MoNnAv and FRIDAY wehuesolr Spams Tut Town or more anacondaii or smicos Sineu I8 single copy Two Sections40 Pagelr nmwumamun II in om onrumlt cudd cultural ind vscrilon property assessment The annexation would he tub la in about do per cent oi the total residents but only 15 per Grill the tot assessment BIB ric wauld also he assumlnlm per cent oi the township school debt nnexatiori at 9150 acres or the nlstll will he heard by the On use Barrie commenc ys have been allotted ll atlon lor thé Vespra and In at the Court no clear du Banlels appll townships or oro tarlo Municipal Board lng Tuesday October 15 Fou tor the hearing At the hearing will be represenie ley QC lnnlsiil Townshipwlll be represented by Weir MeTurk will represent Oro and Boulton 5r QC while Gordon Marshall at Orlllln will be appearing or Vespra Waller Gigs re the town by Arthur Kel tant Aspect Impor the most import 1o my min oi ihisannrxition ii th iiunici ll town manager rancid niXr tn srgiiinciits plied that it wascstimated that ï¬x Planning saw my wmto mum tend wrs iar Ind against oi Ill parties there might be up to iivcpcr or mm mm it Woodbine Ra on sit it is known that inniriil and Oro cent use rm prescnt lown taxes mm mm Wm mm urdily his iorrn nil Cons towmhlps are stronlly oppnslns ll 53395 slums and poorly develo 10 ii iii vale was the annexation at their areas Hgh 55 90 an wnh pumps one Eggplgtely film by ilrc whlle Vespra will prohihiy seek 311 $1 gï¬enlfllgxglsm mum approach Neighbors slved tents drillstingan to their boundaries homdmï¬ because of amen are llargely reoslrlomlticiiiï¬ort ll W59 Commenting on this Mayor tion Howevgrail=t51xh°€ 329335 mm uld urc had is se to mm mm we at line tall in cost at property in carellll considers atlon lo nmcndmcnls ol proposed boundaries llowovcr do feel we hsvc good physical reason tor asking or the boundaries we suggest Mayor Kintleiwent on to point out that in the final plans tor the area to be annexed the houn ary llne approximates to the summit ol the watershed which serves Barrie Wrtershrd Problem mi in the cost oi hydro Harw Gerha iéii Fiï¬ alumsnltirs POSlmasier It illiiirifiï¬tsiï¬ijw Clarkson Retires ilic tulélnleoull da ics lawn arks an rary scrrviccs cast pBarrio residents Alter 20 years service to the shout slamo mh year Canadlen Puslal Department roughly mill each this rate Harry Wr Gerhart postmaster It were levied over larger area it Clarkson retired on July 14 185 would bring in an item of interest to Shanty Bay renders as Mrs Gerhart the eoplc who wore not prying tor the ammcnies and provide more mo iormcr tilssliioy Packard capjl inc taught 15 had the shed llear while certainly give Swan ilnyor Willard Ki out that Barrie prov present time many The lire start tor in the adiolnl alight Eddie driven the traeio and leit the engi he went indoorsr When he cam was slight and drive it out heal started burning and limes soon spread to the ho Elmvale Fire do was call ed and was on to save it the tractor could not isthlisndair Troop ncy lor lm PGInSWICk Mun All the water In that are proving the services irom there flows through the mesa The mayor recalled he had starting in the postals strictcd are or Barrie 1nd heard at parks bcord mccting 1331 Gems whr were not enough data all the ball check showed learns using the me gumeg came his erly high school years atStrcr at Port Cred at time wascrowdt cery store oflicc lle complaint thcr town like it or not parks to accommn moneyhas to he spent in co trolling this low or repairing team quick the damage caused because the thrusting or the town has no authorit to control town parks or he tlie lowatsullrce troin llralï¬cgmmuiiil As an examgille whether the Found in Home Fatally Hurt lloss Brewster51 ivas round by neighbor early this morning ncar the hack door iii his Pains iron fatal his cum on To hips Touching on the subject oi the echoolflnneiiatimrnun the concerned Pr ect ing innii ai nndot in 194 post nltii hen he townships Planning Associates the cash of 110 would he little only one per tour years pr Distllct Elflh suru Mr Owens their opinloh Township there diiterencc sinc rlnle rain lnnlslil Townshi Mrs Hugh McCullough next door neighbor saw his bad Sch lying on the ilanr through til is mdrricd is the father waters in the Sunnidale Road In window while on her way to work tuur boys area come train Vespra Town canine the total an was el Increase trail of blood led to couch uce McCauS shi