Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Jul 1957, p. 1

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VDISAPPOINHNG =lliiviiliiioM0NUMiNl liliNNlSFlHOWNSHIP PARK aunt oonmor arsiéos siaraisst 93rd YearNo 84 non Clnntlnvj Sherlii or Slmcoc County on Satur George Martin Reeve Allan Todd Ilon day unveiled the cairn and plaque memorial to the fault Howard Allan ders 0i lmllsnl Township pnrk Lctt wright John Coleman Bxli wet The good tiayiiiWiiK trinay have deterred many larmcra from taking the aitcrnoon olionSatr urday and coming downfto the township park to attend the un veilingol monument and plaque to the founders otlnnisijl Park however those whodid come wore pleased with the ceremony which was well arranged by IE committee appointed by council Howard Allan who represented the late Allan whose ci forts and salesmanship were at the council at that time to net elde to ask thi ratepayers to pun echase the property was oblirman at the committee inhn Coleman represented his late rather torm er 16ch Harry Coleman and George Marlin wiicsc fatherwas dcputy reeve later rgcvc were other members at the committee George Leslie arid George Arnold who were also on council when the purchase was made were not represented irlte present council coopcrct ed with the committee in provld velopment or the what is now one or the most pr first responsible or the decision CROWDAHEND PLAQUE cairn which was built field with high itdnsWrvmrahm The metal plaque with the names or those whawclic members pl councii at Illetime is embedded into the west race at the calm nltera bricr address at wel come by Move Allan Todd llowa ard Allan told ot the decision to put the purchase or thepropcrty at $18000 lo the ratepayers and the iavorable vote to thepurchase and the gradual dea property into ular parke on the lake llecollcd on Rev Gluuir and Rev Lionel nowc to dedi cate the monument Rev Mr Muir doing the scriptuer and prayers and both reverend gentlemen combining to iormally dedicate the monument to posterityr He tilencailed on some the not ables on 1he piatiorm George Johnston MP for Simcoe Ceu tre Worden Fisher Gnnton Judgo tlarvie who gave hricl appreclations or tile park lohn Colcnian iormallyvintrir dueed the speaker and the ot ing the funds and the costs of the tierills to workln ap hiveximvthins it Hospitdl the District lhl Turnto page five please authorize Weather Today Keeping Warm With Showers The past week war warm and sunny nearly all through cahteLbeiore midnight and mullahs heavily 53LUWPPK¢oiaAnflkahanhyfianilxazi morn ng Today indicates varllhlc with showers Temperatures were FARM CASH lNCOiliE Farm cash income in Canada in 1956 about 13 per cent higher than the Saturday and Sunday and humid until rain nigh ixiw July 14 11 so July 15 so 50 July 16 no st July 11 15 so July is as 55 July 19 oz 54 July 20 so so July 21 84 st July 22 Early 65 totalled $362100000 Wrong Gear BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA MONDAY wow and Drives Cor lnlo inry woman driver put her ciir Into the wrong gear yesterday at ternnon and crashed into the trout Mrs Donald Cameron Cl perton St intended to back out or the park outside Lakeview Dairy but put her car into forward gear and went through the plate gla window and door woman sitting at table in side the milk bar received bruis cd hack Daniago to the premises is estimated at $800 roucE MA nnnEst Barrie police have arrested and charged Thomas Donahue 45 no fixed abode with abreaklng and entering the oiflces at Dr Woodger onfiundny morning mantel radio was taken figrkuns C9nsluble Traffic car Ind acrlolisly injured last night on Highway 37lhout five miles north or Barrie while dir ccllng tlnflic Tlhfll to Royal Victoria Hi7 oilai sarrle with compound iracturc of this log and traclured ribs was Constable John Pitt oi the special traitlc sqqu atr lubed to Not Distrlct Held quarters narrlt Sergcmt Andrews and the constable had stopped Just south or Paddy Dunns hill High way 27 and were on that help in the flow of traffic south about 11 pm car driven by David Wailcrs Ill 67 OCon nor Drlve Toronto traveulng narth caused Sergeant Andrewa to lump aside and hit Constable Pilt Fire Hazard increosing In Simcoe Woods while iorcst areas in Lake Sim cot district are Still benefiting iron the ciiscts oi general rains during the early part at the month are protcctlon orricials note the steadily increasing dan ger ratlng in the past ielv daya Harard conditions in the ch crn arcs in Ihc north part are now considered high and all vaca tionlsls and persons using the woods lire especially requested to exercise all precautions with lire This is especially important in using extrcmcclire with smoking materials and camp tires making sure that they are completely ex tinguished Another reminder to car driv ers please make sure to use the car ashtray und retrain train throwing unexlinguished cigarette buttsor pipe ashes