Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Jul 1957, p. 5

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Small Crowd slbilities JO mm EARLY MORNING snow will be hosted bytslnck limit or two week beginnlol today Bob Maiden leaves on tour oi the United State in inci clack Rultle Willqu dolnga lot of subbing tor the next law we nouns TRULY goes on holl day tor three weeks starting today tosge as much oi Europe as possible We hope to tiring but lots of nevlson whatl new on the other side of the ocean Well be ylsiting such places as France crrnany Austria Italy and pmihly more EROSRAltLWISE this means lsclr will he doing the Baby Show every Thursday at 1115 Jungrnt ulstiug all the new parents oi the district Then on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1105 Jack will hripg youand we couldnt help out chuckle hcrLHilinu For The uousewite All Ioking aside we are sure Jack will do an admire able jolt and hes looking iorward toihc change lTS WOMANS WORLD will continue with he views an At Unveiling Continued from page one iicial who was to do the unvcil ing lton nrury Sheriii oi Simcoe County lie told ot his long acquaintance with ltrnrury who was also provincial premier or the time ot the park heing ol tlcially taken over he felt it was In great honor to hesasked to pres sent Mr Drury and enjoyntl the tcllowship or working with him at the county building where Mr nrury is the sheriit and lilr Coleman is treasurer Mr Dnlry complimented the toreslgltt oi the men whose vi un had prompted them to see he tuture need of the citizens who would need place on the lake side tor their needs hope you will never cash in on this property and that it will ttirnvnr remain or the use oi the péoplc he said Pleasure and happiness dittcr sometimes and there are many who enslave their tuture in order that they can have things oiliie Pcople mortgage their very heds to keep up with the Jones We need independ ertt thinking on the part ot in dividuals For the past 50 years We have hecorne expectant ot the governments to take our respon We must provide ior society wilh happy lite tor everyone The man on the street has no time to think he must he guided the ncvf World at 205 230 Stan tor comu calling on Vulcty Sign hssnuny speclnsiutumon his programincluding John prltt tornaus story teller on Passing Parade at 315 all part at Variety ALTHOUGH FEW antiradio people still say that the mutiqu has lost some at its popularity current Statistics prove the op posltc For well over year the parents 01 radiomtlyern in Canada has increased from mouth to monthutest new relense whith iound its way on the inane cinl page ot the three Toronto dailies gives the tollowlng in torntllinn Sales radio Set gained in the first tour months til 1957 totalling 211672 units against 195931 in 1858 Auto radios and portable played considerable part in this hpturn FOLIO CASES In 1950 there WENTW cams hi all types at poliomyelltls re ported in Canada Compared to LIED cases in 1955 and 8878 cases in 195 the alltime high Motorcycle wlth pronshly the heaviest crowd oi the season on Sunday at litincts Point minor acci dent occurred in the park Three hoys on motorcycle were just starting out from the pavilion when the gas control stuck and themaohincstruék parked car owned by Howard Sharron ot To ranto The boys all teenage were thrown but not seriously hurt but iollowing an investiga tion by PC nollins and no non Crowenlot lnnistil police were charged with driving with three on the motorcycle Damage was Cycle ure its value and hope that its value is never measured In dul lars Reaching for the cord that held thciilag over the monument he rnrmally unveiled the cairn and plaque bar at the committee