Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jul 1957, p. 1

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Wamqn Driver gt tinsel on assessmentoi 3825 try all roads led to the various park playgrounds oil blondy Mk ning as the annual summer play ground operatedbe the Barrie Recreation Coudeii went into op eration initial enrolment was somewhat staggering 1m but the icadcrs with typical youthiui ra sillcnty were tlkbig this in stride along with eerllln opening week tangles that are sure to develop in scheme soinvolved and so geog phicaiiy detached Bus trouble stranding group oi swimmers here or an expectant pack oi daycampcrr withlunches there or dcliant lock on an equipment box leaving the leader entirely to her own devices these are but aicw oi the problems that beset the suit during opening week Yet the program goes on and by the second week all is moving like wellroiled machine Fareuc 1500 Enrolment The heavy enrolmratihls year may yet present the most serious problem Last year the opening count was more 800 rising to 1800 bctore closing day it is easily imaginable that this years 1238 may rise well above the mark raising the question of Just what thcsaturation point may he Scnlor stall members this year all boasting the coveted lied Cross Swimming instructors certificate are John Saricant in charge oi swimming at Oro Beach Sue Walls in charge oi the day camp at Oro Beach and Ken Pratt do ing playground organization in the morning and swimming instruc lion ll Oro Beach in the alter noon General planning is in the hands oi Law secretary IIIEHEHICI oi the Recreation Coun Individual Playgrounds instructors and enrolments at the respective playgrounds are as iollnvila the first name In each case being so instructor Shear Winches Train Slice Off Car woman driver yesterday watched train slice oil the front end or her stalled car on CNR crossing on Highway 11 near aradtord Mrs Marie TIusrd said she wason service road leading to her home when her car stalled on crossinnghe train Was bout hall mile away and she tried to start it about three times in desperation she put it in re verse and pressed the starter but nothing happened she ran from the car and tried to ilag down passing motorists In vain =i lust stood there and watch eddthe train hit mynew car she so Essa Re daisies air And Spring Gun Handling Essa Council meeting in An gul July passed bylaw to regulate the discharge oi air and sprlng guns within the township An air gun was deilncd as gun of any kind which uses com pressed air or any compressed gas as the propellant force ior throwing or discharging truth It any shot bullet or other missile spring gun means any gun which uses spring oi any matlt erial ior the purpose oi throwing tardischarging irom it any shot hullet or other missile BylawaM was amended to in crease the interest rate from bit to shirt Councils next meeting will be at llaxter Aug at pln Prohibit Garbage pump bylaw was passedinr the pnrpuse or prohibiting the dump log at garbage or other reiuse in the township irom other muni clpalities Bylaw wasintroduced to red ulate the installation oi services gt by the owners orsubdlvlsions and to provide or payment oisame Tax lieiund it was decided to give Fred Sklrrow aleiundon his 1953 is es as his assessment was deemed too high owinng thehouaa not being completed reiund to he Park as host Clare Luaoa Young Barbara Webb AliaoDru ryGsry Pusan BrochSuet lea Eileenchappcll ltay Living ston Bill Law Queens Park 240 Anna beagle Jackie Lou Corby Lyn Sncigrove Anne Kenniogtoh Sylvia Syunolt John It Ease Maxwell Oakley Park 215 lrso ces Wildman Pat Grassland Mary Sinclair Beth Currie Laurie Bab ron Codrlngton School 240 Joan Tall uary beagle Patty Lapp Cynthia Lloyd ltarlr lsbrr Sic Vincent Park to Nancy Fergu son Helga Friedrich John saso Nelson Square 60 Sally Jones Joanne Murphy Lions Park 93 Hary Cuibert Joy Twlss Playground activity begins at 900 am and continue until 30 pm one or more leaders remain ing at each area through the noon hour so that children who wish may bring lunch and stay light through Day Camp Activities Each day one group oi child rcn leaves at 900 amto take its turn at the Oro day camp Ano ihor group leaves at l00 pm for an ailcrnoon oi swimming Groups are drawn 1mm the dliierent parks on quota system la thcplsygrounds the season opens uncvcnttully with group games and snitball to permit the children to become acquainted with the situation and one anoth cr Rapidly however the tempo oi activity increases and the scope broadens to Include cralis dra ma wicnci masts and eten tours to other centres with any rea sonabie suggestion open to con aldcrstion About threcquartera oi the Teenagers Picln Many Acitvtiles Ausplces Of suurday night dancing at the YinYWCA iur tecnsgers was among the list at activities plan ned by group of Keeners in an organizational meeting held at the yesterday aitcrnoon gracing is open to all teensgsla atiiitiiionlinaihdmisslon