MRS HOWARD ANé CAPTAIN HOWARD leit the commanding dinner at Headquarters Squadron Grey and slmcoe Foresters were among the special guests welcomed by Sergeant Major Harry Smothurst andMrs Smethurst this year with great success Seigeanls Has Attendance 350 The Amnllry was lhc scene of its seclinli hi1 itine Ball in Week in Friday cvenlng as it sergeanls iliess Hcadquarlcrs Squadron Grey and Slnlcuc Flir esiersrevived the annual pre war cvent The previous week the squad rbn officers had held their spring social event Althoilgil dress was optional most ithe members oi the regi nicnt were in their smart dress blues and red white and blue streamers and dolcnsiol huiioons decorated tlte hall to add to the festive atmosphere There were around 350 in attendance includ ing many triends oi thti mess lhnin bersr in the reeei line were Ser geant Major and Mrs Harry Smeihurst and stall Sergeant Her lnan Full moss ptesidont and Mrs inll Guests included thosquadrnns commanding ufliecr Captain Howard andillrs Howard Lieutenant and Mrs Harris Steele $590 Hats regularly $695 to $2000 Sale your choice with John Gliimicx scilooi owenst wt 84561 June Ba and Captain and Mrs Graves ii Orillia The eightpiece regimental orch estra provided excellent music or dancing There were split dances and flour prilcs winncrs including Mr and Mrs Hnrry Madden Catering tor the late evening SllppLr were inuthers til Sea Cad els and members oi the Navy League Auxiliary lnslllure Tours Collingwood Industries On Thursday aitcmoon 26 members ril Cains Womens In stitute children and other guests travelled to Collingwoud to visit the sevoral industries and Belor wlth candelabra the candles in the club colonot blue and Ill vor and white carnatiohs the club flower Ind blue iris son Ind Miss Audrey Hillyrd lnvzru centre and Starr Sergeant Herman Foil mess president and Mrs Fall at the scrgeants June Ball in the Armoury on Friday evening The annual prowar event was revived oi the new executive are as fol lows President Mrs Doreen Clark vicepresident tiarvey Robinson secretary Mrs liccn Lce cor responding secrctary Mrs Helen Marshall treasurer Mrs Dr Cooper executive members Clil lord Duckwerth Charles Clark Mrs Belly lllilno Mrs Neiln Car ter Mrs Elslc Weiwohd The next regular Home and School Association meeting will be held oli Thursday at the now schnnl it will he graduation night torGrade Vlll pupils The speaker will be lilr Slunetsky auspices oi the branch agriculture Irnm Baxlcr and Canadian indusliics eemmit Lunch will be served tee First strip wits Sinarts calming HUGE PROJECT Veneluelns Guarico River ir toelory where employees wore canning asparagus Next plnees rlcalmn waive includes nine out till Sillllllill ELECTION AT ANGUS linens Home and SehoDi Assoc ialion clotled oltieers ior 195758 at its arm meeting Members mm indium iinioy COlorSljdes Verituriéls lnyslal DI the Barrie Venlllre Club was held at Wednesday evening three new members Mn Lenore l957 58 The lilnilll Insiallltion dinner pin lii her remarks the past president thanked her executive and the mcixlberl of the club or their cooperation and wonder tul team Ipirlt year The new president thanked hc club torthn honor bestowed on her looking orwlrd in another ouncesslul ycnr iicautlnu Scenes The worker 0er ch at Slnyner was intro need by 39 Miud oreMacDonnld He showed won mhï¬dmï¬ WSW dertul color llldcs ol wencs wild cent bride Mrs pnnna ilncpon mm by In Wm Mi WW Him were tnkcil in Siincee County hrldetohc with silver spoons mm gm The impressive candlellchunt iver told many interesting nets ceremony was presided overhy about his oubiecls Ind hnw the Mn Vance immediate past pictures were taken president or Barrie Soroptlnilsl expressinx thank oi the Club Five candies were lit the club 05 mm Pmflmmg Tonnuc by Synnott observed liili we him Mm Myrna Strum 51mm more beauty spots and interesting by Mm Lennie MncDmld Wir iloweta in lhc county than we had dom by Mrs iiolon McGralh my be Friendship by liliss Lorraine Col pills Ind Service by Miss Lesley We Willhe Wk ml The new 0mm and thc ilowors on our trips into the direclars were ihon lnatnllcd unify tollnwing which each lit her rc pieserllativc candle Communin House on Thc herd table was coni Alter thI delicious dinner MacDomld Miss Peggy Adam Special Guests Guests at the dinner were motiles oi the Venture mem New Executive pm Mrs Vanec Mrs llugh New oiilcers or the year 1957 Wang giant altpum so are nrcsldcnl Mrs Norm Pro viceprcsidenl Mrs Donna MIEDonIltI scereiary Mi Peggy Adamson treasurer Miss Amy Lea twoyear director Miss Aud rey Hallyard oneyellr direclors Miss Marilyn Haslett Mrs non na MacDonald immediate past president Miss Amy Lea The new prlsitlent was pre sented with tho presidents pln by the past president and Mtg Donna MacDonald then presented Miss Leawlth the last presidents Shanty Bay WI Plans TeaSaley Bazaar July The itmoinceting ni shanty ilay Vomciis institute was held in the Community ilali whcn we honor ed the grandmothers oi the dis lrict There was luir turnout lor the enjoyable evening Thc president Mrs Henson was in the chair After the busi ness oi the evening social time was enjoyed prizes or the oltlest grtintlmulh er and the one the must grandchildren were given word game was an interesting item on the program An atternnon tea bake sale and bazaar were planned or the al iernoon or Wednesday itlly The