Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jul 1957, p. 10

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with El misuiyn he id wusstars WIPI63J IdiotG knowledge among the peopla Al gangstagain am viii nod nu It Iberuniw Interment and swimsuit Bit1 chixi Minuteman war the flu unI onusegol hlsysising It wellknownle gilltum hehldrdtirehd irom Actingr161 lionin npujiinn ii The mindtimry ei réportrrs lengthy Illness II gt It 1549 was ton of Lot hhvilil in Montreal and said mam initiate wetn more gen 3w aWaaihmiii ilont emery rrt Iron on Eflgf 15 FM mm st Pgtrick day oi ixtial was remit mm rule long esldent nt Siroutl while3M In fitgzmmflgfysfi mm which In Innlslil Township at 15 Swflhh mu3 Justllszrpcntil haddlltercnl th norm ilrdiit rent tangodos he and Mrs Albert Neil and Ti Winnie WM WI 33 Cflfigfifig slid Lind cad olirpreni his livetl nil hlsllle in Hill with of United Climb Wu also chlol 5mm emulatesJehovah lilo Iulmflvr mm 59 mile and start and pupils at hammedlbr Buddhin nod and or Minervn Lodge AF Ind plialnout the EMILIMMI in For many yurs he Wits mun mkley Park Sthaul err tier oi anumgl Council Deplt Ptl er till ellxlonln because they my Reeve hgcvc and Warden ol Wm W5 roads to lhejamc god he said as county lrt 19441 he was 5° mm daystsitdovhenyo pack the youngsters on be suspend The rwarnldllndu eou aienl hi mm gimme His wllc lite lortnertiisai Sign Mrs Walter Homilttin may havewmmable Edy mugs Wm them Acmech sr Ind Scottish Itlto Camilla Fm pmdocensc InAWlesfVnncauVflf dren need good support ror their tact and hgseicflnladia orlek Ellth mEwan 013533 heflung Btttnly rubber so as prompt 3mm survivlng members are Funeral servlca was held sat made shoesfire lust ter ltlss Marion Webb inSlrauLI urdn June 21 W51 tar Mrs small Ive from moisture Ind mirth ground Fumble lentilr gflrgcsfflhfiffjfig 12 $2 anti three sisters Malt Rota Waller iiuynlltoh 17wcll Maw mntkse thesiLiihoes cpmxortnplems well as gooql looking him mm mm my trlson Allie in Ilarrie lit Eva North Shore resilient She rhntl sqliipplng your children Nlth th right Shoes this summer mm of Canadian Lem Used in W051 Vnnmuvu 01 mm mumjenny gumnrlitteethatihey ho skip rind lump in safety Enema No 14 numdmm PauiS Anglicanthurch Ccmet cm The military tunornl iollnwnd Hung iflfgcohrédifiznm in Slrnooc County and received Mp Chute Md ll Milignition Fpr figggflmcgwgc Trlfmyukngfim Lcccar flirté sons Henry mu Tow Dies Ar Quflaio Ag 93 Canister Veteran chm 3mm Ledear nephch lalnduwllliam figghtfigcfgefmfh 3501 Served in MissionWotk OWWorld Wdr Dne MrUQIIivLrl occurredfl gfiiismflmfiinieafigfiiiwhere wt Wal 1an ilteol much more than Full militaryvhonnnéicre an fsg9ywfif$j eers Edward Kuhlmeyer John It farm Wider rm Cmm passIng interest came lnI close corded the laleqwllilhm Irresi was rm and your son 50mm hogers George unherly IL Maw elead on Saturday Iulydi 1957 with we lumemdmfl Cal In 919 de mm thiaminehamifiafiavo fiifiTnxnflfiglgr°rurfiffifli David Henry KnJ lay veri and Elizabeth Jane Dyer gmnrghgfifigflf S353 where liir iIamliton was or sev ggbmma mm comm Sunnidui no no Mr Calvert was on In harrle lliiiWA lI ifll and lived all his to here except Some or the friends and tilh i312 ig=v1cgj33 €231323 93 We tor the years will to 1919durini1 ers or the iamlly cmlileclion nl their hnmfl Born on them Line lnnlsflln whim he served with mach his in triendsln the Sunni tendins from distim were member at West Vancouver °°° 75 was Meamfim mama mm sdlon Army In world War Mr AMudler and daughlvr Unit ri Ch rch ilIrs Hamilton 33 mm mm Cind if in no some member ot the Barrie Legto he llahlreal Victor and SidneyLe 16 where shewasmarrted in 1892 my my had served as SergeantatArnts near olToronto an ml Mm fifiatstpafihfi gimmBrrmesfiggdfilg K$of 1m andmontaroitneemuttvc res cmn 21 my ld Evv hi Width it shit fiiiiiiifiiiii it