Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jul 1957, p. 8

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0n Holiday erlnd Mrs restit arelley are enjoying motor trip this past week to Butiaiu and other south ern places or interest um Power Sr is visiting in Toronto with relatives Ind Irlends in Hamilton Stanley Hilbert and Ira Wilson spent last weekend on llahlng trip north to the hluskoka Lakes Mrs John Lewthwalle left on Sunday Ior Welland where she will spend Iwo weeks holiday with her son and daughterlmlalv Mr and Mn lames Lewthwaite Al Summer School Mrs Hindlc is attending summer school ln Toronto Miss Helen Davis is in Hamilton where she is attending summer school At Summer Camp llmmy heain is attendinel Presbyterian hoys camp at aesv erion From Gnmon Alberta Mr and Mrs Harold Jones and baby son from Gramon Alberta are spending low weeks with the latters parents Mr and Mrs John thaitc Music Examinations Congratulations to the allow ing pupils at Miss Marion Webb Cookstown who were highly sue ccntul in music examinations at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto First class honors Jimmy Resin grade honors xaren peeston Sandra stmnn grade honors Marilyn Hood grade Isl class honors Evelyn Cdnncll grade honors Gall Holbcrt Ross Group Meeting The Ross Group held their work meeting the lost one until September lit the home or Mrs Cecil Nevils on Wednesday July wllh 15 members present Mrs Flldcy the president OP cried the meeting with prayer and all repeating The Lords Prayer Business was taken care ot and discussed Mrs Flldey thanked the ladies or the luvelyeard sent to her husband who has been in The members drcw numbers to detennific the order of the meetings which start in the fail The secretary Mrs Ramsay reported that 43 went on the bus trip to Niagara sells on June 27 with the teacher and pupils oi Ross School Everyone enjoyed the trip and lound it most inter eating and educational as the tour was completed as planned by the teacher Ralph Houghton One quilt was completed in the afternoon This was for Mrs Nevils Refreshments were serv ed by the hostess Mrs Batters and her committee In Toronto Miss Audrey Reive has secured position at the Parliament Eulidlngs Toronto for the sum mer months Auended Wedding Mr and Mrs Bert Murphy Miss JeannetteMulphy and Mr Morrison attended the Arnold Alderson wedding in Alliston on Saturday July at St Johns United Church Miss Jeanette was an attendant tor her cousin Miss Anderson The Murphy tsmiiy spent Sun dry with iriends at windope Toronto Visitor Mr and hltl Earl Busingth walte andiamily or mranto were Sunday visitors with Mrs Sadie Walker institute News The annual bus trip planned tor the last at July by the institute ladies has been deilnltely cancel led until the Fall meeting aradustiao Exercises On Friday June 28 the allow ing students received graduation diplomas from Grade to Grade Wendy arayman llarle out man William Cooper Joan Fli dey David Hood Jean McFadyen ltflnlld McKilllcan Wilsoanll William Titterson Joan Webb Alex Hood was present to make the presentation of the Alex Hood Trophy awarded or the second year with cash prize also to the top Grade student winner at the trophy this year was David llood Runners tip Jean hlcladycn and Ronald Mc Killican each received cash prim from Mr Hood as well Awards were made to Jean lilc Fadyen of Grade and Dora Owen ol Grade or proficiency through the year in spelling Several parents were on hand to witness this ceremony Noi Getting Most Out Of Milk Coolers All milk shippers are mu ect ting the most clliciency out at their milk coolers advise Simeoe County ilealih Unit veterinar ions The expeetetl warm weather drop in quality took place in June and while not so marked as in other years it was still quite not iceable and much of it was blam ed on cooling Practically every milk shipper now has electric cooling but many coolers checked recently were not set as low as they could be For inst elleclive cooling thermostats sheulri be set be tween 35 and 40 degrees states the health unit Too many shippers do not have the waterlevcl high enough in their cooling tanks in many cases murning milk sits all day in the tank with halt the can out at the water end thus halt the milk is insullicicntly cooled At all times the milk level in the calm must not be above water lev number of coolers when checked showed that they requir ed servicing as they were not keeping the water cold enough For the next few months cool ing will be major problem so each shipper must ensure that he is getting the most out at his cooler No drop in grades is encount ered in producers having bulk cooling tanks Their grades re main fairly consianl year around which the veterinarians feel speaks well for their cooling et Iicicncy even during periods