Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Aug 1957, p. 12

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ant19 am 4t 1th 1Mth Dalston United Church was the setting oi an atternooll wedding ceremony on July twentieth when Esther Grace waist to tile ilour Watson daughter or the late Dalston married Douglas George bong son or Mrs Long and the late Mr Long or Barrie Reverend ll hlncraggnrt olii elated Mrs Tuck of Crown Hill was the orgilnist llnd Miss Jessie lleap oi Barrie song The Lords Prayer and 0h Periect Lovc during the signing oi the register The bride was given in lilarriago Iiy her brolher Tom Watson She wore gown ot nylon tulle and Chantilly lace lvith titted bodice high neckline and finger tip sleeves The skirt was lash ioned with rows ol nylon lulle ruliles down the back from the nndcrtip veil was gathered around double crown oi sequins and pearls She carried cascade ol pink sweet llcart roses with white Carnations and green ivy loaves Miss Marjorie MeCiiaig of 0m Station was liialtl ul honor She wore strapless ballerinadonglh dress and bolero oi pink nylon with White picture hat and white accessories liliss ltlcCuaig carried blue and willie earnntions The bridesmaids Miss Joyce Hoyle Toronto Miss Muriel Spence lilidllillst and Mrs tic1n Villl Natter the brides sisiLr irom BuliaioNew York worc strap less ballerinalength dresses and buleros of blue nylon with white picture huts and white aceessnries They carried bouquets oi pink and while carnallons The brother at the groom Ted Long oi Barrie was groomsmnn Murray Marshall oi Barrie and Peter and lilac Watson brothers Inn our example Ninnnrn innni tllll irnm sm to $1000 or more Martin Merst THE WILSON BUILDING Phone PA um Mr and Mrs Font Wutson pl the bride from Craigllilrsl were ushers The reception was held at tho Dalston United Church Mrs Wal ter Slade acting as the brides mother wore blue lace sllealh dress with white accessories and corsnge of vhitc Carnations Mrs Long assisted her In pink princess line dress with white ac cessories and Corsage or white carnations Onealtown guests were lrom Bulialo Carley Toronto Hanover Glen Huron and Orilllu For her wedding trip the bride wore dress it avocado green and chartreuse flowers on white background Ari avocado sash tied at the buck and hung freely ller purse and shoes were avocado and her picture hat and gloves white Corsage oi vhite gardenias nnd stephnnoils on green ivy leaves completed the ensemble The couple motored to Northern Ontario and on their return will make their home at 44 Perry Street in Barrie Newsbumfle The Door llow pleasing to come across patch Bouncing not In an old garden or on the roadsidel It blooms from June to September lovely in color brides pink in the loosely clustered blooms with its spicy irngranee particularly at night time when the Sphinx moth and bees are seeking its nectar hardy brought trom Europe with the iirst settlers it grows luxuriantr ly without care When the leaves and root are agitated in water they make cleansing soaplike lather known best by oilr grandmothers who also know its medicinal virtues The roots are somewhat poison ous Other names are Old Malds Pink soipnort and Fullers Herb As soon As INGREDIENTS Salad making can be simple it you choose ingredients with care No silad can be better than the things that go into it Select greens that are lrosh crisp and dry iresh truits that are plum ripe juicy and tree ironi blemishes ViiciiTmN as INTHE PAST wswlLL it BE cuossb rot srArr notions BEGINNING illillll tillOPENING Tiirsiliiti13 litre5 dom oldioshioricd plant re rue Bnloos ilr Amino By June Mlchcner The Bridge It And iuthor iimos lllchener it coir slitutes an urgent warning against any people who allow themselves to be swept lilo thn influence of communism Mr lillchrncr says There can be only one outconi terror and the less at every tree air ener spent six weeks in Austril nd interviewed atruction at events Symbol or Freedom In the all at l9 an acci dent ot history this bit go it An dau one oi the most insignificant bridges In Europe become one at the most important bridges In the wurld In few weeks more than twenty thousand people fled across munism For eleven years their country hail been living under communism and had been ted on nussinn lies At that thc pcple hntt cooperated with ihc Rdssldns who mode wonderiul promises to them out tinallyait had become clear to most or the workers ord lnnry people indiniellcctuals that they wercmucli worse oil under communism than before and that they were living undrr reign nl terror it is particularly significant that in liungary the yuiing people who had been subjected to communism tor ii inrge port of their lives re pudlaled it and rose against it with invincible determination and courage lur hiiehcncr hopes that these events in ltungnry will hL warning to countries in Asia who might yet toil bonds The author tells his sin through the lives or people will were in the revolution and who represented various groups