or 12 we one borne by the unionscool section Told out at this new aldelllk is estimated atmund $20th At the close at thenleetlnl ReeVn Davina told Onunell that the Public School board itsth Im to dmout the building account The 54 161 or the new public What treat lohave some sun man pipe band irom Elfllï¬ mills inrrelidential taxpayers and school by wuumuï¬u meeting expenditures thatwould shine as so really cellar bad lrom inches to over three feel at 71 mills tor BakeSale en The cover the balance ot over 4000 As the line were in special The ladies or the Presbyterian WMS had planned bake sale to Hire place no the lawn ol Archie lnln Saturday morning jbut the unfavorable weather lorced them to set up table in the Elmvale CreamefY psyenwu 65 nulls ll th nrov mm will eiiiiuihmmte this app ed 0v or year would halve been in mills mzm tn the sevenmill spread home owners will be paying mill less Chairman Called water and gardens were and strawberries could not be pickedrather disa organisations who straitberry suppers The farmers had to postpone haying opera tta been re serving iceount under Councils Jurisdic tion the Reeve thought the mem xive the request some than last year whdo the nl on illthouph phone eall elicited business propertlu is up its the tnlornlallelt that School Board lions not Inrgettlng those who had planned tor hall Iy week end at the cottage nutht Guests Mr and Mrs John liouden Chairman Charles Dlnby had Reew Lawrence Devin pre already retired or the night be sided Iltbe meeting attended by was requested to attend council Thomas Sey and explain dculls connected with rnaur Victor turner lily Hills the ï¬ll requisition were guests oi Rev and Mn Stubbs It Big Bay Point tor tow days and Mrs Gordon Re daughter Lyn and Donald nt Presbyterian WMS The June meeting at Elmvalc Presbyterian WliiS was held on Biucwltcr Beach McAuley the our councIUols Thursday it Ralph Altchiwn cottage oi Mrs Mr Danby reviewed reeent Clerk mime Chum Mirth tnnsacllons ol the school board explained hhw the rates were ar which muons we passed to ï¬nd It in brine he the pay oil balances owing holders or new Ontario government grant on um the banding company which wls labe melted inr rt with all trustcss voting in lavor at on which rmvcnlu only except trustee Archie Tucker illia visited on Monday with the The president Mrs McClung owners mom Mm Row There was an attend nncc at 24 members and visitors The meeting opened with singv ing and praycr and words at welcome alicr which Mrs Me Auley gave line report ol the presided in New Delhi Her husband is Bill Khosls 27ye old native at New Delhi who be come geophyslclst in CulKIry al ter studying at the Unlvcnl Toronto lie returned to lnd marry the women llll parents Mrs nearesall spent the week wllh relatives in Toronto Mr and MI Edward illmmell nee Joan Bell Toronto are via Iaiters parents Thc rates set tor school were bli lie ml wlm me My Pu School at Col era lo Mr Danby said the board had Mes Mom W1 we intended to prepare list at al prcsbyterial There was discus alon iollowing the report and the reports were presented lrom var lous committees The llihie reading was id chnscn us his br mm Bub Thompson oi Mlmlco tormclly hi this dis Mr and Mrs Maurice 11 Mr and Mrs Earl McFadden and baby at Boamsvlllc Ire vlsli ng with the iorlncrdiplrents Mr nnslnm and commerci ly rate 105 village rlte roads and Mrs legcd deï¬ciencies in construction ol the school on which to base on application tor rebate rent the bonding companywhose eon lnd bridge street lighting gnu dwanmenl 2pm tractor completed the building trict visitedon Sunday with Mr und Mrs Job Small Conï¬rmation Service and MrsWilllum McFadden Fnï¬n Owen Sound Mr and Mrs Ron Ritchie and son James and llnugifls oi Owen and Mrs Hammer and sun llerblc Barry ansmllh Toronto spent the holiduy weekend with Mrs Ritclllc Mr and Mrs Oscar Srigiey ntl by Mrs it Black tollowcd by this prayer from the Glad Tidings by Mrs lllctittirc Mrs Coopcr had charge oi the program trum the study book and the chapter on