Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jun 1957, p. 8

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Sprinflltzr Park Midnurst cii Week in Barrie lsce Many exrwlrtlcns were pre sent and lime were some new stnled suit ilvns inconclusive open air pavilion with Warden Ganlon presiding Rev Dlngwali pl lllllsdalc United Church gave the blessing to introduce held table lucid lllile Guests jorlc Hamilton and hEr grand daughter Marji Myland at Bar rie Mr and Mrs Heher Smith Barrie neandu PBllynnrd WCTU MEETING Orlllia Judge Harvie innls fll Lance Rumble Durham Mrs Speaker at the regular meetins oi the Womens Christian Temp erance Union on Monday evening icy Blync Id 11 Bay at eight oclock in the Salvation tario County Mrs Mary Miller Army Citadel will be Mrs Call Hillstlnleer and Mrs John Hai missionary iwlllIv Mldllllfili Cliii Kelly Bar Central Bombay india rlc who pmvrdcd the sound sys slides will be shown Canton Medonte Hon Drury Crown Hill Warden Mon tem for speaking John Halpenny superintendent of Mldhurst Forest Station sincl last tall extended welcome to the park cher Smith QC MPeiect for Simeon North and Dr Rynard MPeIect tor Simcoe Enst spoke bricflyr Greetings From Ontario tarlo ol the County it Slmcoe Roxaiono wonder finish hruglr multicoloured pilintic ravernil refininhea Walla woodwork furniture Covera lowcoat surfaces tn pmduoen high quality appearance Does wonderful job on pressed boards plywood dry wall imperfect plaster concrete brick block etc Beautiful multicoloured tpnea in 36 dinercnt shadaa Now applied with now ease jthsnllo to landedn apraygun thatiworks on your tanktype vacuum rm Hla Worship Fisher Ganlon was inimitable Lance Ru host to the annual Wardenr out put iliusdrie on the map with in Wednesday alternoan at his lpeecbeswrlllnl andradio talks MrJRumhie kept the Iudl lt wu the usual happy gather encn marina with starlet mainly in when councillors and uconn about Hillsdlie personalities an clilon and otnctais ot the County characters real or lmagln of Simcoc and their uulIgathu mi who my tor recreation and Leeds later he mum um mk hPW uai hook lnln his tail and this break from the serious side ol Ibo menu mung cm WW drcn Two years ago Mr Rumhla bulk of llmL during County Coun named with mm balmy tlrslthe chalrrnuuihlpot the tint The weatherman smiled on drive or funds in Oniarlu to asi Warden Canton to provide him list Retarded Children and Mrs Ganlon with the finest ganlufion to do something tor day oi the yur sunny not loo these children was begun only hot not cool Through the lite lght years ago in Toronto emqonvflrnuvs authored Ibo IE Mr numble bald hell he learn 5mm Wk Ch Nmin ed all he could about the matter For instantEm at every one housan in ere are 30 re faces with the Township oi Med ontc being especially well rcpre ml The or Requeat Vile Dump garbage contractors have had no Joe from the Township oi limit ii that they will pass hylawl irohibltlng the lumping of sari not something can he done and Is being done Mr tum Sports events were culminated lie accepted thfl challenge and by soilhail game oi rural versus his committee instead oi raising urban representailvcs The play vbrt they so crs were mostly in guadsplrlli lhlalncd so for the match there were num ulfllfll oi emus substitutions and the re Nothing have done has giv en the greater personal reliable The dinner was held in tho llnn he said lie advised men nol to hcsilale when asked to like over or take part in some worthy cause like this inliy mentioned the good organ Following the meal the head lLatlun already working on behalf table guoslsiwerolntmduocd by at Retarded Children in Barrie George Johnston MPP Iur Sim The speaker was thanked by we Centre who said it was Lloyd Lelhcrhy Mit or Slmcoe great prlvilcge since it was the East first time anyone had asked him Les Allen ill the Wilson lnsunncc Co presentcd flowers to Mrs Ganton Special enlerta nmen Lem may £1 way of Scottish dances was pro vided by Misr Marlon Mcheod of plan Mlnesing Judge Mrs Mar Toronto Win All mum OI suyncr as the piper ut lor $350000 innislli that some action he tak iis been spilling across lnnislil reached the dump There have He spec burning in the dump one which required the calling at the lur ier the lunisiil volunteers had In the eliminated it proper lire precau furlough from Colored llir and Mrs Fred Collins ot lllldhurst spent week with their Grecilngs were brought lrum two sons in Snrnia the neighboring Cuunty ol 0n Miss Julie McKenzie leit Wed trrio by Warden Bayne described ncsday night for Fort William to by the chalrrnan as the youngest spend week with school friends warden in the Province oi On Mn Ellie Brown of ill Dun lop East was in Uxbridge on Warden Gantun reterrcd spcc Tuesd attending the funeral at laily to Mrs Miller as the grand her brother Dr Bailey old lady oi Medonle who has Mrs Gladys Hamilton at Los two sons who have been wardens Angeics is arriving by air this weekend to spend some time with Judge Harvle introduced the her sister Mrs Howard Dymenl special speaker the