Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Jun 1957, p. 2

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SHOULD BE riwun The marlin oltheyonunien lulh Pollge Asuoclstititl Soccer Leagues should be axial proud of their phIrKH lulu Not loot muse the nosed boy nItscorut munitloh at innla Hollnridu Ind Burris Smrrcluli pllymihut muse the kids luv sullytok en to lhnspnrl rules in pIrliculIr luv Ii hell lilac dim and some who Ire not to little lam much mom Ibout the uni thIn most onsetnu qut the District Soup plIyen lIIl Tmr kill sumd that lth nre not In exc tIlilelo They plpyed he gain with the ronlldr once at the older men morliing The number on each side VIII unwan Ind To these boysth II not iurubgnme it wls bylhl rules or not It Il SI ht bickering Wis hllld on oceI it was iilwnys solved by sorhe citing rule pluyod under noodiights start and from such learned lnrn lli roaches inhale none In notill Im their own follows or doll such smellle lohinsoclrl short time when the yonan oato mono lull8 ilwill he no expense account We eel tint any oi you Ire opprosrhadliy ii tinketrosllgr who so rthegnrocegds lire goingtowmll the kids trip in Toronto should it least huy one raisod by mine The duckcl inlsrrrtiu soccer hum mi the youngsters thus to take in inter out in olhor Ihings somlllmes not so good or than or the community Ind thlir am not ind hnrdou their They are otlhe uge nl temptation Help them mulling lhetomlng trip and other proposed own pursonIlpocliet lioo st JUST NDIES The swimming hole that some cltizens seem to think could ha turned nto njwimgning pool is on Edsshlll and not Wel lington wast Our Ipologies to those who Tried to get at by going to Wellington Wash one lent12mm in townloss llllll three weeks won one we misled During ourconversullogi with him he relIléd how oommunity not lull the site all Burnt got their children pool Seems he mentioned something Ibo collectlng Cl llam 1211 Inmlly course we wouldnt need thatmuchmolio UNLESS mnltrurtlng something worthy of the pupulntlon itll lake moro tllIn my ellbrl but its worth ll Gory Edwlrds the speedy Winger ol the Barrie Flym Junior hockey club who iniuredhisvunklcl hgiore the playoffs this will is one of the lop hitters in the North ny Fusthall Rogues EdWIlds lhirdhssemun Ind judging mm reports about his play musiuecomplsiuly heeled Seems ororgs piuuoslwis roaiiyworih lighting for The shurpro ouivur or Legiunhlormerly oi Minesing is currently lending the lonps hiltcrs with an Ivcroge oi 339 You would do well lotalie in the stellIr wrestling card at the Bar rie Arcnulnnlormw night Thrcchlg houlsom linsd No less thIn orld wrestling honors lohnn Demchuck is inrrner world titlrhoider in the light heavyweight ivision Dinty rurks is lormer holder or the Nuflh Amorierin Junior Henvyweight championship Belt which now belongs in Tonylllorellii liorslii too isian the rard Then there arsouvo simms inii asuisSild SikiwusI member of thoisum oi Gorgeous George Grant and and that won the Herb Parks hiernoriniTug Team Trophy Knsaboski he rumo clumps Soon out olln hull dozen lighters live ave hold titles three ollhenix bottles have held North American or low works risk Listwsek Dave Simms and Lo it should be quite an evening Anna Kearse tcLl BI bull Team to In iso triumph over mm Goldwater lIlit weekend in In Enst Shinon Godlrey Pllytll well centrzii dcorCoidwutei liei The cuntes played gtfimuegt Swale with homer ondGeorio diamond aw Anne hurl third Wntemn win two singlesdopiwd strikes org in Coldwnlerllassies the vlsnors boilers onlvhve safeties over VColdeaterahllris Bench ss Bernice Armstrong or shinon God fruyp Ellie Robertson 12 Mars Howke it Betty Belch listen wale 2o Georgie