amount FOEuryfeuï¬ Baffle Scoutslcft che mlddle of last 2128 The llihllec JamboreeIndaha when in 25 calibre gun 1m $532 since the school in boll these case steps could in the case Vesrra the point and with re ill in in Join the Canadian contingent ct scan stout will be held at Sutton Coid Bpewmr carpenter aliened whohas aecept be taken by me mm 10 improve was reached when the township mm as me ntrol leaders hold Warwickshirg iron August um had hm out work in mm calming condimns watershed am galgseiarolgglllleyngx wing in month hm We WW WW 1mm in about third or the population hills oi mess He has two sall and about one quar The township wou any school lL ls be he hap There wi comers to yenrfs Jubilee Jamboree frhe our Chick Wardle lst mlandcle Troop rle Douglas Morten and Bill Hankln Troop The iour boys incl curlyon in 12 1957 Canada is plan ning to he represented by total or 1424 boys ind adults the maiority oi whom will he ilown as to England by charteredaircraft in pens Ray thart been nrw his shot congra some time hut was due to start Work at Oddfellows Picnic Allan iale this morning He had been atMr and Mrs McCulloughs houseearly yesterday evening and hoot staff in Seir temtier till le teachers En rolment is expected to be her than last year Need lor Expansion Asked why the town needed to nneir town manager Walter Gig uinted out that one of the imme late neccsslties Barrie Donald Mllle both of Mi sessmcnt also he left without dehtsen its hooks in certain quarters licvcd that Vespra would two places but was Wednesday morning at the Al two more Theselcctih Canadian Scouts ind Leaders landale overpass Highway inur boys was madé will be invited to contribute to 5° 10 board at mm new mud hem bed to am go home to bedlhecautle he had uNGHEItOES is annulus property or indus the Boundary we only from to go to work this morning In the newhlch lashed trial expansion Aththex great22 54 norm as the pound me these parts time the only avails as $0an Sch ne Ii hwaule meg mm ou ave rand towish them bon voyage was Commissioncr lsnr Welsman and some ï¬lty Scouts and friendsr possibilli business es At the close is in the promotion at Scouting in underdeveloped countries by the Turn to page three please its last call lonsi game had reason to he um game large area of lett with the presentarea ut At the time or the incident he was in the house alone lnnd EYES ixny the basis oi Scout pr tian endeavor prosrcsi and service to the coin good land and be land the cost of gratetul to what Private cars lookthehoys on Silenï¬rst llfg otuthclr journeyhio tougbgatrol leaders on are icy Joine er citizens voluntarily donated dangerous is lnr el by the on sunny enamel cm is Barrie Rolarv mm home or wood to he to WWW linens ls salience viiefzirliltiziwiliu mun ue am Guam Red cm 31° name 5m l° la The 5955 work to the advantage at Innis slon tilprelim cw Mum wm priliate property ls lllBlL in Township where the crow leather wallet en vb wlth is where the or an agri initials boys will stay In Engl weeks as guestsoi as They will hay omy is based largely tuning for sight tours which have STUDENT AT At the prcsonr 550 Scouts and Cu 2123 district in eleve Angus liision Service in lass healthy situation assessment is shared oilso be tween private property and in dustry and commerce At present the total assessment in Barrie is shared in theratio of 35 per cent industrlal hlld commercial 64 per cent resided1 tlal tanls retained plane Canadas contingent at the Jam boree will number 1424 Scouts and Leaders the majorily oi whom are being liuwn to England To meet Ilia expense olsend ing representatives each troop collectedSlOO it each hay they sent in Barrie In addition the This Important Dates August notary Club oi minlo will ogsin be holding chicken barbecue at St Vincent park on Civic llollday Monday Airgun ends most popular Shakeipeaiés fiwoii Night is Alike Appeals to Eyesan tb Etifiiiiiéférid terms if at war nme not him gieoggnlaowr dale surest um oniode by rvisitors Abusiosd or local residents formers Plum dons NW chuckled all the way home ircrn Through by mm mun lishnlent 01 about our industrial costumes came actor no apart tro many pr ssional productio This is nrevlew of Slutford or the pl it is inst an extreme ly brleï¬ iccoilnt oi your neigh bors irn sslonsr expenses Barrie Rotary Club donated $400 to the sponsorship or mtg Scout to he Jamboree Originally surrie was auotted area vlrled ironieachather