led the Ipvlieatlan Marie ONeill oi thrrlvrlhekln clan aienl three usedwhea the dew rehool vm being it taildrs Vyllick Ralph Altehison and Joseph Bard mntlnk ot permission to JohnEur ot the Chriatiau Fel lomhip Chapel to hold daily Ap rent discuxied hoard pmzrcsx at his chiidren uplls ï¬lthwhich he was dis Vllflledr The hoard agreed in center with the principal WeA nieker prolealcd thlt tha secrelury had allowed higher rite of pay or cutting xrua onrthe old school grounds than hid been inulhorlzedx HanningFnlUair Direclnr oi Huronia Jimmi tural Society are getting into high gear preparing liar the annual all at ColtlwaterSLpi 18 Colpmlliees rarpnnsihlelar lhe elam Iorthi years show have completedrovliiihs oi the prim list oihor committee hzive mud canvas lordonulions and advertising for the hair boo drawn up planxlor new hui in uni built thia aummer near the rink to hquse livestock and tar Vsloruxc purposes revised the tumor ratingprogram and lined up ulhrr arrangeman eaieulnted to ensurea niecesstut 1957 show This year on invitation race will replace the urnni 230 euro The new event will he or dllr trlctvhoms and will hike place Sept On Sept 18 the £20 and 225 races will he held Cari man Robinson Moonstone is chairman Cheater Martin secretarytreas urer stated the exlcnsion oi the inir last year to threedayevent Warkéd out much more aniline torliy President George Graham oi Early has held ireqaent meetings of the sociely throughout the year and according to the memhers ha been it driving £1me built up enlhusiaam and develop plans to improve the tan The complete priu lirtwaa scheduled to hem the printers hands this week Raccoon Visits raccoon was seen running liong lIIE Coldwaler River shafe line at the rear oi the business section last week For law hours it Bumped in the crotch ol Hditqws Mrs Frfmk Cannon and dough ter Dale Mrs Hill Mrs Webster and Mrs Churchill all 01 tun Mrs Will Lloyd oi Portv Hope and Mrs Fish ot Cooks town all were vi tors with James Cook at Mr ind Mrs Roy Smiths home here last Tuesday Ilexdale virit JCBOWdun visited with Mr Ind Mrs Hull and family alikltexdale ur few days last eek Sunday villi and Mrs Aubrey Jarvis Ihdfahily visited friends Bl Hid den yiiliey Aldershn on Sun day From New York vnenunu Bihle school in the new of Camp Ben and tons en we Mr ndhlrr aon gate motored Io the Soo took CPR bdat to 2y are writing Pliiilid at Marathon Ailer luring their dinghier EIirIhelllutoGlen MoiraCamp nearhedverwn Mr and Mrs Wadi Oakville accompanied by another daughter MilsGlyiE Wndue ot pzkvilleTralalgar Hulpi VisitedMrL John Lcth erby and Mr and Mrs Charles WI ge Coidwller and Mrs We Leniherdrie Glouceger Pool thhe niienm iievalaylng at their cottage at Back Laku the JOE Harden tlmlly believe their dog Tally was bitten by rallielnake The pen hody became lwolien hut lhe animal recovered couple at days alter Taiiya experience Trevorhardenashni rsmal ral lleshtlhe with hil BB gun behind lhe co QldCar Runs Again Afier idle FORT WILLIAM CHTwo Fort Willillh boys have turned an old Model Fordylhhl sill unused in ï¬eld or 30 years into the pride of their neighbor hood Gnham Trainer and Robert Oldliarhoughl the old car or 575 GM elouda oi hiuesinoke emenlle mm the car as it chug ainnl Bhe gas tank is no quart oil can operalihg on drip oyriem directly into the carbur etor There is no rdol or wind shield but the car still has its original tan haltand it goes at ntartit and the boys say the only real gripe they have about it is that they sometimes hlve ill time they get it going TRY AN nirAinmEn want ond put it back in running order luxmllea an hour witha tuli load The rarhiis to be pushedvln riveduuleirdesllnationrhyv the lhrouxh the uteri dayi Salish uomplnyi are hlainephewarnold and his mothe oi Yonr eqrrerponderil many armiwnmea mullilS appreciate so much reat bendhu plaeed ninth to street by the harrie Rotary with roceriet on your my la the ear parked perhaps two or three hioeks away an you haye hit green light Kalilin with Sister Mrand Mn William Denney and lamily uliilnrneplync Ire on airs Tommy Extlip and other relatives Also motored tn Dev trait lor the weekend Wethem ln hntlaio Miss Margaret Ellis Frankie ExeilDiine Extll and Mary ner ihriuiie Barrie spent the week end in unirnio From Ottawa ir and Mrs whim it at tuonoouncu 20m geiuoynhle or trip holiday with the latter rister Mannie id Mia iu Brunsklll Diane and flute and Maureen Elflilck ViaJ lied Mr Del rt Ward now my Club tad ihe trim They are lile aversa5 you nd loaded hard in Sutton 2nd Dorothy Coomba CoilingwnodLSrd ronriinoon Toronto 4th Eiieeri Kenny To ronto ma non Matherii ruronio highest ticket xeiler army Fen ii Toronto lawn chair how rle Lloyd Phelpstah sndwv own run VANCOUVER cmTho red enalgn lhnuld he flown irnm every flagpole President George anley at the Vancouver our list association said at directora meeting Americans expectCan ndions to show the same pride in their ling as Americans do in thcslara and stripes munch 1an and Mrs Peter Wyley and eterLoi New York visited nd Mrs Philip Wright ilyhere ior aiew dzyr eelierld with Plrllllrl harles Wright spent lhe week his parentsn home here Mrs Wright snu em eeda are GAIN Come on and leli taut iiiirsaair lllllliilii hicugiisraviii 110cm MANUFACTURE ensures masunzss which ntahllit in GRUBGAIN Peed ill yantahe In otoniyrnzsn but important indirect rule to Ih teed In your pocket Alearturlfe oiSflUhGf LOCAQMANIIFACIUIXEThe savings and pmrihie in height charger important ravines FED 1N CANA 0mm BRAND gt We are Iliudedil dingheadonrterr nunGain behindrm intair euhllhnnity re inoaey saving moneymaking fellum mun wasnms DISHES CAN as fuNllS day TO MAKE THE DISHESAND CUPS GLISTEN MD THE POTS AND HANS same LIKE NEW Din influx SNE WAS PBTENING inmate on