Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Jun 1957, p. 5

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ll KCKBB FROG 3y lumen JoliNsroN THE SUMMER MONTHS will bring irw changes on the 1230 spot at your radio dial During July and Augustine orst poo than of Trading Post905 inn 0130 amwill take summer hiatus in its place music will be the format with Stan Taylor as host Trading Postsecond portionlull am to 11 an ill ronlinue in its regular spo DUE TO SUMMER VACATION Collegiate Corner takes boil day and will tiereplaced hy musical program with special appeal In motorist Holiday in tormotldn sale dr in tips and other vacation reminders will be included in this 1030 to ll on period on Satarday CKVRTV MDNDIV rim 530 Woolen us unitd nareh man Yo want gt WW uo upon um an 15 loom no in 1n aim auto hlurmint rrlnao no an rhaairo mo cur1 1M no eomlno cronti moo nraanol channat salom no no Frivita dis rnavlut naoart tom aorioo YouIv inn Onn £untonn rule on nus sud cornmu nah mo uto wmrn TilII russoavuutie as rho chiliiophara am noon hour on Howdy my one roarin CHANNEL usnnn lullt nonn ymaum wrnwuoav Alma as us Nu cnmuaa Scienc nul PRODUCHON OldRADIO 333 CEiVERS for the first our months in 1957 is running 12 ahead of the same 1556 period accord inl to Radio Electronlu TV lanuhcturers Association Al though these are v5 ngllrex Can adian production reflects approx imately the same Increase Actual US radio sales total 233 as at April 30 compared to 1984900 for first Jour months in IBM incidentnlly set sales do not in clude auto models which move directly to the motor Industry REMINDER that you can hear Esso Farm Reporter with John llradshaw each weekday at one pm This highly inlnrma tive program highlights interviews with experts ailillated with all spheres oi agriculture Itll par4a uo lualt 1am ano than one Than rhoho roent mm nlu um um at near In naut lla coonwait NovI ll lmaoet arounaw no law non headline in run ono Caunlry mo apsna Dilut 1220 ram Martel Report is so KeIa am nullrlln Board I110 mu Hemline im zaao ronn Ream aJn honour at mm and no lo 700 rarro iraraai Mom me or soon scam do 10 lionoatand loo hound na 333 53 Pm ID 33 53 hr°iti°£ em on Request in my limboa aioo new aoo Heaollnra um To ma Cumin nos molar roat spa mum mu 6m eugn mruerlmlu no 30 camp uordzo snort We 30 gotta nmo fig mm rm amour more retro uihmmr Cilan no it uranium New naaollaao lluo molar sort an hm flux WW rm Ease PIml Writ 00 News Mm lt Rural Roundup £5 nooo um Bom fig gilla India an aaaoitaao 933 figg an5 Wornenl world It NIIDAV In glruam lxilltllillnta 3133 my 2310 nraorioa 7an orrllifiostiiuv sits runs rand raro sgftariasim aioo on mum mo ram more Report an Ame Bros 500 New Beadllhll Neil his camp at Work ggfl mun um aolisun Baud guy mmhardo show fig 5m 3m Nun FIRdunne Hf Imm asp roon and County iso nhrti°riaiiiuretii mm NM um mm and Nawa lieoust 2m Nwa Tm no porn Market Invert Womena woria mg and Brian 553 gaggl 353 lll don EW mm 333 gulls mart Zln Pualnl rarm Loo mfgIv 3553 Smith loo 25s i3 Mo am can or am runners as 2355 PM 70a warn mam Bevan rooma MS DIAL 1230 ao aooru lam urn snarl wulhu Illva 33 23 to tn us haoa Barrie gt coastal mincsweeper operating LEEROY wl Meetins The Womens institulls mm at Mrs Maurice Reids with 15 ladv lcs attending The president opened the meeting with the opening ode and Mary Stewart Collect Mrs Grace Browning read the minulrs at the last meet Ilng Roll call was answered by Where would iike to spend my vacation liliss Luella Done nelly gave the report taken at the district annual which Mrs ingram had very rapahly com piled Mrs Mnlvyu Noble had very intercsing current events and Mn Dalton Perrier played two deiightlul piano solos Two lnstitules were to be in vited to the July meeting under the convenership of Mrs Susan Paul Meeting closed with God Save the Queen Mrs Atkinson and Mrs Juiierman served