the writers and thinkers who suggest ed it the students who storied it end the workers ond boys nnd girls who continued it Int slhle odds mums into communist propaganda misleading The risings in East Germany and Poland helped to spark the Illin gltllan Revolution Unfortunately manyHungarians ielt that Ameri can propagnndi in the Voice oi America had led them to believe that they would receive support trcm the West and that they were let down In this respect lur Mich ener also points out that among the Hungarians who stayed and LET IT RAIN JANEIIEE SON lavyelp old candidate for the title of Miss Pacific National Exhibition wants to make sure her bathing suit stays dry She wears rain coat and carries no umbrella when rain shows up unexpected JlllEtte was chosen Miss Kerri dnle 1957 nmc or nail photonob tint pair in thirntwlplfigr ere hundreds or rciugccs From their stories he his made this man it because they had rejected com is an account nI some of the happenings the Hungarian Revolution and the conclusions to be drawn lroni them Told by the wellrluiown Rev Nullineycr eiiiclat cdat the ceremony The bride was rioge by her brother cimer rrimbie ct Barrie She wore streetlength gown or white iigc ured nylon with while accessories and ii small wh bat oi daisies and rhi fought the Russians to the end there is bitterness toward those who fled particularly against those who led in the earlicrtstng er ior economic reasons Mitch til the bestiality reported in this book will be Familiar to people who have readobout comr munistduminatcd or Nazidum ated nations Mr Michcner fol lflWStllu career of Hungarian member oi the secret police composite character who is used to show how an lniormcr and tor tc miny people but which can bear repeating It is one oi the dismal charact eristlcs humanity thnt in any society there is an irreducible min imum ot men and women who en ioy sadistic work and who would volunteer tor it if the Opportunity arose Communism Is the form at government which surrenders its governing obligations to such men it communism attained power in any notion in the world tomor rowmorning by tomorrow night it would have initiated its own Avo secret police at psychoi ics murderers and sadists BEéUTIFYING EYELASHES The best waytn apply mascara is to place your hand mirror on the drfising table your elbows on either side to steady your hands and look down into the mirror is you work Apply mm the roots of the lashes out tn the tips on the upper one only unless yours are extremely light inycnler To help you keep steady stiffen the cheek muscles hy opening the mouth renames Most INSPECTED CLEMEO Alta REPAIIZED iF HEATS EXPECTED also 413 ew AND MRS Gannon were SANDch Sditléy fleyqéurn Sendct War Oil July twentieth in the Emmanuel Baptist church shir ley Isabell Hepburn daughter or Mr and Mrs Hepburn oi Percival Saskatchewan married Gordon Weir Sundick Their wedding was pnrtormed by son or Mr and Mrs Bandiek or Ingersoll given in mar carried turer is made The author comes to this conclusion which is known COLQWATEROn Aug Kr and Mrs James Luanhy will out elly observe their 53rd wedding anniversary it their attractive Celdwlter home Sprueecmlt on non street south Mr hubby 35 and his wile who is in hive sinin this year at many hours making their nod lower bed one ol Coldwstero beauty spots As is their custom they arise eiriy each ind spend much time in hor eidtiire worle They also continue to entertain an almost steady tream or visitem particularly urlnz the summer months his wcoii uric Laxonhy received Visit from Cleveland cousins slle gbld never seen before They were rs Purl ConnallySmith blrs Alberta cowdcn Min aovcrlcy video and Bruce Bowdcn tailor by proicsiion Mr Laz enter has been retired or many years native oi Manchester England be has resided in Cal water nearly 15 yells His lather roduced the first newspaper oldwiter and was in charge 1H Weather records Data on templt jeraturca and ninth have been inept without interruption tor the past 70 year with James Lalonby ulstcd by his Wile carrying on here Illr Llwnby Sr ieit oil in his youth Mr Lalonby was noted sprinter Fellow athletes who went on to win world champ lonsldps were Georgc Gray Walter Knox and Henry Gill Mrs anonby was the former Eleanor Ward and was born at Mono Mills She has been Cold wnter resident since 1901 For her all years service in the newer sec tion at the air and the advance ment oi horticulture generally Mrs Laronby holds certlticate oi merit from the Ontario Depart ment of Agriculture Mr and Mrs Lazonby were the first couple to be married in church ceremony in Coldwater thistqu Rev Sheppard in St Matth ias Anglican Church wllich they white bible covered with red Mend Iamnuy roscs For 45 years the Lazonbys took The matron of honor Mrs canoe trip in Muskoka waters on George Breedoil et Barrie wore the anniversary or their marriage bluish green taiicto dress with both are in talrly good health and white accessories andacorsnge of quite active yellow roses