Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Jul 1957, p. 8

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diater catches the eyes or visitors The Parker Tricky Split Level Of Ranch House Lines ROOMS EIGHT BEDROOMS THREE CLOSEIS SIX CUBAGE It DIMENSION 23 The Home of the Week Plan Service today features the Pan kcr III eigbtrooln bouso ol split level design having the appearance ol contoptional ranch type struc ture As all split level houses the Parker supplies greatllrrlounl of living are within compara tivcly smau amount of total sonaro toot area The result is maximum at living splice torI minimum num ber oi construction dollars Living Room Balcony Perhaps one not the most strik ing features litthe Parker is the balcony that overlooks the liv ing rooln tron the bedroom level This type or construction is his ways striking note that imme lt is also design feature olwuys pleasing to the owners list they leave or enter the bedroom level for it gives than commanding view or the most prized posses siontheir me appn Planning Although tlle living room and the dining room are two distinct areas the open planning utilitcd in the Parker gives the occll pant genuine feeling ol vast ncss when looking across either the dining room or the living room Combihed the living room and separate The dining room mcasuro 31V lcct length Each of these rooms is 11 feet wider The curving stairway to the uppcr bedroom leads team that section or the livingdining room that would be used as the dining scclion The kitchen which odlolns the dining area is 14 feet long by IS teat tour inches wide From hero is the stairway leading to lowest level ol the house con taining the recreation room it and distinct room and turnaco room Kitchen Plan Parkers area lslor the most part con rained tilting the lront wall doubletub sink flanking counter space and root chi and the rctrig grnlor are placed in stralght line clung this wclL Only the range and flanking bhbiriélcotlntcr unit areloclted Ihe laundry kitchen work The 130 Colllogwooll St Electrical installations and Service COMMERCIALTWDUSTRIAL IHESIIINII1IAm we wl be pleased to quote for wiring your new home PARRY ELECTRIC SERVICE GtSATISFALIION GUARANTEED WE RECOMMEND RED SEAL WIRING PIIONE BARRIE PA 84mm the major work area location It would be complete room opens from the kitchen and the last urea uppcr IAval described lulnil the Parkers rooms and the main bathroom All these rooms are locat ot the rear ot the house and Iront oi the house 14 est by 12 feet and features cnsity accommodate the weari apparel ot the owners The limit largcst bedroom in aqugrehllrrd it too is equlpp th tull storage wall 12 get across ooeuhllllloet wide Recreltlon Room house an entrance at grade level along side wall Because ot this work area arrangement the hm fast set could handily placed at the back at the room appeal In this out at the way at trotllc in this An entrance to the side yard 5P Is convenient broom closet loco ted in corner ilext to the break The top level of the house con threo bod this location occupants are guar nntecd minimum oi atrcct noises as they are tar removed tron tho The master bedroom measures Mootwide storage wall that will measuri The third bed room is it teat long by eightInd The recreation room is on the lowest level at the rear of the nut uolike many rooms at normal basementlevcl it has diningliving room dlviderlllte the entry divider described can convert an awkward or Inconven lallt arrangementmt space into two neat rooms Todaysproloct has sevcrri p0 siblc use for living room dining room or kitchen It can breakup long living room to distinguish dining space provide additional division in an DslllpEd livingadinlng room set bit dining area next to an kitchen into working area land an eating nook The plan provide or cup boards opening on both sides it has several variations two or them Illustrated here to lit the particular purpose you wish it to It The Ilults storage space ls good or dishes silverware and the like ortor builtlo radio TV or hlti equipment Time required or the handy Inch to make it It few evenings Compact Flexible Like the entry divider till one takes up minimum or none car It is only 24 Inches wide and six feet long One end at the unit is attached to the Mill The other end is supported by slxinch strip ot 5h plywood or lfxd lumhcr ext lending tram the floor to ceiling Bocnusa this is Itxlhle unit the home builder con tailor his re ed addition the cnllre rear wall is in above grade which therefore al lows the use of window wall it desired which would go with with patio just outside this area Otf toone side of the recrea tion room is an entirely separotd laundry room measuring ll loci bynineond0nehalfrfeeti This room is large enough to ocean modal automatic laundering dry ing and ironing equipment set tub and also cabinets and count Er sorncccssaryin the process of completing the family laundry lavatory is located oil the recreatlan room while the 12foot by llloot turnaee room is at the end or the house opposite that or the laundry room The Parkcr is designed to meet specifications of the VA and FHA and Is sold with money back guarantee