Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Jun 1957, p. 21

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The late human Funeral service or Bull Roe Jack human retired Toron to meat bomn operator was held onJuno 1957 at Maple Lake Unitedchureh interment in the church cemetery resident at Tomato for the put 15 Mr Llnzman died at his summer horn on Maple Lake lie was born at Eimvale years ago and yarn returned or visits with relatives and lriends lie was member of Sher holtrne Street United Church llr Langman Is survived by his widow one daughter Mrs Grace Foster one sumWilliam or To ronto also alrter Mrs Albert Spring Emma Elmvale and brother Wesley wasaxa Beach Molten to WA 0st Tuesday the Ladies Aid at Elmvale Presbyterian Church was entertained by Mrs Alvin Archer at her cottage at Woodland Beach Twentythree ladies were welcolrr ed by the president Mrs French following which Mr George Graham and Mrs Spence led Ihll devotions During the session the treasun er Mrs Elriclr showed good balance in the treasury discussion was held regard In the serving at meals at the Elmvalc Fall Fair General plans were made but all details were lett or the executive it was decided to invite the senior ladies at our congregation to the Octo her meeting and to send good wishes to those oi the group who were not present During thc rcnlolndcr ol the meeting as arranged by iilrs Carn ahan Mrs Elrlck brought humorous poem entitled My Hus hand Mrs McClung gave short inspirational message Lunch was served by the hostess asslsted by Mrs George Graham and Mrs Robert Graham Weekend with Relatives Mr and Mrs Armnn Tripp oi L4 Richmond Hill spent the week end with relatives in the com munity Dr and Mrs Keast Di Sarnia spent the weekend at Mrs Terrys Mrs Terry returned home after convalescence at their home Church Open llouse Among those iormer members oi St Johns United Church who attended 0an hnuse Tuesday night were Mr and Mrs Everett Thompson oi Midland Mrs Purchase of Aurora Mrs Hlekllng and Rev Morton and Mrs Harry Squibb Aurora Weekend Guests Mr and Mrs Clare Knipocpi Richmond Hill and Miss Joan Greenhank Richmond Hill spent ur and Mrs TviscCormiek and daughtersheila at Toronto spent the weekend with the latter par ents Mr and lira Vaaey Board aal Mrs Koliy and Mn Strath New Toronto spent low days with their sister Mrs James heardsall and Mr Beardnii Bridgele inn Mr and Mrs Howard Hammer ot Tomato are visiting with Mrs Ritchie Toronto Visit Mrs George Terry spent cow pie oi days with relatives in Toronto Birth oi Dnulhlcr Mr and Mrs Allan Ritchie are hlppy to announce the birth of daughter June 18 1957 at Fen ctan General liospil BAXIER Cheat Xltny Members at the Ladies Aid hope all in the community and surrounding district will lake ad vantage of the chest Xray clinic ill Baxter school on Wednesday June 26 from to pm From Cornwall Mrs Cameron and two chil dren oi Cornwall are spending cw days with her parents Mr and MosE Gaulry Detroit Visitor Raymond hcheiian at Detroit spent the weekend with his aunt Mrs Florence Denney Weekend war WD and Mrs SMiskey and two daughters Cheryl and Lynn til Ccntralia spent the weekend with relatives here Mr and Mrs Edgar and lamin spent the weekend with lrlcnds in Orilila Explorer Group The meeting of Baxter Explor er Group was held on Thursday June 13 with it members and one visitor present This meeting was in the arm nature study expedition with the two counsellors Mrs L3 McLachlan and Mrs Norris Coehrane eachtaking earload at the uplnrcra tnll ncarny woods Here under huge shady tree an impressive worship service Wls held and all sang the Explorer hymn This is My Fath ers World The remainder oi the afternoon was spent In games and paper chase with all linally taking part in delicious picnic lunch prize was given by Mrs Manch Ian to all who had completed their Explorer diary Ladies Add News rilc meeting at Baxter Ladies the weekend with Mr and Mrs Greenhank co in brd3thml whispo light Aid was held at Mrs Tum with an