Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Jul 1957, p. 2

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lunoy at the limiting II with just about two week In that story carried in practically cvrn newspaper drross the counttz quoted an Intiynmous New Yor Yankee gt as saying that To Wiiilams was silppiali Ho wusiat nearly as dangerous al the plnle hes fixed up to be the anonymous cituckor cnnlinutd rllt lltill limp Britt cssup oi the NorthBay Nugget uuestedthut it was it road move by the hurier to keep hi identity hidden What Britt prolinliiy nitant was that it Williams Ever found out who it was who inatlc theremarks hed Ted probably blast him out of the park the next time round fiteilkit was noteworthy at the time that William didnt have ilinli In say about it iletl sail in spring training that he couldnt an on tile At 1hr time at the iiiridenYanltcel marks Williams was hitting more JlGwilll only 18 or it homeruns As this column was written Friday of lahl week Williams had siugaetl 25 homers and was leading the American League batters and the Yankees with mark oi over 1360 Tiltfi in no remarks lorthcomlng lrom tilt ulorementiunetl Yan kct iitlritr Ile probath wonl he heard from for quite while Either Well hut in any nlan or child piayingiuasebail rlght nowl withing he culiiililrin it silinip likclllle Splmldid Splinter not In his old Igei but right now an LEAGUE NOTES Gil edges the slum tuna OJ the pmoklyn Dodgers oi the National Letgonna eonhnes ieroctly to blasting the pitches of rival mounusmcn tied it Ni record Thursday when he hi the 12th grand slam homer at his career in eitherul the water eircui there probably isnt man more worthy oi praise than iledgos ltsi1ltr ltls sire and praven strength Gil is quiet honut work man lie is rare among the hig men ot the game heing as protielcnt in the tield as he is at hat on two occasions this season hedges acted quiet as ilis mates tangled with opposing terms omone occasion Gil received it couple oi hrulsed rihs when kicked by an unknown while he was trying to oueli riot This iellow who is so unimportant thot hisnnme connot he remembered at the moment will go through his major league career wilh the reputation oi dunee lor pulling such mean trick li Hodges wanted to light It is unanimously agreed that low it any man in the big leagues couldhdndio him Theme is story aboutIa 51an several years ago in which Dodger captain Pcewec Reese was All Illixtlp with hlg nee Fanny currently one oi the NLs coding hitters As lomiy wont to whack licesc iioddes grabbed him ondy by the scroll oi theneck and the seat or his pants and hoisted the zoopounder over his shoulders When Fondy screamed lor Gill to let him down llodnes omitted and dropped Fundy the eight teet to the ground The duhtér has replaced Lew aurdettes sllsdgcd splthitll as the most nnloriuusiy popular pitch in the hig leagues thesodrys And the Sumo its the complaints about the Spilter most them are coming by wdyoi cinctnooti outer clubs are complaining too hut llial5 just to give the soloist some background music The hi pennant may stay alonrslde the tree that grows arooir lyn ii win nuke Snider can continue his terrrlte halting psee The lull had an average ttrsthau but since the ulistar game has ticen trotting homers in grand tashion ills halting average has soared with the upsurge oi homers and within oiew weeks its expected that hell be challenger tor the hatting title lsmlllar position This may well prove to he the lost bigdeague season tor another Dnllger catcher Roy Components Campy is having second miserable season in sneeessiun its douhttul thotsentimentwrli keep him in the know if mashed ifidhditatltfl in theltt neon uertotaor th netroit Titus got startinzasalgn ment tor thelirst time in woetrs last Thursday and came upwlih anl perionance and two runs hatted in Methinks hell see much more attic lrurn here on in Tilaslyaléportslwlto kept racing through the course during the to termissionsnr the Barrie Speedhoatatnces made things very uncom ioitahle torhodr participants and oliicials And accordiog to talk In the judges stand the intruders could have put themselves out 520 nt suinfjnus gt The waves theipleitsure heats caused made it pretty hnrd tor the racers it mquZiftheif peak They the racers hall to watch out tor the rough lelt hy the nonehaiont and prohahly nonpaying pleasure riders tine