it for any reason to ed ng tor uy handling and painting rcncea gt SECTION ONLY The paste and rails an made or fine quality and Cedar smoothly machined Why not drop in tomorrow we have many suggestions or doltyoursell gates and 29g notion NExrrlo LollLaws GROCETERlt RANCH STYLE FENCE Bunch Style Ience ls snort Where you wont to mark boundary and two and four footed trespassers are not wanted consider this simple but effective IlANCII srnE 3nAll Eluc THIS FENCE IS PRECISION 0111 FOR EASY ERECTION TIIE RAILS AltEr SIMPLYNAMED on unison PDSIS SQ SIMPLE IS THE enccrranmr ror LADY OF IIIE HOUSE COULD no 11 90 Pcs its8 in NAILS EoRso 2196 PEN the builder decides not to prov cecd with construction Blueprints Available Complete plans llnd specioce tions for this house and all other Home of the Week designs are available at moderate cost C0n tact Building Editor The Barrie Examiner PLUMBING HEATIN inc3433 iihmutcnsrcn 51 name Custom Woodworking BRADFQRDJI To Do filo open kitchen or break up suggest 28 inches for it bultet room divider to the amount and type at storage space he would like to have For example some mightdecide upon open shelves tor the top ball to take advon lage of all the available light and the llluslnn 0t spaciousness oth ers might preterv doors on this upper portlonlo provide series ot cupboards construction The that step in building it Is to make 2x4 floor frame l2 inches wide Then out Ind assemble the flour unltvnccording to the mcasc urements shown on till drawing Leave the doors until the last or cnurse ln ordcr to add more strength to the buttajoint construction Ax3t cleats are screwnililed to the endpieces further devlce that conceals the joints and any rough saw cuts Is the use at xfi stripping around all the top bottom and side edges Simllor strip con bruscd as decorative motif to outline clothoollercd panels or speaker enclosures The flushtype doors are at tached with conventional butt bluges slightly mortlscrl tor smooth operation By building the unit In mod ules of 24 inches its possible to make fullest use of standard four byEight sheets of plywood with minimum oi waste The de signer Fred illorton Holllngsr worth ot Vancouver says the only waste In this plan sbnuld be hnndiul of sawdust from the few sow cuts Mako lieTo By PETER WHIIIALL oratc construction beginners with each other need lor grooving rcbnting bevelllngt Attach olisothingcslosihis doors and thenatfix the doors in At this stage attach the knobs and complete the job with magnetic nylon or metal catches The knobs can be made from scraps at 74 plywood bevelled 45 degrees on all sides cut in squares or oblong strip decide nn the luller attach the strips horizontally rather than vertically for decorative effect place Fix it Peter Whittall shows in vurlntlon or the livingdining room dlvldér described today Floor section has closed cup boards while upper section has open shelves and it lighthair giving Indirect lighting on counter top and celllng Once your bottom unit is com plete turn to thc upper line should give you no trouble Butt hints feel embarrassed at times to strcsssimple bull joints In these projects instead or more club splincd Joints blind dado and box joint Eul most amateurs havent the skill experience or tools to attempt to duplicate the cabinetmakers llrt jolnts especially when they clan be covcred with neat lrlm are the kind that are most likcly of consistent succcssI DDOIS more careful tilting and sowing than shclvcs or partitions and Or this rcnson are more ditiicuit for Todays plan callstor slab doors smooth and square on all loliretlge wliicbhntt ilush There is no cnhinct joints and drawers For dentlled plant 01 mm dividers lee your nearest ply wood dealer or write me In cure of Box I35 Vancouver BC It Hence butt require or It you lt ck Aca enls Ll ChenBegln at Accordipg to modern theorch tho motorist most likely to be come involved in an accident is the one whols emotionally upset lie may be barrlcd married or lust plllin mad But whatever the cause at his cmolional storm be is Whats known as accident prone So occldonlr like charity may well begin at home ilost mod ern adults suitor tram that any morning feeling and It usually takes no more than piece at burnt toast or cup at cold cot Ice at this time of day to send it normally placid mun oil to his work accident prone One DI the most usual causes at this klnd of emotional turmoil particularly among men with growing famil ies says the Canadian institute of Plumbing and eating is the morning bathroom queue Any man who has snatched that lost thirty winks Ioopl excit cdly out or hell and lountl him sell lllirtl In line for tho fomlly washroom knows the sickening gt TRY PlANS lN REVERSE The turning oi house to shel tor major windnw arcas from hnl sunlmnr sunls taklng nn grclltcr lmportnnco with the spreading popularity oi air conditioning Sometimes you can accomplish lot by reversing plan Iluld clipping oi plan or tracing or it against window pane and look through the reverse side to see it you like thc lllyout hcttcr ln reverse In the experimentally air con ditluned village at Austin Texas it was found that as much in to ion of cooling