Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jul 1957, p. 16

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74 MW SemeJnterestlnz fleets at Bri tlshhlstory are presented In an iliultntld booklet whlcfi Peek Frelnuhlve lulled tn mull the companys century at business The compsoyt first hetnry lt Backhand London wu burned out In midnight tire which witnessed by the Prince at Walei Kill Edwlid VII Ami during the lust great wsr the com pnnyl pllut at Bermundscy was Israer destroyed by belittling During the FrancoPrussian War when larls wu besieged Peell FrclnI supplied over ten million line nhlps biscuits to the French government Stirling its manulaclurers nhlps biscuits In 1857 when cults Were baked in hindled hrtc ovens the company now makes wide variety of fancy biscuits in automunaiiynpmtcd slowcook lne ovens In which the biscuits travel 172 Peck Freann Fainnus Biscuits have been shipped to every country in the world Interesting phetus in the ninth iiime snuvenlr booklet stinw horsedrawn curringes In which early sales representatives called on customers and swimdriven vlns in which biscuits were de liveredIorerunners the mad eru automobile und motor truck Peek Freuns Canadian plant hullt on oponnor Drive Toronto In 1048 has had three additions since in time The parent plant in London England also operates Inctnry in Australia and the Britannia Biscuit Cu in lndla sthmdrlven delivery van bought by rut iteuns in 1858 could travel It speed ol miles an hour IIIBIIIIHR SIANFIELI at canmlas youngest prcmlcr rc sccann ills ilrst wile diell in an lIe to COHSCIVJIIVC Ills Iitttter Frank stanrmht was lor many years inglnia lire ntcmhrr and died Nova Scutins lieutenant cciitiy married tor the lime ilctidcnl three year 2140 tlyntllnth wunl lmm an IIILI Tory lantily novelnur MITCHELL SQUARVEV Weddlnl Guests lilrsl ItlcCliltiu Lani Wh ile llicre Mrs Mr and Mrs Richard andsiuy Weekend Vlslt lilrs Earl iilliwlisley visited with tricnlls lien uver tlie veekenti Home Again gtTI0 many friends it Miss lttiin Ansdell are glad to sen her home and around again WMS Meeting Tile Womens Missionary Suci ety met on July in at the heme Roll call was answered with vurseeon Mrs Jack litetrthur taining the weld light new loveliness and Jack liteCunig nltentletl the Brady lilnwtlsley wedding at Gravcnhurst hiccunig re mainetl willl her daughter to be present at the christening service at her greatgrandchild son ol Pin is jaisAuTi FUL PIKsZD suhile velvel cnlouis as modern at llts my idea iii Plit tiseii Solt shades uiletiy ties til glare and shine to lliltel Iahiiu amt luiflishings PIK hiiilgs IIIIE beauty to youi will The ladies at Ebeneur WIS spent very delighliul iliernoon ml Wednesday June 26 lit summer home at Ills ankllulni lily ElllyduwnBeueh when they were noterlsined by Mrs Illinth Ind her diuzhler MIL Euler During the stlcrnoen sale ryclpes among the traits resin ed small sum hr the WA iiryl bountiful lunch hmtlliit very plczsant ullcrnoon to close Fnciures Illp The ladies were very sorry In hear the sad news thll Mrs Illin hiy hail Iniltn the tollawing week rnu lrartuml her hip She Is now patient In Newniarket lllnspltnl The best wishnslnfl Epruyers or her many trlnnus hero gu out to her at this time tor speedy recovery IVMS Mcctln Over in iitlios attended lite July meeting ol Ebenezer WMS ttli Wednesday antmoon July at llli home at llrs Ernest units Wth we hail as our guests two sister societies Giltord and chun chill The ptcsltltnt tits Gordon Knu huw presided Alter wol comiug the guthls the president opened the meeting with itylnn allowed