sisAugm r117 Iralacy Wasnszbe mu gt Qii tdpnken Arthur smile plenty ot noise with his irons pt the Barrie Soil and Country Club Wednesdn as he compiled the best lowKroc WHATS IN NAME score of the ï¬rst light In the Sim 09 County Invitational Golf tourv nament mu scorewas up ot brought him down to 71 Nixon who inalw Barrie pro ducL had 71 net but he too prctcrrcd his gross score Salmons of Orillin 72 He wal lied Low grass in the Third night was ï¬red by FitSgt Bechnrd at no his band Camp Borden who came in with leccnd with 92 Low not In the Third Flight Wu Second low not one went to an 83 Lewis 0L Midlandwu howling 81 ï¬red hynoss Roll ol Barrie Tabhandicapped no coincidence or otherwise the name does mun quite hit over and over this old question pops up whats ina name The answer is usually not much but not alwu Sometimes through cm ioolr into one oi the oldest names in one oi lbc oldest sports Boxing Sulllvnn John While most people cant tell you what yellshe held the heavyweight boxing crown they can tell you he was heavyweight championy and one heclt of tighter So cvcrytime tighter by the name of Sullivan pops up hes given an extra line of publicity and compared in some way with the old Sullivan John The most recent pugillst to receive publicity because at lhe name Favorite One of the tvurltes from the start the Barrie Ihootcr put to gelher rounds of 39 and 38 tor an lBhole total of 75 Ill nearest competitor in the iintlllght was Jack leon another competent golier who iircd two rounds og no lor an IIIhull score III III Powells nel score was 67 also thebost In the first flight but as war rJnhn Sullivan from England This Sullivan wasnt heavy but each man enmlcd only am HE was middleweight But ibc name lmdc him something special and when mp mm aw first came to America Clnada iirst then the USA he instantly bccnlrlc maincvcnter The middleweight John didnt are too well with the big one First Flight low nct honors went Cec Muir score one stroke better than Doughtyol Midland with another Ori Ian Larkin but won flip Emmnns gross uore was 84 His handicap was 12 Lar Iiin fired an El and had handicap at nine SecondJliglit low gross honors went to chley of Camp Bord on with mark of BS Charley Chrysler oi Colllngwood war sec ond low with score of 35 Old Timer Scores Low negwu tired by oidtimer Drillia He had 12 The dollars were arranged In ond flight and 2336 Borden Orll play and hasnt been heard from or about or almost year Into couple of apart the name Robinson has become one to look out Ior Its hard to say whic is the most popular ltahlnson Iodoy nay or lack nay oi course is user llay the current middleweight boring champion elten hailed as the best tighter In the world pound or pound Ice is the negro athlete whose main claim to time was breaking the color line in molar league baseball Anolhor Robinson is now making name or bimscli in big league baseball lie is ljrunk oi the Cincinnati itcdlcgs The name Ruth without the Babe in front of It means nothing to most sports fans With the Babe its the most dynamic name in base ball history Theres an old story lhat circulates cvery now and then about Ruth it was in it Sunday School dust and the tcachcr was risking the the children to identity events which made the names lamous Well the teagher asked one little ieiiow whut lluth was Iamous ior The younpsicr piped up He hit so homemns In one season End oi story out or lesson There was another Babe who did okay ior ilimscll basebnllwise This Babe Herman was National League Star with the Brooklyn Dodgers lie was obviously nicknamed afler lhc immortal Babe Ruth because of his early heroics at bat Closcr to home with hockey no one can relutc the argument that Rocket Richard is the most used name in the game This Richard christened Maurice has risen to such hcighls that younger members at his lamlly have been iuhbcd With somc sort oi Rocket Henri also wllh the ltiolllreal Canddicns ol the National Hockey League is dubbed Pocket Rocket One at the Rocket child curries the name Watch Pocket Rocket Another brother Claud ls nitcn re ierred to as the Rocket uhd it It wasnt tor the popularity of the orig inal Rocket ils doubilui ihnt Claude would even he on the Junior Can adiens roster And to think they outlawed the use of Rockets even on the lraditionnl day