Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Jul 1957, p. 6

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vi Woman Oerar The Gityol Chadian recently honored graduate or Buriee Royal Vlctorll HDQIIII by nem ing her theIWomen the Year Min Priscilla Clmpbell torm erly oi Giannini when she re ceived her sehooillu dusted role the Royal Vklo Schoo Nursing In She relire this year irom the maiden ul Admlsltrztor the Chsthnm Public Gencnl Hospital pull With the has held or the past flvyean In In nrlicle houorlng Miss Campbell Vlclor Laurllionool the Chltilam Daily News sums up her career in these words The inel sure of hen work is lulled In cuntssting the compsratively smell hcepitll nixwhich Miss Cflnpbril took chlrge 35 year Igo with the compreheneivn Ind lwoll equipped institution one oi the finest in Oneida whose eon lrol Ind dlrcclion she recently Miss Doris Anne Harrison daughter or Mr and Mrs James Harrison or 23 Anne Street was married to Gerald Raymond Pratt son iii Mr ilnd Mrs Ernest Pratt or Poinswlck on Saturday July the slltth 1957 at two oclock in the altemoon in St Pauls Anglican Church near strand Rev Lionel Rowe officiated at the ceremony and Miss Partridge oi narric lpiaycd the wedding music The bride was givon in mur riagc by her father Shc was gowncd in traditional white The chantiily iaco bodirc had long sleeves ending in lily points over Ihe hztnds and thc satin skirt had panel oi iacc ovcr notrund was trimmed with sequins and pcari beads llcr iingcrtip voii was hold by band oi lilics oi thc valley The bride carricd cas code or rod rascs Miss wnhcrnina Van Andcl oi Ori maid oi honor worea waltzlength princess slylc dross oi shcll pink crystalattc with white accrssorics and carricd nosrgay oi iiniod blue mums iiiiss cioria chb bridesmaid worc Wainlength princcss stylc dress at dciphinium blue crystal charm trimmcd with Queens blue chillun Shc aiso hail white accessories and car ricd noscgay oi tinted pink mums iiiiss carol noaity ilowcr girl wore pale grccn nylon with headdress in match Sho carried noscgay oi yellow mums Tbc groom was attcndcd by Jack Pratt oi Painswick Donald nobinson oi Barrie and Motbcw naior ol ushawnushcrcd reception was hold at tho homo oi the brides parcnts whcro lllrs Harrison wcaring drcss oi pink and navy corsago oi ycllow roses Thc grooms mother assisting wore powder blue silk taiicta with white acccssurios and corsagc oi pink roses Outolvlown guests were iroin oshawa Oriliia and Toronto Alter wodding trip to the West Coast the couple will re side in Toronto Churchill Group Collect Clothing For Mismonary The Duncan Auxi nry ol the Womens Missionary Sncietyheld their July mccting on Tuesday evening July 23 in the Sunday School rooms of Churchill United Church Unison singing or The Lords Prayer opened the meet ing iollowcd by praycr by the president iii Sinclair rbc word home was used in Bible verses by 13 members in answer the roll call and Mrs Pai ersori led in prayer tor our spe cial missionary Miss Annie Bishr op During the month is sick and friendship calls were made and two books were reportedvrcad The president askcd that hona tions oi childrens good used clothing be brought to our next meeting These arc to be sent to our missionary in Rama The president alsoannounced thatMrs Allan Corrignn will be guest speaker at our Womens Missionary Society Sunday ser vice on July 28 with Mrs Jeanne Pengeily is guest soloist Mrs Watsonsgroup was in idiargc at tho programandillrs Mae tewert acted as chairman ior is portion of tbc eating The hymn God of Mcrc God of Grace was sung allowed by the unison repeating oi the psalm The Lord Is My Shepherd Lessbnihoughts and prayer on the theme no Shepherds Me were road by Mrs Mac Stewart Mrs C¢Spence then sang Be not dismayed whateer libtide God will take care of you She new study bpok ross and Crisisdn Japan swasgvely ably introduced by Mrs AWat snn SheJoid about typical churches and Services in Jim Womans li iiiosllng followed by prayer by