Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jul 1957, p. 2

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JAMES CRAIG or Craig and Zeidier ltr cllitects tor the new home presents pio one to Alired Coge Reeve or Penetang uishéne recording names or those respun sible for erection or the building wartr Lunch on in lnduss triol League Soltlttll rsme by ti score 0i 115 lllt Illth The game played at éundlrs Iltlrrl lnnln That was enough to bruk the cits ofthe plryets 0t narrlo ranntntl Boll Christie pitched the viclory iar Stewarts Lunchr Jock Plant worked the distance tor 11ml Tanning tlnd wu charged with the The Who Reunion wlll be held in Queens Pork uprrle un Silt ttrtlay July 20 at 230 pm Please mlto change oI place 80 Dance at Thornton Orange Hall Friday July l2 to ma Hehttys Orchestra Lunch cunntrr Admlss rlon soot 80 ccomponied by her mother llzlrrlc Horticultural Society Bus Tour Wednesday July 17 ianvina 8lam Lily Gardens lli Sandy Ill lul Ari Webster at strneuvil Illnnlillon ttuckery IIIId Gage Park Vineiond Experimental Station and Lily Gardens at Dr Palmer rotal run 5425 hrsrrvo etrly tPlIune lft 53749 or PA 84145 7M l1 ATElil itll We have openings to cater 71o Weddings and hhnqueul hot and cold plates sorvetl Apply Crown ilili Evening Circle more PA ohm or PA aalldl Stewarts scoreseven runs intha Ittlcorgelown Rose Gordon Bgowning Pitches Shiith Flor hiy Behind atout pitthinl ot Briiwlnlrlvy Iookan any no decision lrotn Lisle in South Simcoe Baseball League encoun erplayed Irst nisht at ivy ramming ms in trouble only once That was in the third inme warp he me up two hits hall at Lislejs totrl in contrast ivy was hitting wrll nd scorinl lust rs onen Ed wards rnd Chrntlr hrd two ML optoce tor lvy drownlng scored on three occasions showlnnorr hrogrrl out nhtr insomnia handy dbollil page Sfirilllllllh Nu Spay us this Iozote per arre whenllhasa lr ti hlph to Imp no Spray girls221m per pm out Tool to In use hlah to put wright rotl body In your tobacco plusgtvlpg rrrllrr maturity Dont Ink Cirque With lidClaus Hundred or Ilnhhctto mien praise Nucnun Gaol reports rmrn Illylnl lNailiutrnf an harco are Ilréndy in from Nnriolll county or this ylarI crop It TOBACCO GROW HEIDI BENEFITS ML orrrrd vrmhrurr lrtrhtt nn rtllronhorr nil1 Mr trrlt norm or Dachau toys For toy qulllty ahNo evlry year Ipny WIUI NoChurn dun Iarmus In my dlttrtot on very rnlhurlatllc nnout lprlyinl wlth Na led ovrr rumInn or too quality This Is rny luuntt scoursl Innu rnr luiun hiahrrmuality This to tell how ptro rd we arr with NI Chun We Viachurn was tor uplantinr ha no will It hut round the plant toolt loot vrry llkll Ipnycd our crap with cnun had re ll within Io dry which very nounbu ind ut Mn no tablet rrvoro Cadei Oiilceiliaék Shir Al Borden track Meeiingf tzlmp Iaordrn hlnny champ ions were declared at tilt annulll Cm Borden rock and hold meet but till unheralded ulticer cadet mm the Royal Canadian Army lictlicul Corps School iiimosl completely stoic tho show Officer lion Wnilingiorli at Ottawa medical student lrnm hchili Ull won the individual meet championship going away Here are some ol his achieve nlcnts He won the mile Eddyard and threemile events all in thesphce of about two hours in each of these events he Sl new camp recur cored 15 at his teams 17 points and won the inttiVIdual meet trophy as the toll ntlllute at the ntternoon Wallingiord ran the mile in our minutes2tl and livetenth seconds on slow windswept ti Although he posed up dur ing the last lap he aim lapped tilcllslplace runner HIS time was 22 seconds roster than the previous man tillkr In the am he covered the tiisiancejn two minutes tolu nnd seventenths seconds scanthnlihnur latcr Wall ingiord entered the three His limi this event was 15 55 seconds almost In full track record one uthur camp record was shattered ntJlIe meet Oiticcr Ca det It Dallhire or St Georges tlt Beauce no representing The Royal Canadian School or iniantry hurled the javeiin 1131 teet inch to better the old mark or 166 Kent six inches Another outst ding athlete was Oilicer Corlet iordnn Bristowe Vernon 1113 who sprinted the Royal Canadian Armoured Corps School colors to Victories in thc ml and Myard dashes rcatn honors went to the Iloyol Conndinn School at inihntry with 70 points for tile afternoon inl Iowed hy the llnyai Canadian Alon Service Corps 51 Royal Canadian Armoured Corps 41 lluyol Can adian Army Mcdicnl Corps l7 and services Coidwaler tassies Top Peneiang 2211 Cuidwater Il uitllhll Team crushed Penplang glrls 2241 in league game at Cuidwater com munity centre grounds July9 Ellie Robertson was lho winning pitcher catwalk In Ilospltal MiliETS Patti HUME owms llssuclllrloh All members are nrgrnuy requested to attend the very important Business Meeting VI lhéyliahitioni sensations Wayne chlvrr is inril in pitnl and is doini well alter his operation Teens GetTogether ille Teens oi Cnlwoll lllld gelingelheral their cltillllullsc last Saturday At Comp hortlrn linnro set and lllrs ldrnes Sealmw ant Mr and Mrs sparrow Si altenderla dance at Camp Bnr den TRY AN EXAMINER WANT All our friendlylo DrugSttm =th ilvlhilsrilh DRUG stein 