Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jul 1957, p. 3

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NOT EVEN THE WEATHER could dampen the spirits of the popuius or the Blue Mountain Lodge for Crippled Children near Collingwood on Georgian Elly Rains had poured clown upon their cabins for three nights previous so much so that the doors could not beproperlyshut But still there wasnt sad rice in the lot The kiddies at the lodge proved once again that smiles are still made with the lace regardless of the condition the rest of the body ill thcphoto at lelt program director Dlek Shorron referees as couple or the happy Children square off They Murray Wilson In the centre photo Anne Beatty or Brampton poses with Ken Des pims Kenny had made his way down lairly steep gradeto wateh the waves on the water lows youd lire Waiter gt5ilitér arid At right Bobby Warren one oi the happiest and most intelligent tel want to meet gets aid from husky nick Bruchovsky as he does little Iishin ilvrm GUTHRIE Farewell Sermon Rev Warr prcachcd his visiting Son Mrsnan Colweil is visiting THE BARRIE EXAMINER MON JULY 1957 New FLOS nssisled by Mrs li rartridgc who gave rcading Mrs Switzei conducted the WA meeting Tho her son Alex and herrbrothers at Pelerborough Mrs Don Hammond accompan rcd by Miss nclcn llatton visited or law days with Mrs Arm tarcwcll sermon to large con grcgation in the United Church hcrc last Sunday Hls subject was Personal Evangelism based on John verses to 12 Summer School Miss Elaine Atkinson is attend ing summer school in Toronto llollday Vlslors roll call was name command ment bake sale was planned fol Friday ailcrnnon July 12 on tho rtmnsphcrc in thc camp would yoil paid for those Easter Seals so how did you feel Did you give willingly or were you little reluctant Were you short oimuney at the time or were you saving ior something you thought was more tonr glble Hard To Get Since money seems so hard in come by these days it seems al most naiuiili that you should ieei Van empty spot in your stomach when you hand it out The rcason inr tiiis lailer lccl ing is because that is as far as you go You give the money arid dont Ihink oi it again until il ing your income tax Why dont you trace where your money goes it you wdll give the greatest odds the world that that empty spot will be filled and your spirits will be lined skyhigh Residents nt Barrie need not trace thc money too lar just about 43 miles on the outskirts of Collingwontl Recently this writer visited Crippled Childrens Cnllip lot the first time You see we run have given and sometimes lit tle grudgingly too wrong Impression TheVname thc camp was sluc Mountain and tar some unknown rcason we tclt that tile be as the color suggested such as the popular song But more wrong we co 1d nev By STEVE iONESCu Can you remember the days that you made out your cheques to the Ontario Society for Crippled Children or the times you purchased peanuts from the local Kiwanis Club or the days who are kept going every minute oi the day consider the work as play This playiul spirit was ring lng lhroughollt the camp In couldnt help but enler our heart too Miss ncwspapcr ghosts in dinner at roast pork boiled earrols potatoes There was tea and milk to drink along wilhu lasty pudding or dessert through in paraded llie young try in this case junior boys Ali cr The gum and Grace hungry children gobbled up the Even in many counsellors Eclore touring stop lurthcr Thomas invited her two and with luscious gravy when the counsellors were the same meal as we had eaten and crics lnr scrond helping were not unheard Alier their mcal we rcccivcd yet another surprise Dick Shzr run program director read the buys letter which hc said was supposcd to be lrnm the Toronto rulicc Chiel To Catch namuts The alclier noted that two