Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jul 1957, p. 9

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Di Di THIS IS THE INTI nd NataShluter produccrr at ravenllunt Summer Theatm are it hot pursuit of gorgeous young londe tor their iorthrnming pm uclian ol the plly Will Success poll hock Hunter The most Important consich lon Is that the applicant should emhle the glamorous Jayne Insiicld the actress who created role on Broadway Miss Hans eldl measurements rcidl BusI 40 list 24 Hips 38 Applicants may either appear in person at Gravenhursl Summer hcatre or submit recent photo with brlei resume past expeb will Success Spoil ltoek nunb the George Axcirod spool ot oilywoth and he ncurulle type thatInhabit the mecca oi show business opens on Monday Aug ORDERED orr theatre at strutlord 0nt tor the Shakespearean festival Two play being presented this season are Homle ring Christopher Plummer and Twelith Night starring Siobhan McKenna Frances Hyland and Douglas Campbell The festival opells July and runs until September The theatre replaces the tent used during theiirst lonr seasons Two Barrie SiudenIs SUMMER SCHOOL OEINDIAN ARCHAEOLOGY IN HURONIA Nut rich man poor nlan beg gar man lbiei hut allnusl as var led an assortment or people may be inund delving into the past at ihe University at Weslern Ont arios Annual Sumnler School at lndian Archaeology in the very heart ol nuronis lhotu lirst two weeks at July among them being two young lelk trom aarrie aoss Channen ilom the stall at neeves Jewellers and collegiate sludcnl Catherine Coutts daugh ter oi lturonia enthusiast Sandy Coutts Others in the parly include photographers Saul Field and Joan Townsend Toronto librarv ian Ialva Kannins Toronto teacher Rev John Lee St Johns neelury Toronto it student Suzanne Malluy Toronto teach crs ltiary Junoueighwny and Gretchen Lawton London Bill Bartlett ltiitllilnd social worker Elizabeth Gibson Tillsonburg student Al Reid Dunkirk NY George Caesar Sarnia Karen Fraser Ssrnia Ted Phelps Sar nia Uwo student Jack Proth TOBACCO FIELD DAY AT DELHI TUESDAY JULY 16 program that promises to be of great value to all tobacco tarm ers has bccn arranged by officials or the Dominion Experimental Substation west at Delhi or the Annual Tobacco Gruwcrs Field Day on Tuesday July Id at pm Growers will hcar addresses by experts onrmany phases of tobaclt co production and will be able to view experimental plots on the substatio The substation staffs lamous lemonade will again he provided LAddresscs will include the ol iowing Land for Today and To marrow by Prolcssor Rich ards head at the Soils Depart rnent OAC ilclpiul llints on Tobacco Farm Management by Watson tobacco fleldman lure Delhi Fertilizer and Laho atory Tests by Elliott substation soils specialist Cul tural Practices on FlueCured Tobacco by Birch substa tlon agronomist Irrigation and Curing by Walker sulr station agronomist and Maleic Hydrazille by Vickery ofticerlneharge ol the substation At the completion oi the speak ing part of the program about 330 pm inspection or the plots will be held withtheioliowlug points oiinteresl comparison at lueeursd tobacco varieties to bacco strains under investigation studies on minor elements plant spacing of tobacco fertilization of Zarioties and topping dcnlonstr than not ero St Thomas secretary loyoe lrotheru St Thomas Mrs ltiichs ael Sylvester and her son Mich ael no classification In charge of lhc school are Dr and Itlrs Wilirid Jury DI the University stall aslsisted by Frances ngneil and George Zab urski university students Excavations are being carried out on the arm oi Henry Forget on site Just rust of Wyehrillge overlooking Wye or ltiutl Lake lust below the Martyrs Shrine As wa5 the Indian custom ihe site was chosen or its command at the surrounding country on suring broad and heautilul pan orama From the excavations made thus iar both lasl summer and this year the village has produc ctl evidences at in single palisnde on the side overlooking the val ley with the upper side having the extra protection of double paiisade No trace oi association with the white man has as yet come to light indicating that the village belongs to period earl icr than the Jesuit Missions This ycars diggers are in the process exposing the remains of an Indian longhouseand exam ining the contents oi dump or reiuse pit on the rim oi the site When excavation ot theentlrc site is complete the school prc pares detailed report at Ihe findings and restores the site to its predlgj condition The re port becomes valuable contri bution to the Huronla story FireTréan Eliorlsislressed InJComingiWeeks Heavy rains over 1m weekend with consequent rise in water lev els sharply reduced fire hazard in forested areas in Lake Simcoe district While Ihestorm caused some blow down and did not vacationists it was welcome to the Department at Lands and For estS protection ate with the normally dry months or July an August just ahead To date 11 tires have been ex the Severn River management unit The total area burned was 69 acres Most of the fires re sulted trout carelessness by amok ers and campers etc with several of blazes still under invention tioni Elsewhere in the district outside the provincial fire trict department stall have