53 Reynold Next toiohlswn nonmalignant ill atllzl ullillil me that we have zvrr lntwn 1hr ourll and lho iul waa ruliy wondmui Enron what we htta done to rush nice nlrted1rllniul an nuptrt 3rd and uniarc on trmlm mm had bumtnl nor did our no it and might mluul well pleased and right or tut rment rroin Mr cohort vaa Itmlooo sound Innsm use NaCour in In rvenooule or Inn nd Irankiy wuulonl hy on th In turtleted ton or no out rvrr laid eyrs on like nventhlnl tohrrco wrnto Malinda pull rut hotly Into It lmwlnl mum round that It tr tmpnmnt to In Nacnun Al rur Mos lnia iyu the tobam nod nan alps to develop the Pill Anothrr thing have lound trout wrlyllll up ntvr mm wright hotter colour Ind thr ouollly It hunch Ily ullnl Nachnn or trnnxfinnilnl and to rrrdlnrv have nhlllnad load lort man it Ianmo prr am would highly mrmotrnd chnn to any good lobocco growrr One lhinx ror lurhlts the tobacco in the lam thrt colan NIch For loiille ludirll uud NoChou mu ahotl hood loo gallons tor my nu min In Main anun you not best It hr reenhoule ou never ha lo wait tor plants all unuNnChun Thu it out hundreds or iarmers in some Coumy hivs used Ntchurs lthmsuits here Mixed grain corn pasture spring grain and hay as well as potatoes and tobacco hove shown excellent increases from foliage spray Grain should be sprayed when the crop is to high curn when 24 to 36 high hny alter the first cuttin potatoes In regular spray program to Ilacco hnillrc topping There is NaChurs analysis to suit coch at your crop needs We Can Arrange Your Spraying It you do not have your own sprayer NoChum Crop Service representative oh mattrnorcsssry arrangements for you Competent trained spray men have been located throughout your county and you can depend on this rvicc iotdependallie application ProVe Na Churs Benef On Your Farm As little os 45 gallons oi NaChurs wtllspmy ap proximately all lines at crop It will psy you to get the complete story on how NaChurs can help you to greater profits on your form operation Just call the Crop Service representative nearest you and get the acts todayt HIGHER QUALITY wmt more FLAVOllR Aunmnnh N0 1s Mr Dan Ferguson RR shrlhurnr reports 71 sprayed ttnssots Cobblers and Sehzgos with NnChurs LIquld Fertiiiler this year gt and they were really wonderlut had manuredthe fields and used 900 lbs to the acre at 240 commercial fertilizer let check strips that didnt spray 50 would make good comparison round there was no trouble rt alljn mixing your NaChum tor the sprays and it was certainly easy to apply when dog the potatoes there was decided increase on the sprayed parts at the crop which yielded between 70 and no hugs to the darn morc will sure be using NaChurs uprinnfi Mr Eldred Lumiy Clkdon East 0nt reports used two sprays of lhgallons each of NaChurs lOZDio this year on my potatoes and those sprays certainly gave me ll very proiitdille inprezlsefl had 00 acres in on sanity learn where hull used 1000 lbs to the acre 44210 left it check strip in the field so thatl could make on actual Comphrison when Lhe potatoes were dog and mutual weights comnored had better than 58 bugs to the here increase oi ton quality potatoes irnmvilsing NuChurs illiiilzliiii RESULTS Illlrlllhlsn rho llSllli Nachurs Liquid Fértiitger Mr John llansmr Inn llurketon notoriohrrl 16 tore ol Ilalulyr sprayed with NaChur 2040 Liquid Fertilizer at the rats olone and half gallons to theltrefl By Wu check this crop lncreascdlnur and threequortarvlons or Green Food In three rhs helng sprayed on My 15th and cut tor Slio on June 5th Iueol list this outstanding cllecltstrlp leii uttsprnyed In the ileld proved the va Liquid rortlllter rhls crop llatl nne hundretl and sixty log um and was msutrerl ort tampon MR rhhnhmn sprayed some of thy corn this year wi dividends used 200 lbs totlIe Ilcre iJi NuChurs beiore tussLi An actual nds at 21210 tlry Fertiliseiopplledat und Illytheswood reports th NdChur 102010an It certainly paid 101040 in the row and then sprayed with ield check showed 241 huslicls to the Here increase from spraying with NdChurs and would like to tell you that the sprayed corn was also much drier at this stage tASiUliE lthink the returnstrom spraying pasture with NnChIIrs Liquid Fertlt Izer are very good used htoly our at different rates on dilterent ports or the pasture nnd feel that the pleading program is the penny tor My NIICtlurs sprayed posture stayed greoner longer rod prstnrod more cattle on this acres tlntrt ever hetero Mil EARL SWAN ll zchgley used NilChurs on my registered Simcue oats lost your and it was the best field of grain have ever grown very careiui yield cheek ahowedo 25husllel increase despite the fact that the check strip had been in mangels the your before and was heav Ily fertilized You Inight like to ltan that used fNn IIrs on pzsturewith good r2 suits and am pleased with the appearance of my II on second alLIIIa which were also sprayed with Details on STEINART oEtL JAMES TYNDALE on MIIIIE in BAltlltE PA BAILRIE zorlol Stroud Ont ELGI ltrtny 39344 rso Lawson 1131 SIAYNEB Phon 52 citesrin holiest nd lve sure at nic crop trout usiM

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