by tho Lords Prayer in unison Roll call was answered by naming disciplcl Mlnutes were read mid approved and business discussed worship service lintl lollnwed the program as outlined in the tim sionaryr Monthly Mrs Gordon Kneeshuw otlcreii Ii prayer or iiiiss Eadie nur missionary for pruyer Tile highlight oi the meeting was tIlI address by Mrs Allan Currigau oi Everett who tooksn htr text Goynlntoallthe world Lind preach the gospel to every creature lilrs Corrignns rd llrcss was an inspiration slid challenge to every Wills mem her and providedmuch iiwil liir thought as to how we as mem bers ot the WMS can witness or Christ Mrs Cnrriguu wns Introduced by iilrs Gordon Knecshlw whlle Mrs John Kneeshnw on behalf of the Ebenezer elety convey lilrs Slnders hail charge at the Sincere lymlehy II to ur Ind MrglArthle lIcArtIi ur Iii the duth onJune 25 It the Archer Nutsin llume Bundles the tnrnius lut brother Jlln murmur For runny yenrs tie IIrmed wlth his brother the Lite Peter MacArthur on the line II tam nur 0m Sutton New Minister At rarest lining Quite number trout outhri United Church sttended the In duction service at their new mln lsler Elev Mitchell It For est Ilonle Church on Frilly July Rev II vs Webster of St Pnuls Church Orllllu conducted the tervlcellev Russ Cummliigv oI Coldwster delivered the III tires to the people sud tn the mlnlattrl Ilarry slusor avertd with sole Tltt ladies at Forest Ilome served tlellflotts refresh menu First Service On Sunday July Rev Mr Mitchell preselled his first sur innu In the United Chmh here He took us his text 50 you llso must consider yourselves dead to II Ind lllte to God In Christ Jesus The Junlurkchoirl Intlt em wu Each Step at the Way licv llItI Mn tlltehcll were tonnerly In Clilbouglnian Que bec whichlsn copper mlnihfl settlement Weekend At Home tllss Anns Husbund who Is working In Toronto spent the weekend It her hnme here Visiting Rellflve Mn Steele ot Barrie and her daughter iilrs Robertson and chlldren oi Ottsws visited relatives here Inst week Centennial Celehrntlons lllr Ind lilrs II Bertram and family were In Oikvlllc nn June so it was the contenuiaicclohn lion oI Oakvlllel lolin Bertrsm attended Slineoc Presbytery Cump Midland last week Is counsellor at junior boys to Mn Corrlitsn It dclicious lunch served by M5 mice Ind In liewnllnville Ind Oshln nounr HI WllIlnrn Vlh Contn within The éouunuolty picnic wu wdlrs Vests moved to postponed lutweek beeuse their new clinic lt IInrnIngl rzlri Walther pennlilinl it will un Mills ilstWednndAy be held this week mum and gm Mr Ind Mrs Morley Rowe Limit sptnt Sunday at Hmlitnn 1nd Londim Pren Barrlts urn Fred cnrppeil Barrie unenlsa lew days with Mr Ind Mrs Ollie Wilson gt hon vntonm llss Chsddlc Brenner and iii Gilmeurvol Vancouver no tpent week with Miss Bernice gt Young Walton with Mother Mr and Mrs iirn Richardson wen th waste with the iiunail nuiqu Itln mitts Kidd on lo FARV visited tier cotttlniln Willi hrdram at Suthst tut weeks with sister Mn Aznrsdlsy tpent In week with her ilsternnd hnilly in mm it An Vlrltlnl Brothel Mrs Bullocklnt Hominy Mills also Mr and Mrs GeorgeJletr tulle of Detroit visited the tom crshmlhcr Mr Broderick on Fridiy Sllndly In OilII hlr Intl Mrs Wlliilni Sulhcr Innd Doris and John spentSun day with Irleiidr in OIIIIWI Swimqu more lorty children lrom Iiere In attending the swimming clusscs held at the llotiry Pool Alli ton on Tuesday and Friday ntler nooiis Bowling Club rtenis The ileIlIE club ind their Imlllles held plcnlc In the purl on Wednesdly evening Amen Mitts Congratulutlenn VIothe puhlle school pupils who