MONDAY JULY 1957 WestBeItd Follow The establishing oi the West Bend Aluminum Company oi Canada ill Barrie is just another chapter in the West Bend story slnry which began in 1911 it started as an ideaan idea to iind new industry ior the community of West Bend Wis consinr In an era of high hutlon shoes and buggy whips it took men with vision and pioneering spirit to Search out the industry with growth nutential unre stricted by ghnnging limes Threhuiee was an aluminum business and the pruduct was cookwntor Seven Fountl Camiany Seven eitilensol West lleml in lï¬ll formed the West Bend AI uiitiltunt Company and their ï¬rst factory was small red tranie building on the Vcsthiink ill the Milwaukee riverrented tor $850 per month Today the West Bend Company has two factories in the States and sister iaetory at Barrie Over 2000 people are employed throughout the business and the company is proudof being one of the few ntnnulactllrers who have been suppliers to Sears Ruellllck and Co or more Hum 44 years War llonnrs Within three weeks at Amer ieii entering World War II the ï¬rm was wurking the clnck Beverley Edwards workson assembly of niotor ANTEN MILLS Collins Nancy and Jim or itin dcn all at Juiln Collins cwt Visilnri Visits Daughter ML 211 MsVA law ff lirs it it ltliles visited with mil W9 llur daughter Alice at letrolia ior couple oi days and is now Mr and Mrs Frank Garvin Visiting friends in Tumltlu or St Calliarines and Mrs Gar few days vin oi Barrie spent Sunday at mmth iron Cantortin Holiday visitors ill the vieinity were lltrfnndtlrst Fare and sun at their collage hertz hirand ltirsw Collins and Louise at Long uranelt ML and Jim George Homes and children and George Collins oi Etohieoko ltirandMrs Noble or Mimieo Mn and Mrs William titlTo in Mint ACCmENlV at slcmEss ltlrs Ellilli Newlnlt oi Calilnr llia spent it day Ill John Newtons oeiure leaving tor Colluurg FnreweliSnrtltnn Revr Jr Veales xdeiivered his atewell sermon Sunday He is leaving or his new charge this week at llurnings Mitts School Picnic The school pic was held last Fridaywat ltlidnnd PnrkAlthuugh the weather was most unlavorahle good erowd attended Dinner tvits snrved about pnt Several enjoyed swimming Races and other sports were held in the ab ternoonr All lelt or home about 5pm Weekend Guests Mr and Mrs Allan Howard Carson and Paul Mrt and itirs Hughson oi Toronto visited over the weekend ntgtMr ind Mrs ill airlift pennant hy the end oi the war round producing some and timer ent items for the war machine in 1942 the eonipany received the coveted n5 Navy award for quadrupllng the output oi the much necdetlxnntinircraft shells and live stars added to the blue oiied live renewals award Byagrecmunt with Sears and hoeuuck and Co West Bend eng ineers trtwards the end or the war wereworlting ieverishly on or that the design ol an all new outboard mntnrto be called the Elgin illIeiFtrstnOulbnarlt When VJ Day came West Band was really with lï¬hp Elgln which took honors as the tlrst éulilnsweod Community Arena MONSTER $2900 since Glme 3500 Gina women it 31500 lfittu Share The WealtlL Austins 0f Parent Plalit itlttniinam aircutlletl pustular mullet board mnlorThere followed in succession larger modelsi all sold exclusively throuth the Sears llnelauck ehain the States and Canada Today the present small West Bend plant in Harrie is produeing the Eight motor at the rate or 12 per day The total administra bers only seven but then it hits tn be remembered that the com pany came to Barrie in the early months ill this your hand tent purriry aeeollunndatinn and made the lirst shipment ot motors on April 12 Said Emberson plant in ager Vie have plans tor building it plant in the Barrie in dustrial areit but it is not possible as ct tosay when the new plant will he eomnleted The histury it West Bend has heen one ol expansion and this ï¬rst Canadian company at the same organization has every inA lention oi allowing that tradi tion The time is not ion distant when the Barrie plant or the West Eenll Aluminum Company will be turning tlut variety of lines similar to those nowman ulacturell in the llartlortl fact Dry oi the mlnpan oui thin and engineering stair num TRY AN minimum WANI An rliONE PA azm numeric AND nEcitEofiioN ASSOCIATIONS em Ernest tlnrrlssliiray paints the completed outboard motor In it spectitl honthsnt West Bend nlnnttnBnrrle ll ns Elect Pruldenl Edurrdu Bury oi Little noetr Arknnsns has been elected Intnr nntlunul President Lions Inter national at the associations tit Annual Convention in Sim From etico Calitornla Nmil7n Intern tional with 564300 members in or countries or regions is the world largest urviee club urgnniznttnn ppurrcr WHAT uou OWN IISIIRE EU PHONE lot GENERAL lh URANCE as colEu smEEr Pits5934 BEETON COMMUNlTY CENTRE weltuiisltltii will 1on stirstttvrrcmt Srtclirts lz GAMES SHAREVTHEWEVALTll GAME yr Games Leadershili Course is Held Renrentinn Service the eourre was In Alliinelale in spite or ill Ihout 35 peo ple attended games leadership course here last Friday It hld been arranged to holtl mornlne nnd Itlernotm Msslons on the lawn or St Georges Church but because of the weather conditions the group met in the Parish Hall The course was planned ior those who had volunteered to help on shore It swimmlng classes and day camps throughout the county District represented were Shanty Elly Ennd End Newton Robinson Bradtord Caulson ltillsdale Crnlghursttf Stmud Everett and Barrie During the day wide variety of games were used nrlive attes quiet ones lhose suitable tur large Rmuns and others for small groups and singing games low aellnn songs were also demonstrated New games were learned old ones rc viewed and program periods plun ned for various circumstances such as cold dnys hotnays ior sandy heath grassy slopes for younger ehlldrcn and for indoors Sponsored by the Slinene County under the leadershin oi litre Louise Culley hlrsllnlil Broley and Miss Florence McArthu POT LUCK but Very unlucky tor the property owner or renter who might bo caught in damage suitcoming the proper insurance is saierR smarter and cheaper than getting measured rir lawsuttr And to he sure you are FULLY COVERED you should consult an INSUR ANCE SPECIALIST JuleSTEVEN all INSllltilltEE see usrlnzsT hr Murance ALL KINDS Tobaeco Growers Present Argument Vs Warehouses Growcrtt which now represents the product ers at 50 per cent at the Dnlitrln nuecured tobacco crop present ed against auction warehouse to of iicials oi the Departmentva Ag ll rleuliure on June 28 The committee representatives were extremely well satisltcd with the hearing given them and Ihelr cause It was deemed ln conceivable that Ontario would loree the producers at onehalt ni thetobacco in the province to support an auction warehouse scheme which was bitterly resent ed by them delegation from the Tooaecn Prulective Committee CALL Tilt EXAMINER run you nutritive mans the Committees arguments 95 Dunlap st um eszoi SE 1mm Kim1 lneCAttTer This scuttle McCarthy rinse sltttwxsrliillsltr 915 Pill ilthtfllES JULY KNOCK ON WOGD Colour Mill ZETTERLING DANNY KAYE wEE MEN COMEDY we Tilillis JUlY mil BOIAHY BAY Colour ALANLADD JAMEstthO CARTOON contrive Jeanne hllillljtil were confident n1 ihcoulcnme DI