elcr out the at ammunitiontheyme ls hitaflioldside vegetation 5o idrlthis season 11 fires have been reported and extinguished by ranging stall Fortunately the burned aver area has been kept to minimum With the large number of sum mcr visitors now travelling in wooded areas the fire risk is going to be exceptionally high dur ingthe ncxt low weeks low nlinutehextra thought and time or all concerned will be major factor in keeping forests and rider sections area green and pro ductlvc 1955 total of 523571000Q0 1th VIIan iTOMLlNSQN wants mpcndoctor and eels theonlyWay she iatnbe really sure o1 her future voca rlntc surroundings While she doesnt thepdtlentsat the Bkyal oldGrade Eleven student at Bmrlc reelsshe la learning bit cturia to hervvishea violtie Kiwanis Plan Wiener Roast Tonnerfks iu tic0r At innisiil Park uable Kiwanis Club at Earrle dinner meetings are held Eich Monday It the Legion Memorial Hall where ladies oi Central United Church ym are providing tasty home cooked meals which have been inuch appreciated by the gourmets Last Monday President George Caldwell was in the that There was rousing singsong led by Hugh MacLeod with Ken Wallath the piano impromptu speeches at brief duration and veryng sulr lects were provided by Hank Page Harvey Little and Mike Wieder Among the guests was Past President Roy Kighjiey at Ottawa and barrib about to take up his new duties as Postmaster fit Eet arborough and he made some val arkii to the club incin bers other guests introduced were Maior George Crcwc new head of the Salvation Army in Barrie accountant Toronto Dominion absistancc lIIIi Drive Following the bri Clayton Portemls first ssirtant Bunk Barrie andRayHeap or met Klwaniun who gave grcnt duringatile recent Pen dinner ment lng tonight the club members with theirildlea will adjourn to lnlliv ill Parkgior winner roast and light mhfshrnenu or three persons Barrie on Friday turned mendations that automatic sig nals should be installed at this crossing as soon as possible and that more care shuuidbe taken in issuing drivers licenses to en sure that the applicants could read and understand all road signs and direction The inquest was heard before Drr Fatchell oi Elmvaie cor oncrr Sergeant in Bonnycastle oi the provincial police represent ed the Crown Resigns Road Job Now Councillor Flos Nominations necessitated special nomination meeting for vdcancies on Flo Saturday was by estimation Lorne Graham resigned from his post as township road super lntendcnt WaiterMiddleton re signed lrointheottico of reave to take the Job oiroadsupcrln tendcnt and special nomin ion meetingpu callcd Acidic meeting on Saturday all were filled by acciamutlon Reeve deputy niadc councillor Earl lrac peeve McFadde At an inquest into the death at Cralghurst level crossing on July held at the jury re verdict of accidental death They added the recom man whose rcsignatlon Township council at Elmvale an theoperntlono are stecurdnto nmtio gllireo Hungarian immigrants travelling north on Highway o3 were killed when transcontinetal passenger train collided with their car at the crossing at Craig burst on Saturday morning Jul Killed were George Buranj Lagos Gusting 41 and istvan Fustenzelier 22 Seven hours crossing when he had driven into th side at freight train JLlLY i957 Ito opp constable was hit by rcvlousiy man had escaped wi hls lite at this the roast heel and The occasion was part or tour ot the landlord marsh turn by group or reprcscnllllvel train the Ontario nliritlonlal man ketlng broadcasting and newspap rr dclds part ot series at events arranged by the Canadian Horticultural Council prelude to the observation of Salad Weckr Dr Benton who is assistant Pr and is pvcscnlly on good rc scarch proiccllntiered some down to earth advice on nutrition with no slrings attached the Salad VcckJngle to tilt contrary Nation at Meat Eaten no pointed out that wo are nallnn oi meat enters act with which he had no quarrel sincc protein is vital food constituent However he urged more varied Pioneer House Razed by Fire By Ii One of Ihc oidcr houses in In nisiil Township was destroyed by fire on Friday ultcrnoon when the wile oi the owner Mrs Douglas Haliiday slarlcd on oil stove to heat some itth Water she was working in the bum patch and alter the heater had been going short time she heard an explosion She rushed into the back kilchenwhere the stove was located andfound the whole room on first in her endeavor to put out the tire with some water she received some burns on shesback but tor tunatciy she gotout hexsell Neighbors at the Alex Sbakel garage seeing the fire ran over and the son was pent back to turn in the alarm to Stroud lay getting the operator as the party line wasbusy and alter it was clear the operator could not be got to respond The fire had already been re ported by driver at bread truck who drove to Strand Bysthe time equipment arrived on the scene the house was be yond saving