ietiow came across the citing second time just to show that he wns real patrolman youthful soccer anti part in Blame Bantams galnhig hassatlnis did themselves their 22 with the Hlmlitoll represent coaches and the town proud slit ntives Torrifically last through urday when they played to Ruin out this contest had the ions on then their toes at all times and brought out umptsen rounds at cheers Steve Gltlloway gave name an gues otherwise reterred to as early1ead and alter Hamilton Bantams hittcheiiuhd scored twice to take it away troin the locals Galloway returned Ch with heautltut to seq 0t thcmga 23 via iron 10 feet out goersn The delenslve stsrs oi the ga were Lanil Barron ekgy Ray Theystopped numerahie Hamilton thrusts and proved the ltlnate heeded sucialinn Senior on his ildntiltnn ware ery préhsed with the sit inaoFt aortic kids They ennyatuiuted the coaches doth wonde uljohfthey are doth guild tmcotl them to keep tup loiiy who ptcltel or lintrip Legion in the Barre andllistrict Senior Solthslltetgue The Hamlton lineups are un avnlliable but here la how the Barrie kids lined up cherish 1mm bailey Kyle Dvlt utour Ferguso Watson Slglth Bird Amosjgellan M1 io ey Shepp Scandrgtt dull Nielson autumnKnitters Wilson Gal loway Emma Farrier Amott Hines Givens Patterson pupsiev Ray Barron Dampstpr nitnet French 11 artisan Thocoachcs who made the Dan Amos ihe hespeoki torwurd er ired it into the mitt Carl Yelln scored the two Barrie goals attire line ot Yeiiond Moioney Sheppard rind Scandrelt like eiogk woidr Ditvo illeclyuttot Lao torvaarrlofi rut was serpedi ll ll Art Schl lei Pd little Tan ha jaunt wereiton riekrrd Alex Ltasleyi Ken in him mom lltopdrrle Chillengers and the team all nonnluisraanam ground sponsored by the Junior chamber of Commerce went all without hitch Baturduy The races were very exciting Odd turnovers use sf drivers that cnpslzed co race ugulgt that day 0th hard to figure out thatsotnebody gooled couple at the had it Annual BailTournament to be held Clvlc Holiday Monday Au Utopia Community Puheruau at New lawell Crednlnre Stroud and Breton will be In cotqaetitlon torltardbitll hymns VSpeclltl le 4W get til it boas uprightlto ltle easier Luckily the spills helped to add to the epolte Keith Kavanaugh til Poltit On tario piloted his boat to tour firstplace finishes at thcthird annqu Barrie Speedboltt Regatta on Kempenteit Bay Saturday evening and wound up as lop pointgetter Kavanitugh who has the unolthe odox racing style of taking his corners wide totalled 1800 points for each itrst place tlnlsh CBF Palat System Theregatta was sanctioned by the Canadian Booting Feller Toronto 808 Club andAme can Power Boat Association it was sponsored hy the Barrie Junior Chamber at Commerce The points picked up Saturday are added to the drivers car totals Thirtyone drivers and 49 hosts thrilled on excited crowd or more than 3500 spectators some or whom disregarded the warnings oi the announcer and ploddcd oi the evening Next to Kavanaugh in the prose tiruiiy ornshlass dveniag was Ron Robinson at Toronto picked up 1533 points on two firsts twp thirds and two tourths Third place was nailed down by Bruce Shakeshatt oi Burlingbfln with 1500 points Fourth place Dory Funk laidhlm out tor while fellow Insists 0n meanest Reason tar this conclusion tiing the higgesttnughestan plneau daesn another light usually are Take tomorrow night Stan but not the ieasthat yet But hlasl Louis disarea hes to ntlaue lighting at all superlative hesi been mattl on krusher Kowalsiri too evident Poor cry thismaszc hi iirst and to through poison ivy for good part He picture in on old edition oi Wrestling News shows Louis Poplnedu hsing hit an the head with metal chair courtesy ot The blow must naturally have hurt Phplllfiml and mast likely The point at the story however is thut Papineau is hardrheadnli that Louis always insists on hat eanest boys available Monsieur believe lnt Slut ll of his must be tops and thanks to himself they tor in Louis will lie malt his rst it peorance of the or one would think and hope Ihat hed pick good opponent strong too at must be his way so thith why If eresho donating pralsltld stre glh His meanness iii only uia ill the via he wens flghtellviére rolereeToay Rollin tqctlos til we ment In this picture its not want In Jerry Bowman at London with1490 points The nearest thing to an accident occurred in the