the Phliliplne islands was made most interest ing with the aid of our maps and series or nurstions and answers The population ni these islands liesldcntiai County rate 105 special conï¬rmation service out in 25 ml Ind mm was held at nurns church Sunday 59 mm mm gm ailernnon when seven younl peo duplnm L40 73 pin become mcrnhlels tthuni tcd Church name cell err Sally Swilzcr ldu Bellamy Donna mm mm WW th buyers Dorothy ltand Paul Kerr Sound lioward Mill rates éihbllshed lor schools maintenance debenture Two mocllngs had been holdtur this special purpose but no action had been taken and at the last meeting two ol the trunoes most critical at construction featured had tailed to turn up he as The board chairman said the trusteeshad had advice from lawyer or over year on all unl tour position ot blvtnlal uncut Prinee inert National Park show in their ttruenlllhnnttou sttnqtedlnflu cultnlpart ill The as IllG Winner lob 01 sublehewan cauthinsnn ma gr pa tune work in order to at 1495 square mil II III The story line ot dealswith young Es mo princess north who comes toCaludI in search prgiris ot husband and is taken on songIndeï¬nite tour otthe couns try by enterprising reporter of True nndlln Romanm magi sine This gives Authors Timothy Pnrteous Donald MacSweenand Erik Wang church poke fun st Canadian education social habitsand politics they had to revise the lyriu oi one oi their hit songs And Howe nve night alter the June election built tor ago Inuit1 outrun ex ln and noonglgahdmntrytha mu grinliar the grea culture to Weddings and bannue ltqtandmnltl plates served The hideau Canal Ontario deicnce purposes servnl now or pleasure eruiees Indn vast lake ruort paradise Phone 7A soils or namedapresldent oi the an Stock Exenlnge upon his held in 183435 it is hellevcd Ihc first time in the history at stuth exchanges in North America that son has followed his lather to presidency of the same exchange McGill satire Shakespeare Play Cheek By Jowl Cnnatllan history will be made on July 22 when My rur Lady lileGlll Universitys satirical mus Ivol comedy opens at the Avon Theatre in Strstlord it will be the undergraduate show to become runaway hit and the tlrst lrlngot vcnlurc at the Strattord Shakespearean Festival While not orticlsliy sponsored by tuneful iNAIS nwcnl lady title Gas Range onpprorlnaately mantis Ill 79 Cnmpldn University ltsoliup Ion Installation Mï¬uigltzt 75 de ton ol importance which hail 1951 Budget The clerk presented proposed hudget on 1951 and John Miller Shiltnn was assisted in this ser vice by Woods Sloltz ni Allistnn rendered the solo Our Tusk tons message or the young petr pic was based on the topic Whit the Church is and what it menu to belong This was toilowed by the Sacrament oi the Dordo is my dense in numbers and they have very little room tor the pcnpic living onthem The ï¬rstrulers were Spaniards then United States of America During World War 11 they were overrun by lltl Japanese and ui ter the war were given sell gov eminent by the USA We learned round this rule hoth advantag sous and disadvantageous tumin oi North Bay are vls with relatives here Mr and Mrs it Finlay ot London are spending low days with lilrand Mrs Lloyd Pearson BURNS Corrigdn was at Cllellcnllam Tucsday attending the Presbyterizl executive at Knut Mrs Rev his shit all while all agreed it tell little ronm tor isn iolscen expenditures it was ac cepted as tollows Revenues current taxes $29 71882 urreura taxes 3318232 the en lax penlites $200 licences dos Fate ol old Sebaol Church Clniktl arisen over the new school nudrrt ruins Cootilnl nauh nuntins the testlval It has received the iestival blessing and cncourage The guarantee on construction workwould be in client until oct 31 1957 in his opinion the new school was satislactory ACouncii motion was passed that the school boards cheques on the balnncciin the building iultd be honored taxes etc $25 per eapita grant Council was lntormed by Mr 52079 reads grant $750 rent of Dunby that the school board at ourns church will be closed during the