the pres idenl opened the meeting Mrs ll Allan read thcscripturc Isu lnh 55 verses to 13 Mrs Constable read lessen thoughts based on the word joy The new business consisted making the initial plans for the bake solo in October and the put2 chasing oi ncw hymharics ior the church The new church doors have been installed and Mrs Todd and Mrs Todd are to net as committee to look alter the final decorating of the doors During the social haurwbieh iollowcd cvcryonc enjoyed the cakc and ice cream scrvcd by the hostesses rho barrio rarmcrsi Maiket was especially octive Saturday morning with raspberries and cherries being quick sellers Fresh vegetables crowded the counters belorcthe doors official ly opened but were scooped up in hurry by the discriminating shoppers Eggs Jumbosized eggs sold quickly at so coats per dozen other pri ms were extra large 58 large 65 medium 54 and pallets 38 cents per dozen Veseubles The shopper seemed most hop by to see the display ot iresh beets ior sale They were red in at either 10 cen bench or three bunchesjoczo ants Camts onions and lettuce sold or 10 til hunch One quart olpencilpod beanswus 13 cents Potntoes weretao eeilt Rhubarb was 15eentll Pens solda Be spherrlesshldin Iluurt hoskcts t30ondl35 cents neb Theebe eebtsper smluastualo ME AND MRS GERALD RAYMOND PRAIT ralsjwlarnidolt Wendifigs flJJJfli5iQJQ rccoivcd silk with navy accrsscrics and toast and top with the gravy ere were on display 70 cents It relinquishc iull page picture oi Miss Campbell adorned the cover ot lhc Chalhlm Daily News annual womens edition CRUMBS IN THE COATING Almost every cook Ins Inend loss varioiy oi ways oi cooking chicken This recipe for Golden Crusl Chicken with Caper Cream Gravy calls or coating the chicks on In seasoned bread crumbs which produces rich golden brownness on the surlace and delectable goodness underneath when cooked this way the chicken is lender Ind juicy with crisp delicious coiling The recipe for this rich creamy sauce calls or capers to enhance the flavor of thc rhickcn bowavcr thcy may be omittcd it you prcicr and the cream gravy scrvad plain with the chicken GOLDENCRUST CHICKEN WITH SAFER CREAM GRAVY Yield servings chicken breasts or legs on tablespoons milk éup silted line dry brez crumbs Ir teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper teaspoon monusedium itluLi vpnte optional V2 teaspoonipeprlka Shortening or hull shortening and haii butter or marg arine tablespoons water slices hot toast Wash chicken and pat dry Beat egg slightly and stir in milk Coin binc bread crumbs salt pcppcr monosodiuni glutamate being uscd and psprik oip chicken picocs in egg nuxturc then cost with crumb nllxture nrrnngo coated pieces on cake rack and let stand hour Heat sulllclent shortening or half Shortening and hfllf butter or margarine to be scant IIIlnch deep in broad trying pan or chicken irycr Add pieces at coated chicken skin side down and fry rather quickly until gol den brown Turn with tongsand brown other sides more lightly Add water Cover close and cook over low heat until ken lb cooked and tenderabout no hour longer Drain chicken pieces on absor bent paper and keep hot ilo making the toiluwing aper Cream Gravy ror Serving or rcnge each piece of chicken on pisoc oi buttercd crustiron dArcn CREAM GRAVY tablespoons lat in pan 112 tablespoons flour 11 teuspoan salt teaspoon pepper no cups rich milk tablespoon drained capers Slowly drain at all but about tablespoons ol the lat ion in pan aIter irying chicken add flour salt and pepper and blend with lot and browning in pan Stir over heat untilroiet is nice 1y browned Remove from heat and slowly blend ingmllkn Cook stirring constantly untilgruvy is smoothly thickened and Just came to theboii Beforeservln stir in capers und pour ev chicken cies of baklng and pastry counters too Brownies Sold at 55 cents perldozen date squares were 50 cents per dozen coconut tarts 50 eeliii per dozen and bran muffin cents per dozen npple cherry blueberry and emun sold et 50 