wanted criminals the cisco and Crisco Kid had escaped Jail and were headed towards lors lcll over ihat lhc childrcn est kids in the world Coiling wont rcalifc any dillercntly Altcr slngsong led by Sally Pinkbam and Don rlcckscr thc childrcn hcadcd back ior their cabins andacouple orhoursrcst At the camp he children do not necessarily have to sleep during the rest hour ncing in bed is enough not Kiddies whilc this parade to the cab ins was being made wc hall our best chance to encounter the Cub 0nd icllow Bobby Warren oi Oshawa was most happy that wc stopped him He didnt need the rest anyhow he said aurora hed Ialk about world alliairs howcvcr Eobby insisted that we late on the gloves and go lcw rounds This we did un til this reporter wastelled by rat lguc dcspilc the tact the boy with the hracc up in his hip did all orthc dancing around Convinced that the batiler from Thc BarrieExaminer was no malch for Bobby called tor hall and said Lets talk aHe wanlcd to talk tishing an nthcr corncr or liie in which this rcpnrtcr docs not prctcnd to ex call sobby told us that at home which he isntmlsslng at all he went lishing every day Asked it he used worrns lni bail Bobby answered Not just worms but dcw worms Gee you are not much oi tisherrnan are you Gucss not Bob ed on the scene Bobby wanted to show him how he belted out his newsmateAndrhe did again whcn the photographer return dis arc gnlng to bc in tor grcal day Atonc end oi the camp our ol the cousellors including liliss Thomas havc started construe tinn at an lndian village Thc totem pnlc is alrcady hcau titully or gruesonlely carved and crcclcd Thc barricadc stand ing about ci hr or in loot high is partially tinishcdsclorc the big ccrcmonlcs teepees will also havc been built The torcgoing was just glance at tho Blue Mountain Camp tor Crippled Children This was no campaign pitch it was mcrcly to show you whcrc your kind dons ations arc going and the guod you arc doing So next limc yttu rltn across the receipt nt your donations dont hang your hcad nvcr it Tuck it away and take drive out to Blue Mountain Our bet still stands worst staph Thoworst stnrm ever known hele hit this commu ily on ch nesday evening Jul The rain lull in shccts The was ten riric blow down buildings and trcc The light illg slruek trcc in lront at Mr Shacters cola lagc splitting lhcyrnaplc bloc and flames burst around to other tages across thestreet Mr lluiletts rage was smash edtu kindling Mrs Chappcrs ow was smashcd causing eons dcrahlc damage to weekcnd From Toronto gt Jessie Gilchrist or Toronto ed rclatlvcs hcrc over the Mrs Wiilkcr and bany this week with thu iormers sister Mrs Mason AL Conlerence Miss Dorothy Ann Campbell and Miss Belly Tudhopc oi Esson are representing the on Club girls of North Simeon at confer ence in lilaedonald Hall in Guelph tilts wcck Visit Aunt Mrs Keith MaeLeod DiK troll and Mrs Charles Brown at Vastly visitedtheir aunt Mrs Walker last Wednesday Recently Mnrrled Congratulaions to Mr and Mrs Lawrence lilcQuay Miss Marjorie Cameron who were married in the Presbyterian Church herelist Saturday Junc 29 in very pretlyvsummer wedding Prior to her marriage Marjorie was entertained at the home 01 her cousin Miss Margaret nose Cameron Mrs Howard Campbell supervised making brides bunk About 15 girls gave Marjorie miscellaneous shower Dainty re freshments were served by Mar garet nose and her mother Mrs Cecil Cameron Mrs Duncan Cameron lelt or Calgary Alberta last Sunday night to attend the wedding at her brother Charles Fell wa and WMS Mcctlng Thc WA and WMS met in this Sunday Selioolroom ot the on ed church on July with25 ladies prascnti Since this was WA mccting Mrs Ewen Caldwell was in the chair Aiter brlclbus inoss rnccting Mrs James Pearaall conducted the worship service on Cathy ni Downsview are spcndlng