and whose uliarts park and the plans which being developed Following the crowd dispersed park lA hall game Cochrane $75 to the car and $25 to the Gettgc Martin the third moms and the present park superintendent paid homage to the late Tum Donneily who was the Caretaker tor years laid out the are now unveiling the through the and other sports had been arranged which were supervised hy Councillor group niiurmer reeves posed twig In in lineal on days ad inn psmrnetl tivcs It Nlntyr Bosch who in Algonquin Find nxoynevallltom on it Kr and will Knee shay 61 Bond lied spent the on motor trip in the XII riin Park and llaiihurton km Borden pfre visiting with their unndpnrenu Mr Indian Ern tstnstty rort min visit Crei ton spent wheels with gillives at Port Eula Weflend Guests Guests at the home oi Bliss Georgian narton during yha week end were torn Smith and lame lly oi Gait Mr and Mrs Prat tcr oi Toronto Called on Friends Rev RDttlré iormcr rnins ister of St Andrews Presbfier inn Church now at Furl William Ind Mrs Duke and tarnin called on trionds in town during the past weekend accent visitors Visitors at tile home of Sun norlon duringthe past week were Mr and Mrs Gilbert me oi cloud the lattcr being asisttsr at Mr Sunncrlnn whom he had not seen ior over 40 years until they arrived in Canada Their daughter and her husband Mr Ind Mrsxd McCartney also their son and his wile Mruand llrs Trcw of Montreal annlcvllle Visit Mr and Mrs Rutledge visited with relatives In Orangeville on Saturday evening Kidd Reunion The Kidd reunion was held on Saturday July in the Commons lty Park This reunion is icons cred one oithe largest reunions and great number oi the clan wtre present nonor Young Couple shower was held in tho Com munity llsllon Friday night luly 5or Mr and Mrs Crosby Speck The addrch was read by Miss gully Robbins Both Crosby and elen replied Music or the dance was supplied by Beattys orchestra oi Conkstuwn in hospital Laslie Bray oi the 6th Line Tecumseth is at present patient in Stevenson Memorial Hospital AlliEton having undergone an op oration on Friday July and according to latest reports llfir Buy is making good progress to wards moo HMfii tShclhume Visit Mrl and Mrs Wiilretl Service on Friday evening Undergoes Operatlon W5 Stuilrt Magloughlen has been finding out thti huylng dir cct train the producer is common sausesnd lodnyvtlrouxht an early part oi the produce at the market Cpthy and Bert Gould at Camp in demand were fruits and veg quietly although plcoutui plays called on relatives in Shelhurne ahTynnRv Illth to Evidently the townsiollr have rush which cleaned up the Krentzr etahics and home baking in partic ular which disappeared very Cut iinwcrs brightened the dis with fragrant pctunins snapdrag clotkinng spiraea shlpigluss perunnlal sweet peas and other old tavarites also pot ted plants Eggs Chickens were reesonahle Egg prices with range at 38c 45c 50c me we dnd use tor extra large ltoast Ingzchlckuns of host quality were also rcasonahle all drawn and 45c ltl ior smaller sizes We tor medium and 55c to capohs fruits Vegetables Raspberries wcni quickly as the supply was limited also hlack eur rants lied or white curraan were Hoe to 352 and gooscherries priced according to size orcen peas sold well inJhc shell at 40c box with shelled peas at 40¢ pt other iast scllcrswcrc new potatoes at 50c basket Also on said were carrots heels spinach rhubarb and new beans at 20c box and 75c basket Noyolties Unusual was pot oi crocheted llowelsyvAlsu on sale were em hroldered pillow eases aprons blankets and good display at greeting cards and other nov el transportation for them to Wosaga ncaeh twice week Larry Kciiur Mr and Mrs El mer Yake and iamliy Yvonne Donna and Ray