must en ioyahle lunch Weekend in Toronto Mrswiiliam Noble spent the weekend in Toronto and with her daughter Marilyn tlenried the WellsConstant nuptials at Downs view Anniversary Visitors Anniversary visitors with Mr and Mrs Earl Gilmore were Mr and Mrs Mcrvyn Dali and baby Debra of Schombcrg Mr and Mrs llollurt Culberi and family oi Bradford Mr and Mrs ll Boll ni Fenneiis and Mr and Mrs Roy IN APPRECIATiON We wish in thohh our many Mono erosslanrl and dulllei rnr their dirt or nhcautilui ohrsl or lingers silverwareand pair to foam rubber liilinws especially iiionldnc lvlrs isirath Mrs Wright and lills Arthur Jack and Barnum arernnide 7a 1I TiiliilEllS Elli silor liilll WillilflillliSii FOR BOARDDF PARK MANAGEMENT runners will he received by lneune arraigned up In noon Friday July losr tor the construction or to shop and Warehouse size sonrisi ing or ten inch concrete block not mar hrlrh racing on iroht can read on to rlovcr building only and repar ate tender to include heating Plans land rpneillsatlons available at office Secretary 20 nohert street Law est or any tender not neceslonly as related oran SeoulIn noard Park Management Barrie 1175 How slitin Science Heals rv scaissior Everyone THIS WEEK THE STRENGTH OF MY urn CKVRTY Channels Wednesday 345 pan or hair photompherdhal ell pear in this newspaper are alahlo in than prints Shanahan of aarrie were Sundiw CLOWES Sunday Visitors Mr and MrsuMaurice Brown Beverley and Wayne at Stroud were Sunday vi Iors with Mr and Mrs Harald Wright visits aid flame Emmcrson melding of the usa visited recently at his old home presently owned by Alvin Cairns He visited his old triends and the school he attended also one or his teachers Mrs vie Ross at Guthrie At Illnt Openins Mr and Mrs Vic May and Delva attended the dedication and honouet at the opening or the new plant Burndy Co Ltd at Scarboro on Saturday Recent Visitors Mr and Mrs Matt Schiller 2nd Line Flosvisited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs McLean Mrs John Barnes andDavid of Canninslon Mrs it Hurren and Mary Ellen of Woodville and Ben Dicker of Bnister spent last rhursday with Mr and Mrs Dicker Mr and Mrs Ken Dicker hnd John recently flew to Gravenhurst ior day Mr and Mrs Cliff Reynolds and family and Mr and Mn Pull visitors with Mr and Mrs Mar childon Visiting Son Mrs Marchildon is spend ing some timeat Penetang with her son Ernest who ill in the hospital andvisnt doing as well as his many friends would like to see Mr and Mrs Daugherty by Lines of Barrie and Frank Beardsall at Toronto were Sunday Beardsali From Collinlwood Jack Heron Ind friend Miss Marilyn Hutchinson or Coiling wood Were Sunday visitors with Mr Ind MasWlliam Wright Recent visitors Recent visitors with the Hut chinson familieswere Mr and Mrs George Hutchinson and iam ily of Gravenhurst Mr and Mrs Len Hutchinson at St Cutblrinoa Mra WilliIm Davis of Nobleton Lea and Roy ltutclllnson Barrie John and Joan Fred Dougherty and family John Taylor and not visitors with Mr and Mrs Bell of Barrio linth nlrthdoy liirs Susan Paul entertained numlicr or irionds on Friday cv cning rune ii to linlinr Mrs hold who was colehraliog her 89th birthday Euchre was play ed with Mrs Reid having high score lovely lunch with birthday cake was served then hirs hoid was showered with many lovely girth lilrs Reid thanked till ladies roi such grand birthday party and every one expressed the wish she would he able to celebrate again when her 90th hirlhdoy came around Chumll Anniversary beautiful warm sunny day ushered in the 5th anniversary or the United Ciurch here Capt naiph Webtmr padre at Camp Simpson and Mrs Banney attend ed Dr Rynards party on Satur day night at Orlllia Mrs Roberta Spence and Miss Clara Blank of Torontospent the weekend at their homes here Thornton ileuoian ltlr and Mrs aidwell dad amily Mr and Mrs Larry Dyhall attended the annual Thornton ne union