Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jul 1957, p. 5

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great length or time because the bays lust wouldnt Kempenieli Race lot or men have applied for the title ol The Tlur ol the Hat Not many have been abil to hold it as It tiltts In cxtra lcrocious man to slay tiger tor Also It is usually villainous type grabs tlicmonicitcr but maybe the trend could be chang ed Maybe Bill Curry no tooilo could adopt the handle Last night at the Barrio Arena Bill ions the best llgbloi hil career against Reggie slkl Lbn colored villain lhe wrestlers spent the better partol the light outside the ring among the 300 or so lans wnu continually crowded ringside and almost squeezed into ihc ring Blood Bath thn the rough and tumblr battle was all over both lighten were covered with Mill othcra blood As iar as Curry was con ccrncd the finish came too soon if he had his way hed still be lashing away at one oi the prize Villains evcr to show in this tcb rltory Both lighters were disqualilled ancr each had won tall Rcl icreo Tony Fallcil called hull Won By Rolph Tile weekly race oi the Kem pcnlclt Bay Sailinll Association was held on Saturday afternoon with seven boats taking part in the event At lhiI limo oi the start light southwest wind was blowing but before the race was over there were periods of alnlost dead calm and on boat was iorccll to with tlrrlw being unable to complete the course within the allotted time limit The others finished in the tab lowing order Frank Ralph Cani Ralkcs Tony Cassclls Ellis Crooks lohrl Dc La Verne Jerry Rllcb Points are awarded in the first live boats across the finish log line The lusi lhrcc boats finished within low seconds at each other making an exciting ending to an otherwise rather slow nee Next Saturdays event will start at 230 pm Old Men5 Golf Tourney Tomorrow Theold men take over at Barrie Country Club tomorrow afternoon when 14 entrants will compete tor the club senior Championship The competition will be low medal score for ll holes To qualify lor the iourna mcllt an entrant must admit hav lng seen 50 years or more At least two at this years com pctitors arc hcw lo the senior ranks Doug Ccckhurn won the cham pionship and the CH Brown Trophy lasl year with score at 88 line ls cntcrerl again this year Former pro Charles Kear sey will be newcomer to the tournament tomorrow Entrics are Dollg Cuekburn CHI Brown rrnnk Hersey Jack Corby Charles Kcarsey John Rogers Harry Arm strong iuck Currie Dr Neil Laurie Ken Walls Ccc Puikingv hcrhe Archie Thiildult Dr wu liam CLitlc Dr Haslett The prescmolion oi the Cliff Brown Trophy and other prizes will he at dinner in the club dining room roilowing till comply with the ruch like nice setup tor tan rule match nut wacky bottom Siki had the customers all llred up their composure and gone so ter riby close to the villain one fellow who earlier in the cvanlng on the chops moments before the light was halted phlnt noy probably the ugliest cobra holds Look And whethcr he was on top or its been long time since the ills have lost threw punch at Sikl got it back The ilrsl main event also but lhc patrons in an uproar did wrestler In the game doleled navc Slmms with couple with an exaggerated lloor mop tor bead ol hair Elcpham Boys knowledge at the local nllcs war nil but his savvy ol the ring dlrl wits 100 pct cent in the opener iuan Lopez came up with IhcI lineal bit wrestlinl seen here this season as bl de icatcd Jean ltoy Lopez who looks like midget and cant weigh much mum is one of the tastiest and trickled mm in wrestling He had too much on tic ball ol Roy Next week marks the return oi bouts Papincau ol Windsor llls opponent in scmillnal will bl Karl Krushcr Kowalski Last nights attendance was abut 200 better than the previous wcc Mdluml Plays no rie Soccer Club Thursday Barrie Soccer Club plays host to Midland tomorrow night at Queens mm The schedule is in the home stretch and the games such as this one yet to be played are most important Barrie stands good chance oi iinishing on top oi the Barrie and District Soccer League Midland has to win most of its remaining games to escape the second division proacason lav orllcs the Midland boys have altered most oi the season and have been in more roughhouse games than they have won During the intermission at this game draw will be made tor tidy sum or money The prolt cecds of the draw will go to the local kids soECEr leagues to cover the cost at travelling cx pcnscs Holelnéne For Doug Duncan Of Examiner The cxciusivc bolcrlnonc club of gollllilt welcomed new member recently when nougluo Duncan ol Barrie ancinployce at the Burris Examiner came up with Eeln at the tieaverbroolt Got and Country Club near Min den Duncan who claims Lo have no skill at the lame hit the act on the 8th hole which is about 125 yards while boll daylng luiy Witnesses were from Ilo chcstor NY