assisted extinguishing number at tires threatening plantation areas in county forests Fortunately flru were checked helore spreading very much and damage was low Notwithstanding the recent rains olficials look for periods derany decreased by numerous ysitorsaud campers travelling in vacatienareas It is to he mood at personspsing the woods e2 ise every precaution when trav puing particularly with smoking materials and camp firesa It little extra time ahdettort is taken to thoroughly extinguish smoking materials and camp life before Ieavlng the risk can be eliminated and our forests an no ational areas which wea much enjoy he Enidsud ed crnmenl autho bring any particular pleasure to tinguished iu the district lying in of high hazard developing during thecoming weeks with risks con PRIVATE lAKE ronoNro CIDniariu gova es said they are uncertain whether Garilelll Wesl on Canadian bakery millionaire has Ihe right to bar private and commercial atrcratt Irom Iandinlt on Victoria Lake around which he owns some 4000 acres When an 0rlllla air service plane londcd on the lake 45 miles west ol Pembroke wlth party oi nshormcn the pilot clitlord Lewis said lilr Wcstons caretak er orderedhim oil the like The caretaker said it was private pro perty and trespassch would be prosecuted An oilielal or the fish and game branch said while there is nolhing on record to show ltlr Weston owns the lake there is ruling In an old fish and game law which states that anyone purchasing pro perty around lake In Ontario can elalm tltle to it He said the courts would have to decide the matter MIDHURST Welcome to Community Itir Ind Mrs Gordon Lyddlatt and iamin have purchased the home at the Iatc Mr Lord We welcome them to our community Mr and Mrs William Russell of Toronto were guests at Mr anll Mrs Alfred Sutton also Mr and ltlrs Russell and family at Aberr decn Scotland Miss Roberts of Uhthnii visited her cousin Mrs Arthur Walt Mr and Mrs ArthurWalt Airs Allan Raincy and bliss Italicrld motored lo Peterhorough last week In no Ital Leslie Sutton is patient in the Royal Victoria Hospital with heart condition From Vancouver Mr and Mrs Atkins and boys at Vancouver are on holiday with Mrs Finlay Federation Church Service Dont forget the Federation oi Agriculture church service in Angus Park at 245 No service in the United Church ov Represents Canada can ISS GLORIA NOAKES18r yearold Toronto radio and teles visioui performer will represent Canada It the Miss Universe beauty pageant it Long Beach CallL July 1121 Ml Noakes was MlasByIinevoi 1957 prelid in over he annual EVERY DAY FAIHER luv it muto hill litr LargesigRélItlIOu the largest religious convention ever held in roronto ended Sun day July on highly success ncsscs heard Percy Chapman Sup erlrltendent ol Ministers on the subject Healing nl the Nations Has Drawn Near Tired but happy the convrna tioncrs leit by car air bus and special train while thousands 01 volunteers began to quickly dis mantle with the ettlcieney tor which they have become ruinous In matter or hours equipment was completely removed lrom the cm Grandstand At very interesting and color rul service held in Sunnysidc Pool Friday morning 22 were baptized by complete water im Inersion Delegates attended trom Switzerland Jamaica nermuda eight Canadian provinces and 27 states or the United States Theme of the tlvcday oonvcn tion was LiteGiving Wisdom An Intensive study was made of the Wisdom hooks ot the Bible Job Psalms Proverbs Eccles tastes and Song of Solomon Lead ing ministers ot the organization delivered lectures and reaulrmcd the aims and purposes of Jehov ahs Witnesses as students or the Bible Bible Translation On Saturday alteration convenv tinners were delighted when Vol unle of the New World Transla tion at the Hebrew Scriptures eni bracing the Wisdom books was made available to them Preceding the release Schroeder presiding minister at the Watchtower Bible School at Gilead South Lansing New York delivered lecture based on the New World Translation of the Hi hie book OI Cautioles otherwise known as The Song of Solomon in an interview Mr sisbrocdor explained the presentday need or this new accurate translatlon The King James Version of the Bible compiled in lfillno longer speaks to this generation with living understandable voice Many of its Words and expressions are archaic and contusing ThE New World Translation is fresh translationrtrom the original He brew and Greek languages It is designed tomake the Bible speak with its original dynamic force flail the average reader or Eng Key Convention Address In the wide advertised key Auro accmcnr soreness 5° lilralAliIonBenlo ln BARRIE stool at Borne EvelVLHeitlflll Toronto 23063 MW ENE Grandstand tul nolc psan enthusiastic and ience of 23063 sellovana Wit Convention luded noie address on Sunday aiternoon HanChapman sold Healing of theNatlona is very much needed in this dayoi trouble World physicians alHealize this thIII saying this we do not hints at just the human bodies of man kind but especially at the moral religious and political conditions everywhere We albhavc reason to consider what will happen it healing at the political nations docs not come soon in our liie time MrChepman quoted trom leadlng statesmen of the world who like common