ate bulls on June 12 in inn WW1 Pendant General Hospital with rheumatic over has no turned home but is still mm to bed cu with him speedy recovery Tomato Visitor Hrs Doug Adam and tarnily otToronln sre visiting with rela lives here this week Honor Newlyweda There was shower held in honor at Mr and Mrs Clifl Gunter at tile homeot Mr and Mrs George Stott last Wednesday evening They received many wonderful gilu which were ntetully appreciated in Toronto Hospital Joseph Smith has been pat ient in Toronto hospital durinz the past week but ia able to be home again We wish him the best at hcallh Everyone is glad to hear Mr Murdock Is recuperating anci suiterinz heart attack last week Everyone wishes him good health in the tuture Richard Huughton has been on the sick list but isicelinl much better Miss Belly Ciute of Toronto is visiting with her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs iiichard lioughton Mr and Mrs Robert Martin at iiillsdale visited wllh Mr and Mrs George Stott last Tuesday titer returning mm vacation to Victoria RC lcndance at nine members Ind lour visitors The meeting opened with the call to worship and the singing at psalm Bible study ques lions were itth preparcd by Mrs Walkom Two worthwhile readings were contrihuied by tho program committee Mrs Mc Knight and VMrsl JGauey Jr duel was sung by Miss lrene Denney and Mrs Gauley Jr The secretarys report was read and approved and the treasurer5 and sick eommiticereporta were given nail call was answcred with verse mm the Bible containing the word visit During the business session it wa decided to send $10 to thc Scott Mission to help thcworthy cause of sending needy children to fresh air camp or the sum mer months The president mentionedabout the chest Xruy being held at Baxter on June 20 from lgto In the evening and hoped that the members would pass the word ity and surrounding district it was decided that we would pack bale and each one is to donate something suitable for child The oltcrlng was taken and dedicated wiih prayer by Mrs Waikum Dainty refreshments were scrvf ed by the lunch committee in camctryilod hrsthdtj in it in the hand can take mi land with your figure Festivail lifts you mind uncertain termstho charge Mrs Menary and Mrs ll Walkom its nunn to as so hitched undereup ll n3 fidds mm uplift tetra hippest in line white cottonfiwith little flowers embroidered all over the cup top down lee aIove thewnyii gives you oppeal Style 31 cup owe cup am 3235 lovavthn way it ipoksmnd tx lrlruour plIIl comic on to everyone in the commun Service of Hair thmmunlon will hnhnid in 5LJndalhflg can Chinch oilsand line at to am Sunday School at lids Wand tinge Ilr aodln1hrranee Black ur andltri NovlikJamiewn and Eliuhethrattendedthe wed ding la Sylvia Jamleun and John der stintmoo on Sat urday eveninl St Judes eongrelaiional pic nic will be held on Saturday July at lnnlntli Park The recent showers have been very weleome after the Very hot and dry aptii which let the soil really in need or rain mnt Visitor gt Dr andItn Fred Davis at Sundridzetr and Mrs Hamth of Bradford and Mr and Mrs Murray MeVaneland children at Toronto were recent visitors at Fred Arnolds gtWA Meeting Trinity United Church Wo mans Auociallon will hold their next meeting on Jilly at Mrs Gary Wilsons Miss Martha Robert McAllisler spent part 01 the Fred Johnstons Own House Several oi the ladies irom Trin ity congregation attended open house It the Simeon Presbytery scnlor eitizena new home Drillia last fiddly stopped on Way Mr and Mrs Lorno Grey and tamliy ol Delhlcalled atV ti Jennetts one day last week on their way to aconveniion at Banlt lt Mr and Mrs Ellis oi Guelph had short visit IlV Jennetta last Friday while on their way to the tormers bro hlersLCrawtoId Ellis or Glen Surgenor and at Toronto weekend at Toronto Visit litre Fred Groat and her moh er Mrs Luck motored to To ronto last Saturday to meet mem bers at their rainuy in Hospital Mrs Kenneth Eilioit is pallt ient In Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie