Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Jun 1957, p. 4

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tor the winners Electricians Nipped solidifomrsl up abqu amTUDES During thrown at eaiamniata litetime he is going to write in tbinga that are going to strike the readrm taoey sometimes this atrik may seem like love tap other timu it may land like slash on the back at the ned in either use the columnist in mint usually stating taste or calling them he sees enL on both accountr opinions or the readers or those seem neg labelled are most welcome However any complaint wheth er it be by letter or word at mouth must be on adult level As mentioned mnny tinm before the letter iron the manager 01 the Blrrlc DeVilblss softball team was colulrtnists dream The wri ter knew exactly what to say and how to say it While he did not agree with what Wis written about his team the letterwriter contributed to this column and lo the game voicing his sound opinion little later thll columnist had occasion to discuss this condition ol the playing field Minding The opinion as he saw 11 wasnt too good it was meant lo be constructive Unfortunately some members at the Mincslng organization seem to think this column had no right to say What he did That is the kind of comment that one writl regular column obiects to Saying we had no right to say this the other thing about the condition ol field borders on the ridiculous These people should realize alter all of the complaints not only train this corner but Iroin other ball clubs that their playingficld can not be the best rherctorcwhcn anyone has anything to say about the conlcnls oi this column please make It reasonable This writer welcomes any complainls verbally or written Such things not only inspire this writer but also rouses interest in the particular situation Agnln we explain Anyonc can write and have his icttcr printed on these pagcs it you wish your name to withhold it will hc done and no one but yours truly will know your identity But please dont Just fly on the handle look helorc you leap LIKE WRESTLER The marathon swim here today and gone tomorrow is taking on tho likeliness or protcsslonai wrcstlcr with new home everyday The swim rcierrcd to at course is the eve liciiors production that was iirst proposcd to come here when this town was out it seemed through liriiors own conuncnts that Drillia would be the finishing point But now thwi its all the way over to Owen Sound Thats Just part of the sto when first proposed thoISWim was to have Jacksons Point as its init al plunge spot Then it was Bcavcrton on well According to the news release this week Mr Mcllors said the swim was going to finish at Owen Sound and not Barrie because at the ter riile spectator accommodations Get and rhucks sounds like the same thing he said about this town only he got real poetic and used the term amphitheatre Sounds much nicer than jllst plain old accommodations What Meliors shouldhavc said and what seems more likely is that Owen Sound has 0erer to raise the cabbage needed Thats what Mellors couldnt get here JUST NOTES Was It typographical error or lighters dream This question pertains to the age or lightheavywcignt boxer lintold Johnson who was recently mentioncdas an opponent tor king Archie Moore in the story which started circulating Wednesday iohnson is called 22ycar01d lighter Hmm Before going into retirement in 1054 and even before that Johnson was listed in the light mags as 25 This reporter has followed the career of Johnson lor some years and ii 22 is correct he started lighting professionally at about 15 Still with boxing anothcr cxablnp ollgigliow thiiy dogt gsuallyuconkc ck ittc into th recur lop av anl an lads dnhllmotls deci to vlncc nrtinéz ting an end to the Kecds comeback hopes Gavilan is former welter weight titieholdcr Reports out of Brudlord are to the cilch that thc soltball diamond is now ready lor senior snltball league games They claim too that Its the best in the circuit While we were unnwaro of it enrlicl we were advised Wednesday evening that the recent Bradlord lincsmg game played at iiiinesing was it ourpointer or worth two wins to the winv tiers and two losses to the victims it would be appreciated it such arrangements would be made known to this reporter thus eliminating much bickering from the teams concerned At pm Saturday the Barrie Flyers Ladlcs Soltball team will play one of its postponed games at Queens Park BPA