on Saturday at Springwater Park would like to say thanks do Mr Walls and stair for the won snli SIGNALS Lending sermon Wil at Mr and Mrs William Fumcott 26 William Street receives message in radio shock of HMCB Fundy attended Barrie District Collegiate Institute before Joining the Royal Canadian Navy in August 1951 morning and or Strouo had the Ham Furzecott son irom Hillitox LB Furzeoott speaker for both evening services tiny choir had charge of the music in lhl morning under tho leadership of Mrs Wanless who also sang two lovely solos 1n the evening the junior chuii service ol praise and male quartet horn Central United Church Barrie sang tour numhors which were greatly appreciated Capt Webher took ior his rut ice in the morning Retponoitr iiitiea at Church Attcndance and in the evening The Man Without Friends Dcsiple the intense heat he held his lud lanes in wrapl attention All ieelwllh manhavlligthe utter ance and personalin 01 Capt thccr ministering to our arm ed forces their spiritual being will be well looked after Two beauliflli baskets of red white and pink Carnations mixed with white and pink stocks grill Ed the chancel of the church the Eiit of the Holland family Being anniversary Sunday number of armor membch vere home under ihe parental roof Borden was nclly were his daughters Mrs Rattan and girls of Newmarkct Miss Marin nonnclly of Toronto and niece Miss Ruth Reid of Toronto Mr and Mrs Veral Stewart and HE daughters at Harry Stewarts Mr and Mrs Norman King of Barrie at Mrs Wrights WMS Meeting The WMS held meeting at Mrs wilh Mrs James sislant hostess The in the Mission Monthly The secretary Mrs utes oi the May meeting Mrs secretary of Christian steward ship read psrt oi aishop lion sons book Poverty Mrs Stephens took the Nearby lsinnds treasury department The orrigera and Membeae their deepest sympathy to Brother William uIlptn on canyonr 31 neaty at iierful day spent last Friday bildfii til orlnlararty or and Mr Block Chdrleli yerit to unnecqu Will State Farm you only pay amail atyaomoetaprerniumi everyrix months without extra unyingdrarfigl let me tell you moreabout oil and the many other budgetraving natures pioneered by State Farm Call or stop in today 25 Norma smear Pa hiss welcome Among them with Hugh lim lllcir Juno l3 l3 Grasos Elliott as as meeting opened with the president Mrs William Nnhlc in the chair Mrs Mervyn Nollie read the scripture and Mrs Barth read the portion Perrier called the roll and read the min Elliott and Mrs Noble sang two lovely duets and Mrs Wright as The Sacrament of study hook on Christians of Asia and Mrs Stewart reported on the also hitrh Dance to PIllflldth Orchestra at Churchill HIlL Fridny June Lunch served SponIorcd by Le troy Hockey Club 1373 nummagsialeto be bold in True Blue Hall High 5L Jane Doersopen at 930 no Under our picea of SIlVatlongAnny 78 Strawberry Tea Masonic Elli Strand Wednesday lane from to pm Sponsored by the Order oi Eastern star Everybody Barrie Horticultnral Society Tour to Oakvllie Estates Rose Garden and several private an near to Toronto Hamilton hock cry Ind Spring Gnrden Total cost 5550 Leave it am troln Welilns ton Hoteleorner June wZTnke luneh Also bul tour to Strattord to me Hamlet July leaving ant also vinluna EloraJeouy Gardens Kitchener Motririliturll Gardens bot dinner It Tobi ot rare ticket and dinnerhaM Reservations Mrs Millippllnnt PA manor Mrs Cook PA 53145 1314 Ira viar 1M Johnson so mn4 ml MULLER AI Royal Victoria lietonal to new metal titanium resin sea water corrosion so well that it would take 1000 years up posure to the tides to corrode away the thickness of postlge stamp day olreringr GgQHQInsmdmly to has rhe meetingclosed with the LvsrLréoéznuZi hgaaihajgifiwfi us It hemlcunn brother oth Graham3 trons during summer August meetings will be cancel led Members are reminded the usual offering will be accepted at September