Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jul 1957, p. 1

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the artu is promising nnd on Stops alSwing Native Son Returns to Barrie As Manager Burroughes Store ll rlc next week tonssumc the general manager or Brandon Packers Lim ited Manitoba was honored recently in two presentations at his present llrm First Cc operative Packers or Ontario Limited The wrist watch was the glitol the directors and Finesweal BumperviiayHarvest Recent Simcoc County farmers have been working long hours during theroccnt fine wcnthcr bringing in the hay rhis ycars crop throughout tllc county is one ol the best rll rcccnt years It is expected that most ol ihc hay will have been collected by the sun or lhls week gin general to grain crop in Car Careens Through Fence driverlcss car came to stop at childs swing in the back yard ol house all Napier Sireel yesterday morning follow ing twomr collision al the junction of Napier and Cook streets Silortly belnre child had been playing on the swing Richard Cook 17 it Barrie was proccciling north an Cook Street when he collided in the intersection with car driven by Roy McArlhur 33 oi Hawke stonc travelling east along Na pier Street Cooks car ran over to the corner of tllc intcrsection where it spilled out llie driver and car ried on driveriess across one pro perty through tence and came to lgsl by childs swing Cook was taken to hospital CHARLES iichAltTlN who leaves Bar position or ed by the gene sortie larmsflail wheat is already being cut Stands of nail and barley are ripeningjast and It thc wealhcr holds there should bn an excellent harvest oi grain While olher areas In Ontario report good crops oi early corn In Simcoe County the corn has been disappointing In many cases first sowing oi corn were inst owing to an unseasonabie rold spell This necessitated re sowlng and the prcscnl crop corn does not appear as robust sis in other years Tobacco growcrs also report less promising crop Here again the unexpected cold spoil seems to havestuntcd the growth and It is nucstiohnblo whether the plants will catch up sufficiently quickly around the danger at early lrosl during harvesling Weather Today Sunny Warmer Summer continues with promise or sunny and warm again today and wheat cut ting will soon start here Weekend traitic north should be heevy Temperatures were with chest injuries Iligh Low July ll 71 59 July 15 as to July 16 10 luly l1 59 July ll 73 55 July 19 early 54 Extensive Merchandise EXperience The purchase of the Lowe furni ture storo bit the Burroughes company oi Toronto has resulted in the return to Barrie otter an absenceol considerable length or Herbertl Bert Mays son of Mr and Mrs Thomas Mays Dal ton Street Herbert illays was born in Barrie and received his early ed ucation in the old Central or Vic torlo School at Coliier and Owen where the present post ofiicc lt stands Journeying to the United States Mr lllays took up mElElI Indising occupying positions in Detroit and New York City be fore returning to Canada He joined the stall ot thefl Eaton managing furniture depart ments in Haluax Montreal an Sherhrooke Quebec Returning to Toronto he trans lerred to the Yolies Furniture Company remaining with them lor 12 years No years ago he accepted position with the Bur roughes ilrrn move which has Having sampled lilein cities at almost every size this latest move Mr Mays readily admits has been an ambition he has harbored lor sortie time The Burroughes firm is the largest privately owned turniture chain in Ontario and this year is in thstrsds party is more than pleasedwith its reception in Barrie the volume of busine having exceeded ex pectations Mr and Mrs Mnycs who have taken up residence on Wellington Street East have one son bertlr who has lust completed his final year at Vaughan Road Collegiate Toronto where he has left dauiing record as an nth late Herb 1D years of age has at ed the unbelievable height pl six reel seven and onoihall almost automatically basketball star gt it is non rstindnhir that Mr Maya upon being asked about his de interests places high on his list that or watching Help play bilsketltnll thcla er havr led the TDXAA in out mg inn nelson with an average of 842 points per ame lietopped his yonrbybalngawarded the trophy aenipr athlete ol the year employees or the company and was present son right while the travelling bag was the gill or group or the senior employees who have enloyed long association in the ruin with MrchMartln The by the sales manager her inches which act makes him nughcn llls planslor this all fies Nominations rimvaie Tomorrow special nomination meeting ill be held at Eitnvcle tomorrow to till the vacancies or Reeve Deputy Reeve and Councillor Dr Flo Township have been necessitated by the resignation at Walter Middleton from the post lleeve so that she could lair up the appniltlrneht gt 01 Township rozd superintendent The latter post became vacant air the resignation ot Lorne Graham nominations the Community Hall Elmvale will be oen lomorrow irom pm to pm event ot In elecllon being nec ssary this will be held on the tloliowing Saturday July 21 su rill manager James Simp were represented ruce Wilson halt Elmvale Gels live Monlhs ForMink Thell Owcn Sound SunTimes Tried and convicted on charge of theft of $8000 worth at mink lrom Lakeside Ranch at shallow Lake when he appeared in magistrates court in Owen Sound onul Ritchie an imvalc Jul Inner on July 15 was sentenced to jail or live months by Magistrate CrSpcrclnan Ritchies term is to commence trom July Ritchie was charged with the $8000 from Percy Nobles farm at Shallow Lake The thclt took place on June three