iiiiziiailz hitting Fnriysix years ago he was man and ma El LcGeilr at St Cath or the ramliy and tormer Iiruee an in anaFaorclgn £12 Emmi Wm comm Maud mm 194 He is SW rice to Illargaret llIcQuecn whit arines lintl many CNR penslon County boy litv Altred Thomp ed on Iune22ln the FethickIun vived by one brniher Jock Cal survives with one son Donald Ai crs who had known Engineer Le 50 gave rim address Vngvgffmgggt figsfl my Ham game by Rev ii veri Toronto two sisters Icnn hertNeIi and two grandchildren Gear lrpm Toronto and olher maddest husband MnHnm °° Markla oi the Church or the Mrs BMcLartn Brantiord Donald and Barbara Neit Also divisional paints man is survived by son is in infidel slalsshminmlélguvfi$h mnh Summm mm mm andmmnc Wed surviving at two brnlhcrs Nnr Many lovely Ilnwtrs alsv West Vancauver two sons neg gm mentln Slayner Cemetery Pail brook New Zealnnd and modem man and Harley ot Toronto and brought their message at remem and time In Vancouver two bearers were hurntioid Arnold ghiers hazel ltlrs Kirk and one slslur Mrs Hattie Blower brance and regret lrnm relnllves brothers Harold In Burnaby BC Ms Dndds mde Chalmer mu David Gauley Evelyn Mrs Slort harrte clliornia trlends and ironi lhe Brother and Percan Beaver Lodge At her husbandJn 1930 but In 41 Wlluaneraulev John Hood InnI Pallbearers were Thomas Eur Euneral service was held Iront hood oi Locomotive Engineers hem also laur grandchildren mmrried in Ernest hlcCchhcont ion Frank Lennon Blldlisher tin In recent years she the late residence in Stngharnpton herenl which the deceased was Fm Its included among the aural game my Reg 5mm the time In Cult United Church on Sunday anal an honorary member the Allan rcsnie liar mng were more mm the Sun 50 wflgm noon and was largely attended dalo Lawn Bowling Club the Lild new swnd dies and IE wmamdfl with nldale neighbors The Baffle Ex Among me Wm ics Bowling Club beeton Lawn Ms R95 Fans mm New hc airliner start Barrie Department ataf$f°°°2ifii l3 howling Club and the CNR Pen Passed Away In Barrie 93559 WY Em oi Public Works Lakeside cabins mm Mr lh letlow cmpioyces at Barrle gt iane impairment SM ss No5hethel and the WA and Immd S° Th resident at the Barrie distrlei slew munihs ago Mrs Marilh had Church Messiah Sun Pug Wgrks Irign Ithecmuy71I TM mimgts by re 12 or the past two years there continued to snioy gond health mm an mem re gum 95 WM L5 xv 53 hm passed away 31 Royal Victoria and remained keen and active SM we DIM ma Re lront Cans an Legion We Th Iiospltal nn July 1957 Mrs It is noteworthy that her pass hm Km deemed was hm 147 and item Loyi True Blue Many iloral tributes were tnk In County Lmerieir Ireland on Robert mus mm seem mm and or an In mums Township 30 Lodge No 337 ens oi the esteem tn which he was December 28 or that son or the 5m hem in Cum the mm built latelIenry Leccar and the torm lml For aimnst all his life Mr hes tr those Item the Bliii and Slrnud Inleriilcrit took place in Sing at Miss hehecea Session letter mm mm h°° 99 KMsIey wasn farmer menuIE or at the BreckenridgeAshen emotion in the pattern or tile it mm in swam ms 0mm areas were Mr land Jack hilmploilvlllemelclsys Pallhlzarurs 21315 enmhuigellaiggd ll 121th Funeral Homc Owe Snund by has knuwn for so many years his longest and Iggy Hum some inhivertdarltf ottowlhilggr 12133 mire got Edervltiiz camps Cumm several yem He up you cm Leach with interment iilrst Illttrtln is survtved by one yam mug in Sunnidm rl or is da Eng ee all war enrge red 512 em an In VnnwyckLs Cemetery gala son hnbert Dndds oi Tammy mm Previous he had mm nut to all rs wng Iloward Freethy Ray clava william Summers Lluyd Washington two daughters Mrss Em Township Mam Albertanlvert ort MoNIeollIloy Nuns carfilld nfévlmr Seaguvlgsw and Nelson Armstrong Tom and Myron Carver Burialo Ind mnnrlshnd and mum Tom Westbrook Calvert Mouton Keith Johnson