of Aurora were Sunday visitors with lur and Mrs Harvey Atkinson iteturord name lilra nod McDonald ahd little son nradley returned on Sunday to their home at cathodic after several days with air and Mrs Culharn Sunday Callers Mr arld Mrs Carruthcrs Barrio were Sunday callers at Culilnms 0n lloliilay Miss Sharon nristow is vacar tionrng with her aunt and uncle In London Ont Sunday Guests Sunday callers at llir and Mrs John Morgans were iiit and Mrs Hero Elliott and tamlly Malina Mr and Jilrs Dun Courtney and otivc tor thenorrie branch utmost as Co Ltd when he placed third to Canadawide wide salts camped Ali 1th carryiu with considers act is dictionviz credited is flu MIrAuley shins new MICAULEY The tirrn one at the countrys leading companies in the Held at induslrlal Sanltaton set up the contest drilled as the skyth Sales Campaign among its 115 sales representatives mch work ing on an individual quota basis Qunbttc City rcprcsentatlves captured hoth iirstand second places while others in the iirst ten chtla respmively Toronto London Edmonton Montreal St Johns NE and ninth and tenth huthto Toronto The contest ran tlom April 30 to July them suits being amtounrcd last weeks IN MEMORIAM AYRESln loving memory or mother Mn llelen lunc Ayrrs who passed away duty last DH and on our thoughts do wander To the grave not inr nwny Where we told our dear mother Just one ycnr ago today Sndly missed by Allan Audrey and at litiLLin loving memory or our dear sari and nrotner oe Kcil who was drovvnecl July as loss Memories are treasurer nation can steal Death is heartache nothing can heal Some may rorget you now you llh gone not shun rememocr no matter how long Lvlngiy rernemhered hy thongs loving memory is dear son and nrothcr and who died suds rtenly by rar accident July 21 lists near loved one you are waittnl tar lreyand the brlght hlue sky Waiting in the home oi angels where the soul can never die Yea loved one you are waiting with the angels around the thrones You shall sing your loved ones wci come to that bright eternal home lils lovlng mother and brothers Wice who passed uwa lul 2i lass Not dead lsmother but sleeping in her rathers home ahove llcwordcd ior her suturing snd lars George Dytllzerllcltl tiny niternoon irom ifluot Lake where he has bronrworidng tor am nesdly momma and is recuperate ingnicety He and his mother who has benspendng the last test days in Blindltiyer will he lreturnins home tomorrow or Wod llesdayr lit an Jack Carpenter weroworking or construction company in the anlum mining centre his car stolen lt msreecv cred Saturyay night at Angus jusl $Méciito Di¢ilss 519$ Damage nisfil have explosscd thélnsclvps oronto Street varnished to mpitnlatBiind River in Tune to an emergency He uoperatcd on cairly wed anothcr llatrie boy but he was in hospital unset cw miles rom horcl he armors whose barns were damaged by the recent wind storm were present at meeting in Stroud on Friday evening when George Johnston MPP Centre Slnlcoe Keith Nottuer agricul tural represuntlltivo South Simone and the Township Council were present to meet and discuss with those who suitercd losses some method or minutiae to help Lhcm get rehabilitated Their barns are needed at once and the cost at replacing them is high Thc sugRstion made in letter to the Reeve from the Government ui Ontario that 5050 basis would be their otter hi it donation to equal that which could be raised locally was considered The mrctlng appointed cam mlttce whichwill get appraisals oi the total losses or replacement costs and with this interruption they will attend meeting to he held nextwcclt on the east lidc ot the lake Fgur municipalitiés there will have representation trom hulh Federal and Provincial