Soccerisls Top Seniors 42 The youngsters of the Barrie Provincial Tire over PUC 100 Provincial Tire continued nits torrid pace in the Barrie indus trial Softball LeagueJast night thumping Public Utilities Commis Eion 1047 They failed to score in only the first and sixth innings In bc tween they kept the seoreigeepel quite busy Jr Arksey hurled the shutout Stephenson was tagged with the loss League showed launder precistcd the pants at Eariscnurt By Mansfield 137 pick up the count Mansticltl Rubber outscored Thomas Electric in thrilling Barrie Industrial Softball League Iain game played last night While winning 137 the Mans out 18 hits otlsctting only our field Rubber boys gave their oplt by Thomas Electric pnnents ample opportunity to Mansfield had one big inning score as they committed eight mIs the second in which they scored cues However they also banged live times best in the open on r0 by to ticker is ugh Buchanan re at of is wcok pro ahly pun Police Association Senior Soccer hon Pickard iust how much they np What they did was outscore team players from the Barrie and District soccer League 42 On July two teams of young sters from town will be playing two Toronto St Michaels teams Last night however it was clearly evident that the host players were really enjoying the game But when they tell he hind they found it impossible to The kids of course were at their Once trcehthc older fellows just couldnt catch Barrie and District Senior Soltball League game was played at sradlord last night and iudg lng rum the scorecard It would best be lorgnlten The score was lantaltuious 1940 In lavor ol the host Brad ford club over Barrie Legion During the course of the game on diamond that was described as being not too desirable total at as base bus was mils lcred Each club was credited with the same number in Nclvo runs usually enough to be scored in any tuli game wcrcscorcd In the very first lralnc with Bndlord claiming scvcn and Legion tivc That lust about describes how the game went About the only thing gained by the contest was thc booslsVln tho batlcrs uvcragcs For Bradford Edney Collins Loncy and Vargo connected three times each Plteher Armstrong and Scholi had two apiece The only player In one Bradlord line up not to score hit was Tull Iing Every member of tho Legion team with the exception oi the pitchers banged out at least out sale bluwt Pat Wannlmaker Ron Stewart and Red rhurlow aid Frank itawn George Chap pel and Al Thurlow had two apiece Legion Wannamaker rct MacDonald Stewart lb it Thurlow 3b hawn rt Chappel Thurlow ll lemllnson 2b Linc Smith Stursener Richardson Totals Bndlold Edney 11 Dow 2b Collins er Armstrong rupiing rt Laney lb Full 31 Vargo Schoil ss Totals Legion omwuuunuv fistmsusuuuasn aususuuuug unmwNNtuurol ooaaeuan monumentswar woos 590 001 30110 18 Bradlord 005 04119 13 Lines Smith Richardson and Chappcl Armstrong and Vargo Losing pitcher Lines is To Alli it had to come some time and off the lnnlpg by getting lite via the Barrie Flycrs of the South an error Tinklins sacrifice fly Simene Baseball 1eaguennally mfccntrcseored Haddochnnd tasted detest single by Edgar allowed Whp Last night at Alliston the local 13 I0 055 the Flaws stars were outscored by the has it was tree pass by Bowman row margin of 3l Wednesday that helped the winners score in night the Fiyers came mighty the Iirst frame too With one close to losing to Crecmora away he passed Edgar and Horne However after seven lull innings scored him with twobaggert of play the same ended in The Flyers used two successive deadlncku hits by Ron Miscampbeil and lrv Last night Allistnn won the Crab and an error by the Allis contest with pair of markers in ion ilrst anchor to score their loud the filth inning alter scoring tally In the final frame singleton in the initial trams not hurlefs Tinkun or the Alliston team and Bowman oi the Free Passes Burt Barrie pitcher Johnny aowman ye fiflefllmm issued tree pass to Haddock oi gllsdazfik V1 The the hosts Whelan got his fh Md on lielders choice that elimins em ted Whelan who had started 1m Bowman served up only tour hlts and didnt strike out man An Aid To soccer Fans Wednesday night saw ietty Johnny Moore toe the rubber tor Ed Note This is the filth in series or articisrde Ute Flyers against McMullen ot the Creamore club Moore was touched lor three salcties He whllied 10 McMullcn was nicked signed to aid soccer Inns This series was started due to the recent surge oltntera est