and Mnurice dish liIrs Stanley Lt Garvin Lockport Mrs Bl MtLtlren anti Reitred CNR Engineer on noted as pallbearers NY three grandsons and seven Turvey Brsnltord fluids wasa few years sojolirn Jae was Presbt in and Joseph Henry LeGear was and bi fishing 333s Iawn hm mm mm Wd g°gddde on the railroad nnen eluded talk from years she had been member of Dled After Operation 2w Olwiglg to 10ng htglilh Oshawa Whitby Tammimg Andrews Presbygerianchureh wilan ggsscillaalégheée lieldSeaiorthrnriEl in Barrie no my with the chit in1944 or two mm 558mm mailghgg Tho iuneral service was held on fififgfifif 14 em Henryflane Lemar ham years before reaching the rettre um and Dundalk Tuesday July at peihwkiun Om dmgmer Oma Mm wu on or his passing on Wednesday mm 82 Amalie lhnmanyflorzl nfler Chm BIFIEV llam Giipin Barrie and one son any 22 at the Royal Vicmm Hos His wife predeceased him on ings was hganllful design 1mm ment at Barrie Linton Cemeteryt Dam Earl Stiyngr RR mm mm mm mm suddenly October 1936 and he leaves bruesiield Lodge 100 Rev Mulr oi Essa itosd vim Wiley we we mmlgh ampcflnnmd her aim surviving our sons and nne illss Fetus was burn in Maik Presbyterian Churchoiiiclatedlln mum Annie Ednh 3811 Freak unwed an Forum on MAY 18 daughter Joseph Edgar LeGear dale in 1900 daughter of wn the summer absent or Rev and Mm in 1959 as sin The was my large mm in nundas Erie HI oi StCathar inn and Msryhlaln Stephens James Fergusun oi St Andrews wusom in mo and ntdaugmer an mm on Sammy lites Kenneth VRI withthe Cane besides her husband Itoberl Fet Pallbearers were Stanley JGllr Elm Mm Emma my May 25 hm hm um adlan armed flames in Winnipeg tis oi Painswick she is survived Vin grandson othoehesler Itoy 1952 Brhdmrd Street Barrie and GIIrrelt LeGezr nisowith by one brother Robert if Goudleilnw Struud JflckFGiilVin sending the mural services he hmwa the army in Whitehorse Om station and two sisters George Martin Brltmn Dtmsnmre beside those irorn the Barrie and ducted by REV Muir ism Gauthier is Mrsr Mar Euphemia hirs Bert Summers and James CflhBame Sunnidale districts were iriends S99 0Me IVE at minis Essa RundPresbyl shall Edna ol 127 hurton oi Markdole and Isiily Mrs an intending the iuneral besides and relatives lrom Torontohclwie lsn Church Interment was in St Avenue Fame williarn Hincks oiIIesherton deceased her it lingwnod Baxter Larroy Thorn Twoibrothers and two sisters pres She was member of the Uni ton Strand Detroit Rosemnn IV ed Church andMidlnnd IQMEAMJLEXPLOR 0N OM ANY Limited gt BEJIIMEILotq BUYJIIcKll STOCKS antIs as With NICkEL occupying the br est spot in the Mining Stuck Markets today we test thstour initial altering ot sharesot SUN zoohiins glyfimglfue BEAM EerORATlorl ls VERY timely lreeuihlthtzfliss Ideally located in the isbulons Nieheltieh Sudbury Mining dis DP the with trict SUNBEAM EXPLORATION otters an opportunity to par gfvgowrw tlcipste at an early stage in mind new NICKEL prospect 0ut West jusfilfilfii elop salnples gave Nieitel values up to 124 month Extensive hsicsi worlrhas alread been on it out on cowrw row liarlto drone SUNBEAMS lwo mmpertiest magnetometer sllryey rind Itri lt not as DEE hem Electromagnetic survey gave eonsistont anomalies and diamond 3m 10s figs drilling wasrecommended run In Wynn lamohll drilling starts Immediately on the SUNBEAM property or vatThem In Faiconbridge Township situated within miles the East srlglgghég shalt ot Falconbridge Nickel nines on the edge or the muted munam Sudbury Rim Initial utteringhy Pnk Ruinbbw gt antBAVEIo Ialdv V145 YongeSITqronror In fietsl Burst Bra Good rooming iidence every girl wllnts Her clothe firm and feel comfort ublerAnd when hendstum and eyes will she mtWIS Shll whogirl ge ya rselt Pet in ynur choice olhntino hrondcio in blind in new pastels inplnk or blue satin

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