Governments to discltss plans that may he adopted The Talent Government may he asked to llnznce long term loan tor each individual with low interest rate that will enahle the owners tyvbandlo the cosu of their replacements themselves Most ot thoseconcerned in in asheing most favorable to thr loan plan as they do not desire tection positionto make recommendations CARLEY Sympathy of Community to ask neighbors to contributeto their loss when they had not Lnr rled insurance tor their own pm Thh committce willfaiter they ave hoard any intormittlun tram the meeting next week bi in Tunnsitmvmmnhmnnu may 22 and TastyAV eartanén lrlv1 tannin ham or work srtrr dear asserlot sun In mt thcrie lastand mamWcoasoo ti year interment St Andrews cams art so cumin5 Bertha Wraic dzlriy hclovrd wire at Prank It mark and loving mother or thnlrred tum Welly or uunslo wtiiisnr Aylmrr um Ifrynk iv Chicago suddesr sister or Willim at line rir mcrt atrort credit Chrch and Nellie tfln Townlgyl ol Cllny thrll tarsal mas It prawns at Toronto and hr Wale or Linday interment item dale urrnnrtst Gardens iuly l9 tmwlrrittorilna on Thursday 1rd in m7 ushecca coomhs oclav wire nl istnes Hewitt and dear Intr tncr or Stella tum Leo nurinlrl Toronto uarun turn FroI Sllcri ulllulsrv ltrrlett tun Victor Cap orrti Thormen narr slurs oouglss rishcrl coantown Loren Pred cricrnd Iventt ot ortlllr in her 71th year interment sr Anonwl Cemetery ortma July 2o munuAWAt his home nrsdtord on Wednesday July t7 its lots unseatw in Iiil lard yen hushrid or hrnle stoitnmn lather hi tturiet Mn Stanley Cairorr and cordon interment Toenrrrr United Church Cemetery on Friday duty in QUINLANA1 Toronto General uns itsl on Saturday July so m7 tlnlrnAltcn Parka heiaved wire at Arthur qalnlrn 541 Glen Park Avcnus dear mother or nay then at Toronto and iunc tMn it Lamar or namo dear grand malhu ct Douglas and hearts Lamb or uarrlr heating at urown urns runersl llama ugllntory Ave at vattortn Service in the chapel Tuesday at lntcrmrnt Pm pest Cemetery BDYOn Than iuly lo lm ircna Margaret Show hciuved wits or Robert tiny daughter or Mrs uorry Show llawkestnne sister at Mn rerey nonney ul Barrier iurs Lena Fenxnilc at Toronto Stanley and at iawltcstone and wtll tun or Mlmtco interment Mount Pleasant Cemetery duly 2o WIiNLKSlAl Collingwaod General hospital on Sunday duly2i latI William Henry wanleu er gelling wnod tarrncrly or Flos Township beloved run or the late Mr and airs wlltiam Wanton dour hrdther or llelen tnrs Stowrt uiainl rot Elma vale in his and year nesting at the aishnp Lynn Funeral Home Eimr vsio until apm iuemny Juty then to Knox Presbyterian church Cronland ior runerut service at no pm interment Etnlvalu Ccrnetrry TlrrthSuddnnly as tnercsuit or an accident has well on Fria day July is to tunievTlp plug 01 Tim ads or Stanley Tippln nrElmvntc bmthcr or icn or Toronto and Kathleen thin or out Laudinwi or phtisdelphlr USA in his not your thtint at his residence at vale until Mondly my 22 at prrls then to Wycilrru Anglican church tor runcral services at pm inc torment irrsvric Cemetery SelfServe Di ng Cars Make Debut MONTREAL Caictcrla cars in recent development by Canadian National Railways are now in ser vice on the Montreal Mth Joli and Montreal Toronto lines The selfservice dining cars are prov ing very popular with thctravcl ling public who particularly like tht taster service and cheaper prices Passengers catering the cars are conirontlzd with the familiar cal cldrta setrup complete with trays counter and cashier The menu of tors choice at moot course fish course oro meat sandwich with prices on all items sharply reduced irum standard dining ear Thursday Mr mangoIt nllonclllney dear vitamin Ii fits Cl as list