meetlnl lunch to Ross and Karen Sunday evening dL lNMEMomAM Barber who died Juno it He had nature we couldnt Mp lovlnl And heart that was pure laid To holewho know and loved him Hu memory wul never grow old God snow that he was nurturing lhai the hliia were hard to dim so no closed Ma weary eyelids And whispered Peace be thine ourtz wafiiufilgmw ireoi WDNDBR METAL owing to so many havinl vaul July and The hostess lerved delidoua Mr and Mrs Rake Corner and Marilyn accompanied Mrs Frank vetorhoro ra nrl alumnin Mill sue on 135 slstor arule Ind Jim and family VIdII nan aminola uni1 nor manor as an Ir iai norm on Jun al irel to in and lira souneon coloran min nourhiar HoffAt layl Vlrlofla IIOIIIIIII Bari on June 51 to Mr Ind In limitnu Pllflltn It sari aorticl so doom ElmAI Itll VMUI lurk on lua no to aa In Willin want an Man son Ivth Mil Via1 Hamill Gvlll III ll IBV Io Ir Ind III loll MI DIM It ran lvatd WA loyal Vldoda Willi MI JIIIII 23 INT in Mn lentnth Ian Ill II no incurmini RUGGNIAt GoflmI our Elll Ill June ll to Ir Ind ra Ilmlna love Doreen Ile Cua I0 DIM halted MAC YAI floral Vklnfll lllllfllal Blflka 01 June IK7 to Flt Ind Gem Incly lll Int lord daughter Melvon AI Royal Vittoria Hospital link on time Ifll to Mr Ind In ivllilam urlvor daughter Dill Louise Whether tins anarver to you moooyproblomaioaraahloanor uport cocaine youroay rely on HEC Camdnl moat recour nodod comnor snanbo dono paoy Youll like llrCl prompt Madly emotion and Numb aptvino haelrad by 79 yearl prrlenoo So ii you fut to nooninane dayyou my hon witheonndono from line llama aaodonwonuomdno phono Missav Whom unspent lmnuooonaonuut arru mond door phone me ootuuawooo our munAl aoyol Virtoru hospital name on June It nu in arr and ilra loch Peril llo Owen s1 Ion rmeAl Royal Vino1a Barrie on June IKT Do and Ilrar retro Mono hoop Cam border than va nxamar llnyal Vklorin unitl Barrie on June ml to Cpl and hire nearer to Eugenia at non tnooert lioonrthi rate on lune to Mr nan1e on runs m1 lo Kr and ma vrrlor lulled ru snnrovd so flaulhler tShelley oaroarai ILLAl Private Pallmu Pavlllon Toronlo General HMpltnl on Juno filming in ur and Mrs Cameron fx DIED Shanly Bay in his first year nan tug at the semen ninesu Horn porno ninoral neme irond rnho at pan interment nu rle Cemetrry unease anagram pro vince covers mm mum miles compared to Ontarios 412582 Repaired and Recovered with on or Iaran in plain or striped materinls Burrie Tent so Awning Co Mprynrld st Ph ra them Police Department is being instructed to enforce this Norrie militias lillllSSllii llllllilliilllli all silliallniis till aunrvaans Section 25 of Bylauw Number Bali reads as lollows save at proper crossings no vehicles shall be operated or driven upon or across any boulevard as deiined in this trylaw or sidewalkand no vehicles Shall be permitted to stand on any boulevard as delined in this hylaw or sidewalk As considerable amount of damage is being done to town boulevards and sidewalks by vehicles crossing same when making deliveries or working on private property to the detriment of pedestriansetlective immediately the bylaw it STRAUGHAN Town Clerk oi the ahnve Union express The BARRIE EXAMINER L1957 Fargobull into tharpaya off Easternl higmuaclad Fargo warir day in day out haulingmaao moon otruction obs ike this big 000 project naopooiahiogaehodida that require reliability 21M Famoonntrve lion can meet all the emanda placed on it and then Iomei Frarna hon denialswidth front croaamomherl ringa are ofdurnble rhoalloy steel ow £73m fluentdob donad IIIfwd Extra powmuted rrom no to 232 hprnakesrargo trucltatbopowerioadlsninthalr prioa ranges from agilo Fargo express and panel model to rugged heavyduty truck poroilo Eigwrnparou ndwindahield and optional wraparound rear window momentspeed electric windhind wtporaaro Just raw orrparsy aarsguarda united

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