days be lore Mr Noble was elected Pru gressi Conservative member of parliament or Grey North on June 25 provincial pollcc officers from Owen Sound arrest cd Ritchie at his mink ranch two miles west of Elmvale on High way 92 The arrest culminaied almost three weeks investigation throughout southern and north srn Ontario by provincial police Cpl William Coxworth and Con stable StewarlLorec rur tarm ers and otherr associated with the industry were questioned The accused appeared in police court here on June 27ond was remanded for trial with ball set at $10000 At the July hearing he was remanded until July 15 or sentence Made Guilty Plea lri pleading guilty to the charge Ritchie who has been lriendand business associate Council on July 11 called to set the date or the nomination and election Deputy Reeve Earl Trace submitted his resignation to cons tut the rcovtship the 01 B8 mink kits valued at For the purpose or receiving in the At special meeting or Flee Councillor Georgi McFadden similarly resigned to stand or the otlice of Deputy Reeve Hon Drury Will Unveil Innisiii Plague Hon Drury Sheri ol slmcoe County will unveil plaque It lnnlslil Park tow morrow at 230 pul bearing the names at the lonlsfil Township councillors who were instrumental in Icgulh log the park in 1922 and de veloplng it The occasion is being celer brated Ia Thwnlhip dry in the park and local residents have been inviud to bring basirct picnic and spent the day there boring the alternoon various amusements have balm arranged for young In MINOR Fins CALL since Tuesday was to Mary street residence on Thursday at wopmtithercfinclrgrbenter caused smoke but little damage court that he so repented his crimethat would have taken them back the next day it thought wouldnt be seen in his plea to the court th chies counsel Campbell Grant cc suggested that great hard ship would be imposed no hit chies lamin it he were impris oned for any length of time Ritchie has six children ranging in age train is to three weeks to help manage his dairy farm and mink ranch While Ritchie thelt and was highly respected citizen Crown Attorney 020 Middlebro QC pointed out that the only motive for the crime was greed Some men steal from necessity but not this man He knew that Noble had tine mink and he wanted to Improve his herd Magistrate Spereman conclud ed that Ritchies motive was to improve his herd of mink by stealing Valuable breeding stock trorn Mr Noble and that it was not an act 01 necessity in an almost inaudible tone Ritchie said Thank you your lllr Noble for 12 yearsfitold the returned him to his native town time jobs The llrst subjectis niPoliceForce office In the cells from tsp clally happy 3A5 moorland etgindenntto THIS is 1ch nnsr in series in abbreviated articles showing nurautumnrwmteraprlngtlme students at summer ndMrs Charles Graveaolra la Don will be entering Grade 12 all Bar DistrictcolV leglate Institute Dorlfa summer Job is at the BarrieLMunicipr Worship as he heard the decis ion of the court boratory teachers room and tirslt nid lIye Donald Graves son ewton stree Next cnpnclty or leik Dq accepta he citizens who wish to report aecldep just to he police Young Mr Graves it his new ll laoneol BDcIe toptootbnllera had been raised The only call or thebrigade Zourl at revision on brain No Outside his family he has no one repented the seven Madontea 4333 The nominitioiu Campfiign Ol Tcirgel Set Allen bonds secretarydirec tor ot Barrie YMYWCA Speak ing to the Barrie Rotary Club yesterday stlted that the campaign fund In Barrie had fallen short at its target by just over $6000 The target figure $17000 and to date $10731 The campaign bommittcc were sliii endeavnring loruch the target and the lurid was still open tor donltiona Mr Dodds intimatcd that the scope at activltles oi the were governed by the lunds avail able and while at present Barrie was limited by tunds and ac conunodation he looked forward to the time when this town would hav modern building hous ing swimming pool Ind gym nasium His talk which incorporated the adventure ot the canoe trip insearch ot permanent camp sile was excellently illustrated by humorous sketches iAdopl Report Court of Revision W®NE¥MhrPorthe Was adopted by the July meeting of llledonte Township council Reeve Fisher Gilrllon presided and all members attended Two ratepayers Cecil Robin son and Andrew Dunlop cppeal ed their assessments on propos ed Drairi No improvements to County Judge Horvie Mr Robinson assessed $107 oi together thought additional pro perties should hays been includa ed 0n hearing the costs in valved it there was another sur vey and report byn municipal engineer he with his appeal Assessment ta $12300 against Mr Dunlopwns sustaln Digging to open the drain be tween the CPR line running through Goldwaters westerly limits to the Goldwater River hear the CNR tracks at thenorth Goldwater was expected to get irnderway as soonos workmen could be engoged Council heard deputation lrom Drillia collegiate board ex plain the purpose at bylaw an thorizing issuance of $290000 in debentures for construction of new vocational wing To meet accommodation rev nuircments anticipated by Scp ternber 1958 it was stated that additional rooms were planned three classrooms la woodworking shop room Council gave bylaw which ould guarantee inedontea share at the cost tlrst and second rend ings letter lromr Simcoe County oliice at Barrie informed council that Medontes equalized assess rncnt for 1958 had been raised $153811 This represents an inv reuse or to per cent and brings totnl aucssmerlt in 1646132 Jan unusually high total and were approved as follows roads $9 township sllslar tale lphnne $349343 