Barrie to mod noug bum m1 countAt nayl Vtctorlunorpltal uarrtr on July zl lastta htr and cairn an Strpu ldlthV letth nl Vlflurta ilnapltsl pants on will It isnt to hand union rules It Market van tchsrlec ritual oNIs no at Victoria Hospital urrrtc on Juy ls M1 to Mr and name tars rred done no daulhtrr MARflNAl nayl Vlrlnrtl lluspllal arm my to m1 to ma and st Muttn to Sautord so daught ldflDYAt Royal Victoria Habitat Emir on July 2a l957 to ur and Mn lllvul Icfivoy Hit it It prone son ilisrctd on dis MILTARKAt Royal Vittoria Ilnliliill ssrrtc on July at ma is air and Mrs Gratin flcltnrp lLt wonky 51 aim Gordon Brunei rmoltA At nayl vtrtort unspltst taunt is July Tl m1 to Mr and cries Prtdhnrn it MIIY St ltltfilkAl noyal Victoria llashltsl Barrie on July 2i last to Mr and ltrs Gcnld Rattle orn station daughter tsurl nlalcltohnht itoival vtctorla llasnl urrrir on la at last to Cpl and Mn wnlurnrn till in rte son WICKLUM At ltoyal victorla nnrnl let some on July to 191 to air and clmord wtcklnm matro at shtch Sword Bryson Stan if ileirlgetutlon SERVIIE on is 4561 motler EFFICIENT Sanvtcn AIL MAKES 33 CLAPPERTON STt haunts PEéTEItIttG CDSTLY FLIES right now by letting us spray your barn PUBINA FLY BAIT is sate economical convenient to use yet it truly kills flies like magic hurrie Farm Supply clura hctore the cairn iiictiymleiiiii in eolrrimgifiisji Jessi51 Illcnryt Banting acuity be Pail Stevenson Mgllv gomultwflynifmxmlzgl mymare anflggtnlgrmmmlug hunk The sympathy ot the cumsnun mes Mm puking up the my MINDS St enterprise guided hy linaneial Cook Lockhart and Allred géagnghfgzik fillésmglfgagg can Wm Sufi 3mg dotigntcwinuw no ma efindted to hgfnndlyrdris to passengers pay rthe cashlargnltl PA 82982 neec sitics Wchh ns one nn smr us oyis an han to carryt cr lsdo not incl old do not One visitor who wasunexpect underwent an operation an THES m3Yvs°m°gg 1°55 Mld tray to Mahler think or talk old but know that ad Clerk Allan lrcton came to day July She returned home the vmfim mg dlemni also to his sister Mrs Walter Smith oi Liptergrove and lra oi Beaverton Wesley at or lllia Goorge at USA and Walter or Creighton Mr Middleton was litelong resident at this community and even though he had been in tail in health since lastiail he still yrsrtedamong hianany Triend here up until the week hetore he on Sunday and is staying atthe home at her parents lur and Mrs Fred Brown where she expects to remain tor tcw weeks and at latest reports is convalescing very nicely the event He wntkéd wi cans to assist but said he hope attér another check with his doc MAitKE PRICES MONDAY JULY 22 llotis CATTLE EGGS roumtv As quoted by Flrst Cooperative rockers otOntarlo nurrin llogs $3500Saws szdlltr have reached the sunset oi lite thinkot the children hero who may have the enioyment or this park tor years to came cannot tor hemight be back at the ot divoroe my thoughts trom them ii and what may he haiore them ii Production at walnut lumber in loss in Canada amounted to o3 000 ieetfifitl ineasdrofontnrin acCounted or all of ill visiting Relatives Mrs Eliza Alien Englehart is spending some time with Mr and Mrs Art Taylor and other role tives Award Presented The annual awardsgivcn by Ben ton womens institute totlte two most proficient pupils in grade sik From Barrie Miss Shirley Mitchell Barrie Spentan tew daysrecently with her unch and aunt ltlr and Mrs Today we commemorate men who sawlltg£uture neednl park and thought little oi the Value of the dollar that could not meas qt izeejton Public1523091 were pro Raymond Cook nous Passed aways sea on urs ay morning Mr Jameymmh Large Neison 117 thedpifismemi Norman llelen Anne and Sam Medm anang 916 mfijmy and maroon sun 22 car nsraat rt ea an Titgrim 