monthot iuly while hey and Mrs Shiltnn and lnmlly are on holiday enloyeil the good roads and the tree cducatlon hut American picture movies made tor discontent bi man House on West Mrs Joe llanccy school former cunttnultlun school viewin the now used Is cannery $960 through its July meeting would give con rent sideration to the into 01 the old at town bill 575 townihip lire public school he would recom agrecments $340 county road re mend joint meeting with Coun incidental ell on the matter Wood and Mrs McLeod at St Catharines the latters sister lett Alliston by train Tuesday night or several weeks visit in West Miss Iluth rtargrsve at Jersey vlllc is holidnylng with her hm therlnlaw and sister Mr and Mrs Job Small cause they were so poor and un able to have lhethings taken tor granted in America There are 17 million Christians bulc $37548 $225totui $4021692 grants The school is on property Expenditures cuhk deï¬cit Dec thecenlre ut Coldwatcr which on the islands and they are very crn Canada missionaryminded and send their helpers out amongst the people 31 1955 $1504 general govt nominlon thy Visitors merit $3209 public workssan Sm 55 nominioapay visitorsin um 33 might make vnluableosubdivi slpn The building which in insurance 5600 ï¬re department about 75 years old has been un Si200 roadslsajtioo public school used ï¬nce the new public schtvol 33 high school $419471 came into use ln the tall ot 1958 The Burns Senior Mission Band meeting was held Wednesday all The meeting opened with the theme hymn district were Mr andliirs Eddie Dun nnd Beverley of Toronto with Mr and Mrs George Jaiiraypnd sons Mr rind Mrs The roll call was answered by verse on fellowship The meet ing closed with hymn and pray er The lunch served by the cum Jaliray crnoun June 23 county levy$4taodd bank inten eat $350 street lighting $125812 Accommndutlon is no problem grants 039 loans Showtotal tnr motorists Good modern molt Mission Band Mrs Hand conducted special stewardship worship scr vlee assisted by seven oi members at the band with Mrs la Buyers at the piano Mrs Bell anty rcart the poem 1i GtlclJOIk Then an address was read by Glen Miller and ncvcrley suy crs presented Mrs Bellamy with gilt on behalf oi the Burns Donna Buyers led this Then till followed by the purpose Taylor of Toron and Mr and hirs John Mottson Johnny Ind Jimmy and Mrs mittce itMrs Reid and hostess was cnloyed amidst the line view or Georgian say St Johns Wills The St sohns Missionary sp clely met in the church parlor tor their June meeting with six teen members present Mrs ecrlram worship service and Mrs Gil fun read spiéndld paper entitl cd Where is your treasure Mrs Lnugheed had the cur rent events and reviewed what hudbeen studied during the year Mrs Fieghen the president clos ed the meeting with prayer All were invited back tn start ntresh the meeting in September Lunch was sewed by Mrs Beards and Mrs Frankcom Church Parade On Sunday morning the mem llch of the hob and LOBA gath cred ill the Orange Hall marched in body to Wycllite tor service at Donny Flushing NY with Marvin llandand lamily Tho auditors report was pre sented and showed an accumulnv ggupiugg rue suns wnv 5107 BEST Reset1s rimtly Dinner tamlly dinner was held It Mr and Mrs James Crosblcs on Monday evening for the emitter Mrs LorneBuyers will be host ess to the Films WMSnlccting to be held July 11 at 815 pm The Faith is to be used in Bible verse to answer the roll conducted the mi noted that costs tor schools and county levy are considerably high er tor 1951 This psyrnentswl be in ttvo installments flle hrs is due Aug with penalties or delay to start Sept and installment is due Nov with tax penalty going into ettcct Dect The clerk is to prepare the collectors roll on or before July 25 lost The clerk wsjssked to provide iniormntionnn the procedure for locating new sidewalk and drain age in trout oi the new public school under the local improve1 ment plan it was lelt ifthe necessary pave operations Juiiray it was pupils group in few games leaders served Freebie