oi extreme heat loLal oI dill milk samples were taken last month consisting RIDER IIhlMILED Fred Blinks oi Stol tordshire England ls trampled by his bronco in bareback event at the Calgary stampede He day CP Photo was taken to hospital but was reported in good condition later the some By JEAN GABLE 0N JULY 40 members of the local Horticultural Society enjoyed anotherwonderlul out lng Leaving Barrie at arn first stop was at beautilul gur den in Willowdale TIIlS IS THE HOME at Mr and Mrs Williams at 22 Ellerslle St It is garden anyone would love to browse through Made on the old English lines at wandering paths where in one nook you find solid bed of primroses which in early spring must have been sight Around another bend and through an arbor you come upon tiny roekery where many the newer dwarl and very small roses seemed pcrteetiy happy fluxes were the main part of the garden dulens ol plants all healthy and labelled with the new plastic labels We noticed all the rose beds were mulchcd with buck wheat husks which looked very neat MRS WILSON WAS ASKED what she led her plants as they looked so healthy and she rc marked that you could never have line ruse blooms without line loliagc and she used RapidGrow as well as ioliagc leading for her plants Mrs Williams has large vegetable garden trult trees and wc noticed beautiiul clematis in bloom oh the house wall It was called Ernest Mark hamincolor red mulberry and very attractive Our hostess gra eiuusly accompanied us to the garden 01 friend Mrs Norton at 22 Eastvicw THE WHOLE FRONT or this home had hedge at Fashion Ruse which made quite sight Mrs Nortons garden was pre dominantly all roseswith low fruit trees They were beautiful and great opportunity for the people to make choice or desir able roses of 301 raw IIE pasteurilcd and Beach Georgian Bay gt73 miscellaneous tests MRS WILLIAMS 22 Ellerslie Willnwdalc extended ah invita tion to any member to visit her garden it they wished at any time she and her husband who Is business man do all their own work so you know they love their plants NEXT STOP WAS at belutllui Victoria Park In Kitchener where picnic lunch was had THEN TO STRATFORD to set the new theatre and Hamlet So much has been written about both few comments are necessary from this writer Suitice it to say the group from Barrie were proud pleased satisiiad and still relaxed at the end at long play EVERYONE WAS SAFELY in the bus as the rain came dewn in torrcnls The storm made din ner at the hall hour late Alter delicious meal the Horti cultural Gardens at Kitchener were the next stop we were too late for early bloom and too early for the annuals though the beds looked very promising The group reached home at 1130 pm Our society was sorry not to be able to accommodate 20 passengers who wish to go Tick ets are purchased in February and once they are gone that is our quota ID LIKE TO MENTION several plants wotthy at note Growing in therBDCI Rnckery is it Chinese dclphiniunt It is one foot high gentian blue and on light soil does very well It is worthy of looking at for the purpose try ing to grow it in your garden new rockery plant doing well and very pretty ls Ariemisia silver moundthe name explains it shrub which always attracts ab tentlon We young ones were planted at the rockery this year is Welgelia Bristol Ruby THERE NUMEROUS hort icultural events in the district in the next six weeks so watch Corn ing Events EVERETT orange Day On Friday July 12 the name oi the Boyne was celebrated in Everett The day being hot and sunny large crowd gathered or the occasion The parade which started at 13 pm was headed by three white dapple horsesridden by Gordon Walker OI Stanton Gor don McCraeken oi Everett and Milton Lawson of Everett Next came convertible carrying two County Orange oillclals with an arch at the rear signifying one oi the arch degrees in the or tinge Orderkand behind the con vertiblc Everrctt LDL with good membership In all there were 4d lodges parading along with brass band irom Camp Borden gnodnumber at bagpipes were in the parade irnm various ladecs or and near in all it was great day for the Orangemen Alter the parade speaking took place in Stan Baileys newly built tobacco barn which served the purpose well Ballv games were played by three teams which were inter esting tor the sport tans The day ended with it wellTill ed hall tor the dance at night and everyone reported having good time All themmmltteestorthe are to be congratulated for way they worked to make the day big success Also the people oi Everett are in he eon day the by mime email nusie Surcess All it pupils ot urs Shirley Eplett ct Goldwater were run cessiul in their examination tor pianoheld recently in 0riliis by the Royal Conservatory ol hlusic at Toronto Result were Grade lBrends layer honors