cents one Breed leaves other Items Bollingv or renting iaw1suid at 35 acute per pound Young were 45 eelits apmnd other kinds now Aprons seld at Pillowrelisea pair sold for Braided ruu were so on ploy incoherent priccss Two duller colt uy postcd ihc iullowing January to Mrs bonus is visiting at who attended the tournament in well the are 20 cents each Golden Anniversary ls Observed aQUlerly one 01 Midhursts very wellknown rqsldemsDr Dick and Mrs Oral marked the golden unniversury or their wed dlng day quietly lost Wednesday Because or his illnesshe has beenhome from hospital only monththey did not hold reception on the occasion vclcran oi World War aod iormcr lhip museumDr Orok re turned Io his native village in Vcspn rownship aboutls yeers ago taking up residence on the property whcrc his lather was born 06 yeals egos lilewllc is also nativeet tho The iormcr Marv Elinbcih Bessie viiir sho is the daughtcr oi the lllle in and Mrs James Vair oi llaPiic They were marricd ot hcr parents home at Fishermans Point on July 24 mm Dr crok has been active in public iiic sorving in thc Mani loblichlslature or two terms He was elcclell lo the house by acclnmallon In 1912 when they were living in The ids and again in loll llis disilnguishcd mcdicai cap ccr has hadmany highlights llo enlisted in 115 in the Canadian Army Medical Corps and was op pointcd medical cillcer to the Mist Battalion Winnipeg Light lnianiry in thc iail oi lllc same year lie went ovcrscas in June line with the sonic unit and was Sovcnth General liospiiai at Eln plcs France in March oi the samc your ho was translarrcd to thc rirst illo tor lllnclillle Gunc brigada and in July low was seconded mm the machinc gun corps to tho pcn sion board in Ottawa lla was shortly aiicrwards transicrrcd lo the Canadian Pension Board in London England whilc with the machine gun brigade he saw action at Vimy Ridge llill chcnty raschondalc and the sonic oi Amiens in March IDIB Born in Midhurst in 1878 he was educalcd atpubiic school lliero and alrlhrrie eoilcgiatc institutc He went west in 1898 to British Columbia working in Vancouver when the popuialion ollhat cily was only around 25000 From there he went to the Yukon to Dawson Cily register at Trinity Medical Coil cge ill 1001 4905 in moi hc rclurned cut to He graduated in on it anon Dr rok old post graduaic work burgh and at Queens uni versily For two ycillsIie practised in thc Slmcoc County cummunlly oi Cnokstown ln loll hc hgadcd west again this timo ltlciltlngin Tile where hc raaumcd practice in the iailoi 1920 alter the Interruption oi lhc war years llc relircd irom aciivc prantico in 1031 That tall hc vtent to sca as ship surgcon with tho Canadian National Railway Lady bpals runiiing to the West lndics and South American ports llclcit thcscrvicc in the spring oi mil IBEETON Toronto Visit Miss Georgina barton lionday with rciativcs XOIitU spent in To the home of her soninrlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs illacKinnon Prieevillc Reunion in Park Thc Russell and McCullough reunion was held in the commun ity park on Sunday July 21 Toronto Visit Mrs ll liaycs Visited reiar tich in Toronto diirinthc past week BoWIlnS Two rinks ul Beelnn bowlers atlendedthc tournament In Aura ora on Tuesday evening July 16 Those present were Wildash Mrs Scrvicc lllrs ruor Mrs Nodweli Mrs Dale and Bill Nodwcil No wins re ported but grand time From Toronto Rev Sandcrson lllrs San dcrson and icon oi Toronto spont tho wcckcnd with the iormcrs sistcr and husband Mr and Mrs Dobbs Ailisten visit liiiss Aitkcn visited with irionds in Alliston icw days during the past week my in Toronto Mrs ww chic spont Mun day with rclstiras in Toronto bodicsliowling Those at Boston lady bowlers Tottenham on chncsday aitcr neon July 24 more Mrs rucr Mrs Dale Mrs agermail Mrs Galbrail Mrs Service and MrsJNo nobb Rednlon Ilhe Robb reunion was held in thc community park on Saturday Jul 20 large number at tended ln nosaital Robins who has been pat month was movcd to