wonLu snares at July 4thrihel and the Bombva Howie aiai an loop all Thratahdiugsonthe just onchall ghme ahead of the St lie American Braves two and unchalrgames India 01 the Brooklyn Dodgers ind three games up on the Philadelphia Phillies Then just eightand one tia New York Giants ball games or the hate The Glaula at nine use the look thcm Remaniher justa levr short seisona ago when they came irom lanherbackJo overhaul the Dodgers on the last day at Ihe that Bobby Thomson slammed his mentor schedule Thamesthe day ablehorncrun of Ralph Bianca ll Indiiiau is lo their our early season prediction is hall wrong or the Bravu and me Yankees couple of hull right We picked monllls ago As in as the American clrrult boalillg duh Wynn We would have given the White Sox chance until wool ago since themhowever great things have happened loithe Yanks mnund corps Theyva started to throw complete games Ace lLlty whitey Ford is back In good lurm Don Larson andnob iurley twothuclun who Wm labelled greats when they first broke into the American Rogue with other cialis have started to twirl in bigiengun lashlon Tiltn its they have all along southpaw Bobby Shanta and rclicler Bob Grim are liring So with the Yaulu on top we behind cm in second apotntheu Sox Cleveland lndlana Baltimore the Washingtoniantors Were going To itick by Theyve always had dle hittingNo McDaniel thepitching corps seem to he have the arooklyn nodgers we cinnati ltedicgs New York Giants andPittsburgh Pirates closer borne we pick the Toronto Maple Leaio to win the interni the little world series Reason lac picking the Lents is the clubs tremendous homcrun output The othercsaarllan club in the league the Montreal Royinure currentlyhuiding upthc rcst ot tnctearns tinnal Lcaguc pennant and enter make it into the piayolls JUST NOTES Received letter in the mail today asking about the Marathon Swim that could have llnishcd in Rome The writer ram Snrniu was seeking an application for entry This week senior leagues allottr team At each parlvnil he shallot hux softball luna vcry much appreciated ii the ballotscould be returned to the Spam department or The Examiner it is expected that the local stars wiilmeet anchortown cluh later this month one thing is certain about this dream team Each club is sure to he represented as league in eilprytown While It hasnt been ï¬nalized players will be chosen at each position with the exception ol pitchers which will likely secthtee choices only one player at every spot The players witnthe top number at votes at cach position will be on the squad Fresh ballots will be at eaehpark every game So please do not vote more than ante at any game but please cast ballot at cacl tilt This is the tans team and only the players you and theplayers choose will makethe squad Form Girls Solibhlii Loop tour team league including Utopia ivy Thornton and St Paul rainawick was organized at meeting at St Judes Church Thornton last Monday Those present were Rev Bevan Monks Lida vEeamiah Eleanor Stand Mary McDermott Peggy olive ltlcQuny Gloria Jonnclt Eleanor Jennelt The toiiowing schedule was drawn up July is Utopia vs lvy St Pauls vs Thornton Thornton vs Ut opia lvy vs st Paulsszz Utopia vs Paulsivyvs Thornton 29 St Pauls vs Utopia Aug St Pauls ys lVyl Uta vs Thornton la lvy vs utopia Thornaon vs St Pau Thornton in lvy 23 Semis game Theloiiowing rulesrwereagreed POD 1win counts points Tie counts lpuinL ï¬Hdme team supplies 317 vs inningslor each game 4Game startat 730 prn 5Hume team supplies the am pire uélllc playutls are not to he on home field Mr guod other glela teamswhich would like to enter the league next year are requested to get in touch with Eleanor donnett at Thornton According totredltioa tbe cinclnaatinedlen ad the NewYori vantees will meet in the 1957 WorldiSer ltianal deadliuitite Fledlegsled the National ruined could take our earlier prediction oi the NL pennant winner the Milwaukee Braves Theyre almore consistent club train the Rcdr Well also stick by our aecundpiilce club the St Louis Cardinals Ballots will he passed out at