WIterson 1o udrey Sniluws rt lrne Divine ri Simone Patsy loveless Hillrrest Jam Hilks ri Koren Bill Noll MI is Hare cl SandiSpring ss Uile in matron lfllflfldelilhul Lentslus 3b Miriam Steel to Ildrbcuer oh This IerlrI Wurroll 21 Carol HIndsteId rf VIII guru due to women DonnI Mondrian ll SusIn Tshir but if shrill Livingston Ann referee shall be up inled to Hiring in iirshuu Rough Riding any uintlled point His decision on points in connected with the punhln Indhiimping duzl be plIy sth he final no Ill Is the tweehJoek urhridge DiBllhtlllld result of um um iI toncurned Ind rlim HIllIlnn ol LIkeview rev lilo insAidinth begioI rent the lulled in thrills for thehns It time he IignIlI lor the tidal Ind Pinrcrat dwny but suspen or mousing ohm or Alon orH iIh power tend ointment coolnuttrd omen Pam to restored Ind the play huheonlomporIiily Ilnpfllll ho all ad the dillurenoei uni odor um mgbfll out ol lIy Burhridge turned out to be mi He shIll however rollpin roiu lporl He IIlrbd lhIt the nuipgn penniiolthn noel when he in Iiunhelilledfimlolnn rI ed and saflflld lint by Gain on he would made third in the 204 tenure be giving IuId tinge to the on Ellen echurr won the nature Keep rd with sun lintlmtlllii in Iroco humour35W my and Ilium le Illd going until tliqo ei 1nd lost lhro lendinllllms in mi mWdejwhsn repelvedin he rmmreofl IM Dlnly Parks the Golda Boy hi the Nonhlnltd WallingEll lerprlses ll always he he ol the int The Golden Boy who fights with the lemllypl vililln and sometimes looks loo much like one or his own good endeared in wrestling ions or splendid deed two lIVDf himwll good with it salons hock 0n lhal occasion Plrk wund ly fixnrrd no Funk the Tex Six games including ll lnun It mm was at the time Amerm pack with 10 points or play hrIlywzigllt champion Unlilithlit memorable nllhlmafik hzzllfllrm losses or our poinls or plIying We nuns mun gt percentage al 400 Legion lllg Unfortunately hold the thlmpionship bolt too soon iilter token mm mm by um present champ plulng porrentnge of 200 Toneromlll Pilhls illChimp Dinly is in so minute or one Illlo win match with Johnny Drmchuck lorm lillcholderi douliltsdlyl will below of young Pnrks toughen hauls Demchuck while no longer the Ipeedsler he used to his rclnllnr one of lhc smartesl the mIt rgame mine Ind luuior While this mull no propel mini kids on in doubt less members of truths in the school soccenluruss were raving thun selves some Ilonglhn Iidelinns Here thryJiIdrlo gonlpodu or Held in no aiilciIl Hot these ldloanuud Imminlry mIrlt ings Ind played eray moveIIthoughi reulIrlu¢us um undeleuled Dlmy didnt Percentage at 333 Drvilhlss hos norm iii gm on the regulation lleldll9wevzr The lad liaising lomomw port were trying to run Ipotan the ollsliir teIln thut is Toronto July it tojplay leani lrom st ochera School choosing two such midi of junior Ind Ieuiols lor the giltnrsto be olng lo ilrrie is or world This un While the coaches have reIson to upshot lr rhotr the tykeii too should he vary preclntive in return Sooter to lhokldsiI hsw game it is woh erlul thut hey should it correctly from cookies In liemin slip on gt ilIhlr are all ylryrro or executives of the BIrrin Ind District League Thuemenjrcgiving at time and energy misty wrshouldhe thInlrful ln ovation at 339 holds with amazing News and FRANK HART gmwfiflfd if°i 33 get out otthum with remarkable Tomorrows Rel more Legionplsyorsurs tied in second hhut time limit lecturestho return at bounding houniu lightllfippy Scot lrom Aberdeen mm bu im Tho finslboul the main evenl on my will mg wry gum is tor the North American belt ol strength sinntslhiIopponenl ind will nlmlly feature Tony 5911 in the his liureiii His opponent is canble my mm mesh