at Andrews Presbyterion Church was theSetting ror wedding orwide interest on Saturday June twentyninth 1957 at three oclock In the daughter or Dr and Mrs Thomas Winnitrecl Gillespie afternoon when Miss Shirley Scott or Barrie wasmarried to Raymond George Wilson son Rev James Ferguson ofï¬ciated at the ceremony and wedding music was played by the church organist Clarke who also accompanied the soloist Mrs Gob don Watt Given In marriage oy her uncle Roy Bell the bride was wearing gown of white nylon ehiflon over uncut appliqucd with gui purc iaee She carried bouquet of white gardeniar Iiiyoirtbevai lrv white Carnations and trailing Only 45 Entries tarMr and Mrs George Wilson orHamilton Ivy Her attcndanls were her sIs tors Mas Arthur Recs Ton onto matronof honor and Miss BettyMarie Gillespie of name bridesmaid and Mrs Herbert sin of Toronto bridesmaid They wore gowns or dustry rose nylon chltlon over taffeta with match ing headdresses Norman Aspln at Toronto was groomsman and the ushers were my Gillespie of Barrie brother Good lris Show AlMidhursi Despite Poor Year For Bloom Vespra Township Horticultural Society annual Iris show Ms hold in theFForcstry Iunchrooni it was very good display In spite oi the rain storm that day and the act that It has been poor iris year Prize winners were as follows White At Mrs Frankcom Margaret Gnodfellow White Bl Mrs it Mason Margaret Goodiellow Mrs Oakley Yellow Al Margaret Good ieliow Mrs Mason Mrs Lillicrap YcIlowBl Mrs Day Margaret Goodicllow lied Al Margaret Goodfel low Mrs Frankcom Red 11 Mrs Oakley Margaret Gondiellnw Mrs Oakley Blue and violet Ai Margaret Goodiellow Blue and violet Bi Mrs Frankcoin Margaret Goodiclr low Mrs Oakley Blue and violet Cl Mrs Day Mrs It Peacock Mrs Frankcom Orange ni Mrs Frank com Mrs Oakley Plieatesl Mrs Oakley 1958 Premium entries Dining room contra piece tipto 12 highNo entry Banquet of pnnsicsi Mrs Qdkley Mrs Elsie Monteit Best Atricanvioleti Mrs El sic Monteith Mrs Frank com Mrs Oakley Basket of iris with other flowers Mrs Frankcom Mar Igaret Goodtellow Mrs Oak ey Basket of Iris bloomlg Mrs Nash Margaret Goodfellow Mrs Lillicrap Banquet of mixed flowersMrs Lillicrap Vase of iris bloom up to eight stemsl Mrs Oakley Mrs Coults Mrs Peacock Special Prices Highest number of points in show the award ior which was handpainted picture donatrd by Mart Morris was Margaret Good fellow with 23 points Second was Mrs Frankeom with polnls and Mrs Oakley with 16 points Best iris in Show was exhibited by Mrs Frankcnm The prile was vase ilighest number of entries In show prlle vase went to Margaret Goodfetlow lst itlra lit rranlroom 2nd Plants or perennials will be giv en for all first prizes In classes where no other prize was given whiiby and his son Lorry oi Barrie were judges There were 45 entries in the show number of classeshad no cntry 8TH BARRIEBROWNIE PACK The BULBarrie Brownie Pack held=ils laatregularr meeting or the season at St Hall in the Fairy Ring awards were given to the nine Brownies who were Successful in coming their Gol den Bar the first possible week As this was tie the nine drew ior iirstprizaa tank or tropical ï¬sh won by Valerie Sills The other eight were rewarded with ball point pens First and second prizes at book on wild flowers and ascart in Browniet colors went to Sally Maononeli and Susan Coles tor proteo trtivels With you and your family KiaIiJeflbt otthe bride and EdSntlth and of Hamilton Arecepuon rnllowed in the church parlors where the mother oi the bride receivad the guests in rosewood shunting wearing White cceswrlu and white gar denia come The grooms mo ther assisting was Inskybluc ahantung Jud was wearing pink accessories and corngem pink calnations Leaving on wedding trip to Quebec City and points east the bride was wearing pink linen suit with pink hat and white Ib cessorlu On their return Mr and Mrs Wilson will be making their home in Deth Outertown guests at the wed ding we from Hamilton Toron lo Markd le Ind Guelph tbe best oxhiblts In the nature tests Alter the opening ceremonies Brownies worked on their scrap hooks and tlnlshed up their tcsta for the year Those who had ready passed ovorythlng pra Lian semaphore for the tall res aion Plans were made