the our hallparks Thumps Einivaie at Queens Park 1st vs 3rd 2nd vs 4th ZBFjunl Monks antedthathe pectod adouatlnn 101111th the near tuture CdldfllNt in ufBuehail Alter games insflu miloi July llldtho Hedianllop Louis Cardinals and the Milwaukee dark horses but one mustnt one is concerned wecant aceanyone hiu par with the ocat pick the Boston lied so to tinish the Detroit Tlganchicago White orinics itsnsas City Athletics and wilhihe addition of young Von rounded out Following we lcked them iourtli last time Cin PhlladeiphiaPhlllies Chicago Cuhs However well pick them to worse asked to start voiing ontho also Alter each game it would be thercacc many line players in the as yet it Isniost likely that two However fans are asked to name Orillla 099956 Barrie Tomsrrw On in downed Elmvaie 78 in senior Iadies soltbail game played at Elmvnle this past wcelr end The Elmvaie gals athrtiedthe winners little trouble despite the tact they scuredxin the second third and inurth innings Or la matchedElmvulea tot al in one inning the fourth They had scored oneln the third also flipwell pitched the win or Orililaheing tagged or eight hlls Her mates tagged McConnell of Elinvai for 13 safeties Tonight Newmarkel plays at Elmvale Tomorrow night its Orillia visiting the Barrie Flyers llcrest Grls Hal Te ill deleated coldwater Girls d7 rriday night in an EastSimA eoeLéague game playedat Cold water Tilinwasvuue oi the toughest glmesnlthe reason lol the Hills crest who were held of the score sheet the last two homes Cold water came within one rpnmt ly ing the halijame when they Ill hall the seventh inning lit upon total in dust Lhreelsgoriliginulngs The visit collectedonc run in the the third and three sevcu lupin cling in tho Nationi Both teams were passive hlislby Tum McCullough lied talnglerou in the bottom Park While gest horriblij lopsided is contest ll wal ual actually use scored on the great niaiorlty ol its while Hollandia was cx inept at the other end oi the pitch held all lhe score sheer or ill ï¬rst 15 min uiei of the irst period beiora Brian Baker put the winners out front SMMHIRO in the nexl ii minutes oulslilc leil Joy Vandamme made lhe score +0 with three neat goals ruin closelu Pal Degenund Sum Pattersouacored bclnre IhtI iirat period ended The second hall was all Baker with Vandamme on the sidelines giving somebody else chance Baker stole the show scoring three goals giving him our for the alteration Pal Dozen secondhand Frank Smith Scored second hull goals for Barrieswcer Club Belore BSCs eighth marker Bob Wilkinson scored Hollandius only goal irolnn scramble in rout artillewinners goaiposts Hollaudlawas mlnuga few of their trollilinc piaycrs and as rcsult were very disorganized at times The forwards they did llava had seen limited action and were in no condition to capital ize on many chanccs MissedMauy Bob Thompson oi BSC usually lecthts an the BSCdeieacaand llakcrtnyed with though he had it attached to string between BSC and Midland his been moved back to the follows lugThursday iuiy ill glmliil draw Iohenelit the minor mode Tickets for the tire can be purchased by any soccer play er in lawn over the weekend owcn Sound on hicks Peter Dyhiul Blil Junker halves John noscum Pete Ceal tn Cluus Dyhlus iorwardsGcr ry Karsl Ron Plckard llua Ab holi Jerry Duiker Bah Wilkin sun hacks Ken Emms Alek Palr halves Andy nuriacll it unwe Sam Patterson lnrwards Georgi loycc Put Dustn Brian halter lruuk Smith Joy Vandunlme alt crnults lioh Thompson Lud ouccr standings his narricsc ml 17 Qolllngwood la awenSound is Silcote RCAF iloiisndi Midland New Lowell 14 than haildouu Alcx Parr was Especially el ihe hall Next Saturdays scheduled game At that soccer issues wiu he Midland pulled or upset Hollan goulFrank Dyson some so goal Joe rrancisca According to oiiiciais of the Northland Wrestling Enterprizes Big Dave Simms hasntlost haul in ï¬ve years This course does ntt include tag team matches in that term in lighting the husky nativeol Smith Falls has taught almost every big namc star in the mat game including World Champion