irmour andandolhcr relatives in Barrie you ert sauna sou oils OVA OHIO Seeiedomcnotraredar you COthURrFLECKED PlltslIE FINISH hgtonsuccth abomacof ond Elauzhonor main to second years rial prince Sheila Ramon dauflittr Ir and In JanieJ human Vrtnltan street peaed bar year nursing science with JackieTail aughlerot and Mrs Tail RR Shanty pry received standing in her third year basins adminls tralion oil In eMcKensie Weil Th Town of Barrie and Its rgc within the townrhlp lrom tiller munlclinilibs This iorlowed the request train in lo cuntrol ihc dump which olh trom trucks on lhe way lo he dunlp and by the wind ancr cen lwo tires caused bytes slry department tire crews at men unable to check the hum ng bush adjacent to the dump when theblarlng papers had olewn Into thejorcst An account iertwo ilre calls had pccn sent to the operators of he dump and the Town or Bare pie The use of this property as burning dump has doubt created fire haxard at will get worse when hot dry weather revailsr Snmc at this might be tinns were established at the dump report by the forestry de parlment was read in correspond ence to county council regarding their part in lighting the fire which endangcrcii tree pinnin lion Levy On Residences Only Suggested suggestion mrrde that the levy of hospitalseapnahskpcndb tures be placed residcneea only might mean load on town shlp ratepayers of mi additional amount not anticipated Just whether summer cottage used only on portion die year wouldelass as residence would he matter for consideration it this portion of the township assessment was eliminated as well as lands and commercial builds tlIE levy to raise the town is share of the debenture pro quite high Guarantee Strawberries brilliant HOLIDAY BRONZE vullnblellr mudol Javelin 35 Etc and 35 Storier llasfm pawn rulan lacs ridax general with second honors Annalsrte Marneveg ter ltr and Itn Frank grooves Toronto Street was main in her lint year 32 arts examinations thallhc visiting youth whoco lnio lhearear over weekcn would he better In Sundgyt Schools instead oi cnloying iv erertion ol their own créatlen it any of the summer resort halls especially if this recreatlo should mean that they would pug him any ion of dance even though the music it put uphy providing at similar recreation in the township villages might be ed something to help give thelocli youth place to pass their time insteadol playing with bicycles on the busy highway which seems to bit the chic mode at pastime Tenants Not Entitled Freq Park Admission Thaytennnisokedtlagefi or or that er anyprp towltl n¢dflenl icdi tho owners to be admitted In 5W ratepayers to the park this sum lncr will no doubt create some displeasure when this becomes known admission could be beslhandied if charge of onedolilrvdlls made tor the year to thué sons who provide proof or er or tenantshlp Thestlckerlt well made with mapoi the township snowing location ol Dillks elm would hersimilar lhe provincial park badge it eyen might be arranged to be used at these parks in the coliti ty The dollar tee would ellm inatc those who did not leeithey required sticker and would otfsct the cost ufhandling posed lo narrec the addition tovthe district hospital might be with local strawberries not yet milking any showing the indies at St PaulsChurch have arrang ed with Barrie lruit dealer to ensure that they will have they in WNW park The cool south wind did Former Rector Speaker Specl nlly Serv ce Trinity Anglican Church will observe its Petranal Festivi this SundayTrinity Sunday tin gt speaker on the occasionWrilibe of St Cuthherta Church Leonid Several BarrieDistrict Caller cg lite lonltuis gradualer airemllor Rm the University of Waters Ontarln plpge is have received examination mnlulflxh In during the week lot Itr and In Charles bounuiui supply lor the strawr berry tcstlval they are holdlnl the church next Wednesday chins iootl more All no can cat for dollar they clal More Sunday Schools With the decision oi cuurre We wondered when ihcexpres sion was made durinl the discus lion an the matter oi the cuun ciiiors who agreed that Sunday School was tho best mlght vole unteer to provide the laciliuer also it they had been as arulu in guiding the activities their own as they are in suggesting what these visitors are expected lo do it was expressed to us that the The whole matter at ratepayer Last weekend was the Easiest not affect that sheltued Itca ihc facilities avatiahle gt the church eaierrdar The special Rev de Pcnclcr Wright rector iormer Trinity rector itsm service will 239 Clo on Guy hallgtMBEpAKC chaplain of lhaMission toSoa meny stlavvrenee Sewy Bo use with TMuslcoh Sundliy lots Torr ceBiick to shown their dwmimgébmflflfi in Hamilton last week attending the iunerai or cousin the late dmumm md McConnell tuilgitlsan electric floorpniiah eran automatictoaster and an electric clcek1he presentation was made by Mrs Caldwcll and many visitors were enlo lug aie protid tolnvcpeople give much of their imetet worth Mnler lovers could nOLIEBlIt and Eater LnPlontev Imdc several ch evbninl Deon