TWO HISTORICAL PLAQUES erected by the Archaeological an torlc altes Board of Ontario brunchoi the Department 01 Travel and Publicity were unveiled at the Martyrs shrine nenr Midland on Sat urday aiiernoon July 13 The iirst commemorates the ancient Jesuit missionheadqudrters oi ste Marie while the second erected on top or the loityihiil behind the Shrine marks the western terminus of the 800 miie gator route which led irom the French settlements on the st m1 His Simcoe Centr Lawrence to Hurnnin in theiirst hull of the 17th century shown from lert to right are Rev Gerard Goulet SJ Provincial Jesuits tatLower Canada Rev Fr McCarlley SJ Directoror the Mutyrs Shrine lion Bryan Cnthcart Minister oi the Department or Travel and Publicity 11 Crunstcn Midland Chairman or the Board Lloyd Letherby oi Coldwnter MPP Simcoe East and GeorgeJohnston Mlpcslng MPP an rlll Sunni EXAMINER Dance at Thorninn Orangeflall Friday Julylï¬ on 10130 am Bcattys Orchestra Lunch coun ter Admiral 60c Lookingtor something to do Saturday nights Bring your friends andcotnc to the dance at Big Cedll community Hall The nnislc is good and the crowd is friendly Both round and square dancing used specluwns service will he held in Churchill United Church ousunday July 28 at pm Guest speaker will be Mrs Allan Corri ssn pi niliaton with Mrs Jeanne Pengeiiy at Timothy Eaton Ment urinl Church as guest soloist You are cordiniiyinwted to attend this service star auric Horticultural Society Tour to Drillia Gamehridge Coho conli Minoan Dorset Dwight Huntsville Miss Sweeneys garden at Winderméle Bracellridge and home via No 11 Wednesday July at Fare $4150 Hot dinner at Huntsvillegoxua Reserve earlyi Phone PA 33749 or PA ems 8587 Mukelthe Earmers Market 88 Mulcas st your shopping déi pot Saturday nm to inn where you stretch your doli ars inhuyi ireah arm produce Th vendo are friendly and cour to gt lh display consists or new laid case irons vegetables Potted and cut flowElSt green peas butter buttermil home couking bread etc jams jellies fancy goods and blankets roasting and soiling row also canaly Free parking for customers as is arcttleton Ier Joyce are home mu pvecks vacation at Waltamun Inn Lake Nlplning Charles hornstun oi Ottawa is spendipg nation wi his grander Mr and Mr Tlifln St Service On 55 vemher 1949 321 1956 WEDNESDAY whiz 1951 Three Continents Continued ram page one Alter his tour with the Dutch Army was up Bill was offered ii good civillan job in Java He de cided against it because he says Dutch planters were being shot little too niten tile returned to Holland in No hut in the mean time his parenishad emigrated to Canada After short stay in FCLBILL WEIETRA He and Bill joined his parents inmlherta in June 1950 After working at succession of odd jobs in Alberta he join ed the RCAF in July 1951 and II er five months was promoted to wrporal in the Ground Defence Trade During his tours of service on such stations as Station St Jean PQ Camp Borden and Uplands managed Iu squeeze in the irst two years oi his Arts degree ly night school and by corre ondenee ln Augusl 1956 he was selected for university training in Annlled Science under the Serving Air Jinn Plan and enrolled jn the Universlly of Toronto in Septem Bill met his wiie through one 3f his ithers leitelar While he was auiinned at Camp Borden hisiatlicr wrote him and asked him to look up so old friends iwho were living in unis As it happened these triendshad daughter Bill and Kntherlne all Gennip were married and tiled down at aishirleyAvcnpe in Barrie gt Bills hobbies were broadened after his marriage inillciutla an dening and taking care ofhia daughter Jessie ugc tnolltha ï¬rm his id clouds ya at swinnu Ernie as chess are traditions richer th ho gtfsD0ut grab poison sac By JACK VAN DUSEN Canadian Press Sta Writer OTTAWA CF Federal sci entists are using gclger counter and radioactive material to see whats buzzing with the queen bee stoiivor the agriculture depart ments hee division umler Dr Cecil Jamieaon areconducting the experiments in little cabin behind their Ottawa station The thorax or trunk oi the queen bee is dubbed with some radioactive material The noz zle of the geiger counter placed at the entrance to bee colony in the cabin keeps track of her movements transmitting them to recorder nlsprnve Theory haye been able to shutier the theory that queen bee mates only ones They mate an average at seven times said Dr Jamleson Thestution has 200 colonies with about 75000 hcos to colony Scientists at the experimental arm station here and atothcr federal farms across the country are studying the roblems or pol