Lou Thesz in two lights with the champ Simms has come out on even terms with him Realizing he needed wee bit more on the bull heiure cilallcng ing the heavyweight uhurnp again Simms came north to try his luck with the junior heavyweights classification he can quality or with ease Always Eilerllve Duve lights in these parts at about 220 pounds but can quite easily balloon to 280 or Zié with out losing any of his eifectiveness In his law appearances in the local ring this summer ions have marvelied at the ieliuws added ferocitys Dave alwa playing it stralghl used in in too much illl but strong Bill Curry punishment without retaliating in earnest but not any more His recent opponents have usually touad thcmscivcs belted out in hurry or at least roughed up tremend ousiy Tomorrow night Simms tackles real rip snorting dandy in the person of Reggie Siki Sikl has raised liiinseil to the position ol number one budman in thelerrll ory and hates deieat aamuch as he loves himself Thismain evént will be preceded by two outstanding preliminaries in the iirst stocky tricky Johnny Dcmchuck takes youth The middle bout Ills Buddy Freeman against Gentleman Benny Trudel the hadman with the long cst term olscrvice in the north Whenever there is an exception ai card to be presented Benny is there His villainousrluclics never fail to rouse the ire of tho fans ï¬ndddamage the hair on the hers ca Idlieniiani Javas Beat Cobltstown 21 Tottenhsm and Cookstown hooked up in thrilling South Sirncoe Juvenile liasebali League game at cookstown with the vis liars eking out 21 decision Bath clubs battled rigillduwn to the wir with Tullenhum seal ing thewinnipg marker in the sixth inning Puulelnciair got liieon all iniieldcrror He was driven around the sacks by suc Keogh The winners scored their ï¬rst run in the second inning Coakstown scoped its lone ally in the idlhtrame on an error andone basehit led McCullough was the win ning hurler coming into the game in the third Inning or Crawiey Verne hurling loss sL The ailstar ocee games alatcd itor the Agricultu iarkthls Wedg Ineaday haveheen uncalled Rea son is th the Toronto teams have sent along urd to the eriect that theycaunutahow ow or my titer time during the summer This news was most dlahemeu inglo non Pickurdy theyoung Barrie police cunstahle who ar ranged thegame Pickard had hor imW power mower the other day and lavelled fl thefleld by himaell Ho yer iyounutera pa in cpnfcemJlie waalworried ut the on the local He would have liked to hia hoyatakethese this was not his chiel Winkie Hurls Tdrgls To Shuldutf Win 3611in the threehit pitching of Harry Winkle Torgis Automotive went on to defeat Public Utilities on in an industrial Soilhull Lea gue game played this weekend In going the route Winide whll fed 12 batters making the 10 that much easier tor the rést oi the club FUC did rally however in the fourth but the Winners pulled oil double play to nullin such threat lim Armstrong pitched tor we and was charged With the loss Torgis picked up its nine runs on 11 hits and no errors claim Feltis had 51 ï¬le and triple for the winners and Lou Morrow had triple for the saline cans The standingscompiicdaa oi lune zlst have Mantticid nubber tie at the car driver spent quiet evening Saturday at Plnecrest SpeedWay intheyery ilrtit race Chuhlils carallileted clutch trouble kept him1out at all the evenlnS culrclitly occupying the cellar in spot in the standings rcrccntago wise the Devilhiss buys trail nrad lord 429 375laintwisc are only hull game out oi the third spot Wllh the clubs recall coiiey and guru edontiie ronlline during the nalperiod nd arias adino Ehancesi adore iDont look now but the team eBarrle and District Senior Soll all latguts isnt exactly dormant On the contrary the slow slnrt ing Barrie DEViibiss team has now won two stnlght and is just step uul oi the number three 70 Either way you look ill il they rise the league has become cx trcmciyclosc Tightens llare Tiianks lo DPVilbiss cat Fri day night at Mineslhg when liiEy downed the league leaders 82 lhe ilrst and second plucc clubs