and Cooke Working At wssaga Bench lda heliamysldcr daughter at Mr and Mrs Fred Bellamy lett Thursdayto take summer post lion in restaurant at Wosaga Beach The sec TOURIST lNCREASE lratiic through Fort Frances consisting ni US cars remaining 48 hours or longer in Canada has shown approximately 28 per cent Increase thisyehr over last aceordingpto figures compiled Ky the customs and excise otiicials ere Tourist Junior Misstn Bland President Billy Cennell ducted the Burns Junior Mission Band meeting held Thursday att The Mission Band Purpose and the Lords Prayer were repeated The theme ot the worship service was Fair Mrs Jutiray read Bible story also story about Fair Play at Ball Game poem The Greatest was read by Jimmie Kerr and prayer by Mrs lllukely read the last chapter of the study book KeSoonir closed withplhe repeating ot the Mizpall benediction Afew games were enjoyed leaders sewed Freshie and cook ernoon Fnrt Frances rim Anglican Chure monsoon DIR decounrnnrs MncLABEN 00 continue necoumnm in Collier 5L eelrte esto rn uuulelmt HARRIS NEEDEAM It Do certlncd ruhllc Accountants angntnllngulin arr wuann sutldlng rm Dulce square Telephone PA win Resident Partner NBSDHAM era anmm rowttu CHARTERED ACCOUNT al nut Telephone r4 mu nose at ndnlusohl CHARTERED ACCOUNT inunuusirmorv re um Musu lesson 28 nnvsou com or PIANO solemn nod THEORY Puptll mound or the Ross Miller EGA nova SEAGRAM It ROWE inter Eollcltnre Notulrs round The meeting conveyaneerv et Mtva 10 mm onus la EL narru lieuulllul Legs which usrrrn CE5 um nrnnsh orn elna WIT Be VII DmgAn COWANl EIEOWKN charm are ID Chiller To 10 JOHN slofl0N on parlop iilflii mourn Hut MimeMideast rs to nancnn elacsd with move Mrs Hodgsnn otHudson Heights suninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Butchers Weekend Visitors Weekend visitors in the Wood home were Mr and Stcve Milne and Billie 01 Weston and Mrs Bertha Langterd or Simone Mr and Mrs Smith Tur onto and Mr Ind Mrs Heston and son Timmyol St Catharines werewecltcndguustr at Mr and Mrs Fergus Kerrs theres vru to keep yo chats and lameness hnaulltul tor FREE male on WlleApprnved American Maximum protection tor campus this snr North Ana Movie and no lJuston Ave Phone up her Banister Conlul Huntley all lurltlture vtmltén erlean VIII Lulu union soul Helm aflmlth AftIll ï¬nunarrimjh sou tors ate mas um ails tï¬od stuns piano and blnl lowers other lcbon Ill Til lnrtrus Lawn vmuvAnIAN nndlisvl ma non rAGHuI canni st Dunlap at Province or Qntari thaws inth pa and aromas owllollies Ierlormlnel nutsmauc lighting on all ruinrrs mcnl rum planning director Tom Patterson lly the time the lamination reaches Stratiord it will have play cd it weeks It Mcï¬ills hloyse llnll To date it is turning pcopic away nightly First it plnycd W5 wccks as MCGllls annual lied and White revue it proved to he sleeper anilisn great was the en thusinsm to see it that aitcr ii to let the cast try their university examsp the production was placed on protcssionai hasis The pro my exams LNOTIltNG use ro oust ducers cautiously advertised nnoth er two weeks run and botore they had begun wormcompletcly sold out Naturally the run was cxtcntl cd Then the idea at twowceks rlln at Strntlord cropped up Suidthe Montreal critics nllhls land is small down puyment oi only slenu will have this smart cool cooking range in your kitchen lntimc to heat summer heat Write Pllone Or suntan Moth riopln Today To rsil wrll en and Brilliant book and the music has prnicsslnnol touch and This show deserves national audience It was prolr that startedl th run it on rcu tcls are pientitul throughout the hus placed the three writers with lresh iawdlplomas in the delir completely uni acted musical igriway edema Phone IArllwny I5ltli ahly the latter Stratiord idea the platelhe may conic out onthe lasing eild with advertising The rnost skilltuily devised all unless it goes lame to the lethal who input your stileafpltelles peppie habitually LOOK when they are interestedln BUY re int verrthe borne note is to adverttaewhere eihlng