next irllzcting will he held July at the homc or Mrs it iiickiing at vm All members were especially asked to be pres Venture Clubs Ind Mrs Helen ilccrath iornicr Venturist others present wereSuropliin isi Mrs 15an Cox Mrs Llewelll Muclnnes Miss Ednl West and Miss Luereiil ltowo Miss Wilda Cuihert and Miss Morlurie Bullls Sumpiimlsl advisor to the Vcn lurc Club oi interest were Quinlan Craw mile 5th dam forming lake lard Ltd makers or hassocir and to irrigate 425 square miles ent ear seat covers and Georgian Cllina Alter the inoslrlnteresling and educalinnal tour the party gath ercd at Sunset Point for short ies The project was under the business mecling and picnic lunch FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE PA 84201 memuuumnnm FOR COMEBIENT EYE CARE coupon not HG step 0PTO 11¢ RTEnENsoNï¬ imitations no ownMnrmilra hellson RO ETRIS DUNLUPBTREET BARRIE ONEAIHQ Tim to now chain in cars today Rainbler More room inside than gt the average lowpriced carplenty for six 6inch parka any American sadun Most rniia par value Seer today nr vaultiiUnsoillnrAt it Jollvsllillraoils FAWN or mvouis OlANsEXiS lEMoNllMt arm soot otavtiruii llMl the Sinaitest People In Us IRASSIERES ner GIRDLES small medium énd large cAsours Outturns out allonl Highest radio carrier no5 not iiirived then call 3236 3235 3443 GARIER BELTS and All your OPEN ilolls FlllDAY rvtlllilos love or the camping Alter her ndiitcurs silo DISTINGUISHED VlSlTOll The Canadian Girl Guides As sociation has Juil heard the good ilch that Countess Estelle aorti adotte will visit their Centenary durlnz ihi put World Camp being held In Aug ust at their Doe Lake Clmp This dirtinzuishcdl visitor will stay at the camp irom Au Aug 19 Ind will there represent the World Association or Girl Guides nniLCnifl Scouu oi which she is now vicepresident Countess Bernadette was born in Pleasantville ust 1929 married Count rolite Berri dotie nephew ot the late King Gustav ol swollen with her husband she travelled widely and shared with him outerdoors and ot They had mlny ramp lnz experiences in countries with uitterrnt climates and conditions husbands death in 1949 while Icting as mediator tor the United Nations between the Arabs and thc lcws Countess Bernodolte became the stimuli 60 lilnpic Ave Jul 5109 as whitenint PERMANENT WAVING Guaranteed to Stay Pcmlnenl g8lo and in tragic WITH NO GUESW9RK INVOLVEDI lmporlnnll Were xure Bacoun you know and know that lit righi inundation moltt oil the diiimneo in tho world in tits woy you look and Incl especially during hot tununay 1i rhola why at Evangelina youll had the viphl pnddcnttot the Contra when or thrï¬irleulda crowded and this poaillon all all held lhc Uniled Nation to on prisoner at war All or the 1500 Girl Gillan anti Iiieir leaders who will prcrcni over 38 different COMP tries are eagerly lookingrewind to nieclinl and llikingio their sister Guide the Countess Estelle Ecrnldolte mm 3i Are you tired oi nightly pith lips Let us liit your lplllllh with cold wave styii lint or shatnpoo and not our modern aurroundln Call us now THE JOAN GARRiCK SCHOOL rowan 5i roots 179538 iit srudnv viNvl PLASTIC easily lnllatedl tinerlng walls 42 lot in diameter It 279 tworinz style 52 ills indiametar It 59a Briitht colours Keep lots coal happy in hpt wen thcri menus LIMITED so nunlnp PA salad inundation tor your slimmer cloths whole wardrobe collection devoted to spay wash lohnrs lhni tiitn you here slim you there yet addore wield mmmlo¢imoiuil thieughiummar Smart ilgurinpt We lhlnlt to See tiiii shapeinciting collection nowol all Evangeline Shops Formï¬ls Lite Conï¬dcnliaiu waist cincher and little slimmer All in one Shaped from ï¬ne cotton broadcloth with embroidered panel front while sizes it 32 our basque collection complete selection from the top ï¬gure makers To wear them is to know how their unique fashioning firms your uplift how they adjust so supple to motion yet giVe you that flattering natural you separation Choose iron way regular and strapless padded styles as well in washable cotton satin nylon lace nylon elastic some have been sanitized for lasting ireshness never washes out Sines range 3036 AA 3034 3233 3240 $150$900 must for active summonï¬guring designed by the foremost siiinmcis to give you the freedom and mm you invc while maintaining disciplined slim smooth outline collcclion In cool lightweight nylon powernet or rayon elastic all with detachable garters Wash in wink All in White Sizes $193$090 Dressup basquel for Iny party doll who likes the llatteting Cited at lung continuous slim outline Our collection in satin érnbroidcicd cotton broadcloth and nylon infleto Some sanitized for lasting freshness All styles padded and in while Chump front side or back back rinsing Size ismism Beth styiestuiion or hook closing Collected for your choice inwa easywash cotton broadcloth rayonsatin nylon nylon Mel and lice nylon power YOURIII AND GIRDlE Sill private Fitting itooint it rvnlnad Peuonnal in oil flpvre types Complete Seladlanaiwayi SML l°5iil5$2 assists3250 3233 3446 From $1150 Yubovll New shape ncw coolness new comfort The clever design of Petal Burst by WonderEra in white cotton AB 3236 3238 or ï¬ne satin in while 3234 3236 3263 and the new petal pink 3234 323 VReidnns pantie girdle tin lightweight nylon power not Satin panel Iront Sins GIMME$395 22 nqnmc 5mm rPHOW rd aim She has also becn inemberot