home of Air and Mrs ineprogram was lint Géorge Holt Lplano1 Muir Lennnx was in charge rrion expressed her sincere wcllenosen Jnspphiteld or 811th var siting Mr and tire Allred 5pc oer an Tr Armstrong is patient in Tfirnntp General Hospital Attended District Alilltlll Tw lymemhers of Thohton Wd ens lnstilulc Itldnded tltE ct annual tat lvylost Fri All reported very lull agenda with every branch at the pie who take advantage otthe Saturday night bus service from Barrio ta Mincts Point Last Saturday the 830 pnnu but made thetrip tn the Pulnt empty The 9341 huo carried onlyyscven pare cngérs reasonably large crowd found good enjoyment da ing at thePavlltnn Saturday eve ng Bela Sigma Phi BarrieSorority oi Beta Sigma Phi with 50 of their lnlillihcraceiv ebraled th ids activity at the rbason at he avilion Beta sigma Phi sorority bl Barrie is charltabie organization and is known to do oi good We While causes lcnchPoniarl The bright sunnyweather on unday brought hundreds of poo yplelo the beaehat Minets Somn out in swimming Boating was very active thesailhoat cl aboaingsifrom Barrie to Minetx mint and Mn Jan who came 1min ittshurgh hel way to Norih Bay an maoc stnpoverat Mlnetll his art ideay Minn whoa hutch Utopi Stop SL Strawberry resti change at date Slnwbcrry Festival Edgar Unl ted ChurthUWedncsday July ill Supper mm lo ppm Goodpm innit Allqu $100 childrensoc Dance in Bond lead Communily every hturdu sponsored by Anglican Paxtona Orchey Memorial Hall Young People 11 Admission 50c GrtIIIel Strawberry Festival plate Wednesday June 26 Supper Variety program Adults $100 children 40¢ 6972 Strawbcrry Festival St Pauls innialil Church lawn Wednesday evening June social evening Ball game Lnls oi tood Adults $1100 children 50 lnvittd Please register with re 8560 eepllon committee at weal end at park Bring your lunch cups and dishes Tea hot water and milk will no supplied Races will start Community 5308 pm Thornton United church Straw berry and salad plate Supper Georges get them in death Cuntm ltnipb bedtic iund Wednesday June ll beginning at 130 program $125 children We Decoration Day sponsored by narrle Horticultural improvement Society will be held in St Marys Cemeteryparrle Sunday lune 16 Placing or new um 5250 gm W0 allowed by Ermenu st5o ltcrervu early Phone Mr run thjc Mills PA eon ig iiviifrrk who in widely known as an outstand in him teacher wiilrbe speaker at the dedicatory services oi til new Emmonuciflpptlst Church on Sunday and through the thing week He willpreaeh at the 11 oclock morning scrimmhlid seven oclbek evening service on Sunday and lit their own record players it ill serylceshcinl held tromMondny to Friday at 745 oclock means that we should provide more Sunday School and teach prdvided by one or Americas torc era to operate them 01 Toronto There will niso weekday services 56 Vincent Street was oltleiully open rugs evening lhrrn district represented making do pads and neighborsgather full house At liamilron Funeral Mr and Mrs George lluu were Anniversary Service Trinity United Sunday School is having its anniversary on Sune day morning at ll oclock when Mr Clark at NcwLowell will be the spcaken Th womenlrrlnstltute meeting which ould regularly he held on June 20 has been postponed un til June 27 Mr and Mrs Emery neury Eleanor and Jimmy ut Bradford called on Mr and Mrs George Holt recently Mrs Lyncss of Mono Mills an Mrs Williams Willowtlaic spent Saturday with their eons 530 In church basement Variety Orange liaIi AduiLtr liarrle Horticultural Society Relates plus other stops Saturday June 29 bus tare $150 admission to es tates $200 Tour to Sliltlonl Festival July also Eiora Peony gardens bus litre 3460 lestival and Town and benediction inn rules Athl 51 now naarnn iupnotsrnnvnoon ins Mr and Mrs Norman Thomplt sun felt padding other Mattresses at ll srnlnorlst MATTRELSSEsh Good cnii count fine ticking cover layer REAL SPECIAL AT 1995 2395 3495 3995 SIMMONS iIEAUTYREST For Porch orVeruildutl give that llpmvy look lNc lsnsélALf foam liu her Chesterfield see the tincdiopldyé tipqdroonr dining room nnd living room turniture nil special while they 0i tours to Oykvilie living room AI DEC port It Camus use sun soulless 1995 sun ouit llllG insulin unsold mun FUflNlTURE IN THE now silownootusL petting specials inst MS TO YOUR POCKET HOOK illSllillliS ll 59 Annual Black taraliy picnic an al Wednesday July Note reunion will be brld Junta at 5359 lnnislii Park Supper 530 part 3972 cold Plalc suppcr atiielroy Uullcdehuicll Thursday June 20 from till leL allowed by 59 program or local hlan Admir slon adults 5100 childrenbllc Auspices Letruy WA Chllll Willi Junior Farmers are sponsoring dance In Churchill 51 Community Hall on Friday June 21 Lucky Spot prim iurteh served Admission 75c and 50c and salad Everyone welcome Music supplied by Bcattys Orchestra Prussia 71 The GOP nlrtrlcl Picnic will be held at Little Lake Park at Midland Sunday June to 51 Supper and All Dddtcilows nebelraiu families and iriends rre cordle or Mrs rar

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