showyns Vlirennes Que in ii Moniieai hospltnlwith the mech onicnl heartlung which enabled doeoois to perform del leate heart operation on him The machine was used mute the boys blood supplywhile one surgeons worked on iilesnaitltillnilttiltlm Depots Esiaii ished For ian Emergency unlLs oi anilvenom the active Midland Penetnnguishene Barrio teh are maintained at the Provincial It one is rattler fatality was the result of rattle aria resulting from rattlesnake north of Killarrrey ilesnaite bite in Ontario is one in several million nut the Depart mcnl oi Health has made sure that silouid it happen it will not nienn certain death According to Health Minister Dr Macklnnon Phillips treatment substance in rattlesnake venom antiserum have been supplied to number or hospitals andother depots tree charge Speedy treatment at these conveniently located depots will minimise the danger ol rho one being fatal Here are the hospitals at which antivenom units are kept ll biltle Current Espanola Saundraroeetrridgerorllllrfr Coliingwood Meaiordy Owen Sound Wiarion Lions Head Southarilirion Kincardine coder spa is chatpam St Thomas Welland and Hamilton Units are also Stocked at the municipal health department oiiises ot Sudv bury and Windsor and at the Dis irict Foresters ataee Depart ment in bands and Forests at Parry Sound Reserve supplies Control Laboratory Toronto The mere fact that raltlesnnkes are found occasionally ill Ontario need not still anyones holiday any more Ith the fact that there are orest firesand automobile ac idents lcrs are rarely re ported and it doubttul if anyone living In or itlng the areas in which ratiiesnakes do occur ever worry about themexcept that they ieavespotted snakes strieuy alone For they knowthat two snakes in Ontario are spotted and They know also that itwili not attack and will not or cannot bite as longias dish creel distanee is maintained course it rattlesnake is picked up or stepped on it will bite or attempt to But there is only one record in the Royal Ontario Museums files Di rat tler being stepped on and one in which the snake was presumably kicked recent unfortunate snake being picked up It was the list instance of death in Can bite which might not have been filtulexcept for some delay in seeking adequate medical ntten it was only the seennd known death luaNorihhmerico irom rattlesnake bite Although few rattleannims survive montario onl about on perso per year the average heir rangeaccordin Logierhicthyologistnn herpstoioglst an rrasflstant cu ator or the noyaloiaterio is the Niagara River go the shores ofLak Eri and eorgiair Bay lit more hanv25 miles inland rhere aretwo kinds one aireai rattle theother aocalled ihe dangerous fellow the no to leave strictly alone but not kiilaunuecessariiyybeeauee he on stones great many iitsin is the Masaianugarattiei orpitviper The alterna ive name latems from the pocketa or apiishin the snakes checks which are readliyï¬vioible frmn outside striking range other identifying teatures are th Muss yes whichhnve uteiik lay and it apo ed alkon light hannleu Bard Is he rhe chance at receiving raltniniy never try lo pick up any spotted snake Should the unioresecu happen however apply uioumiquei tow inches above the bite tlght enough to prevent the spread oi the Venom but not light enough to stop the blood circulation try hard to maintain confident at lilutieand hurry to the near doctor and arrange to be taken as quickly as possible to the near est antivenom depot or treat meni ANGus Sisterlii iames JeiieriesTamle Kingston on Saturday owing to ihc illness or his sister Mrs Dessio Waitsr Air Cadets lour FltgtSgt Larry Nate Centre street went on lourto Niagara Falls on alurdny with the Air Cadets Irom Camp Borden neeeni visitors Mr and Mrs it Williams and granddaughter Sherry ot Ex eter spent Sunday and Monday with Mr and Mrs Keith Weber Mr and Mrs Keith Weber illiss iiarilyn and Joyce spent Saturday with FILSgl and Mrs Stanley McMuiien at their cot toge nt Shanty Bay with Parents Mrs Frank Woodrow and iam Ily of Couksville spent Sunday and iiionday with her parents Mr and Mrs Waller MeMaekou Mr and Mrs Roland Ham mond and John of Montreal spent Friday with Mr and Mn Hammond From Kirkland Lake Miss liiary Lynne Sinipsonol Kirkland Lake is visiting her grandparents llir and Mrs Walter McMackun At Angus Service Mr and Mrs Arthur Marshall oi Barrie spent two days with Mr and Mrs Leslie lose and at tendedservice in Angus United Church one orth neurons at Mr and ursioha Dudkwnrth celebrating day on our But peopleyere eating all ior sari long belonthenom ans If wecouid has our salad bowl or In turn ball and gate intohislor1we would flail primi tive min