hm Dnvc Silnnls who thoians eel the anstnken such dislikelo would make worthy chinplan lightsrus lhey hovelto sud ven hetero hEElllels the ring rcleree Proceedings sun at isms uhndtasie in the dis ass mum Chumpmnmps ed Ithlote on money the Reggie Slki lit by with Ipproxlmslely onethird ill the Barrie Ind District Senior Saltball Lulu gone by the sunny show But the two BIr llc teams union and DeVilhlss Ire locItrd in the third and four tll positioni unsung with only one loss in pointer with landlord lends the ing pemuhse 333 Endlord is second with two wins and three record of 24 our poinls or record at lor two points or Tonighi DeVllhiss plays Lug inn ill Queens Park and Minosing plays at Bradford Chnpptl Tops In the balling race the leader ship ills changed hnndsfl George Choppel lhl calcher who started the season with the league loud ers and who is now playing with Legion lopxlhe llstwith seven wycn hits in 18 hllcmpls or on lumers mouths The iltet colorJ the Na spot with average at lisuully manages to oi Kiri mfiiiiswiisrifirié 102 Golfers ee Al Collingwood one hundred uhd two golfers look out in the Simcoe County All thill and Frankie Hart 25 Collingwood yosterd They come At the Milan ntanI Pllh the other day one young lelln approlched thixnporler Intl snidi thanks or trying it get swim ming paul While lie was deeply touched this reporter only replied major soccer From Behind nulls played to oneall tlcswilll in thu nlghlcop Hollandin Doughty of Midland in lhe Barrie came lrom behind for out Sutur played Newlowell through the the injury two nther tennis anddlslrict Soccer Leaqu duyni Queens Park Enrire Sucécr curt was much 45minule period when New Low inst Owen Sound undiiol oil goulis Mike sednumk coil Soccer Ciuhv battled New siderad the best in the league in lheswellering lienlot the The gold Hollahdlu didscore €llelgl001ll sun tgu twoS toilthan was while liednnruk was lying on rogue wen oun the ground anci being shoulder ed uud ssc played it iwospeed ed by iiollundias Fred Wall oNMV Thu first half was very instandrugged the seen Slower and cugey Lend Short Lived auuido nd was ion Jory vindammo put the Barrie club up in the iirst hficoieflo lZSerzolrgnufoené hm hm LndiesSolthiill Newmnrket vs is Alexilogeodoornn speedy ins Tllls was lhe only goal or the the loule ondscorLd tour oi her teurnsijuns on three hits lienltsiius13rdI HIndséesd En El Vllgs ll 8d W0 ESE irLeclds Hlilcrest muons who in Woman Ind oils Lenlslus mum in tor the side ri lit ti in on MS mix Lowell scored when rue lloog WEDNESDAY JUNE 28 ml was me smflng in me Fns him hit floflgndia plgyor Senior Soltbiill Brudlord Vs llo gums despite many olhergoud chances in both halves Sound was saved muny times by In other game Silrule drop Tnunsnflv Im 27 mm yangkind win gamed pad 2idecision itcAF CImp Lndies Sotlholl Barrie Flyers in the in his mm Barrio andcoilingwood dumprd vs Dril at the time Barrie got outstandingdelenlive Owen great mileage nul l4an FRIDAY JUNE 23 ill Erlnn Bnkcr Dennis Bradley OWEN SOUND gull JIngkind Senior Banehull Beelon vs Burr Bncks bucks Hun lohn DeRo Ilvrs riu at Agriculture Park Alex ran and Ken Emms also Jack on Andursun Town Senior SotthtllLegion vs Mine came up With opportune delrn solidi Iorwards Dunn Hoogon sing Ive mahonuvrrs anlle Ear player Police AssociIlion League until very ef Ile SC and Smith in the subs Cilmp Butcher McLean WIS use goil Thomson butlts gum PM Cnmngwmd or by Pllr Emmi lullm Plum noilundia nt Colliniiwoud Torgis Dumps halves fiubhels Snnio Boxmeor To¥is¢Auaoruéntive scored six runs nning and went on to defeIt Lukeview Dniry OLPANDW Wm in Bsrrie lndustrinl LeIguc Solis llmks Cox Dykhllfl him hall glme pinyed over the week