in the game lot just one hit He struck out eight Flyers The Flyers are not scheduled again until next Friday when they host the Beaten cluht mom 2335 A5 player shall not wear anything Dung cam 55 which is dangerous to another Roberts player Boots must cantons to Thommn the following standard bass and studs may be made or lea ther soft rubber aluminum Piaslt tic or similar material If nails are used they shall be driven in llush with the surlacc Reid lb Miscamphell ct Groh 2b Hurtublsc McCann it 11 Bars shall be transverse and flat not less than hall an inch in width and they shall ex tend the total width of the boot and be rounded at the corners Bowman TOTALS ALDISTON Tinkliu Edgar Studs shalt heroundin plan and not less llllilfhfllf an Camel 51 inch in diamcter herestuds 5mm are tapered the mlnimium dia Whelm meter of any sectlon of stud Hnddock 31 must not he loss than hair an What inch Where metal seating for OTALS the screw type is used this with lng must be embeddcdln the sole or the boot and anysttachtncnt Amm screw shall be part at the stud Other than lite metal seating for the screw typo oi studao mctil plates even though eevered witih leather or rubber shall be worn neither studs which are threaded to allow them to be screwed on to base serewthat is fixed by nails or otherwiseto the soles of boou norr studs with any form of protrudi edge rim or relief marking or orna meat shall be allowed WETTile usual equipment of apiayer consists of leisoy or sbl hom stockings and bools is goalkeeper shall we lcolora which distinguish hint rain the other players shim miaeaeeteg uaaecteoaea un=ocouac= uoaoauctcvo ou Creemore Barrie and Gowan Mooremnd Groh cher Winston vru rarely in any stroogarined Wendeu Downey fashioned masterful fivehitter and this male clubbed three op posing pitchers tor nine hlta Wed nesday night at Queens Park as the Ilioesiag gang lengthened their lint place lead in the Barrie and District SeolorSoftbsli Lea gue with whitewarhlng Barrle Legion The slickthrowing twin to cats real trouble and nevrr gave up more than one hit in any inning This test was helped lcw times by nice running couches by his three outlleldrrs Glen Adams George Falkner and Harry Ads ams Three in Third Legion needed hcttcr late too as tourpoint game in Minesan the other night moved the vis itors into sole possesslon of the top rung oi the ladder The leagueleaders scoredthree quarters of their tallies in the third trams of starter Hamid Richardson They had clubbed the llttle1cfty or two hits in each or the tirst two Jraltros but were unable to hit pay dlrLZN ln the third stanza the Min esing club slashed put lolli more hits and were helped by two Legion errors in scoring three times Bob McCartney Mincslng third hsscrnon played minii role in the uprising with two run single to centre The winners were held scorc lcss and hillch until the seventh when George Falkner ended the games scoring WM mammoth Iaurhaggcr that crossed the wire in very deep lelteentre and rolled to the armouries Along with his homer Falkner had one othe base through interference by the Legion catcher on another oeu lion Bob McCartney alto had two lair ties batting slump or Legion bangA logout two at his clubs tivo safeties Legion rubber by and Eldon Smith Mlnellng Glenn 2b Adams Wen Downey Adams l1 Adams lb McCartney so Falkner et win Downcy Wannnmakcr ll MacDonald ss Stewart in Laws cl biLand got on Young Corby Adams and Pat Wanhnmakcr callle out o1 Richardson was followed on the Laurie Barron ii Adams rt Tolnll Legion sconce gt onuncnnbmbmnhw Thurlow ah Chappcl McBride rt rotnllason 2b Richardson Rnwn Barron Thurlow Smith Totals Minesing Legion ooo noo 000 Wen Downcy and Win Downey Richardson Barron Smith and Chappcl Losing pitcher Richardson Umpires Earl Marshall plate and Steve Hines bases oeecoceoeocaoem becausenap ueaccaaeiouuetoantennaesateen gs oily Tuesdays wrestling card at parole Arenayill he shade up at three main events However since three bouts golt ing 80 minutes or even little less would prolong the evening too much two oi the bouts have been regulated to 30minute 0r onetall matches Russian Patchukn 1n the leadoll bout are two of the games classiest lighters Dinly Parks and Johnny Dem chuck Demchuck Iormcr world titleholdcrr is master of the very dilllcult and spccialA lies in putting his opponents away witih his famous Russian Paichuka gt This hold which has to be seen to be bellevod has thc vic tim in such way