or tamily picnic Brownies and their parents gathered at the summer homerot Mas Oates ncar on Beach last month Some went swimming and wading others played tag or other games The sixes turned in their scrapbooks which were part at the years or project They are to be presented to the School for Rclnrdod Children Fol ders representing Canada to be given as souvenirs to Guides of other nations at the rally were also handed in lo the officers Alter supper ltev Allan Road presented plno each Brownie and Golden Bar to each of those who had ompleted their tests He then spoke briot ly about remembering that we were Brownies all summer too even when we did not have regur lar meetings Then the nrownlcs gave Grand Howl for Mr Read and their parents Atteï¬ Scavenger Hunt the picnic rake up everyone having enjoyed pleasant afternoon Thonrownic Pack is looking forward to meeting again in the fall with Mrs Oates Is Brown Owl and Mrs Clilton Ward as Tawny Owl They are already Planning concert to raise iunds ind entertain their families Senior Citizens Annual Picnic Held at Orillia The Senior Citizens Club held its annual picnic on Wednesday at Grillia Park under the super vision at Mrs Vance pres ident of the Soroptimist Club Mrs Llew Beaver counSeIlor was in charge of the arrangements and was assisted by Mrs Jane Campbell Mrs Charles Baker the retiring president was presented with necklace as taken at apprecia tion of her faithful duties in of lien The secretary received brooch Mrs Banting treasurer receiv ed cup and saucer MRS RAYMOND GEORGE WILSON CamMW Miss Jeannelte Eunice Farrier only daughter of Mr and Mrs Donald Farrier oi Lclroy was married on Tuesday June twenty filth 1957 at eightthirty oLcloek in the evening In the chapel or the Church of the rion Trinlly at Toronto to DonaldEarl Thornp son nt Winnipeg only son ot MR and Mrs Frank Thompson oi Toronto Canon John Frank olficiated at the candlelight ceremony which took place before an altar banked with red roses and orange bios slam rranir Little the bride was won Ing holleringlength gownafl apploereon damn made with ir shortrsleevgd bodice eoming to in the back and eummerhund and lull skirt Her headdress was bandeau of green feathers and she was carrying bouquet of yellow roses and white mgms The matron Volt honor ioyco Little at Winnipeg cousin of the gown oi primrose yellow with bandeam headdress of yellow tea= thers Her flowers were yellow and white mums Leonard Mandell at Toronto was BTUOIIISIIIBII blitiet supper and reception followed at the home of the grooms sister Mrs norshnian where tho muther orthe bride received tho guests wearing navy bluo printed silk with white ac cessories and eorsage or pink ooNTWAITTILL YOUVVE remitin iN YOUR NEXTGAME Take Schweppes fjoronfo Cdulae ESLfling Given in marriage by Sergeant bride was wearing an idénliehit arent any Carnations and roses The grooms mother assisting was in slate hlnc shantung andwu wearing White accessories and coinage or pink earnatlons 1nd roses For travelling the bride chose beige linen dross and duster eoat ensemble with matching aelt rmriu Her corsagowas of yellow roses and mums Mr and Mrsu Thompsonwill he Making their home in Winnipeg automuwn guests at the wed ding were from Lciroy Winni peg and Honey Harbour In Honor Oi June Bride Among those who entertained for the former Shirley Gillespie before her wedding on Saturday tonayrnohd George wllson oi Hamilton in St Andrews Church was Mrs Hamid Bell aunt of the bride who held miscellan eoug shower at her home Assisting the hostess was Mrs Charles Wilson at Barrie Miscollanoous shnwers were al so given in her honor by Mrs Herbert Slxt in Toronlo and by Miss Catherine Allisonin Hamil Mrs George Wilson mother of the groom entertained at tea and shower in Hamilton orroLo immediately ion was held in the Salvation Ari go iorth as He meant It should Cuinmanticr Whitehead Scliwoppoornun Extraordinary will tell you that Schweppes Toitic Water is the repeat M2 mnic water First theres the refreshing bittorowoor Iiowur of Schweppes onion there are those enthusiastic little bubbles that tickle your palate so delighirully IIa al most worth fgotting hot and parched discover the pure pleasure of quenching