Kmt Mulluriz Dulles or ii McDowell pitched ior the win Wall Centen Vandorvellln willy den and limited the Lakeview Junk Ba Mnllarprllmalnp squad to nlhe hits Is campnred Releree for both gImrs won to 121hy his mates It Ronald Lornax pitched for the losers Ind WIS ohnrgcd with the deleutn oil ulL Ill restart ur brill noon mulled into ii iii Ind coiled heI Iura winngrun us is Mgr The BAR train Barrie Oriliia Mldlnnd Comp Burden Loire st George and Colllngwood willllecd with one nl lite mosl henulilul days otllhu summer the tournament was it terrific success expeclnlly ior DruMurrny Hawton oi Callingwood At the end oi plIy he wrs tied or low net with Ron Mix Or lln both having carded 75s ilip oi coin gave Dr Murray the win Mix was llwnrdetl second plum 59h Meuds oi Collingwood unto home with score oi 17 tour hel ler Inn the 81 posted by Jack ontiro gsme especially in the lost almost worked himself dizzy nuannnk mg mm on Senior Solibull oevtlhisa vs Le may up me glou at Queens ru Minesing vs whomwhli swunpcd down on him dmfi and pre outed the goaliesinlends ed option Bob Mallirp who TUESDAY JUNE 25 missed several other opporluri lrulessionnl Wrestling it Barrie itiosouioro and oil hooied the Arena Barrie Flyers ill Queens Park second period in the first New the hack and eluded goalie Vilbiss at Queens Park Frank lJyson Midland dooren Robertson Hope Hume SATURDAY JUNE 29 Senior Soccer Barrie vs Siisote Joyce Smii lorwnrdshhegen Street Bradley Bllker Vnndlm mle subsBairon Bnrne NEW VllOWELLE goal Mi Bedlt nnrek hIcksBak Ventreten torwrrds lloogen it Venlrelt ten nednarek Viigg lino gen uh Nikiela wurds Wilkinson oyirhius ther mpInl do lilioltnlkinl do is sell the BEST mine It the LOWEST ri We import direct in chrloodsjto intro Nolouhiity In The unas hint uality bern Adan st Hurr aneyv Fllkner Popp FIlliI Wen Downry not hrs been up do times Ind hI construed lllllle PIt WIunImIker olu 0L1 prolonged week moved inlo lllu show blue Wllh In avenge vol 355 on ll hits in 31 oliicllllrins lo the pinto Elmo hlls racked up lryiha three new mrniioned players is the top number oi player At lhe loopI rtcenl meeting it WI Iuolved tilt win ill mull be It hill at least on 35 ol iiriIl minions less lhiln two per gums EIch loom is to play is litmus stunning lilinrslnz Bradford Lezlon DuVilhi Hem art the LL 565 momuounuauqui Muilu MIrlln Mllts Dumlord ll Tupllnl Powell is Brrlhet Ni Raycrall Storey Gmh Fouhuri Smith Lines Slurgcnor llichurdson Burrun McBride This Weeks Lacrosse Skéd lien is this weeks schedule in the Onlarin Lacrosse inlclmedlnltrscniur locking schedule All games are plIyLd nt il pm Tucsdny Allision Thursday Fergus vs Whitby Huntsville vsStroulsviue Frlddy Mimicn Vs llrooklin Vs Brod vs lluntsvillé SELL swnPPlNul figs Lst Mccmney ll llacnoiiuld Win Downey ll llcCInn CIInpollu Scholl Tomllnsml Glenn Adams Loss than ollirlul ll huts Piuxion liurdosro Wallun Collings Thurluw hits by in ordor to player munnmeuuuuawukupa gs aunuudOQIONAunmdd ceooeoooeoenaecuw ecaeoaoeooceeoeatta LOW rarauuarcuLNucalom batting leaders with at lenst l5 uilicinl trips to the plots hicCroiic luyuruit Armstrong l1 Grundmaisun lislonuy mhwmdnn HHObcwaflmNGOna An lt ll Chuppul 38 Stewart Thurlow Wannamskcr lthn Admins hi Bmklili Spente Vurgo Adams McDonald st TrnIdwclli YisNiG glNoi llw Allloton lord Streetsvllle uauéabaa mama REEN llliilll illillliSlWilli1illlsliilll nliléliflissuilsl iris ills lfowlljs iiiiiiiilzsr lillllllisl mics KhhlilllEdEDlhdilSSllfi INE non mommy Minimum do Nisium so honourin soil can SATUltnAv Loo rounownte oonsucurivn INSERTIONS WORPI nsscurivo lNSEEflONS is won 1151 on rAln WiTn anoint on NL WI

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