Closest to home the Barrie riyers have lcit their impression Wherever and whenever amateur hockey is the subject at conversa lion Barrie rlyers always manugcs to creep it usually goes on at great length too as the lortunes oi the Barrie Flyers are many Locally Blrrlc Flycrs are on the lips of more than hockey luns In the South Simcne Baseball League and the South Simcoe Ladies Soit ball League the Barrie Flycls monickcr is the most mentioned In both of these loops theFlycrs are on top Everyonc is gunning for them and as long as this keeps up Barrie Flyers will always be an air traction CuthhertIVilimlngton Slgnlticoncc to sport None With that we conclude our little game of Whats in name JUST NOTES The young fellow who fled Reggie Siki at Tuesdays wrestling maiches could do the Country good turn Join the Olympic track team You should be Cinch for at least bronze medal in the hurdios lliliElllioRleiithll SUMMER SKI JUMP rctc Petersen fresh iron hislposition will he Jacques Clrarland visit to Lake Placid USA an the little ilyerirorn Three Rivers uounccd today that the Summer Quebec who represented this Ski Jumping cvcnt in Midland country in the olympics and Louis Aug would likely shape lioscr member oi the Midland up as battle between Canada SkiCluo and the Umlcv States At the Canadian championships Petersen claims thIS almost at Midland in February hioser automatic as he has slngd the and Petersen had strong diller best jumpers lrnln both sidcs or cm or mum and the th2b0rder to comaetu in the friends parted ways in hull mg extraiagam Since then they haiic not spoken stunom to each other but the llrsl ap Part oi Petes business in Lak in Placid was taking in the summer 1P3 was 53 ski jumping there when lbe M059 jumping was completed Pete re Said Pete lm very happy be ccivcd written word that Alt cause Poms Is good boy and iv Tokic the winner at the event sand Jumper would be in Midland ior at least Petersen said that he had been three days in August Toklc was giving the snow machines trial gt one oi the States representatives runslsioly and everything is in the last Olympics working nicely with snow being Tokles toughest Canadian op produced with case Main EVenl resi ing ai what blood spatlcrcd Bill Cur ry medic saYintctlle mike at the Barrie Arena Tuesday night wasthat he wanted hoot mth badman Reggie Siki Well the electricity didnt carry BillLa message to the crowdbut Billcurled ii to the promoter by So in one of the two main cv is on next Tuesdays wrest lingdnrd Siki will have to contend with the huge North Bay pro duct The second main event nlsoï¬o minutes or the oesttwoofillrac minto vzin eaturcs Big Davo Sinun Barrie Indies Golf Al Bforden Filteen ladygolfers iroin Bar rie Country club accepted on in vitation to play at Camp Borden yesterday Thirtyninc goliers in all took part Low gross honors went to Mrs Jack Corby ol Barrie She shot nincrhole game of 48ersCorby was tied with Mrs Barb Smith also of Barrie but got the nod because of her better scare over thenlast Janice crtonoi Barrie with 35 gt lligh hiddcn holescorc nt to us Chilton or Borden he be son the hidden Ethnic Lnw hidden score honors we to Joy Armstrong oi Barrie Sho Most honest goller was Juan Lam stibbardjol Cum Borden minutes Senior Soitball League did them selves proud Wednesday evening crew made it our straight wins when they walked all over the youthtul hosLS Legion had to stage terrific comc back In earn 1414 tie with the league leaders from Mineslng evening Show lilinesing in front with ll points Legion and DeViI hiss tied ior second spot with It with Bradford et winner was Mrs And is widerch by the haste Roth Barrie clubs In the District Out at Bradford tllc Devilbiss llcl At home The standings as or Wednesday points and Bradford in the collar with nine points This could all have been changed last night if DeVilhiss won the scheduled game Lone nun The Bradiqrites scored their lonc tnlly In the last ball of the final irame oil rclieicr Dutch Foster Foster come in to pitch in the eighth lranle taking over from veteran liarry Cause who picked up the win The visitors tram Barrie scor ed two runs alter two were oui in the very iirstdnnlng That was the wayltie gutnc wcnl torlhe iollowing eight Ted iiurdacrcs homesrun with lack Hore aboard accounted ior the initial