at 25c or boys and ice for girls Boys who are paidup members of the group will also qualliy tor the lac rate The only restricr tlon is the barring of jeans as dress for either buy or girls Dancing will commence tomor row night from 830 to 1130 with the secretary Allan bonds on hand to help keep things running smoothly and will continue each Saturday night as long as the necdior such activ ity ls apparent Oiiicrs elected to plan and op erate the groupg aiiairs are pre sident Ralph Knapp vicepresid ent Rodger Wilson secretary Ann Spooner and public rela tions representative Robert Ow on Various other activities are under investigation such as ten nis waterskiing and archery all with view to providing group access to such ventures for those aged it to e4 Barrie Po lce Arrest Escapees Monial Hospital Barrie Poiicecariy this morn ing arrested three menmissing irons Langstaii Mental Hospital ior two cases oi esr theii Arrested were Douglas Baker Harvey Sylvester 39 George Westlake to The trio had stolen car in Toronto and exchanged this for ing caught in Barrie They ar being turned over to the hospital authorities Orange Lodges AiEveroii And QriIIia Everett erllll In the centres at orange Lodge eel ebrations this At Ever ott monstnr panda wls state so get underway stous oclock this aitcmoon to be ioliowed by speeches and sports program at Commu lty Parka Orlula mearlwhile ia stag ing aithreeaiayOraols Conl Innnlty Fail sponsored by ornngeytodge ismails Tha istr began with children con tuto Thursday evening Tonight Friday wlusee at at the fslructed to havetho hitter incitided towns va ill be tottbaltga twae Barrie another st Newmarlrct before he Recreation Counci annuaitiud get at some$t2000or about monoll spent on the summu playground program utwhlch up proximately $2400 is recovered inprovincill grants toward in structors salariea nominal registration ice at 25c collected irom leach child also heipsto meet the cost Few it indeed any will question the dollar value in such program and these need but to observe the pro gram in actionl obc convinced oi its value Cold Water 0i particular Interest this week is the act that swimming classes are iinding the water in Kcmpen ielt Bay extremely cold raising the suggestion that the high winds at recent days have brought cold water to the surince Tries To Reach Boot String Boy Drowns sixyear old boy Glen Wist son ol Mr and Frank Wlsi was drowned in the llnliand Marsh Canal on Wednesday when iry ing to recover his toy boat which had drlitctl out irom shore Searching ior her missing son the mother knew he must be near when she saw his toy boat lloate ing on the canal Pulling in in the boalhe parents were horrllicd to see their sons not come into view tangled in tile string Apparently the boy had fallen into the canal while trying to roach ior the length or string to which the boat was attached as it drilled iway treat the bank His body was floating just below the surface near the boat but could not be seen The boy had accompanied his lather to it storage shed He lcit his father to return home ior lunch following the road by the canal when ihe iaiher arrived home he learned that Glen had not lb rived The parents set out to search ior him and saw the toy boat on the canal some Still yards from the house Neighholg helped in hunt in the body or thrboYandappiy artlilciai respiration until lire men arrived Bradiord Iirenleli ap plied artiliclal respiration or more than our hours beforethe boy was pronounced dead by the coroner Dr Patrick Graves Besides his parents the boy is survived by two brothers Gary it and Paul More Children Received Polio Vaccine In 57 During the month oi June the Simcoe County Health Unit finish ed its polio vaccination program ior elementary school children in all 21589 doses oi vaccine were given consisting oi 5379 iirst doses 3168 second doses and 14944 third doses Approximately 857 per ccnt at all elementary school children in the county received some vaccine this year This compared iavor ably with previous years last year only approximately 82 per cent at the children eligible were vaccinated Fiftyseven cases of mumps were reported to the health unit last month The second most popular communicable disease was chicken pox with 39 cases reportcd There were also iour cases each oi messes and whooping cough and three cases each of German measles and scarlet lever One case at jaundice was rt lulurial ateu elat area the ovu tsunami and ONTARIOLCANADA FRIDAYJULY 957 cm rterum equ and soon liarus auntom John Coleman county trua urer acichs auctioneer at annual Simcoe County Tax Sal the County Council Chlmbc Barrie on Tuesday July proximately 50 lots in the town ships of itledonlc Oro Cirillil Sunnidlle and Vespra and th villages oi Crecmorc Coldwate Toltcnham and Port Mchcoli were sold There was good attendance and bidding was strong Till highest price realized ior prop erty Mas $510 Two Plaques To BeVUnvoiied MariyrsTShrine