that his limbs could be horribiy damaged it he had the will to hold on Unlike most linlshing touches Demehucks is mobile action too much so as at as the victims are concerned But in Golden Soccer Tilrs Here Salurdoy Queens Park Both Barrie representatives in the Barrieanti District Soccer League will be at home to clubs this Saturday Both games wiii be played at Queens Park At pin Owen Sound plays Barrie Soccer Club At pm Hollandia is host to the youthful New Lowell team The alternoon least is battle betwcen the league leaders Both EEG and Owen Sound United have had sole possession oi the top spot at one time or other Bight now they are running with Barv rit holding slight edge la game played last night RCAF Camp Borden outscored the surprisingly inept Midland squad Oran DA 14TH orrosrrs VHURONIN éltfonday Law Relerées sec baod noteasimms mpioiiship On Tuesday Isttftér aoy Parksl7emchuck will have strong young man withyhe abil ity totske thc extra punishment and the Same lime hand out lot oi his own The second 30 minute or less joust is between Battling Reggie Siki and Ronnie MacKay There need be little said about Siki who doesnt have sym pathizcr in the district out his opponent Ah thats another thing Highlander ilonnic is one at the most popular wrestlers to ever invade these parts His last clean styleis exactly what the crowd likes Then the BOimlnute or best two out of three ails climax it brings together with loud crash Tony Morelil the North American junior heavyweight champion and big Dave Simms the much improved grunt groancr out of Smith Falls On lario Bilg Dave made tremendous hit when he appeared as tag team partner with Larry Kasa buskl three Weeks back But last week whenhe and Kasaboski won the Herb Parks Memorial TIE Tcam Wrestling Trophy Dave still won more friends The worlds most celebrated cataracts Niagara Falls 1111 the air wilhthunder andthe eye of every tourist with beauty DRIVEIN TyEATRE fron carting any New EE SUMMER DltIVING convsitrlats I955 BUICK ROADMASTER Gorgeous Sierra Inn lintsh with matching red anti beige genuine leather interior and black top power windows lent and top automatic transmission loot controlled radio brandncw set at whitewall tires Original cost over $0000 ow only ONLY 1956 DODGE REGENT DELUXE SEDAN Lovely powder blue finish VB motor outstanding condition throughout Hurry or this one only 1955 FORD COACH Flawch metallic blue finish with spotless interior air condition ing low mllcflf defip trcarild tilrelsi it hcaiulllul llittic automobile in new car con on mug on use to ony 51450 53595i l53 PONTIAC DELUXE COACH Showroom original metallic grccn Iinlsh with matching two tone grccn Interior custom radio air conditioning dircclion lights new car condition throughout little beauty only 51095 i951 BUICKROADMASTER SEDAN licautltul two tone blue mciailio llnlsh automatic transmission custom radio direction lights etc New tires far only throughout Truly WEEKLY SPECIAL 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN DELUXE Gorgeous new Catalina grey lintsh very cican Interior custom radio air conditioning dircction lights scat covers chrome whccl discs This car is in outstanding condition noautiiui automobile Only l954 CHEVROLET COACH Spotless original black finish with very clean interior air con dltloning direction lights new tires spotless little automobile in Al condition Only Only mobile Only l95l iiUDSON SMALL SEDAN Nice two tone blue iinish throughout This one is steal Only W952 PONTIAC Small Six SEDAN acautiiui new cbony black linish dcop tread tires custom radio outstanding condition throughout clean sound ditioning top con tor the family Only I953 VAUXHALL SEDAN Spotless original grcy finish air 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raucxs s295 isssCHEVROLsr VzTONrPlCKUP Newly refinished incommereial red heater and delroster direction lights outstanding condition thrnughout out standing value only soccml FOR YOU CANT BEAT lIALWIG DEAL MANY MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM flaiwlgs Goodwill Used Cars CAN BE FINANCE 0N LOW RATES WITH PAYMENTS TOSUIT YOUR BUDGET TRADE TERMS OPEN EVENINGS TILL 10 SHOWROOMJJPEN Fill AY EYENINGSfTILL 10110 soul Locus rho ralrcst in Sales commonrooms Finest in Service 51095 i949 CHEVROEETPANEL TON Nice blue finish heater and defroster good tires good mechanical condition throughout llurry for this one Only s195

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