ante tal lies Larry Campcau also had horns cr ior DeVilhiss He had another hit to go along with it Bill nay cratt iuck llore Ted Hardacre and George Storey also belted out two hits apiece Tom Collirigs continued his ton rid butting paccior Brndiord col lecting hull oi the clubs iour hits Over the seven Innings bc hurl ed Cause struckout iii batters lids Deadlock Five base hits including doubles by George Cbappcl and Ed Laws and two Ircc passes helped Legion score six runs in the bottom hall at the ninth lnnning to he Mine sing liti The game was not as good as most this season but the late inning uprising did provide some suiicr through 12 errors lilinesing was going to walk away with the decision which would have made the locals look Very bad in mill at the home talks last inning hits between th Corby Adams the other occasion connected twice consolation to the lens who had to Actually it looked as though Alter only two innings oi play Mlnesing had run up an at mar From that point iorward the lead was slowly chipped and then came tilehometowncrs territic Wen nownoy wentthe distance on the rubber lor Mincsing de iivcrlng up 13 hits rltasimmons newcomer and Lawrie Barron shared the pitching responsibil ities ior Legion They issued 12 Pitchersecond baseman George McDonald banged out three hits ior Minesingl Glenn Adams Win Downey and Falkner had two each although slcp ping to the plate seven times regA lsiered no oiticiai at bats lie was passed six times and sacrificed on Veteran third sucker Steve Hines led the Legion hit parade with trio of safeties Danny MacDonald George chappcl and EddicLaws Tonight at lilinesingthese same tournament nrst Flllhl 1561 tun Lurkln iiin ll an Ll coilln cu cri Ts aetiomlsy 311i err noun ca 9m Gnh EH Eminent sun second rllrhi Wchlcy cn 3145 Chryrl one cockhurn mu Devilbisszoa aéu oatll l2 Bradford boo 000 0011 Cause roster lb and Hardacrer Mull AIInctmngtl and Varga Winn ng pitcher Cousc losing pitcbcr Mullis MINESING McCartney ab Adams ss ch Downey Adams Ii Win Downey Adams ri Adams lb McDonald 2b Falkner cl Totuis LEGION Wannamnkcr ll Hines 3b MacDonald 55 Stewart lb Chappel Laws cl Rawn rf Thurlnw rf Sturgeonhr 2h Richardson 2b Fitzsimmons Barron Totals Illinesing 350 300 3001412 Legion OII 220 goo1413 Wm Downey and Win Downey Fitlzsiniinolls Barron and Chap ps Umpires Earl Marshall plate and lack turnbuil bases or ALLANoALE coir cLuo SNACK BAR SUPPLIES RENTALS Iqunuarqlaurs luv TED main POINT ion PAINSWICK CROSSRDAD PIIONE STROUD ll 31 AI II hallNutHN or dwwpumasmem NNmHNNGeb ccevowbNNN rh sonreamusnrmnatmu HoboGNMVNuo it tired grass I3 of 89 Second low by Elwood Webb 01 Bars ilights accnrdlng to their tinndh caps 11 first flight 1522 sec ird flight total of golfers iroln Clnip Colllngwood Mid land and name enjoyed the days Prim were presented in the club house by Barrie Mens cap tain Gord Necdham Many of the visiting golfers marvellcd at thc condition ot the course Nury sour note marred the smoothagoing Nixon Nor ID DUNLOP STREET STOCK LIMITED 50 RRY HOBBIES KEEP It inch 511 notmuu lisrn site Guiupte lulu =1 loo7e mltrrron in Stevenson um urlor Euthu no mas 5+ rrir ccoliingwoea co ntra HMdtlnfl 00rfllla Torgis Automotive Takes First Place In Industrial Loop Torgls Automotive druthd Pro vincial Tire I33 and moved into lirsl place in the Barrie Industrial Sotlball League The game saw Tprgis roul los ing pitcher Coutts in the ï¬rst Iinme They treated relieicr Arka sey just as shnhbily the rest oi the way in contrast Boh McDowell went the distance for Torgis being tagged or single run in thc lirst ï¬fth and sixth iramcs Torgls pushed across live runs in their hall of the first frame Three more were scored in the second one in the third and four in the sixth John Feltis smashed out the games blg blow thrcerun hom er iobnny Bowman and Chuck nlotsslsrlrnu2 globan gm Trinuigilegl Woods also hit ior the circuit 5h ilnr Iuo DEVanlSS AB It Ekï¬Ã©vitg mama flownv6 lg orc Cumpcau ss ma Sturgeon in Smo Cl FIJI it 95 goggaygm ah THIS SATURDAY IllTB My IDSdd No Hardacrlee th issue nl Carte remn MillSEASON Slorcy ll with Fopp li is low and 2b is impress mu ï¬gfgihprt Mnrrilori 9931 posml Thiin rilrht FltIS Id CD Mi nnAobonn As it ll nosir iociarï¬ivrur sailings ci irhrmiï¬r sr wisMiiis Dow 55 mIiaim cull graceth Hicks