on Saturday July 13 claim mcncing at pm an import ant ceremony wilttaltc place at theMartyrs Shrine nelr Midland This will involve the unveiling oi two historlc al plaquu One or these marks the settlement at Ste Marie which irons 1635 to 1649 was the headquarters ol the Jesuit missionaries In lluronla The second iobe placcd on tnpoi the emin ence which lower about the ruins oi Ste Marie will marl the western terminus of the lillil mlle route which during the ilrst half of the 17th eenc tury connected the French settlements on the St Law rune with lluronla it is expected thatrllgnit lriea oi church and state In cluding lilg Eminence Paul Emile Cardinal Leger Arch bishop oi Montreal and the Honorable Bryan Cath land cart liilnister oi Travcland wanosN lstiER GANToN recelv Ilium es the ceremonial key as Georgian Manor from How President or How Toronto Ltd general contractors Mr How better known locally as wilt is an old Burrte boy his mother Mrs Gord on How still residing on Toronto Si no is no stranger to Ponetnllguisheile having constructed the new hospital there also Mr How is married to the iormer Crystal Arbour oi Mid Vrair skies smiled down an afternoon July to as around 0n hand to open the manor and deliver the main address oi the aitcrrloon was the Hon bouis Cecile QC Ministcrfiol Public Welfare in the Ontario Govern meni His address factual and iorceiul review oi government policy and practice in matters of welfare is reprinted elsewhere in this issue except tor briei pasasge delivered in French in which Mr Cecile appealed in the citizens oi Pcactangnishsne to assist in making veritable home at the new establishment Mr Cecile was introduced by George Johnston siPP ior Sim eoe Centre of Mincslng and was thanked by John Small Reeve oi Adjala and loss warden the County Chairman George Lislt Chairman tor the occasion was George Lisk Reeve ol Tecumsoih and chairman oi the special build ing committee and at the1957 county council homes for the aged committee His first duly was the introduction oi the reeves who make up the two commit east those oithe building committee being Alircd Cage Penctang Lloyd Scott Ora iohn Small Ad jola Roy Hiekllng Vcspra and two who are members or both committees Montcalm Maurice Publicity will take part in the ceremonies The unveiling oi these two plagues forms part at an or tenslve marltlng programme being carried out by the Ar ehlcologleli and iliatoric Sit el Board Onurlomwhichv lonetlom under the inrisdie ilnn oi the provinceg oerart meat of Travel and Publicity iwocar crash near Forest Home at about 10 oclock on Wed nesday evening cost the lives oi threemonth old baby and two other persons and six were rer iousiy injured high speed dash to Toronto tailed to save the babys iiie Dead arc Winnipeg Man Receives Fine Careless Driving ivo Grenz oi Winnipeg involv ed in an accident at the junction of Cook and Napier streets on Tuesday in which three persons were inlured appeared before Magistrate Gordon Poster at Barr rle on Wednesday Ht was con victed oi careless driving and lined 525 and $15 costs Kenneth McNabb 21 at Phelp aton also appeared at court and Was convicted oi careless driving with line of $15 and $2250 costs The charge arose out oi collision at the junction at Peel and Grove streets Stephen Langman three months and Jane ilialic Langman 21 months both of Rugby and Jack Maciarlanc 16 pl Orillia Admitted to Soldiers iiicrnor lai Hospital Orillla were Edward Langman his wife Audrey 21 Douglas Taylor 18 at Orillia and Peter Hall 17 of Windsor The baby Siephen Langman was taken by Police Sergeant Murray Robinson of the Orillia iorce to the Hospital iorsick Children in Toronto with Nurse lilae Ansdell attending the crit ieaiiy injured child and administ ering oxygen The asmiie inur boy was covered in 54 minutes Sgt Robinson said that they had thought they had lost the race when on the outskirts oi Toronto the oxygen started to run out But saw him breath ing again when he was given ox ygcn in the hospital The baby died in hospitalyesterday The accident occurred at the junction at the Old Barrie Road and Concession Two of Uriilia Adrian Brown oi Angus origin ally charged with drunk driving was convicted and lined on Wed nesday on the learereharge Iii careless driving $20 and $12 cost The charge oi drunk driv ing was dismissed through lack of evidence charge of failing to yield right oi way was laid against Daniel Nadinyoi Ayimer alter an accident at the junction of Sophia and Bayiielrl streets on June 13 Magistrate Foster on Wednesday tincd him $29 on the cbarg with 23 costs Police atatg that Langman was driving west tilting the Old Bar rie Road and have tentatively id eniiiiod Taylor as the driver ol the second car going nprth on the concession The Langman earsrruch the second car squarely and tossed it uveru tourtoot stone wall Both cars were demolished The Lang mans were returning irum pic me in Drillia Park threeliiesixauri rileup Weather