19 fiammfll efinas prehs Burgess and Mrs wmim ka fillrail hays Horncbayne were can see rm mu m1 all oi Toronto visited on Sunday victim wig Iv sas Slam me he ms PP1$ Winning use Wards We with Mr and lkrs ltelian CarA vlll rs nsa viflsifri rim III1 3g 33ng rm Teddy Gould son of Mr and Mrs liable crack Armstron 33 norasvglum Wit nan void went rluhauu Bruce Gould and nald Parson Pee Wee GM communism ognnat Inn law as some Mr and Mrs rud Parson clwo nays In Toronto cm The continued dry winner Wtathu leg 5m pm me MISS flariIfyndTnyloris spending the past weekhas noon won min mans rser cor Innar Mrs nory Zutult underwent an 910333 WW Grade deriul help to theiarmors busy iii $savii suns Er operation Stevenson Memorial Grade with their hay we The Mltllnnain cmmnnm an Wntlm Insn rm Weekend Guests ti 13 059 535 My Mr and Mrs Gerald Fisher wrnuzsluv July and returned home on Sunday Awning spam we weekend In 13 it cwné£tii 132 31 l£rma 91$ urtu swings Efllngjmh mu Mr and Mrs Raymond Cookr How gmgumysnm sow swim Iml 13 Writefiiiw Attended pours Dr and Mrs Norman noner Gud too am locumIr 57 ML and Mrs wmhm gammy and twin sons Kirkland Lake lb CLme warm Kiwis xiii isthmsmt dug spent aéiow days last week with when Al Heals Mg yrs ttmhm 3333 gt tended Mrs ncrs relatives Picker Grade if rri shunt sc fig smnmgmfi Mrs James Service or Shelhurne lngr Mrgand Mrs Roser Pickering Grade 1s ism1 22125 sriso some what on Saturday July 13 and Islam Capo up as ovum Yank 1mm Call on Sun weigh and quit ty Mr and Mrs Fred McFarlanc us was nAvElt CAN spent Sunday evening with their rows gtNorfl1 synmdale son Howard and ramiiy HEALVSVERIQUS CASES phonon no and sports piano on 3M with From Toronto CKVRTV nao rten sad HunI on near snort weekin Toronto lt list Trash charms umW iimufidi rose to Raytier and Doris refiivifeiiaiisidimsiii WP 3Sneii45 afls manually3 giro snow spar arrow taco nine sport wrstiur Atkinson SE9 my week in To Mr anagram Fm Im itni E33523 his °° on 33 touch lleLTtme osg trunihint the in At cousins Funeral neg Mclgigzkshggm misto rozss omission casu tho uaiiess clock on Mr and MrgH9EY Mirson 1m 51 when in iii $11 iii Riff fiiirrscirrr ml Atkins and Mn and hay mow breaking his ig innsnomads man anon re urs Clarence Atkinson recently Vs i° figzrgflgfiplgm attended the tunersl at cousin Weds Tins lieny the late Mrs Pbrcy AllenAurora Situation Brighter rm innrune wear Dueto recent tine weather the hospital Vialtl Williams William Atkin Tellurium urnr ds cottafllnln hay situation looks much brighter so Rev sain rt mm rooo in this district Art Taylorrs gala firtmikghcflnlo son and daughters Marie and Ed lam gm 35 the nil talledlon Mrs William Atkin son onMonday in Toronto Gen cral Hospital Mi New rt it til Baud raconu mm various roads with tractor and mower assisting the other tarm 1109430 is sup nylon ad my lutlstlnfllurd am so mm ers In keeping ahead ot the hay hairsiimririrfismu ifliiirifri indoorsnewts Contined Toned acropl mr modicum Facérty has been confined 33k Son oitiiil an Egg to bed Friends who shed Me OurgenialmaillnanJohrrree issaicidiofiifwmc 333 Elan and Mrs roomy and family on thy is wegriyg hroad smile mm 333 To isisiii Sunday were Mr oiid lure nenry 958 airsits hay congrat mifiiirér mu pray and famiiypot0rangeville HunIsl soiiiéisfiia3irv andur er caverotttew iuaotr and sport on inn1m PMMAhY anugwnlns bums on am awtuw 333 Swimming Clones Tht prim ndustriesagrl uuuvn 743 Severalzdhil on or this eom culturektnge try iisher trap ills mutiny prev talc advantage ot ping mtnm and electrlcrpower rvl tin the slimming classes Jacks no cmpl nly zit per coat ifs LinksWomens Institute artsogea or oil Workin Canadians

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