atthe present time Shiihnil has been viait igs tit her 1inin here recent The late my Kniser Soveni neighborlaod trienda 01 this community attended the tuneralowllctl last Saturdaytqr Daveltnieelyin Barrie Mr Xnirely was well known here havinl lived in this eons usually with his lamily when he carried on his protession ol tarm ipl tor somo years He visa well respected citizen anda very line neizhber We extend our sincere sympathyto his tamiiy Sunday Speaker Cedric Flril oi Cookstown will be the speaker next Sunday morn ing at Trinity Church as repre sentative mm the Ontario Tema peraneo Federation Recent visitor with Mrs Iilex Denney were Mr and Mrs Wesa ley Ruddlch and Jim McKnight oi Barter Mr and Mn Edward Denney and family of Toronto Mr and Mrs Archie lilacdonnld and iamiiy at Wilcox Lake Mrs Macdonald and Mr and Mrs David Denney and Emily oi Harv ne HOLLOWS At lteunlon Mr and iiowden at tended the Steers and Pryke re union at Mr and Mrs Ben Steors home on Sunday June 23 There were 52 present They were lrom Rexdale Shanty Bay Barrie Gil iord Toronto and Vancouver Joseph Mattenley got the prize tor oldesigenuemsn Mrs Steers oldest lady Youngest baby Kevin Eowden There were lots of races or young and old and lovely lunch provided by every one Poor Sitiwherryfrop There is very poor crop oi strawberries lround here rmn Shanty Bay Mrs Hall and children ot chdnlc Mrs Allen Bowden or Shanty Bay were visitors here last Thursday Home For Weekend Mr nndMrs Donald Whitesirle and Donna ui Toronto also Mr sldc Ir In aler viaited Biehm Hill trill Sunday Afleaded6oldel weanx Mrs nnbert Stattordfiattend the olden weddin annivernri if sfSW linfiliant re in N31 over this weekend gt Sergeant and Ira Gordon and iainiiy cream horde Mrand Mrsfcnii Drury or no had were Sunday Meats at Meson the Don Brown is visiting her nfira sister Mn Rundle It Pickering ADE HY MOWAT or tew sympllhy or Community Our rympathy pee in the lam lly oi the late Mrs Moore wh passed away suddenly lart Friday number trom here attend shower at Fishers Doreen school ior Miu am Ward bridelobe at July Mr and Mrs Don Bmwn visited Mrs Brown in Oranzeville hospital on Sunday tilom To Party Mrs Dan Bell wls hostess to party and shower tor Miss Doe othy Watson on Friday evening comein todayand see them alL FTMQDEL BXALILY AS lLLDSTRATED rid Mrs Maurice Lehoux oi Sear oro were at their paronta home here Mr and Mrs Harry White lilr and Mrs Roland Jordan and baby of Weston were at Mr In any but the service shiny wileAooruw ea move by North luach van Linea tin bull flane Lintiled can tor units anacr lccn Van Lines lilovlri and storage in Burton Ave raun rA opus ullwmtn lrecter Compartment 35 lbs capacily Full Width controlled Cold Chiller Tray Full Width Vegctnolccnspcr Convenient Triple Deckholtle liar in Dour cm the Canada 15 lupply 9i Can WI ORANGE ther like an why notgoo ADA DRY taste family Whethe all run refreshment for only mile giant Nexttanae you shop everyhodya dry 56 Me or tide the other famous flavors ida gives rpp forgotten Defroslimg Imth road Stays frozen new so its Fastilts Cumplé ts=Like Magici It Crosley by Moltniprcsents the fastest the salest the most com piele automatic detracting ever designed FULLY AUTOMATIC once day tlle electric clock or the Automatic Deirosting Cresley turn oii the rcirigeratlnn system taecs and drains down into tray in the motor compartmen turns on again ALL AUTOMATICALLY gt look or Those liner features rorio norm normsrind FthzEN FOODSSTAYFRQZEN uch CE candid rasrnsrolzrnos EVER DESIGNED vo ruilwidls treeze 42 lb caoiclty minim mos cin crisper Control or coldmeat drawer Convenient roll on hetvesv eek bottlehai dnortortall bottle alryKee er in door hold acre an just two at the innour line oi Crosley Réirigerators ot mm in the morning turns on thc electric dciro clcments Frost is quickly mi ed iront all irostvcolleeling urA wlieri it is evaporatedehc refrigerationsystem then quickly

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