strong at Simcoe Weekend In Detroit Mr and Mrs Wllmer wilsnn spent the weekend in Detroit at tending friends wedding on Holiday Mrs Don Ncwand lamlly nl Montreal arc spending their va tation with Mrs hicwrnsns para cuts Mr Don Newman spent the weekend with the tours Sunday Services Services at Chrlsi Church dur ing luly will be at pm Weekend in Oshawa Mr ners lohn noggarth and Mr and Mrs borne Carnlth era Ind Ilnlily spent the weekend with griends in Oshawa weddlnz Guests Mr and Mrs Jennelt and Mrs Don Newman attended the wedding ofMiss Hill of Coiling wood ingthc Chapel at Hart House Toronto on SaturdayLdunc 29 Recently Married Congratulations to Lawrence McQuayand Miss Marjory Cam eron who were married in chin rie Presbyterian Church nustur daYr June 29 From Toronto Dr Ii Davis and Mrs Davis at Toronto spent the Weekend with Mr and Mrs Arthur Cox worth Mr and Mrs Robert Hannah Barrie spent Sunday with liir and Mrs Lee Banting ann In Toronto Barbara Goodwin Miss the summer months Weekend Vlsitors weglrcnd at the him or Mrs Es ten oavis Visitors with Mrs and Miss Eleanor Cochiane have ac eepled position in Toronto tor Miss Mary Davis John Davis and Miss Jean Bellettcspcnt thc ll Lenner Henry rnnscn and iricnd ui Toronto visited on Saturday with Mr and Mrs lohn dc Carter and ramlly Miss Sarah oilchrist and Jams Graham at Toronto spent thc hoi iday wcckcnd with the lorlners sister and brolhcrindaw Mr and Mrs James Milligan and lamlly Sunday oucsts Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Steve Rawn and Mr and Mrs Clinc Rawn and lamlly in eluded lilr and Mrs John Wilson and hlr and Mrs lames Morgan and tamlly pt Seltomberg nccent visitors Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Archie Wanlcss Ind lamlly includcd the iormcrs aunt Mrs Charles Conway oi outrunMich igan and hrothcr Earl Wanless ot Timmins Gary Mclrcan oi Colllngwnbd is spending this wcch with his cousin WarrenWanless wt Mccting Ncw Flos wt incets next Tues day evening at Mrs Steve Rawns Agriculture is the topic CliowN HILL WA Meeting Crown Hill United Church WA held the July mccting at thc home at Mrs Kenny on Wednesday July Mrs Viola Aconley con church lawn The mccling was closcd with praycr Mrs Rhincharl and Mrs Smith served dainty re frtshmcnls Stiller with Jaundlce Allan Rix and Robert Sinclair have the jaundice Hope they will soon be around again Recent Visitors licccnl visitors with lilr and Mrs Gough were Mr and Mrs Edward Waltz Detroit Mr and Mrs Harold Siaplcion Robertand John Toronto and Mrs Rainey oi Barrie School Picnic Owing to inclement wealher the school picnic was held on the school grounds last week on to Vancouver Mr and Mrs Roy Nawson and sons arc on trip in Vancouver no and they arc planning to at lcnd theCalgzlry Stampede DollYourself Users Woste Point survey by apaint company shows that it Costs thc average doilyollrselt hoine owner 25 per cent more lhnnvis necessary and his painting projects take so per ccnt icngcr tlmn they should be cause or incliicicncy and lack of knuwlcdgc The average houses holder buys about eight gallons ducted the missionary cvo lona 1953 an conditioning Heater Martin Goodv oi point per year but not all in gallo quantifies big front wif wood it said that thc twowcrc inside the Muse The the theme Joy veryinter or prove to be During rstny rum 1115 zm to 230 nary frown was in sth the hhppiest occupant or the camp was the lone little lellow in the lntlrrnary His name was Russ Crust And lrom him we lgot spirit oi the beautiful location Russ appara ently came down witlnil sore throat Tuesday and was placed infithe lnllrmary as preeautio ary measure yForiunately it was nothing serious And when we pho tographer nrunoravero enmp director Itth Thomas this WIitelw visited him he was rur not armed and were harmless Nevertheless it would