North 193085 anti Hchizr Smith Monday next being Civic nou cay regular dinner meetlaz ot lhe Kiwanl Cluh oi Barrie will he held today It the Legion alemorltl HI Speaker will be Dr Whiteloc chalrraaa the district organisational committee for Easter Seals is topic is The Need hr Crippled Chil drens Cliaic in Simone County Monday this week was In later club meeting with several molar tiers of the Golden Mil Kiwanil Club as dinner guests They in cluded the president William Sullivan who tnld oi the clubs main project horse show Winnur o£a prlle brought by thc Golden Mile Kiwanis was Nell MacDonald past president oi the Barrie club Among the guests was ueut Charles Scotty ruylor inrmer incr enroute to Ottawa on Royal Canadian Navy posting from Vic iuris ac Kiwanlans present tar the din nur it was painted oul included Thomas Simpson MP for Simon MP Ihe same riding at present Plushurgh Guest At the July 22 dinner one oi the guests vis Gil Moody of Pittsburgh PLnnsylvania on his way for vacation in Muskutu Mr liloody lmmedlnispnsl presl dam of the lllchland Township Kiwanis Club spoke briein on activities and and raising in his community Followinsdinnar many of the Kiwanians and their ladies Id lullrnoti to the cuttlï¬e of Mr and Viis CharleaRogers at Cedar llarllor tor soeiulevenlng lupA pod lit with wionor roast la lnnisfil Park arranged by coin lnittooheaded by John Otton and Bill Lang Olhnr recent Klwsals dinner guests included Ken Taylor Sud hury Jack Bower North York Gene MacDonald Rivcrdale lohn Schllcior Seorboro ADVERTISE IN THE BARRIE EXAMINER cite Pastures Discussed Field Méeiing vino methods at providing or subsutuunl tor mslurage in late August and September were nuws ediioroi The Barrie Exam m°geggggggg 33ij Meeting at the North Slmcoe Soil and Crop improvement Assocln tiinn for the Wuverleysrel yester ay gated cutting in of extra hay crops or use at tall rye or cats tor also discussed or North simcoe till the projects visited Mn riucs nediuru ol mmunanwn the Iinr nor the mad prise attlie manger hlugu as Barrie Arena hythe Lion Club or Bante last night InoJieer burn chose to in her prise In the form or the cut vats vein lien or the last noon zeda which Ind been otfer ed Over 2500 lingo fanat wueia attendare The evening meeting took piacu lnihb Snell Service Siailon at antrley with Morris Darbysec rotnmusasuror or the associa tion prisiding Ludlng lhc discussion Was Dr Humi9 hcad olihe Field Husbandry Department Ontario Agricultural College who sug iccd aver the period which is so necessary for buildup in the alt alla stands The posibllltles in Blrdsiuot Trceioil posture species nowhelrlg studied were Prior to the Incetlng Dr Huat ley Was taken on tour at three experimental sites the tour beias under the direction 01 Stewart Pare agricultural reprcsentauve Al the farm of Ken Robinson Vasey the party obselved com bined demonstration of fertility buildup drantiage and pasture management the project having been deeded last June with Em zlrle and Viking Blrdsioot Trev The land hadbeen seeded for the ï¬rst time iive years agopaait had since been drained first with Krass waterways and then with tile Lime and other fertilizers had been used and thecrap variety clover was found to be giving good response phosphate manure project was observed on the same hrm Field row tests of oats barley and mixed grains were observed an the iormer Simpson farm in Plus Township operated by Joseph Dyer ot Elnlvale Ml Dyarwas not able to lie presehl due to bereavement Final stop on the tour was the arm at Orion Brown Elm Viiie where md row oat and bar ley toms wsrs observed Satis Iaclory responses were found in Same 55 were in attendance at the discussion meeting mint creditable ï¬gure in View at the busy season 4v GOOD CITIZEN Appointment oi Dr Czeslaw Lenk as medical health officer in charge at the newlyestablished Itosetown Biggar Kindersley health region has been announc ed Dr Leak was born and edu cated in Poland Swedish and Palish parentage He served with the armed forces of Poland and escaped from Germanrorcu pied Poland and laterlrom Ro maniaiosetowa Sank Eagle Justloolrin It the outside doeanb tire ianide BESURE drivel eck your tires nto our shop today have our Cherry Growers Protest to Ottawa MEAIORD growersv vEdgar Emery Cavcrs said district can neries are rclusing to accept Con adiangrnwn clicrries in favor 05 cheaper USirown cherries They sent telegram to the Horticulture Cuuncil lin Ottawa protesting the alleged dumping 05 nary in Cnilingwoau can buy pro cessed 175 cherries delivered at the plant lor 10 cents pound The oust oi Canadian cherries aster procESsing is pound one nint more than inst ycar IIEARTY APPETITESDung hours in training areas hulld hearty nppetites and when the noon whistle blows boys attending the Central Command Trades Training Camp at Camp Borden need no second noticevnrlcty and