first heat of the stock DHydmpiane races Bruce ditred oi Toronto came screaming around turn and clipped another craft that had stalled Alfred continued to take third place in thatpdrtlcular race and second in the natty one despite lraetured huiilhat caused his boat to fill with water in hurry Nine Disqualified In the Stock Hydmplnne lin ul seven of the nine boats were tiisquaiified or heating the gun The second place boat then sui teied motor trouble and finished the course in 832 compared 255hy the winner lion Robins son Bob Dotar matie the slow second iv one mile aroundpand all hot tho two elimination races at the start were three laps IHeres the way the boys itnisllt od in points iravanauon 1600 Robinson 1583 Shakcshatt 1500 Bowman 1400 Wehstor 900 Tol les 844 Hark 6112 Henderson don Lundy Sr sow Wood 569 cigier 525 Throop 525 Ttllred 525 Noanan 469 Lighthoart is Pick Iuctics just slam should he dandy The opener on the card features Elephant Boy adBub Mitrphy They will tear ot each olher far 30 minutes or less one lull no one Minslnjured in any all 450 altLeann Cnrr 400 Detnr ass Beasley 384 Aldridge 351 PetersflBt Me Si7flewltt 300 Lundy Jr 254 Lohiou 225 Thornton 222 Dougo 169 Whites 142 Bennett 127 Smith 71 Results Stock Hydwplanfl tirsteiim inalion ian McLean Perth R0lt hErt Hewitt Hamilton Ron Rab inson Toronto Gerald Huck Ruckpnrt Jams Aldridge High Jand Creek Bob Detai Hynllton winning time 4557 Second elimination Jae Carr uttnwa John Webster Toronto Tell Lohlou Tomato Della nougo Pakenhnm Harry Bennett Toronto Bud LeeBprrie Jim Smith London time 4415 iSlock Utility first heat Keith stsnnugh Perth Jerry Bowman London Vic Pickett 0t Theomursu vus approximately onwaGregPotera Toronto time Vic Pickett Ottawa Greg Peters Toronto time 322 Stoek Ulill yiirst heat Wai luceWoad Hamilton hon lien derson Aidershol Robert Toiies Toronto Jitck Lundy sr Hamil ton time 340 nal heat Jack Lundy Sn liamilten Run Henderson Alden shot Robert Tones Turont Wai isce wood Homiltantime Stock Utility itrst heat Jerry Bowman London Dawson linglon lion Robinson Toronto and Lee Barr 250 son Toronto rorontouud Lee Barrie Whites Minded time 252 Stock Hydroplane tirst hEnt KeithKavanaughi Perth lohi Webster Toronto Geraldlluck hockpart ti 2573 Final heat Kellh Kavanaugh Starting time is 345 pm Sroc Hydroplane first hedt aas5 Final heat Keith Knvanaugh Perth Jerry Bowman Londnni Tllronp Ottawa Ray Olgier But chuek Thornton Toronto Al wattes Mimico time Final heat Jerry Bowman Lon don Ray olgier Burlington Dilw snn Throop Ottawa Ron Robin Chuck Thornton Al Perth John Webster Toronto Gerald Huck itoeirporl time 32 Ron Robinson Toronto Blue Shakeshalt Burlington Robert Tolles Toronto James Noonhn Perth Jack Lundy lr ilnnditon tlmc 2435 Final he Bruce Shakeslutlt Burlington James Noonon Perth Ron Robinson Toronto Robert Toronto vscir Lundy Jr Hamli lon time 2444 Stock Hydroplltne one heat Ron Robinson Tornalo 305 De tal Hamilton all other boau disv qualified for beating the gun time 255 Stock Hydroplane first heat Bruce shskpshalt hurllngton Phil Lighthedn Burlington Bruce mired Toronto Gary Beasley Burlington lnrnes Aldridge lligh iond creek time 2354 Final heat aruce Shakeshatt Burlington Bruce Allied Toron to Gary Beasley Burlington rhii vLithanrt Burlington James Aldridge Highland Creek lime 251 oillela Frank Arden clock Ken Glenn starter John Web stor 5L stop watches Mrs Bar tie and Mrs Vansfield scorers Al Lytie announcer Bob Final son clock and ion Barrie re erre CALL THE EXAMINER FOB PRINTINGPHDNE PA 5241 Mrsthy Favei1£xlrnl photographer that rp pear In All newrplpurm available in noisy prlnll Pittmm an it no 57 High M1 The lerlejxhmmav mIImnmmmmm it Whetheryou that Essa oil iiurngr the phrtiguldr héati with an Esoo tuitioitiziii llEPEll viitlii ntcttiti iii For complete heatingsatisfaetion it Wedther bontrolled furnace oilfldifliygigs enNewmu letDixons and not 19 Acts Admission 50 cm l7 ing Ieliiliéllginmgflfi irxgrustmv euchre and dancing in lull Ad ion 35c out spechlJVMS Janice will be held in Churchlu uoited Chum on Sundayumty 23 at up Gaul weaker wtuho on Alhn Court ha ol Aundn with Mn Juana Penalty Timothy Eaton Hear orialchureh as guest soiotpt ital are cordially invited to attenddill seryiee Tali somehow unlit ninth Alli Silllllci tilt tiliitiiitititi ongo tog We

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