are now only hullgums apart Tonight one at the llucsl games of the season canbe sccn llEhl Iii Queens Park Legion iind Mintsing are the competitors The contest at Mineslug llelwcun Bradford and Minesiug should also he haunt hack to lilincsing Friday how war veteran Harry Ctlllsc made his second slur til the season suc cessiul one holding the league leaders to only twuruns on six hits including busescmply home run by rival starlcr George Mellon ald inthe third ironic Mineling didnt threaten agniui until the sixth hzmiewhen tllti combinedesinglcs by McCartney and Wen Duwneyund hauling gcr by Win Downcy to score nnc Tho huskyvetcran was at his curvehnlling best liiliillg 10 but tors The sixth Inning was tho only onc in which the ilincsing crew garnered morc than 353 sate ty Allarry had great support irum his mates tot wllu collected 14 slugger with three hiis apiece Hdrtlilcin ilIlNESING Deyiluiss on diueoiiaieiha Tani Coliliizx the Barrie and Sultbali League aid and Well Downuy McDonald was charged withihe loss Hits Runs single double triple and walk pruvltlcd inr DeViihiss big gcst Inning the lourih which the winncrs scored four times Another velaran Gard Perry and Al Spcnre lcd lhoDeVilhss Perry had homciun double and sing George Storey and Ray llrili had two suiekuocks each lnek Ham was thc only member or ncviioiss who didnt gel ul least om Ted Hardacrcs one hil triple provldcd lor our runs The bones were loaded when he connected in the lounh He came all thc way round on it passed ball llcCartnty picked up two or Mincsiugs six hits new nlss AB ll Campcnuss anycroli ib Stuny ll llriii 2b ennuii liorc cl Perry ll Spcncc ri Couschp Totals useuni acecantan McCartney ili Adnm Won Dawn 25 Adunisll win Duwnoy Falknercl Adams lllcnunaid 2b Grunt 2b hillrlin Ii Totals connections sometimes cceocéaeansl afleNOvNNG to to Miliésing 001 Uflll OWL2 Sousa ilnd llnrdacréi nicnonaid hits from the ullcringspi McDon Playground Lect hirlynine young people from Barrie Midland Aurora Benton Camp Borden Aurora Newman hat and Riclivale attended three day luygrountl leaders course at Holiday Acres Struud The course was jointly sponsor ed by the Simcoc Coupty liccrca tiun Serviccnnd community pru grumshrunch oi the dcpartmcnt or education duck Paterson oi the latter organization was the direcs tor Cnunscii werc Miss Louise iss Florelwe McAr lhur of the recreation serviceï¬r llie Bulalulle recreation director at Aurora and Val nrucker til Bcc lnn The emphasis throughout tho course was bathedevelopment ol leadership qualities of respons hilit selldiscipline decision muklng planning and evaluation The method used was one in which the young people actually under went experiences and round thcm selves in situations which helped in their developmenllas lenders Thcy plannedand discussed small workgrdups organized heir nun schedule and made decisions as to course content and camp rulesi Outhe ï¬rst day gamuund top with eight points each They are followed by provincial Tire seven dro six Lakeview Dairy six CG tivc Stewarts Lunch tour PUCund Thomas Electric two and an Tanning zero LA IiAnvritTisr tN lllE Younglcoplefrom Simeoe York 7C6unlies Attend Summer wannwiicy andwin Downcy has collected 11 raiéties in as Am Collings oliiciai trips to theplaice Sum Sin inactive ChappelL Prcvloul weeks ieader Run ll Thurlow Stewart was inactive last week Adams and dropped into secondpilre Wannamalter ti ills average is 405 an the Loncy strength at 13 hitsin trips to SpenceD the plate Rawnlia ti Right behind Stewart is aec railis and Legion player George Chap Dow 10 ptl The catcher is slugging 400 nrili with in hits in 25 trips to the Wen Downcy ill 24 hatters box Campoau The other 300 or better hiite Here in are Legiona Red Thurlow 381 Eunéy ii Glen Adams ol Mintsing 318 naycrait 21 sntl Fat Wunnumlkcr ol Legion POW 317 McCartney Stewart and Wannamakorarc Falkner still tied tor the most hill 13 MIchnld Fred Dow is the leudlng scorer Win Downev 29 with 10 runs Stewart and Ray Vurzni 24 arm have scored nine times Scholi 20 There was no shuttling