chappeli Umpirosi Earl Marshall plate comparison Bill Hare bases Hans Edcr now III Toronto and member of the Midland Club is former world recordrholder with leap at better than 400 feet Jacques Charland who not only the best in Canada but has won countless North American comp ons is the favorite Art Tocklc American Olympic team member and summer ski jumping champ is expected to give Edor and Charland real run tor the roses Parkinglacllitles at the Midland Ski Jump are remarkable At least 10000 automobiles cnnbe nicely parked Judging from the way it was handled during the winter meets there should be no trouble of entering and exiting whatsover JUST NOTES llerb Scoros slueerlty won him host at Conn dlan friends this week Appearing on car television production the fireballing ieithander ot the Cleveland Indians who was relied by hit ball by Gil MCDuugnl or the Yankees was asked it it was true howas very religiousperson Ilch ls Herbs answer not word or word Sure lm religious but not more than anyone else Its just thnt got more publicrty than other areal boost to himselt and thc fabulous world at sport Ready willing and able Thats the way it is with Louis Papincsu the peoples choice of the Nurthland Wrestling Enter prises and certainly of the loc Herbsaltltude through the entire program was wonderlul and light fans This post Tuesday latraping would help emerge trout thdruuk they the tou CGE rhino duo Louis retereed the two bouts at the Barrie Arena strictly as move to get back Into light trim Well Louis advised promoter Larry Kasoboshi that he was set again and Mr Karabaski matched him accordingly Meets Elephant Boy Next Tuesday aeourrie Arena Mons Papineau will be the OP patient of the growling and mus cular Elephant Boy from deep Csl and darkest Atrial The bout is scheduled to go 811 minutes or the best two at three lalis stellarsupporting card is al so promised In the tirst bout courageous Frankie Thompson tangles with Rebel Bob RUS aéll In the Second prelim Big Dave Back to Louis though HE VII lt fan should iind reason to in Louis never boasted of being good ofticizl but entered tor the luns own good or Edit would seem As he tackles Eglephlnt Boy Tuesday Lord will be striving to make his popularity too per cent again And hewill leave no stone unturned to do so He will also leave no stone un turned in his attempt to Clubber Elephth Boy Muybe astono elimluary outs are 80 minutes or one tell llm tr 94 pm gt herels no place in th world today for sluggish impotent lend er or loadeigan linve been in toxicotod by power New leaders society totalte tb rpluc points just one beblndthe new league leaders naming Next week there two teams will Bll previously ninedoul gnine here it Queens rarlr with the win her rapturng the rogulnr lengue championship cry or DeVIlblss coach Jim ton lhlt last nlghttl game wasnt defaulted The umpires left the hill dedslon in Walton and be elected to stay around or low minutes longer giving the hosls chance to gut nine men The contest evcnlunliy got under way at 745 easy as they Could bave but the seasalional rubber pertornrance of Veteran Harry Couse made it form His control was excellent He threw three speeds and his slow ball was backbreaker many batsmen Qiébeoauuréitou eel HOBBHOQNGI Simms and Vi Patterson tangle in what should be marvellous exhibition at scientific wrestling more than little dlsmrbed that fruit him beyond all reason it limits Starting time of the first pre DeVilblsI seared five himself In error to shortstop The triume gave DIVlibiss 13 Wntttin beolent it was only through the couri The two poinls didnt come Is worth waiting for Harry was In extremely line in savedinnings the duration of the contest Couse gave up only three hils while strlklng out 12 Bradford batters He whlLlod two batters in every Inning but the fourth and sovenlh when he lost whilted one each time The visitors wrapped up the contest in the lilth inning That wls when they scored tive runs on live bilsan error and hit batsman Twoout Rally The rally started with two away Jack Treadwell black harness alter twweek absence hanged out single Iaek llore Idvlnced Treadwell and got hit Ilmcs in tbe iiitb Inning It and Ray Brilll riagto was sandwiched between doubles by Ted Hardere and Al Spence Ken Grand mnixon was hit by pitched and Cord Perry plated the list runs with single nradiard made its big threst the bottom hall or the allowing frame scoring three times on two errors Ind double by Charlie Gregory Losing pitcher Bob Armstrong gave up nine hits two oneh to luck Hare and llltrry Cause The next schedulcd senior salt baIi game ls Wednesday with Bradlord at Legion Bradford and legion also have postponed Route The schedule hows lint tho plnyofls were to get started no later thin the Illh of August It looks very much like things will be right on schedule DeViIblss Trcldweii 3b Hare ct VHIrdacm Brill ss Spence 2b Grandmalson Ferry to lonescu rl rlaxtoa rl Cause Totals Bradford Collings cl Dow 2b Crogory ll Armstrong Loney lb Fallifl 3h Varga Saunders Scholi ss Totals DuVllbifi Bradford weupumnnbm gt uuuwummua ea on sausagesi 5a aFQOOOFHDlH 5e uOBHGOMGGI DNOOFOHHFNI 0610500 593 otwooso 331 Cause and Hardacre Arma strong and Varga The Canadian General Ele tournament at tho barrio