davelopment road $156497 Council adjourned again Aug 14 at pm to show are at heaven Jewelle period niche or customer an ity Lutheran Church in Bradlord Pnyrolis tor the month reached meet Diamond rings valued at $11500 werellound to be mining trout With the deadline lor the Barrie Falt only nine weeks away 23 Barrie Agricultural Society directors hip or the president Owen last night made plans to make this years lair more attractive than ever Freshly painted barns have already won the so Beptembcr 28 21 under the chalrmnns clety many compliments and pi tor better amenities lol the public and many fresh attrac tions This year special area is to be set aside in the Min bullding lor live demonslrntionl and an hour by hour program ot demonA stratlons lor the three days is being arranged The demonstra tions are likely to inciude pie making lldwcr urrangemenu rug making llrllin gradingand per haps even shecp shearing Said Malcnmson lair manager Every wide awake lair Oi Lulhercin Ch This Sunday July 21 marks the beginning at Lutheran services in Barrie The initial service will be conducted in the Codringlnn School auditorium at 11 am The preacher will he the Student PIS tor illilan Babel who will serve as the resident Lutheran ml er in Barrie The oiiiciant will be Pastor Andrew Brande oi Trin Atvthl ilrat cervicatlthehlrrie Lutherans will be joined by the Trinity Lutheran congregation Bradford Mr Babel who will be serving the Barrie Lutherans as vicar is from Concordia Seminary St Louis Missouri where he has completed three years at minis terilll training Prior to this Mr Babel completed our years of special high school and two years ol rileministerial college at Con cordia Lutheran High School and College at Fort Wayne Indiana The Barrie Lutherans are being sponsored by the Slovak Evangel ical Lutheran Church which is an alllliate with The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Many are acquainted will this church body all the one sponsoring This Is The Lile and the Lutlk erln Hour on television The student pastorln particular is being sponsored by the young peoples societies vol his Synod Six hundred or these Luther Leaguers bavepledgcd to pray for this undertaking every day and to contribute regularly for the pastors support To date this cans Bradford bond Borrie Lutherans Amalgamale for First Service over $3000 has been offered fol ons are now being considered should have demonstration urea Additional Facilities The need or additional wash room accommodation has become more pressing each year This year the directors are proposing to build new washrooms in addi lion to the prcseut accommodation Preliminary enquiries have shown1hat building at suitable urch in Barrie illilLAN BABE Student Pastor as result of Barrie Lutheran rally held in February at this year About 20 Lutheran families were represented at this rally Since that time ccnslderable have been discovered This in addition to the genuine Christian ml on the part at the Lutherans visited prompted the beginning or Lutheran Church in Barrie Regular Sunday School and Bible Class will be held at the Codrington School which will serve as temporary quarlers tor the Barrie Lutherans Sunday School and Bible Class will begin at 10 am Soon Christian in Inna elu mu mom and Itll burnu II cowlll number at other Lulheran familics site which can also house two changing rooms will cost ill the nclghborhood at $2300 This ex penditure is eligible tor grant at the role at 50 lrom the Dom lnlon and 25 irom the province leaving 25 ill the cost to be met by the society Stock Class Changed There will be two nclable inno vations in the livestock sections at the fair this year In the sheep classes Leicester will be shown as separate class Last year these sheep were shown with the Lincoln and Cotswolds The second innovation is tha ottcring of prizes for the best kept pens and general attractive ness oi exhibits in the pig classes The directors have ielt that more trouble should be taken by ex liibitors to keep the ham and their exhibits tidy it this competition proves suc cesstul in the pig classes it is possible that the idea may be tried In the other exhibition ellsses next year New Breed On Show Cattle men will be interested to see the herd oi Santa Ger trudls which will be exhibited during the lair The herd comu ironi Cold Creek Farm Wood bridge This comparatively new breed of cattle iaa cross between the Brahma and Shorthorn New Attractions The directors are also llcpeltll otliavingvonview the lepllcz of the first aircraft to fly in Canada built by the RCAF which will be exhibited at he CNE Another attraction will be scale model of the St Lawrence Seaway project to be exhibited by Ontario Hydro Many more attractions are be ing planned many more ways ot making the Barrie Fair better than ever are being considered by the directors Between now and Sept 26 when the tnir opens these men and women will be devoting most of their time to making surethat this year will be the best year in the history oi the fair Inn til Dr ver Rams Car Info Post Shortly before midnight last night Mr Florence Woodacre 35 of lnlli ranxher car into lamp post on Burton Avenile pea Essa Road The driver another two passenr gers Mrs Gladys Paradise 25 ct Codrington Street and Eldon Crogic or Burton Avenue were taken to hospital tor treatment oi cuts The derision to inltiateaLutb bury Th 1th th Barrl Juvenilea eran congregation in Barrie came will be announced struction and Confirmation classss Mrs Coleman lylrs Donortrio weadrlvtng Barrie Police have laid charges north clonal she came ineoliision aetiwhsn eaat

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