They were Bob Harris llany Parker and Lou Antonella Doug likes to think It urns hospitality of an in of that name that helped him along CANADA IMPORTS in the first four months oi 1957 the value of goods imported into Canada exceeded the value ll Canadas cxporls by $411 mil =on comparcd to an unlavoraole radc balance oi mos million in tournament The new owne tjtrhur Luvs martian Edgar but wlilrece Ail rials iiir ltliiviniEyy Komrviowoowuric ALLEY otilclslly changed bands June ight Mr Cohan ism thceRoyuliCunodlon Air va LTOID be salnoricrind or lose Favoro rs are Charles Cohan left and ive his lindllcave at the close cars7orrage top three in hammer throw event at unnqu Comp Borden truck and field meet Centre the champion Sgt Skirrow of Utopia were Quebec annular ItrIny Pholn At iolt is secondplace winner Ollioer Cadet Rater Biliikle oi shawlnigan Falls Right third man Sgt Wallace of Richmond MN ANDREWS Canadian PM Stall Writer mg at live Nailolial baselull iglgue teams have contributed to the contusion oi the legend rL Klrdlng July leaders Ind cvcnl ual pennant winnem Legend say that the teams lead ing liic mIJir largue races alter July games are lavorilcs to will the ill That may be okay lor the Arn crican League this yearthe Yan ircca were nicely aheadbut ita hart figuring in the National Lca guc Cincinnati St Louis Milwau lice Brooklyn and Philadelphia were undergoing one oi the tight cit races in major league history Alter the Ilgniilcant date only three games separated the live teams or 037 In the percentages it was repeat at 1956 but more teams were involved and they wcrc bunched closer together Lali year at this stage Milwau kcc and Cincinnati were tied at it top with the Dndgcrs only ones ball game behind The three teams were separated by percentage points The gap between the liedi legs Cardinals and Braves lhis year was only Irom 579 to 573 Meanwhile it thc Amer an League was almost carbon copy of 1955 Yankees hold thrcegamc load ovcr chicngo WhitcSox compared with il garlic lead over the same team la ycar Cleveland lndiuns were In our place Blxrgamcsbchlnd New or Added Cantonch At the start ll this season lore castcrs called for tight Notion ai League race But between three teams not live They didnt it gurc on St Louis and Philadephio being right up there The Cards were not considered strong enough to hang on al the top Their pitching wasnt strong enough said the exports But managerFrcd Hutchinson Canadian Forces Now Highest Paid OTTAWA CHCanadas sen viccmcn generally were already the highest paid in the world be lore new pay increases or the armed lorees were announced on July lb Only in junior officer ranks do v5 servicemen earn more than their Canadian counterparts Canadian scrviccman makes more than twice as much as member oi till United Kingdom armed forces Canadian primwlflrbaslr training now will receive $110 monthly Increase cum parcd to $3320 for his opposite number in the United States and to ln Britain Basic pay of Canadian sur geant will be $134 montha $22 increasecompared to $14524 tor US sergeant and $92 for British sergeant US 2nd lieutenant receives basic pay of $22230 month Canadian equivalent rank now will get $210 Briton receives sag Canadian major now willre cc basic pay of $455 month compared to $400 in the 15 Army and $24360 in the British Army Canadian colonel will lot 5734 month compared to $593 or US colonel and $420 for British colonel Big difference between pay ralca in the Canadian and armed arises is that Canadl servicemen rcccivc higher rates as they become more skillcd 11n creases loi US servicemen are bascd solely onrank and length or scrvlcc and no special allowances are made or trades skill vidn lslimulalinand enjoyable Plans Completed Farm Boys Camp ed to hold the liiih Farm Boys Camp at Bass Lake Provincial Park Aug to The camp is organized by North Simcoe agri cultural representatives branch in cooperation with Barrie Lions it clubs at the area are being asked lo loin with the Barrie club in this North Slmcoo activity The camp is designed to pro camping experience under can vas or farm boys oi the ages ii 11 and 12 years and applica culture Barrie camper cover the cost of food and cratt supplies competent stall is supplied by the department or rnnio mother and cook Home Plans have lust been complet Mrs elm 5mm Gmmhy also expected that Don 5colt zonc lorestcr Angus will he on and Dr some session an and countryside in the area from and adapted roundings of Bass Lake PRINT registrar Oriliia assistant iorcstry and woods crail Mr Paterson is already work mm when He had won Club as sponsors Othcr Lions ins Program which is new inst record at the end oi lunc lo the unique sur while his younger brother won his wheth lllst two starts one at them 24 or the program Vlll follow an ln shutout ovcr Brooklyn Dodgers dish or nautical theme rcmalns to be seen but the boys can be some outstanding