and Al Inndnlo lawn bowling clubs Wed nesday has been hailed by the sponsoring Barrie club as the best in the tourncvs lhrceyear hlsr tory Twenty rinks from Barrie AIA landale Richmond Hill Totten hum Slayncr and Newmurkcl took part Because of the great number of entering rinks the Barrie club was iarced to ask permlssion to use the Allandiue greens as well as their own Prize Winners The Lloyd IErillns rink of Richmond Hill won the tap GE prize with three wins and score at 62 and plus six Second prer Went to the rink of Russell Matthews and Bruce Thompson of Allandale They had three wins total score of 55 and plural one to the James Gralnger rink or hlcbmond Hill It had two wins total score or 57 and plus at eight of Clule and Quinton Boyd or AllnndIlE This twosome had one win total score 01 42 and plus three The Barrioclub thanked the visiting rinks ior showing enough interest to enter the meet and congratulnted the winners The visiting clubs had kind word for the hosts lop saying that the greens Ind the hospital ity wasdust marvellous It is theaim of the Born club to continually increase terest in lawn bowling The club lg especinily ambitious inlncceasv lng the interest In this CGE dcriul prich right here in Barrie Third prize tor two wins wont Fouth prize went to the rink tourney because it is an annual aliairand because all or the won arc manufactured Bull EBSEéViArIONS NOW BEING nocnnnnron towns womans lvllxoo LEAGUES ornN livulut NIGHT nUntNti letrno lender orget thll Prllrle HeraldJlr THE SUMMER MONTHS on new are are now néflggl 15 we Killian Iii t956l56C It Lover powder 1955 FORD CCACH 1953 MONARCH COACH lruly line automobile ONLY 1953 CHEVROLET BEL AIR SEDAN Showroom two tone green llnish with matching greenjnlerlor custom radio air conditioning directionl lights chrome discs deep trend tires little beautyhurry or this one ONLY I953 METEOR CUSTOM DELUXE SEDAN Beautiful dlrk green metallic tinish spotless Interior custom radio nir conditioning direction lights deep trend tires This Is the model with the Mercury dash and theMercury motor s1095 rcltl beauty ONLY I952 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN Spotless black Iinllh custom radio air conditioning direction lights deep tread tires outstanding condition throughout love Iy little automobile Reducod to ONLY 1951 BUICK ROADMASTER SEDAN Beautllul two one blue metallic finish automatic transmission custom radio direction lights etc New tires The sun Reduced to ONLY I953 HUDSON WASP Passenger Co Deluxe Beautitul original two tone green air conditioning directioanng new motor This on ONLY lop condition throughout ONLY Arms we declare nutaxi and police can We guarantee our end in accordance with General Mo or Goodwill Guarantee vlous owner our service department is one oi the best intbe district and we service everythlg we sell laurel one Coptic round reliable transportnllnn ONLY 1950 METEOR CUSTOM SEDAN Nice light green finish Clean interior dirceli ditioningdeep tread tires clean reliable little automobile in 5395 ission and rear end 5250 top shape on 1950 CHEVROLET COACH Nico green finish good tires motor transm Sensational Value ONLY TRUCKS SPECIAL value ONLY Vgondilion throughout Priced tosel ONLY Snowman ornN Flileva uo rlulrb vs In or ouutaadln condition throughout Hurry or this one Reducwed to ONLY 1955 BUICK SPECIAL HARDTOP Showroom two tone green llnillt wlib spotless Interior curtain radio Iir conditioning direction lights whitewall tired Vbry popullr model Hurry for this one ONLY 1795 $1995 Flawless metallic biuo finish with spotless interior lug low mileage deeptreld tires huutllul little automobile in new car condition throughout Reduced to ONLY Ir condiuon 95 Flawless light blue Ilnish custom radio air condit nlng Into1 matte transmission directional lights seat covers new tire 1395 1953 BUICK CUSTOM DELUXE SEDAN beautllul brown and beige two tone llnlsh nutumltlc transmis sion custom radio lil conditioning directional lights deep trend tires chrome discs etc Truly an outstfltding autolnohilchNloY s1295 s695 ideal Ilmlly $895 linish custom rad is beauty s995 1951 BUICK SPECIAL DELUXE SEDAN Gnrgcous Oshawa blue finish custom radio air condit nlng Illr ectlon lights automatic transmission white walls This car is in We unite avaUable the name and address oi the pre condition s250 195l PONTIAC BUSTLEBACK COACH Nice light blue finish customradlo air Conditioning direction lights new tires now brake lining motor Just overhauled 5595 on lights air con Nieo two tone blue tiaish excellent mechanical throughout frills one is steal ONLY 1955 CIlEV v8 SEDAN DELIVERY Gorgeous new turquoise and Imperial ivory finish matic transmission direction lights air conditioning trend tires The ideal dual purpose vehicleoutstandlng $1095 CKUP 1955 MERCURY HALFTON PI Nlce twotone ber tinish side maunt spareoutstandlng $995 1949 CHEVROLET PANEL V2 TON Niee bluelinish heater and defroster good tires good mechanical Condition throughout Hurry tor this one r195 non YOUCANuncAr HALWIG Intll IuANIi MANIEptloncaocuoasc FROM nalwlita Goodwill Used can CAN on FINANCE oNLow RATES wrru PAYMENTETDSUIT Iiomt honour moo minus OPENEVENINGS llLL to TILL 1000 inst at ONLY ENINos

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