quan tlty are emphasized in the mess hall llur the youthful gour CPTwo fruit Robinson and cherries They said WI Orillia 20 ecnts ON THE RANGE Cadets take dead in front during day on the rlile range at Camp Borden Barrie Horticultural Society an nounces anaual meeting at Dis trict No 18 Ontario Horticultural Association Couchiching Park in Chartered bus Wellington Hotel corner Im Wednesday flower show availablefroln secrer taty Picnic lunch Farejlso To reserve phone PA 83748 or Sunday tour at Bar rie Gardens Augsn PA 83145 srANo BY ro MOUNT or Boys Royal Conodiun Ar rrulning camp at Camp Borden standby rny Cadet Corps from across Ontario who are attending during driving training in the ï¬eld gt the drivers course at the Central Command cadet Trades is tm on the targets They are trending the riilé coaching ciiurse port or the Central almond Cade Trades mots These happy Mrs Jonson leaves Lists for HIGH ooahirv we are musculater clearing out Len rep of Binder andBaler Twines AT Nswviow rklcss muons TWlNii Rita EXAMINER faces lndtcatethe cadets opinionson right Cadet CSM Bill OSheh of TOP onto Cadet Art Morris ot Windsor Cadet John Kennedy or Uxbrldge Cadet Allan Houston at Brampton and Cadet Mtke Home or Malton PERSONALS Mr and Mrs MMills motor ed to Mammal Withiheir guest of Durham South Africa where Mrs Jopson sailed for England oaihe Em the food From ion to ARrRADlOS nnwgioal aura CCESSORIES custom sauna murmur CDMPEETE LINE or AUTOMOTIVE RD rmcwaur roars SHELL claraomlcrs am aura WATER SKIS ondof three courses driver in Olticer Commanding the camp ainlng Camp Cunudlsn Army Photos press at Britain She will vaca tion in England and an theion tiaent and return home to Dur ban in time for Christmas can rm mammals ramrmc rnonn out onlto morons naller and rifle ranching CAMP BORDENA better type In at bay than even rals wus the general canccnm Il ot oplnlua from staff member of the Cenlnl Command Cadet Trades Training Camp at Camp Borden us they looked back over the am in years oi apexsum In From Barrie taking the Driving and Maintenance Course are DI Imt Baker and Roddey of haiku Hora than 150 youngsters nag ing in age from 16 to 19 Ind tull lagtrom all parts at Ontario are thil your They are training in duaical transport intaalry sl fr In addition to the Cadets abuui 50 men most of them high school teachers are attending qualifying courses as cadet instructors in the Cadet Services Canada For thehoys the seven weeks are is carefully planned blond theory and prscuon during work ing hours and happy oomndeship in unduly periods This pup weekead the haltway markin the camp was reached anu the youths headed tora lun weekend at home Todaythey returned to the home stretch per iodui the business at hand Molar Ed Conlon Genuml Staff Diiieer Grade Two Plans and Cadets from Headquarters Cell tral Command in Onkvillu iobks for topnotch results again this year in loss for example or 38 cad eLs who tried drivinfl rodLs test similar to one given Militia sot diets only three in The driver methodical trans port and inlantry signallcr cour sex are basically similar to one now conducted lor the Canadian Army Regular The cadets work long hauls behind the wheels or lumbering trucks on Comp Bor deus winding miles at roads then learn what makes the vehicle tick from hamper tor bumperlAllii they learn how to ï¬x what goes wrong The signaller practices lung hours in cllssloom and in ihe ilelcl on wireless procedure Niall erntequlpment keeps them abreast of current dovelupmcnts ilithe communications iield 0n the ranges cadets on the riiio coaching course are taught how to teach tlclpztion in the Ontario Ind Dir minion of Canada Itiiill Associa tion matches dron and Juvenile dellaqueaey alumna the sevenwest camp are seldom heard The buysthem selves represent air erosssoo tian oi the youth of H12 province training stalls have also been ira pressed at the mpouse to teach ing and the efforts in icarntna only how to shoot but also other radon in out The course includes par ln the put my the cadets luvs posted scores the top brackets Major coma and his stntt have been improsssd with the quality the cadets attending the camp and the quality at the work they produce Such phrases as problem chit am all walks of life High svhoul teachers on the ade by the cadets They agree unnnimnusly that the mum is hearing and will continue in mop rich harvest of trained youths and more usaiul citizens inorth 65 Collier St PA 82437 my grain to just any ereni commodities had reallyappeals tome Margaurvoun ennui Solne risks just arentworth taking says Jueld rather teaae crocodiles than send farmers own therai Thats the partithatt at elevator After all there aro 152 of these cosops in Ontario and they are reliliy big business They don have nll their eggslu one basket but handle teed seed petroleum and all kinds of flu aervices and we Winn CONFIDENCE 1T