hflhflni38 ayes Fallls 3b in Var if liullolllnllonkcfl Saunders rioo insié Fawcctt rt Vunak hi liuIIis II it Scholl 2b Totals 33 HIGHWAY gt not Dumlm Si B1Y SENT FAMILY IIAPIY CLUBS stimuli Tics NCESSION QPPOSITE HURONIA coiled game lilzsmvilTio MENS WOMENS MIXED Lunatics laud our on the hidden hole die ill two teams are going toplay post BelNC ACCEPTED non vs ii IGHTDURING DRIVE ll you are planning trip in Tom ul vrlltE lerEcrloN TIRE korarioN WHEEL BALANCING ItElAiit SERVICE Your Toes Just Is summer dont take chance with tires that youars not sure oi Your tires may still loolrgood hilt mils hrulsesand cuts Are sometimes not noticeable but are very dangerous Replace dangerous tires with new long wearing ounces IIIIES AND roars nuNLop VIIIBELESSC RES I955 CHEVROLET BEL AIR Convertible Showroom Apache red and cream finish with light top and iniltchlng cream and red interior V8 molar automatic transmission power brakes power steering Whito wall tires Positively like brand ne scarce model act last on this one only I956 DODGE RECENT DELUXE SEDAN Lovely powder blue flrilah VII motor outstanding condition throughout liurry ior this one Only I955 BUICK SPECIAL HARDIOP Showroom iwo tonc grcen ilnish with spotless intcrior eustom radio air conditioning direciion lights whitewall lircs very popular model liurry ior this one only 1925 I956 STUDEBAKER COMMANDER V8 COACH Gleaming cbony black llnlsh Interior like brand new deep tread tires This car is In perfect mechnlcal condition Flawless body Sensational value only I955 FORD COACH Flawless metallic blue finish with spotless interior air condition ing low mileage deep tread tires hcaulilui littlc automohlle in new car condition throughout ncduccd to only $1 I954 CHEVROLET SEDAN Spotless original powder blue finish with very clean interior air conditioning undercoatcd oil filter brand new tires very low mileage An outstanding little anlomohiie This one Is beauty only I953 BUICK SPECIAL COACH Gorgeous metallic grccn finish with matching green interior air conditloning direction lights easieye glass hrand new tires owned by prominent local businessman since nuwrflruly lovely automobile in every respect Cniy I953 PONTIAC DELUXE COACH Showroom original metallic green linish with matching two tone green Interior custom radio air condilionlng direction lights new car condition throughout little beauty Only 51095 1952 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN Spotless hlacli iinish custom radioiatr condition ï¬ï¬ï¬rircc ran lights deep trcad tires outstanding condition throughout love ly little automobile Only I95 BUICK ROADMASTER SEDAN Beautiiul two tone blue metallic finish automatic trousmission custom radio direction lights etc New tires The ideal family car Reduced toonly $995 I953 HUDSON WASP Passenger Coupe DcluxeBeautiiul original two tone green finish custom radio air conditioning direction lights new motor This one is beauty no 5995 I95I BUICK SPECIAL DELUXE SEDAN Gorgeous Oshawa blue finish custom radio air conditioning dir ection lights automatic transmission White walls This can is in tap condition throughout Only I951 HUDSON SMALL SEDAN Nlee two lone blueiinish eircellont mechanical condition throughout This one is steal Only We declarb all taxi and police cars We guarantee our cars In accordance with General Mut ors Goodwill Guarantee We make available the name sndaddrcss oi the pro vloiili owner Our service department In one of the best In the district and we service everything we sell We speciallze In one ownercars 19 NAs STATES AN CH lt New showroom ight en lntsh with inierior like brand new custom radio air cond on deep tread tires huilhin dash outstanding mechanical condition throughout real dandyonly 650 I950 METEOR CUSTOM SEDAN Nice light greenfinish clean interior direction Iightsair dltioning deep tread tires clean reliable little automobile in top shape Only TRUCK ferClAiig I949 CHEVROLET PANEL V2 TON Nice blue Iinlsh heateranduetruster good tiresgood mechanical condition throughout llurry tortilla one only 5195 FOR you CANT BBAT AJIALWIGDEAL MANY MANY none To CIIOOSE FROM nilwlge Goodwilljlred Card CANBE FINANCEDJMV LOW RATES WiflIPAYMBNTS TI SUIT YOUR BUDGET TRADE TERMS OIEN EVENINGS TILL 103 SHOWROOM OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TILL II