and the eilorta or saving the barn nearbyr Some people who drove in off the highway managed to save some otthc cnntents including an electric refrigerator filled with loud their belongings except whatlhey were wearing at the time The tire was confined to the house which was originally at in construction and burned fiercely the firefighters having to come back through the night to push the logs down and douse the burn ing embers Mr and Mrs Jlalllday sreyliv lng with neighbors until they can get permanent place ior them selves The loss is partly covered by insurance The house had been rebuilt in side and but by the owner who sold to the Hallldays no FROM CANADA T0 15 in the past to years about 300000 persitns haveemlgrated from Canada to the United Stat es icssor of Public Health Nutrition law years crown and mi our San You can be certain that it dsd makes an awful face when squash lsserveuiunior isnt guing to like squash So spoke Dr George Hsneaton ln luncheon address at Rivervlew Gar dens Bradford last Tuesday its he appealed for greater readiness to try new and varied loods instead oi clinging to peas habit At the time there was some dclt the volunteers were confined to Mr and hirshaulday lost all Zetaa dlet and quoted resulu oi studiea Io support this advice One study at Gradc children in Toronto showed that 95 were eating libs erli quantities oi meat while al most all did not out enough veze tables About third or them never ate any vegetable except potatoes Similar trends were iound alL across Canada The irony of this situation is that the children do know what loads are good or them since it is taught well in schools The answer Seems to lie In II fact that iho needed variety at ioods is not altered to them or is not attractively prepared His de partment recommends that every one should eat at least two serv ings ot vegetables other than po tatocs every day Fad DicLI In particular Dr Benton warned against fad diets and pointed out the wisdom oi making use at the vegetables trash and sum paralivrly inexpensive that are available in Ontario all year round This benefits are many be con cludcd good nutrition good economy and good eating The tour arranged to the last detail by Presentation at Canada Ltd Toronto began all am at the Ontario Food Terminal on the Queensway in West Toronto with quick look at the facilities there or receiving ackaging storing and handling more than 20000 carloads oi iresh iruit and Vem tables in year Bus Tour Chartered buses then took the Group to Bradford tor tour of lhe 75000 acres of ryegctcble iarms They were under their MONDAY 7weDNssDAY ondrnioav mer oltc pmtessor and now 0c tarlo Agricultural Representative lol the muck arm can and Glen Henderson or Federal FarmL Bradiordr rouowlog tho luncheon the vis ltors wrreiaken through the vac uum cooling plant the only one oi its kind in Canada where leaiy vegetables are cooled to about 33 degrees lust before ioadin into refrigerated cars and trucks CDC camera men were on hand and shots were taken the tour watching transporis setting out or Montreal Toledo and Detroit with loads at lnttucci The pic tures were or use on the pro gram Counlry Calendar tomob row evening Culinary Art The luncheon was provided through the courtesy oi the Bred iord Marsh tarmcrs and was model at the culinary art Hans Fread proprietor oi the noted Toronto rcstaurant5iin ol the Steer had thnughtiutlypmvided the services of his head chef to assist in the preparation Taken lor Granted it goes without saying hail the visitors were impressed with the expanse or vegetable crops ul Bradford since no other single are in Canada approaches it in vegetable production The stories at how the residents have over come their problems and setbacks were heard with unlclgned inter est problemssuch as tho drain age or the working out or heavy tertililer treatment the rela tively lutertllo soil and setbacks such its the Hurricane Haul loud or the root rot that threatens this years crop at lettuce it requires but the brielest of inquiry in Barrie or even in most nt SlmcoeCnunty to discover that lew people have ever taken the trouble to turn all the main hig ways that traverse the marsh and discoversitsrmlsnltud tlaitake or granted aioug wi in choice pert guidance or Conn Filmanptor produce VlslTlNGNllTRlTION newspapecnnd radlo TV represent atives observe the Bradford vacuum coolingplant only one of itstypesln Canada Cnnllngleaty vegetablesi rom tieldtems perotures or up to 15 degrees to just above 32 degrees in 20 minutes preparatory to leplng in retrlgeruted cars and trucks these two huge tu es have daily capacity or 30 carloads or produce Talking to George Ahspach in the lore ground is Mrs Patricia Taylor of esentdtionot Canada Limited GLENHEN brie iicuum coolinglpl be right it Moriorlc Elwo VeMllk gh gonaumers Gazer Be 15b lib Bradford Al or town arranged the

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