people every wherepare greatly disturbed by the critical health of this old World but are clearly at loss to provide curative medicine The explosion or hydrogen bombs thc Iailure of disarm ament conicrences he continued aim of the Communist giant to expand its domination to tuli world power lungrnnge missiles with atomic warheads capable or delivering roaring widespread destruction anywhere and above all the spirit of lawlessness all eloquently testify that the remd edicsprescrlbcd by the most pow erIul nations on earth have failed to heal this divided world Fail are to heal means nothing less than the death of this worlds sys tem of things and the threat of extinction to earths population oi 2500000000 the speaker ex plained How then can anyoneaan nounce as good news that the Healing oi the Nations Has Drawn Near asked Mr Chapman We can announce this confidently only when we look in the right direction for healin Many illus rations mm the Bible were then given such as Chron 7212414 to Indicate that isick nations are not peculiar to our day and that some so stricken hadIn the past been healed by Jehovah God when they repented olthéir violation of di vine law and then turned to Him whereas others had gone an un repentant lb their destruction The historical proof is thus lorcus that Almighiy God can heal nation provided It makes him iis one and only God Mrv Chapman continued Na tions at our day are not allowing this course They are described in Scriptures as people who honor Jehovah with thelr lips but are far removed troln Him in heart as shown by the use lIalahs quotation by Jesus at Matthew I528 Christ ascribed his healing power to Jehovahs Holy Spirit and he named his Falhcr as the source ol all healing By the stripes laid on Jesus by the res ltgious and secular rulers of his day and by his ultimate impair ment on the torture stoke healing was made certain tor all who turned their minds and hearts to ward God through him In his illustration oi the wine and wincskins Jesus pointed out that it new wine were put into all oldwineskin it would only burst and all would be lost so be indicated that this divided world and its nations and manmade sys tems are incurable This old world is on its deathbed and the prophecies of Gods Word tore tell its end within the generation of men that have been living Since IBM Nonetheless healing of the nations has drawn near in that spiritual healing which leads to everlasting lite in Gods New World is now at hand Quoting Rev 22113 17 Mr Chapman indicated the ultimate purpose at the great Jehovah God was to cut out all the cancerous wickedness destruction and blood shed at evil men and His pun pose is to preserve those who seek meekness and peace in Gods righteous New World on jearth now at hand Quoting Jeremiah 3369 as applying to this day Mr Chapman rea Behold will bring it health and cure and will cure them and reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth Directing his remarks toind ividuals the speaker counselled Get spiritual healing Let the deadly breach between you and Jehovah God be removed Come to oneness to friendly relation ship with seek the tor glveness of your sins through His Lamb Jesus Christ and let the trut of Gods Word make you ireé and you will be healed of this worlds malady and become citizen oithe New Worldnation which will survive into Jehovahs everlasting Kingdom of righteous ness and peace on earth At the conclusiou of the address the tiim Please support your Towiliblnnd Its yourpleiu re and bone Post Office Orillia Problem Such Coincidence Orl ia Packet and Times Drillia will discuss what disr position it is going to make at the armor post otlice building on Peter Strcet The town acquired this building several monthb ago at very low price Since then it has been sitting idle and empty has in tact deteriorated as well as being unsightly in block which has been making marked progress in recent years It is now quite apparent that the Water Light and Power Com mission does not intend to make use at any part of the building But it is proposed that the town should use it Is sort admin istration ot justice building The police ouices magistrates oltice court room jail and lawyers terview oiiices could bill be there room could be set aside for the Klitie Band which now occu pies rented premises on West Street it thiswasadone the present lockup at the town hall could be talk in attractive booklet torm was distributed tree to the duds iencc converted into the much needed public washrooms and there would be more room available Mr the growing town hall ataif POT LUCK but very unlucky for the property owner or renter who might be caught in damage sultCarrying the proper insurance is saicr smartcr and cheaper Ihan getting measured tor lawsuit And to be sure you are FULLY covennn you should consult an insult once SPECIALIST GMiSifEVlliStllI flllsullllllclz See us FIRST For Insurance of Au KINDS 95 Dunlop St PA DSZOI Township The Council of The Cordiullylnvitesfl Residents iormer residents andJriends to ol linislil BllSllliT PICNIC III llllllSlIL Plillli Saturday July Zflol 230 pm When plaque will be nnvcllcd to tbegmen who werorespon sible for the rchaslng the park

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