he great service to the community it the bandits were apprehended Following the letter lsruchovsiry swimming instruct or and acting sherlit advised the kiddieslo Wear their gunbells at all times iie saidlhat while the arms were not reaithey could probably scare the banditS into surrendering round cheers rurlg out and each boy vowell he would be thc one to caplure cisco and Ms eo And while theyare not really sure at they are going Nick Touredfiamp wilh our nose bashed in we felt it was time to start touring and cleave boxing to those more ablc Thccamp is made up or long rows oi beautiiul cabins if rphonchonth at Jacksons store was thro into the window breaking large plate lass win dow Mr Parkhursts veranda was tom tom the house esting program tollowcd Mrs Gilchrist read an dress in the laithtul and lnspi ngpress ident oi lhc WMS Mrs Newton Besse Mrs Ewen Caldwell pre Robert and Maud Keown were angevilleMnltoba Mr and Mrs Morley Black cl slmyalc Mr and Mrs Dew oi Mimico Mr and rs Thomas Gauley cl Un dill IlresTwo Tune Green First class lon Mr and Mrs John Bell of Ora nishcd as any home with line bells and modern plumbing Che of the more recent cabin was built by the Barrie Kiwanis Club irom proceeds oi its pea nut blitz There Is suitable playground accommodations and fenced in swimming pool The main cabin which is used lcr catlng is also playhouse and is Especially use tut duringthe rainy pcriods such lrccs blown ldown houseswarn destroyed terrbilo while it lasted but no one pasta Wm me member was 32 troal are spending their ldnys here LAC urt From Montreal Recent Visitors AlmosZeVerone that had large them uprooted and Boats and boat It was and Mrs MWaltcrs Ari hol Mrs Gordon harlot sentcd Mrs Bcsso on hehalt or thcsocicty with life member ship certificate in thc wus Mrs Wallace cough prescntedfll Mrs Milton Trace lst vice president of the WA in this Préi bylery was the special speaker or lheday shc was introduccdhy Mrs Mei Jameson Mrs Tracoo addresswas most iniormutlve She told of atiéndlng DominionCoun all where the theme was The ity sir Mrs Settlerand iamily of nor are holidaying with Mr and Mrs Clcv Sundiy Visitors Mr and Mrs Allan Jones and Beverly oroollcn and Harvey Campbell d2 Toronto visitedw Gumball on Sunday Patton stay ing to so as experienced lately andtarnilyol saggutvlllc Qum my Church to stop the bandits The bid Mis Thomas asked Howu our throat today Russ Okay he said Can run out play now at was the mast important artol the conversation and urp se to thisignoran report We had never thought ing into ihc ramp Thcl see thcm and end thcir Ire Plats such nsthis are erous one vening tribev Indians tram over in one are goingto come creep eep ing is going lobc pool cnougb that the youngstersare gain to om lined to the groundxlholding goes on an overnight whe counselors with suitable ledge otwoudlore Alllof the activity is not of Mrs Cabins Ellery day group oiffoys strikes comp andsleeps in onto in hhrgo arevvisl mg with Mr and Mrs ll liett holidayylrltora Mrs quantz Time Chnnges Ilhe Baptist Church intl Ii Children ll going to have The BARRIE silicon and rnmclo at Toronto spent the holidays willjlichcld null Sunday School She also visited Berkley Studio where our filnistrlps andehureh movies are mndeunder the cup ship or Rev Anion Mooreh us Mr Trnee we luily lutot1iemerglng or thc wgi and WMS as oncrederhtio crviccsWorncrrii the UnitedChurclIot Canada Mrs it Glyn thunkéd lflgkldrlpel and Church services at seveh tbeovnning orJuly and Angus injured in Accident William Dyer or narrlc was in jured ln elrIeoldent ull Sun day as thCrosse speedy reeovory the road to hirrvbtothcrs Morley and Elm Dyarrbonie We wish him sng nl Kitchene SrilleyRea Nn Aiternoon ten was served It their horny holidays ml

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