try residential areas The industriil areas would hc developed on either side of the main arteries because the natural trend of in dustrytoday was to move away from the railways and rely on truckitrausport The resldantinl areas were vis unllzed as compact centres com parable tothut not larger than thatmalntown Here the citizens wniild have their Dwtl shopping centres and certain civic ameni ties The Would have their own schools land tpussihly eveh high school Commeiited Reeve Murray Mills We certainly want more lsndtor lndustry Atth mo mentl nt thinlrJurna ls ze ting ialr share LlndustryfheA causewe ave ho had to offer themlq Etiect Astrodwhn might hnve and residents alike For small cost people can enioy an excellent meal under the trees 53 Vincent Park to the accompaniment of llleiir sant music second important date or the local Rotary Cluii next month is Thursday Aug 22 when party of local Bohr in plan to fly to Cleveland to visit Cleveland Rotary Club and see ballrgum Eaton ions iroin Orlllla Ind Owed Sound wiuire joining this trl Straltord Saturday night alter watching production 01Wll liam Shakespeares Tweltth Night The triptn Stratford was un der the auspices of the Barrie YMXWCAE The bus left the local at pint sharp At journeys end as each went his own Way the early morning orn Sunday streets were dotted with smiling lac Not one among us cnuld de tecta single iault in the cr ionnarlce or productlo maryeiled at the new theatre building ltseltand were amazed at thesimple stige From this stage lncldentaily the ob ously polished actors and actresses playedl tollll parts of the theatre with equal boundless ctfectiveues Those interested in direct on mentioned how the directors had the performers facing different parts oi thethcatre at all times Theuhnlanca seemed periect and sea anyc hook 01 nanny at Mrs usniCornheu the theatroohvinusly seemed the honiBllilade stool boat powered in gt by Zï¬hp motor shoutlac off shore When it overturned The child fell out her math ers urns Thomas Southnm eseued the four ad lis ilr anotherghaat blit chi could hhtbe loud oroiitn akin divers as Burvyelll dived andre theihody and hruught it after 20 minute in as in so district The local and amateur possess 190 acre near Balm Beach ociatlon also drrlan Camp Wllealfll rosin Rrbduc ion iAtl mectingclwheat hrowers Review of outhwestcrn0nthï¬o in Lon applyingsu iii 33li don luly 22 sponsored by the wheat and at lgraing which xeeutive committee of Ontario have to co with wsgtern when Producers Assouciatlon feed grains and Ontario Fedora Agri llevis culture appea igii rrtoii the Federal government m0 east train the present chant province tlonaarlslngkom the present tBI Jeri ldw prices uttered 10 Untario her or thel when and shortage of storage Soclatlonior rdcilitirs visesrthnt espunsd an appealmade GarlierJo the icdcrai my of Agr ulture and Trude ond Comm eflathn represent wheat Produeizls Association and the Ontario Feder grrculi Gcnrgc Melvor chief c0mmlssl0lltl gt0 the Canadian wheat Board wa in telidsiice to survey the plhhlmdvllld com plaints presented at thenleetlng ï¬ï¬‚esolutiona submitted or eiicntatlon tn the client will urltlcsr lrleludc ill Immediate iiiwtiio prlcshï¬ oiituri Zvel rvold chlldldt Bu hose lileJaclretvhedv at the cottage was druwnedfon Saturdaylwhcn boat overturns all Bourgeois Beach victorioi arbour The plants oi tha and Mr Donald But child and two irieude Mr whenvElillabe Barr ghtcr at Mr and Mrs Barron or Toronto stepped rattler and wasbitten ii their cnTowh eftect Inneitdtlpn present taxes storagc in the are ln execs and farmers dim to stare have lionhom have immedia turned to sell prlnn is low jSlmco Co Agriculture our mends that in hold the whe meatnraxu uh ent market pre it ail to stem dross hin able space is too was iu forth cottage him when he met bnat coming in the op poslte direction in which was the mother and th urrd girl He transferred the otherhont and while th to herding ior the are tredi to lick hut ven om lroni glrlsrlgh anti The thither had taken her do ghter to gnrhy do ral store where supply votl sertlin was kept but on Ltiound Important Because therl are no stage Build and motion musthe10il pe ent per test Amongour litti group it was so For one memherlofthe tourinc Biirilc clilrixns Mimi was most important Be is Blind Althnueh hqoould not so tho netnrsmn thestna Karol Wehh nln the rememti ns deeratlon or dually recom fnlmers either