concrai liospital Toronto where hc wiu roccivc iurthcr troatmcnt in con nectiun with leg ailment Purchased iiousc Mrs MacDonald has pur chased th ilunse lilain street owncd by Mrs Hayes Mr and and son were homo irom St Ca iharincs ior thc weekend Bathroom Elevator For Children gtA bathroom elevator ior chil dren to help them reach the lavatory and learn good habits in psrsonal hygiene can be InshA ionod by the home handyman in the form stool step ladder Covering such stool with lei over pieces of rubber ttile mikes lhg elevator slip resistant and cosy to keep clcan Any bright colors ol rubber tile make these little ladders eheerlui accents In the bathroom The materiale easy to cut with sharp knilc and can be secured permanentlyto the steel with the same adhesive used or floor ryau vr vita annals Sm SPECIAL Hope Sheen 547 or lilx lilo ins rials quality white cotton sheets at lowerothanllsual price znbhpns LiMiTED lent inSiovcasonMemorihl bios pltal Auistob ior thc past to Dunlup st PA 32439 mantisprompticsnhm barony Yulwbmmin sbior lean roan lot your hen In odovhihpr oonu in EiliEiCiill Zlizm was not one of siege TV and radio will be starring in the Gravenhursl Sums mei Sylvia Reuausg great Breadway hit The Filth Season will be had browning Vcra xx mis ucg liogarih AilecnToyior ooh liubcr naymono Cari ruddy +6 Crnit Tom ration and Not Silos Eweru Ollawa should re tar appraise the lssislunce provided cord run in Toronto starring Sam oale germslit company models and lot on Mrs Jack bunham Fillh$easdn Dal5l°rlrlc°ul3le OpenSJTdniglil Ali Grdvénhursi 25 Sammy Solenbclovcd comedian Thulree presentation at and Featured in east with Mr Sales the Si ra he Fifth Season which set re rny Salor coorcrns the ups and downs oi ihc partners in whoic The pros Will Celebrate Dllslnn will be their Iricnds and rellives on sub urddy Aug on theloecuioh Ill ultvir silver wedding anniversary Reception houn are from lwo to four oclock in the ailrrlloon There will be family supper at 530 onti one which will Inspire no retaliatorymensuree in thc an swer Chillvv1ck BC Progress ih Anniversary and Airs Harry Wright of at home from eight to it oclock In evening SERVICE ALL MAKES wbcrry growers ncducing JJVCLAIPEIITDN srw iariii to rcasonsblc innunt liinlilr rnoatrr EFFlClEN ducllnn will also lneiude three very lovely modelsaller llII whats garment induslry wilhout rhc production will be directed by the wall known Canadian pm duccr standacooson GnVenhuist Opera House tonight it opcns at BAND oldinnit cirlzcns lmtm QUEENS Pauli canolaRT IGHT 83PM new closing the place down land taking job iiiiiiiiiiii intense ngTORAGE Gall Campbell Ill LIMITED 170 BURTON AVE IIIONE PA list5555 tout quublmnc MonNu STANDARouIliTENl ooMrwonitr ABOUT INCREASED oesotinr PRICES Youu ACTUALLY SPEND me on ails Willi nus surmlcouonv CARI Sundrive SemiAutomatic Trsnroiualoo nukes driving efiurtieln end limpieend you last unt nail the metan Sourdrivo is now sundsrd equipment on the Standard ion compact but roomy our door sedan with beautii twotone intorior it cruises at 5040 miles per hour Iverogu 334s ratios per geiion sod give thousands oi ruiica oi troubletree moloring PRICE is low is3159igt°° inctuolne srANhltivl ANb ruu rouunrm IrANnAln VANOIIAIu AND rIIuMIII cAll All uoeum or flu Aileen MOIOIEO cANAnA no LucAfieNr North at Hanlamn Highway ii giwoililcd seriously inluled behind string at fivecare and pulled out to pass em Tho lrnpetierlt The driver oi the caron tholeit became imps iont Ho lac lerated hard because this stationwngon was approaching ii didnt make it lhodrivar oi the Itation wn ppmqu realized too late that the paticot river waa=conung too tut tosiop in tibia You csnbcowhatbappsnsd driver was seriously injured Hiecoln peniml received is fractured skull The driver oftho station wagon nnd his wife were killed Their 7yearold aonwasbadlyisuuro Before an bccoors pntiont behind the whch tbinlt about enbaveptetum STANDARD friiivu

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