ere III we gt ecsslul In their exims Also to mi mhll Metal runr nth lime lou Covered Inner the pupils et BDCl who were sue flrvén muni migrhzzxsfgg ml mflmfgzggg or meet th trlcntil it Spring Inlne lervcl lprInztor lnu mm mm mom um lllden soiln mm or ume hunt Beach sirens cnttnn cnvi cever Buy ed wwlnndeottun llnlnl rt um Wmm 1mm cotton Pillow or nine Inhrlc Dilly innton lulled In crocnl ornzu Elm mm 10 71 199 to entry or nlore Cln In quicth Inemhleql Approx fnlds to at II rtornt well to keep on nuns ellmlnntu the nml tor not lhecl Slxu Ippreit xgt necent visitors with Mr and Mrs Coughlin wereJtr sud Mrs WH Cronlplan uI Smiths lIlisv Mrl Ill Amheriot Elin vule and Mr And Mrs Leo llellly at Toronto Sundly Specter Mr Knoll at Toronto deltve ed very fllll address ontemplt entice on Sunday Il church our new minister Ilev Vinet will commence services here the tint Sunday In Auxust With Gnndpamt thtlu Dianne Janus at New market visited her xrliidplrentl anon nrlr mil enroll silenttn unroN eué eleh Special SCREEN poons All slundnrd sizes with For those with small kitchens or the budget conscious this Cu FinViillng model presents modern refinements at lremmdnus savings lull length green enamel assistnnts éoncludcd my pleas ed our thanks ltn sppreelutltm ant Ittcntoonl IT sum ITWASH IT RESISTS wtlttytl MIRACLE msnc Piit cosrs uo Mont THAN ORDINARY PAINT voun stoma THE WORLD MOST moonlit iNilitioitiinLt OEQQR an FiK FROM VOUR PAINT utitgit looiv tmttnl unity is out Pinit ritutous NEW fiSUIEflFtii SUIERQUICK LIE cots 0N FASIER EASIER summit PK DRIES 30 MINUTEE Lils LOVELY cotouRS RESIST meme muciturs DONT Show sour PK$QPI¢K= psinltit PIK in on usily ind quickly with ellhev talltt we uni out into in ilrit to ninuin And your Minted soil an it thatth unset lunlhsiiin gt itllfifllEllsi lililillY IJM Moron PHON mom its modest exterior dimensions at illiout 55 High Wide 26 Deensllplntn your klleheit as easily as its modest price sllps into your planning Like all Vikings its qunllly prulluet tuily covered by EATONS tumnus gunrnnteel GD Cylt Only EATON Saitenilh Mr and tlrs lonestnr week Ictl screening SIZES 2i on 210 610 SALE EACH Elllions nudge Plan rernts tom Down 24 Mimith Payments or 020 $9 EATON Light yet strong past iron SPECIAL plum chnusIswith Blue htlrod enlmel finish and Red hub Clip and handle Shetfield rteci spiral blades sce tlnnul wnod roller Allsteel hundle with grooved her handle grips luhuiar steel handles and legs with Dark Green link eIi enamcl finishBlack Upqu plastic grips Onepiece Speclll trny cubic It can Price acity in Yellow baked cn Grass Catchers unlel approx 10 oaivonngg metal bottom no mo semipmmuc tptiiixctitivazslivilduriii iii punctureresistant 150 0r 16 hand mowcrSl hnui lest tire with plain EATUN Special Marin 99 in SARANIIACK EATON Sale enth Mediumhigh thick llttilt folding type White bakeduh en liver steel arms Sunwatersantlrulreslstiint Surnn plastic seats tilld backs in attractive plaid 18 lllgll scnus li ALUMINUM GIVE EATON 5th eucll Seats and backs ol vatdyed cotto duck stroner stitchedruid available lnXGrecn or Blue to matchSuncot White bakeoil enumeluver steel grins told onsin for carrying and Ipra6 Curved frame to support knees Afipuslt on back tal relaxes titlll Twit rubbertired rear wheels Cotton filled mnltreis mvcred with cotton duck in Green or Blue Sunrot lolds enully lorWInter storage EATON Slie C9 and Mattress 121929 lttlécl In donmm Cult Price Iiecil CIIAIR Striped Green or Value Itrdyedl cotton eanvns about 15 wide with firm nsr xn ciiAiRsf V799

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