curiouslyvsanipiiuz sweet granu pungent herbs and sav ory weedalTho ancient Egyptian era skilled in is art oi mixing vinegarvan Orient11mm which they poured on their green And the hardy Greeks used all ads as deal course fresh lorle ending after sweets th Shakespeares play salads were regarded men tonqu fountains of youth to be tasted at who approach oi spring on Elizabethan writer reported that lettuce umueii used in thesum mer tyma with vinegar oyle sugIr and nail and is round to procurenppctlte lor meal and to tempcrvthe heat at the slomaph and liver nut saladsilrst came into their roan own in theeourll olihe great monarchs or Europe The royal saladmakers wmhlncd as Kinny al 35 ingredients in single giant bowl They vtlould include rootsike parsntps and carmis fennel and angelica which were oiten banith andcandied or added when coldsnnd pickled For greens they added young spine nub chloowlenvps young prim rose and vlniet and top red suge malaria iuces crex young basil and shredded ting ciabbiige leaves Luckily or us It isnt the number oLingredlentsfihut makes mod ern salad goudi In eighteenthcentury Franco saladelnaklng become fashionable fad with the nobility Temparn mental them vied With each other 10 create new delicacies tor criti cal palates and it was during this creative period that an entlrcly new salad dressing ealled may onnaise was invented Even Marie Antoinet wu scolded by one of the great chetl ol the day or making an improper salad dressing After the French Revolution when theuneiiiployedchels open ed restaurants interest ill salads grew among lhegeneral public in the elegant 80s wealthy Ameri can hostesses tookprlde in im rtiigTrehchchiiflmflhelr salads But even the twentieth century opened salads were still something at novelty on the American dinner table Gr grandmothers salads ran WClb bilge slaw wilted lettuce She usually brined all the character nutof hereu eumbers and other vegetables But who can blame Granny The cook books at 50 years ago had very little to cues in the way lad recipes Our fondness tor salad is really very recent What started it all Perhaps the nutritionists did with their newfound diaioveries about the healthgiving food values of fruits and vegetables Then fast tnleks railroad refrigerator can and even cargoplanes suddenly made it possible to supply every housewife with fresh fruits and gardenfresh vegetables every month in the year Commercial salad dressings came on use mar ket ill the 1820 Mayonnaise and famous French dressings which had been made in the home for years could be purchased at corn er grocery storesu Salads became more and more popular as they became easier and easier to serve Clutinly we started eating wedges ot lettuce with bottled Thousand Inland dressing Before We knew it salad recipes were spilling out of every kitchens ï¬le Today the average person can three times as much lettuce as he party or their playmates Back tromlloildayo Mr and Mrs mees Allison re turned home nst weeit alter tips oi ieelrslei pickled beeta and xi Ms mammalian mwumuzehn typical day at the all students receiving illustrated lectures on lamvnauahery and ï¬eld crop in the morninmqmn allows session caluthantea More lunch lo the altarpow the students are divided into groups for classes in welding alter tub ting and crop iruiiuent In uvéstock hook rosin itinerant urtt in and gardening lnstrudiouis given by gramres the Univer tltyot5uk hmn repeater ae rieulture Imam GUMD kw ever must he on guard against pruphels parties or prior ipies that would iuiius into position having no choice £°€VWLAEM ROLLER AND SCREEN PRINTS FLORALS SCENICS ABSTRACTS Dozens and dozens at outstanding patterns to select train NOVELTIES Includ ing the famous Thur Hansen Canadian and Grandma Moses prints And every yard priced at Iremcndous savings weve scooped the marhet come up with another special buy to bring you bigger hun vexv more colorful selection of the finest drape hrics SHADES NOW at NATURAL REGULAR VALUE sum YARD JULY portraits SALE emcee The casual charm bamboo These distinctive drnp ries are now iphle in natural LOW PRICE an every room in your home MORE DU THAN FABRIC they drape gracetiilly tilter sunlight mlt full circulation of air NATURAL coma MAiCHSquKVBAME00 ram WIDTH as 72 on seat LENGTH 84 54 pot The BARRIEMEXAMINE smetttatï¬ Bring your window meuuremcntn when cut and inltcb your dram roan charge Hundreds of throws and short drapes as and iii men WioriiS Longths innoar regular drapery stock and sell upviu 595 yard ootthey go at one low price ornpiete with rollers brackets in bout previous erienee ele in yo apes ailyou do éf easliyelronedh perleetly the plea Ebackrio lira ll