oday Ma iy Sunny And Warmer Following light ing nearrso Temperatures were iiigh law July 72 55 July 73 58 Jilly 13 64 July 76 5t July 72 57 July 63 53 July fill 50 July so rain on Sunday and avpleusant Mon day the weather has been at lady writer has expressed it rain washed wlnd shriv on with crystal clear air and strong westerly winds Temperatures were moderate Today indicates mainly aun ny with temperature reach Tiny and Warden Fisher Ganton oi Medonte other members at the second committee are Joseph Bellord Totlenham and William Keller Midland In his opening remarks Reeve Lisk expressed his pleasure at bastingbrought the new oinejato being and stated the coun ys Dosl5 tion in the matter oi such accom modation The new home is de signed to provide accommodation or 27 bed and 27 walking res idents and can include two mar ried couples This complements the accommodation in Beetons Simcoe Manor or bed and 80 walking residents He expressed the countys appreciation oi the 56 grant received trim the pro vineiai government toward thfl home General Contractor How general contractor in presenting the ceremonial key to Warden Ganton spoke highly of the cooperation he had reedv ed on every hand with particular reierenes to the citizens oiPen etanguishcne who had supplied all gravel and till lorthe addition tree at charge and without any delay His Worship reiterated this appreciation adding that Penetanguishene had agreed to supply water to the home free of charge tor the next to years in similar vein James Craig oi the architectural iirm of Craig and Zeidler spoke oi the high degree oi cooperation they had exerienced in their associataon with the building He deeply rev gretted the untimely death since the beginning oi the building of the senior partner in their iirm vsauahu TltAnE The tulip in its thensaodset varieties is one oi the most valu able items in Hollands export Penmnguishenc Wednesday 400 people gathered tor the oiiiciai opening or Gehrgilm Manor slmcoe Countys second Home ior the Aged serving the north area Walter 1a Blackwell who had played part in the planning and had been deeply interested in the project Mr Craigs remarks so compalalcd the presentation by his ilrm or plaque to be placed prominently in the building re cording the names or those re sponsible ior its erection it was received by Alfred Cage reeve oi reactants Other llrlei Addresses Brief addresses were heard from Mayor Thompson Right Rev Father Castex pasior oi St Annes Church and Rev Lewis United Church pastor all oi Penetang and truth Lloyd Letlr erby MPP ior Simeoe East Mrs Marjorie Hamilton Judge oi the County Juvenile Court and Ludlow Provin cial Director for Home or this Axed air Ludiow in particular spoke with exceptional conviction born oi his experience He urged all citizens oi the county to tool that they have stake in the new home and to strive to make its residents ieei that they are part oi the community He urged the clergy to go beyond the more holding of occasional services there but to try to minister to the residents as individuals since their problems are as real as those at younger people he stressed the need tor the terms tinn at local auxiliary to the home one that would involve representation from as many woo mens organizations as possible And ilnaliy he reminded his aude icnchbatJt is not lhghuilding howevériovcly that makes the blame but that itrls the love with in Thus he appealed ior this spirit among all who work in the home rpm the superintendent lvan Vasey down other prominent personalities on the niiiclai balcony included Fred Hunter and Jack Coleman County Clerk and Treasurer respectively Haber Smith QC MP ior Simone North and Dr Ryrlard iitP tor Simcoe East Georgian Manor described eeorglan Manor described in detail in the July issue of The Examiner iulills the loudest into it it is ultramodern bright homey yet practical and efficient True certain factors will require attention such as the outside account Another matter for concern the slippery nature at the mast tile flooring especially when it is tor the use of old pepple who can not withstand fall Handrails have been provided in the halls but these may not suilice Point ing up the importance oi this was the tumble taken by one of the press photographers not The Ex aminers Bruno Favero during the early inspection of the build ing He leli heavily without warning ioltlag both himselt and his camera severely dainty refreshments were served thevisitors by the WA of the Penetangr Presbyterian Church with some assistance irom mem trade iéit iythe newiionle or the Aged in Penet nguishene Georgian right are Door The BA ie umsath and ehairfl an Committee and oithe Cou the Agedycoinmittee maveoivtenfliansi on uperintendant oi the ne hame outs bl IE EXAMI hers oi the manor start and Family pectations that have been buil drainage mentioned in the earlier Following the official opening

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