ollhe Tomlinsan 7L 30 standings liliit week hat the race Adm 25 was tightened considerably Dc Vilbiss was most responsible tor this by whipping the that place All Aver lllnesing crew Ilaxlon 1000 llines 750 llfres howwtheyi pram WU atton lilincsmg 025 Gregor 13 Thurlow 333 i= McCrone 333 it anIlaiIonal Armstrong lo an gurtxldcru 14 9286 urns ill 236 Here glnlunuy 250 rant 0y Mcnanuld 2oo More thanso gallon will Sim 200 taktnarlio usestmcoe county Tupimo 200 Mens invitational Goll Tour McCall 13 nsnient at the Barrie Gull and Adam lld Country Club this Wednesday Cuuse vD 187 Teeoil time llarourld 12 Luck 181 noon callers are train Barrie hill 11 i25 tlrllllurMiIlland Collinlwoud Treadwel iw Clinv Borden There are alums 12 was no elrhfllcs lrom Lake st neor Momma Be yeart This Mil banner at llirhlgi 3353559 gcrtnurnsments ortheseaaon mung All ol the golfers have had mm 00 plentyur practice this loan and the forecast is lor encep tionailytlne shooting 5E° 09 boubarl 000 Barron 000 rawcctt mo arcthct 000 Gruh 000 ders course sports ol all kinds were reviewed and the young people took turns icadin Productch ssions an crolts iirst aid and discipline prob lems followed Miss Scott sups orvisor oi nurses for the Simon County Health Unit was resource person our helpful discussion on ï¬rst did panel made up of the counsellors and three playground lenders discussed questions of dis cipline 0n the attornoonan ex cl rig period or creative crafts was dlrccled by Mr Paterson Amaz ing and unusual creations made ot discarded innlcriuls paste and paint were developed by ï¬ve teams and judged by panel made up at the counsellors lgiirns on sportsrcraits and lea dership added much to the learn ing processand interest through out the course tumbling chal lenge tournament and party which included many skits were add ouoi highlights Attending the course were Ilene Lhnppel Laurie Barron kic wtlma Evans Gary Fraser Helga Fliedrichslune GahlePat Lupp Bill Law Kaye Livingston Cynthia Lloyd Jo Ann Murphy Mary Sin clair Lle Snclgrove Joan Tull Joy Twiss undLuan gtYuung of norrie Nancyiand Pa riela Davis Juanne Burliug Brenda Row and Jude SEugcl of Aurora Heather llemsley Beverley it bgrtson and Carol West oi Camp orden An nihliasmusssgnhof ll hvdle non ha Kinnear and Shiriic Perrln of Midland and Elimhetli Newrnth sort onuewrnarkct Nancy Oriolhan Geurge ohert iIlil ImilJ Chuhh is he at the outstanding drivelant lneerest an his ence wheeling around the one way is one ot place nl thelallatar gumee ekl leuturea ia gl in int ittu ll ttuii Wedneedah two others will be relildeaHa fin eluding thé seaiu boys Ifll lidiiiiiiiiï¬ ii iliiiiiiiiitiii CALL AFdGiEiiEFEELEEW iElIVlCE ANYVVHEIEEE ilVli FA his average lrom fourth to climax bull League this run in the third the ï¬rst three The Flyers area 12th Fridays Standings Bar Alliaton Cretemort Lisie Everett Thornlun Stroud Beelon Lou Curhy Put Crossland Anna Deaglc Mary Dougie Allan orury Moro in game last week and moved the 10p oi lhe list in The husky centreiiolder boosted BASEBALL lvy scored seven times in the rfloulollin the South Slmcoe Buse necton actually held the lead early in the game scoring lirst iu the second inning lvy Browning twlried the six innings tor ivy scattering seven hits All oi them were dishcd up in the first iourinnlngs two in each of Currie oi Beelon was touched tor only six hits All teams except the leaguelead ing Barrie Flyera play tomorrow it nradtard bit Iicgiun Bradiord DeVilbias 75 District Senior Hcre are the lfalling leadera Ii batting race Willi least 20 ollicial timeslt hat 400 to 423 ll their lIl win over weekend dour eeryoug RAD lATORS SHIRK scured one clive again on the TPIJ 17 ti RlSiQd it PW wiggjilllliid 84 Burner 57 MPH slim PA 8377 wt rwf mm wz LL onuhbhbmvlncog dmmhobrbnlfllwulIE Gel peace land money mailelthFC Whether you need lflooihooeaven atqu theplace to go In Hrc At Household youll reaaiva trisndiy money service backed by 79 years esperlauoe tinsnoa mrnpnuyprovldea money loops day ind wide varictyot repayment tonne lei orphaneBFCtodaysi