capacity might have been saved by slightly turning some til the houses on their plots USING MENIIING PLATES Mctnl mending plates olten used to rcintorco tho loints on Iurnlture and storm windows will they are recessed into the wood iuritlco at the wood Olllll KNOW HgfilSYSIEMS ihmueHANo THRQUGH THISIS IMPORTANT NEwsroe you it Owcuowmt BRISTOW PLUMBINGHEATING KM 34 sumo 51 wesr The lush dour ls handy item or doityoursell projects It has proved successiul its surface or buffet table coffee and utility table Even old doors are covered with plastic coated tension type lam mate available in some 25 popu lar colors or woodgrain finishes to lend an added incentive lto creative hamemakcrst How to goabout it The cxperts who make every thing sound so simple say to take your surloce covering and wood or wrought iron legs they over FLUSH DOOR IDEAL FOR SURFACE or TABLE the door The legs are placed aver each corner 01 the door the screw hole is marked with pens cilThc legs are attached to the door with flat head screws The table described here used surface of 110 inch decorative laminate over the entire surface first then the material was nareiully placed material comes to you curved so that it may be easily smoothed flat on tiny sound surincc Cut the mold ing strlps in mitre box to get good corner lit sharp corners down Mastic was the door The File all spread desired size height to start yourself with mer for Then equip inch wooden corner moldings and toolsham nnils crossout saw mitre box screwdriverLpllers tile and Mastic Is required to cem ent the new surface to the door If on old door is used all hard ware should be removed from the door and the door is cut to the Then out the lam lmte so that it will fit flush over alter the molding is nailed on The slightly exposed edge at tho oltl door should be pointed and molding shellaccd Alter the sec ond coat is applied the table rhouid he linishcil NOT PITIIIOOI while stainless steel wont rust certain items such as salt and land nclds will pit the metal it icit in contact with it inr too long ices nOWN PAYMENTS AS LOW as PHONE Pa E4444 NEW illibe Esrisu Conveniently flpcated Between heresy Shylocent streetj 53 Bedroom Brick Bungalows Theyre Built Béttct by Bloxnm Pbone Parsso COUIIS REAL ESTATE BROKER ya across or Pa £12592 lglIAlllqolionColls alienation or pull View PA 377C have greater holding power if so that Ihe top surfch the mending plate is level with the divu emur nominal mommy mu 1951 Charity Home tooling ot lruslrotion it causes But or modcrn householder there are many may lo avoid this way or becoming accident prone Perhaps the simplest rolutlon Is to utilize wasted space in the bathroom to metro it possible tor more than one person to use it at link ncpnccmcm ot the present wash basin with twin basin fur lnstancc will serve to cut the onlin wash time In hall 0r rcplanning lthoum inlo com Ilurlmcnts that wash basin bathtub on toilet can he used individually will certainly help sulvc the problem On tlltI olhcr hand the addi tion oi second bathroom may prove the best solution of all and modern dcslitnr in bathroom and powdcr mom llrturcs tnekc poss thin the conversion very limi icd spaces lnto compact but pen tectiy serviceable rooms it may even he possible to convcrt cup board in the master bedroom into in compact washroom which wlll give the llcild ut the baud it real sense oi indcpcnilcncc in the morning Such oxturcs as square bath luhs measuring no more than an by 42 yet HE lull longth tub didgunill miniature washbasins which will ht into corner and tnltc no mort than 12 along either wall and scltcon tuincd shower robin predomi catctllntl may to instpll all ot thcsc nilcr an opportunity to tho Ingenious to convcrt clipboards understulr arcns scnlitlelunct penirlcs and similar spacch into one or thc most convenient and usctul roomslln the homothe second bathroom Let Us Check your home for Overloaded Clrcultl Blown an ructerlhr Lights Poor lilghtlnl Faulty Illllnxl PLAY SAFE IN 51 Faulty Wiring Can Count Flter We Undertake HESIDENTIAL AND INDUSTRIAL WIRING REPAIR WORK LIGHTING FIXTURES HEATING INSTALLATIONS williwnl ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOBH Sales Sorvico Oil Burner PIIONE PA 83230 shop 54 Sophia St East He 193 Bayllcld st CéLLPA 86575 COOK CARTAGE SIOIIAGEIMI Your Friendly Allied Van Lines Agent 43 Essa Rd Barrie ti from Don dialling needs in town or lean than the or all your building needs Idle with quick delivery to ment In Ill building trade rainevdelr Loans arranged to purchase borne building nnrlrclnn It you own your own lot you can llnanco on or part of your lumber needs provldcdvynu can meet the monthly payments which Ira emu Loudvtodervlcemen Specialty ncnle Ebcardc new llnanta Plan to specialty dullned to help you build out oi town without resource to mortgage Denll thlidl Timeloyment Pion can be nun Ito Inpplrlncnt mall mortgage Canto Dlnll slltlld Lddl Palnswlck miles South of If expert advisory urvioefcourteoul attention blgb qualin mitten ether with the belt credit arrange She Ltd ountry rent you or now paying andhave the advantage orthelr

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