lobs by law assured al awcek or tun intcr or their rookies to loo the exports est and adventure Application tions are now being received by North Sim Fm WS 03 in ion with aozrccord tor the the Ontario department at agri may be omamcd The cost or each lane department is sm tor the week to Barne iornis or CALL THE EXAMINER FOB PHONE PA 524 and treasurer combination which had the St Allan Wall assnclalc agricul Louis ans buning about another tural representative Barrie camp pennant Lindy and Van ichdnici lllrs lliunlard are reviving memories ol the Dean cook Phils at the and ill iuue while lirst WWW baseman Ed Bouchcc was leading come up with powerful brother there who pitched the Cards to pennant in 1934 Von an lbycariold boy lrcsh oi the farm has daulcd the town which the Cardinals draw His 21 ycumid brother is no slouch on the The Phillies have come up with and create some more tension in the National League Pitcher Jack Sandiord was roil thc rookies In hitting with 250 average mud11m rdlsmsier trotindication in 7cuerit would be theaith llmc the National League that the lc tier at July Vii pennant In The Wmmb ii Pll the sum time tor the American guc uoth since l90i The Yankees seem to hard but Icrthanuverage chance but Cin clnali will have to beat nutsomu tough competition il they are to gain lhair iim berth in Series since to SNavy It was observed latter was it the Yankees and liedicgs lin lch on top or their respective lea agriculture the community pro prams branch of the department education and the department of lands and forests with as sistancu from tlu Lions clubs The stall or this years camp will be aslolloWs director Jack Paterson Newmarkct swimming instructor George Woods Two ArkkTMENTs IN TRIPLEX FQR RENT Room Apt Room Apt gzch IIIL sound plural and rrll contained all healed sonartr thernlostatt Access In laundry room uuvy wtrln tllrougbout Trades pay also applies in the British forccs rhoue PA 84676 sanctioned by SalliEll lioilir illtimid CVinoont giParkv IsArurtoAv Him pm loiRllCES occlusionchampionsqu lines Powerboat Association inconiunciion with nonunion July 20 1The icarl orld Balloon Lands At Creemore Scienil ic Tests Crecmorc Star 51 huge weather balloon carrya UM In How Newlaund ing consldcrma amount or mm owlcdm emu equipment thought to include camera among other things lnnd decided so mp and ed mile south oi Crccmor at signed wok bmrd the Blue pm Wednesday July approaching from the west by iiir and bird llarvcy Ferguson and PercyCook soy The landing was made in the ravine it iuw hundred yards south oi Crecmurc Cemetery The viewers at this unusual sight were on the scene inahorl order accompanied by neg West brookc of The Star and the tclcn liiic apparaius was disengaged from the damaged balloon til huge proportions measuring perhaps lot to Customhubbcrlluocfiqutlfizggu Its illltlH ilfliiiiEiiu Lilli lillAllittitli hl remains Attacbéd to the balloon were several piecu ot qiiipliicnt which were wiréd and doubtless ol coo sidcrablc value Accordinl equipment it was owned by tho U5Navy and University ol Min nesota and lurtbgripstnlctions lrom tbia source by tclcpbolul brought the information that this balloon and scientific apparatul had been released at pan Sun leru being carried outconcqning the international Geophysical year which commenced Jilly LITERAL TRANSLATION ST JOHNS NFLD CF Harry Ford told an applicant lor moncy at the National Employ mcnt Ollice to put your John Henry right here on the mch Alter the man lclt he discovered the application wos signed John Henry NFLDr CF Bent and Cabbage King recently Pclcr llat the age at 10 The COMPANY CAR SELLING AJJSEAR 0191319051 Equipped with llydramatlc Custom Radio Windshield William iliil Precision Built Sonics voila HOLIDAY PROBLEM for this year and for years to come With your own Cottage there and for relaxing weeken logo The Trailquil uses ccdar bevel sidiiig on outside walls 125 lb Arrowlllck shingles on the tool and has an ill boxedin overhang Tliclurge picture window brings the outdoors into your living room and the cottage can he quickly and economically winteritedil you wish AS Low as no need to worry ovcr holidays its there for long term summer camlor visit and theresiots or run to be had with fallhunting when you have out thln lrarranged to make ltuasy to buy nail Plunlng cry dgct terms are available expert advice on Mill cottage Has one or large range at Summer homes The Tranquil is ideal for the larger lcmliy and tar those who look iorward to wcckcnd guests Three bcdroolns and generously proportioned living room witbb alternative arrangements make this series one oi the most popular thallnanclng ant the best type or cottage in suit your location is freely given by our expcrlcnud stall many itinerant designs ensure satlslactlon in every way to labels unthc day June 30 in connection with

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