Miss Evelyn Trimble oi Barrie the brides nieceaclcd as flower girl in yellow nylon dress head band of yellow roses and carrying noscgay ol lilac and yellow mums The groomsinan was tiny Perry ot Barrie gt reception ior reliillveg and Iriends was held at Alma Lees tea room The bride and groom motored to lngersoll to the home 01 the grooms parents on their re turn they will reside in Barrie Slys in The Eyes Are Not Caused by Flies Stys in the eyes are not caused by files or any other kind at in sect according to the current issue of Health Magazine official publication of the Health League of Canada Stys the article states are boils The Canadian itcd Cross So ciety operates 41 Outpost Ho toundlnnd to Br sh Columbia MONTHLY rams ciiAMps Dontheiruc women ho is you meat miter liom pimi cramps backch ioii oi work tension impici emilduringmonthlyprri ode Clinicl Toni bivo proved tbic New Formula khim rib ieuwiih advich norCompound with added min Bl euially lettered tile on of pain in me majority of claél not jun the pain lucii Wb not iinrl out your cii II no riiir otter you 30 DAS FRII IIIAMINI yoquro at Illlpltl incigetriahhim Itmrny store Toke roi 30 days as to nlihcenuuojyowwmpldim on do not experience milking relic oenrl ui the empty earmn toi cboerlnl retund oi your money We have Iimuundl of tulimon tail on file from ll bailed nun Join them today our iire nmmk plan Get nu an IlIll€ New Formul din inkiurn Potvln these peak months its prices are at their lowest due to the plentitul supply LAKESHORE SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING Church Cnml Gwendolyn Wordlefdaugnter or Mr and Mrs Wll trod Wardle lea Cumberland Street Barrie married Arthur William Manuel ot Chntllnm New Brunswick the sonoi Mr and Mrs Wilircd Manuel July thirtieth nt 11 oclock in St Marys Roman catholic Church in Barrie Father Manley oiliellled It the ceremony and Mrs Currie Powell SL Marys ergmlit wedding music The bride by her tither were white strip lcss gown et nylon net with In overskirt at two lace bolero with lonl sleeves and highbuttoncd neck com plcmepied the ried cascade red roses Both the bride attendants were The maid ol honor Cunninghlm dress otbrneaded powder blue nylon with em and long hiuc gloves towers were home ol the brides parents where bullet lunch was rcrvcd with Mrs ncginild black pour ing to bireWardlcsziii ind lacedress were powder blue and she wore white accessories The grooms mother was unable to attend The brides travelling costume was powder blue corded suit with while anti pink accessories and corsagc oi red roses The couple unveiled in Chll illm New Brunswick on their Wigwam wedding trip They now reside up at to Nelson Street in Barrie Guests attending the ceremony were trom Toronto Whitby Pickering Miacsinc King and Windsor piiyed the given in marriage tiers or llcr dress She car and groom wore ahoruleevcd bol Her sweetheart roses and baby while mums on wrist The brides sister Miss Shlr icy MM erdlc wore strapless fun dress oi yellmr nyloh lice with nylon net bolero which id long sleeves and high buttnn PROBLEMS ed neck The brldesmlldl ilnw ers werc similar to the maid oi azizif°tfliiifiwili 010 cello tnrl only Rosemary if lane WI ihe tiowcr girl in pink nylon dress pgngrogggfigygg anhdI gloves She were red and to cirncdous in her hIlr and carried the some in noaegly The groomamon was Adrian mm 103mm 25 UA4LOI ST rcccpilou was held at the li hum Run PEAK MONTHS crcsh eniarlo lrults and veg cm elables relich their peak of abund ance in July and August Home ASWM mfl makers should take advantage at slirlsFAcrmN GUARANTEED DUAL CONTROLLED CAR FULLY INSURED CDURTEOUS LICENSED lNSTRUClORS PHONE PA 82759 wliarmg pltnls in minute recs trom New riibleu wad rled oonio iron anoInpound with Vitamin oi Harmanscolon ounnio on the eyelids and are caused bv invasion of bacteria at the small glands It the edge oi the lids Why this occurs is not always clear any more than why per son gets bulls The bacteria are present in most people most of the time Some factor or factors lower the resistance of the body and the invasion occurs Diabetes nervous strain pos sibly eyestraln mllnutrition and exposure to irritants are all posA slhle factors Treatment consists of rest by the use of dark eye glasses and avoiding excessive reading Warm heat in the torirt or hot borncie compresses speeds resolution while Intibintic eye olntments or drops arehelpful Surgical treatment is seldom net even the nnest coal men in our famous lllue Coll will not give iullvaliic it your lurnlce la neglected To get the best results have your flirnnec blacked by experts and use quhliy iiiue coal It all times Phone or no us about hummer deliveries yAGENT ABOUT ScenicDonn rell trule low cost dueti found trip tutu Overseas Shamhip services Great Label and Alarka criticI Hotel and nsnm acrnn Canada Airlines serving Canada In conllnonll Intonnoiien and reservations hul Your KrocI Ticket Alrnl or write Efifi

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