John Woodworlh honors Mil dred Cumming honors Grad ZBlll llarvie honors aruce Duroiortl honors Grade 3Hesther Dobsonhonlt ors Tommy Gratrix honors Gail Dunlap Grade oBemlce Walker hun ors losn rsylor honors Grade sMurlel Johnson hon on Ruth Lye honors Miss Ruth Wylie spent thu weekend at her home She has Just returned irom it lwo weeks course It the Institute on the Problems of Children with Ceres brill Palsy held in Boston and is now taking course in Toronto Birthday Party Miss Sandra Galbraith cnler Iiveweeks ed in decorating their homes or the occasion Everett should he pruud oi their village and it is hoped thal the next celebration in Everett will be bigger and bet ter than ever Recent Visitors Mr and Mrs Pat ODuncll and Peter nl Toronto spent couple til days with Mr and Mrs George Peacock Mrs Albert Gibbs and sons of Toronto spent couple at days with Mr and Mrs Harry Wilsun ARM Cllltllt AND DOLLY Mrs Grasells exhibit ol little girls arm chair with dolly is most attractive The chair was made in England by Walter Wit Inn 103 years ago It was given to Mrs Graseti when she was two years old The chair is curv ed painted black and upholstered in needle point mosaiepatlern red green and black The wait doll with curly golden huir and blue eyes is 25 inches tall dressed in maroon velvet and mauve sllk gown Her lace nr med underwear striped stockings wmtltlg1t black shoes an opera cloak of maroon velvet lined with quilted silk with matching hat completes tho costumeoi an 1880 grotuialedter the way they Wurk liaison suh lllillSSES Cool cool sun dresses Iur the young miss for dress up or holiday wear SALE PRICE LREG 395 298 sa celrlrvlf tinlAPfERS Solt light =qu not dur nlile 21 xdfl with the ldlinc Stuck up with sov eral packages today riot er pkg PKG JNEANIS corr NLPLISSE NlGHTES For the Warm weather dress MONTHS SERVICE as 51419 95 rue The new SET wAltkitNTY lt AI4L SETS QVEE 1520000 field BA RRIE EXAMiNEiR your intent in one oI these eoulnlehties gt 79m flwr BATHINETTES Large size nonskid llght iwelght bathinette so easy Ior mother in bath the bahl dolly ANNIE BQYES SitN EQNHEE Shop today and save at this Iuwprice ItlJUI TO 293 cral styles Irom which in 56 rd 259 CARRIAGE COVER SETS Nylon plain and embroid cred Washable and needs little or no ironing 398 GIRLS SLIM JIMS Sateen poplin in pastel shades and tan with hell etl ivy league elastic hack Sizes lvl2 impish corTON BLOUSES In pastel shades white and ivy league button and zipper trim Sizes 412 EA SHIRTS cotton and rayon three pop uiar styles and four colors shun today and save also 129 lalned number at her playmates to celebrate her llilh birthday on July ii 0d Ilolillay Mr and Mrs liarlcy You or Toronto are scalioninz with Mrs Lutherans st Ihc lailers island in Gloucester Pool Severn River IIonor Brideste miscellaneous shower was held at the parental home pl ilisr Frances Edwards Vasey on Friday evening Prior tn the com ing marriage ot his Edwards to John Wylie ot teldwster Enloyiog Tour Coldwaler and district Iricnds your inert enchanting mg Look your own style issue In humor bi alts sell with our permanent who serum have received word from Mr and Mn Hoyd Dunlap and lamtlyvol Moonstone advising that they are enjoying their tour or Western Canada Including attendance at the Calgary Stamprde Surprise Party very pleasant rurprlse part was held at lies William Wylies Saturday evening when the school teachers at llcdente Town ship with their husbands and lrlends presented Mrs Wylie with gilt on her retirement teacher at Moonstone seheol Huntsville Vlslt Mr and Mrs Cecil lrnvcrilld visited their daughlcr Dorothy and Miss Elsie Archie at Hunts ville tourist resort on Sunday Weekend Vlalt John Wylie 01 Call spent the lung weekend with his parents Mr and Mrs William Wylie special ineiudlnd culling shampoo and setting Choou entity salon IIIONI PA 84423 will be open For sALn Piiicc 259 EA Cuttun eyelet embroidered honneLs sev cliouse SALE PRICE 198 blue and tan Hoax lemon Still SilllS Easy to washand needs no ironing Stock up with several suits SIZES EA 1234 OTHERS TO 198 USE OUR CONVENIENT LAY AWAY rum PLAYTEX TINY LAD PANTIES Combination short and pins tic pantie Wrinkle resistant eutton lined with walerproul Convenient snspnn with make believe trunt and back 200pm With eOYSJEAhls ileavy quality denim and tirili Tor rugged wear Three popular colors Navy Iailed SIZES Jill¥52wgvto 27 Our Cull Miles at tliuppertuu st your convenience Nue8ervice0eaner8 Binnie ultras swmsuirs Several chdrming styles andw colours swim suit all young girls would be proud to wear must tor every rhuliys wurdroho namcnnsr as x50 rAluotis 36 yr 50 per nrelastic bitch In white llth SUMMER 51 SHORTS Cultuii puplin two styleszip mint navy culleeyand green

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