Raging Thirst with Schweppes You must insist on it for an authentic tonic drinkl onto ater toriutirontlo tonic Schwevnï¬i Dry ClubSudo too in To habituation sped1 meetidg ot the wo mens Christian Temperance Un my Citadel with Rev and Mn Donald Capos missionaries on furlough train the central part at India as guests Hrs Clpps led the devotiom IIrat bringing greetings from the far away sun continent of in din which is half the size of the United States but has popula tion oiStil million people one fllth of the humanlnte lndla la the home at many re Ilgions but Hinduism has by far the grutest majority of follow ers and is by many looked upon an the national religion She took as her chl John 318 For God Ioloved lhe world that He gave Hisoniy begotten Son that whosoever believeth on Him should not perirh but have over lasting life telling of some who had accepted Christ and how their lives had been changed from darkness to light One convert testified thus How foolish was and how dark will my darkness Now have joy and peace could not live without Jesus in my heart What wonderful testimony and thank God or so great Sal vation People In this land rcleei Jesus Christ and turn in Him and the church only in times oi trouble yet more are millions of people who have never heard His Name The world is the ex tent of Godsglove What is the extent or our 10ch Does It reach out and encircle the globe We mus love God and our needy brother before this Gospel ean Jesus took the live loaves and the twofishes one little lads gift and fed the multitudes He will like what we give Him and meet the need of the waiting lnul titudes Thetqunlity of Grids love is mercy it is full and tree May the love oi God urge each one of us to do even more for souls over there The devotional was followed by colored pictures accompanied by commentary Mr CIpps snna What Friend we have In Jesus in the indian language Mrs Langman thanked the guests for their in spiring message Mrs Adams then asked Mrs Robert White member of the Union to come forward She ex pressed regrets that Major and MrsWhite were being mwedito Alberta but on behalf of the members wished them Gods blessingk Mrs Radfnrd presented her with giit duct was sung by Mrs Jones dlan Missle Quests gOl WCTEU naries Mr Capps pronounced the hens adirtion social hour and lunch were cnioyed During this hour Mrs Capps visa made member or the Barrie VCiU She expressed her or and real privilege to belong to rush finenrganiutiom The regular meeting of the Barrie Union was held last Month in the form of picnic supper at St Vincent Park Neatyative ladies sat down to the delicious meal Mrs Adams asked the bless lng Several get well cards were signed by all present to he sent to members who were ill and shutin thanks saying she tell it an hon lira Brut delegate asthma tion In Oshnva gave anguiellehr report The lhememt the bootea tion in grace Mercy tand Peace Mr Itlchardson mueh Imprused with the conu entlon service all nantin and rsduiiuiing themselves solendid and thcrr report were given was an demanding address by Rev cordon nautsr All worg tilted by bus on tour the General Motors phat tnvelling lhrough the memo plant by little trains One night was yoth night There were rcellations trumpet aolosduets and drill presented by girlspiaying iambouiines group at young people from Oshawa Missionary College per formed antact play Whata in the Beer BarrelfThcy found lots of grief in it broken homes orphans accidents sin and vice Mrs Adams gave splendid tallt on thetheme and readDr Hunters address Meeting closcd with prayer and Mrs Hutchinson Anti Small down payment oi only $1870 will have this smart tool cooking range in your kitchen in time to heal summer heat Write Phone Or Drop In Teddy To sweetheart BARBIE Pho PArkwny 540 OApptoaimatel tnonlbn In rural Icornpictr unitup oi Kluge Gnu inriaiiation onuorat Teruu acuoiting unitios netstint and aromas Guide untstshisu Performance nutornpiio urnnnr on all burorrs N0 EXTRAS NOTHING use To any CEDB oal iiornla Their 5Lb nano ton lioaping lt XAMINEIR ni CheeSeLoot Extra tan trrri irritant spitAl asg 1152 save mo on thy Whot lSaziing43 25s save as Hubris123 Best lullqibcit39 ailon oi natlyï¬ nd Wax BIInI