linhtlnn and disease as well the habits ol the bee Research is also being done on tougher Upe of bee tor colder climate Dr Jamieson was born on in arm near Barrie Onto and grad uated irom the Ontario Agricul iurai College Mscdonaid ColIEgE and Cornell University He has DEEII with the bee division alncE 1938 and director since 1949 Studying lseuses Specializing in he diseases or adult bees especially the queen he is collecting queen been from acrosathe country or research One arrived by mail during the interview in container about half the size package iiicu complete with candy and worker been In teed the queen have to kill tllese said Dr Jumleson as the workers huue rantically and the quee dropped in In 01 aica kill and preserve her onies outside thehuildlng because no strangers anyway Bces guarding entrances to hives pounce on bees from other onies the minute theytry to enter Easy Remedy Joe Austinor Toronto gr note of the Ontario Agricultural College disiayed the geigcr counter aadearned nervous rler t0 waikvslowiy and care lonlea at about 150000 swarm lug hes No one was stung but Mr Aus tin suggested it there was sting lust pull out the stinger us The stingecia about 110 gt an inch long topped by atiny lrojn tllczaucthro tthtinger it left in the youll squeeze the sac injecting QELQER COQNTER TOLTRAQE WHATS BUZZING WiTHBEES so tor the icopral hee keepers He couldnt putuiein with col the guurd bees would kill them lully as he took him through The pain which cnucea wellinggoes into thebody it out We usually keep one ï¬ngernail long enough for the 101 Waliord CNR Soon low Relire ne Reputation reputation for energy and skill comparable to that 01 die hard railroflders oi the turn 01 the century will lollow Norman Argyle WalIord when he retires as general manager Canadian Nu Iionui Railways central region at the end of July Along with it will go the respect of people in the railway and numerous other businesses across Ontario Born of rugged Hi and un cestry in Bruce Ooun Norm Waiiord storied service in 1907 asasslslunt in the Grund Trunk depot ut Waikerton In 1911 he was moved to Wiartcn us oper ator and the icllowing year be came agent at Hespeler in 1911 Mr Wallold first came to Stralfnrtl where he was later to rclurn as superintendent in itiniiy he was ire ht claims in specilor for the lvlsion and his subsequent appointments there as dishct agent and district super Visor oi cal service indicate the varier at his early experience From stratford Mr Walinrd was appointed pasenger train master at Torontoin 19251hrce years later becoming district car supervisor there chapter und verse on every had order car in the terminals apdso llla great capacity1m rememberi ingdetcl be known in 1034 Normf Walla began superintendent ut London till up polnled to Black eariyln intendent of terminals more few months later in 1939 he wus tronsierred hack to Stratiord 110w Issupellniend ontfaond late in 1841 was given the same post at Londo Again his griuly hear memory paid oil for the CNR when he came lre quently to the heavilycongested Nignra Falis yard in the early years oi the and singled out the most important carsby their numbers alone ent operating that Mr Wailord He has been general manugel over CNR territory iront Rivicre du Loup lo Port Arthur is uccordedin Ontariowal the ceremony at Belleville not year during thecentennial oi the CNRs Toronttriuootrecl line dubbed him Ideas and he was presented with key to Llleclty Transportation Ciub nl Toronto the National Club the Toronto Board 01 Trade and the Hook and Slice Clu The atom was itrst split in the qavendish iabnratory holdingihailshon ZOEmile mil devastated the poison lust lika shypoderonc needle ldclaidl hild battered summer cgotagea gt oomlleso hour windnccompanied the hridgc garland in 1932 nurlng this period it was said hefcouldv recite our years its assistantdiyirioaal 1938 assuming the titleol auper it was as generalwsuperlntend moved to Toronto early in 1947 since 1953 having jurisdiction Typilying the widespread esteem party 01 déncing Mohawk Indians Chief of night Mr Wailord is incinher oi the It Cam rot Delicious Atln JUICY an continual liEllillY llElllllS IoM nonporous ilES remakes WM lino cement cl cut arm cautich 9e FiiilytlL ROZE crucial inr IclAi sauna or no panel cannon luc clout ERViNG SUPPLIES nor mu cor ItNI air 33¢ MthINO ounnr aox lintmo nuanr lox 35° NIAFINO ulnar on IUNCMII rouuo no lain or rm now LoPKO 31 16 Or 190 135° itscanon cAltoN Lonnhwr DATED DAILY Fresh Ilreull mess on unluclo AUGUST iSSUE NOW Irlillsllc Ill nrMIum on DIIFLAV in ALL LOILAW can Yhmuphout ontrlo