Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jun 1957, p. 10

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IBtidgetfstim these are Ms COLDWATEflAt this weeks regular council meeting eatart was made on estimates for some departments for apecial meeting will he old to complete the budget and strike the mill rrlte Based on figure which have already been placed before eoun cil it appears the 1N7 nib will have torcllmh possibly seven or eight mills shove the 1966 rate at B5 lnlllx Cuuneu is heed with malar expenditurehone which it has no control Principal among The requisition for Coldwatel public School is higher by $3000 Goldwaters shale or Oriilia Collegiate cosu is up approxi mately 31 new sidewalk must he laid to serve the new public school boosting the budgetlor sidewalks and drainagelo $2000 Lait years levy was 525439 mill onColdwater assessment which totals about $398000 is under $400 0n the requisition for 55 No Coldvmter village pays 7a per cent llledonle Township in and Tay Township five per eent Late Starting The June session which was late gelling underway was at tended by all members and lasted until midnight Unanimous support was given motion sponsored by Council lors Victor Turner and Ray Mills tor representations to be made to the federal government to dredge the Coldwater River Councillor Turner explained the hautdvaelng met by boat owners in navigating the river and outer approaches The motion called tor council to approach the federal govern ment lo have Coldwater River from Mateehdash Bay dredged to facilitate hoot tnivcl that the secretaryof the Georgian Bay Development Association be ad vised oi the resolution and that Tay Township council be ap proached lbr their support in dcalingwith letter from the tederel department oi public works council agreed to keep open and maintain the short stretch at road rent the highway to the village dock New HEPC Method Torling oi Barrie olfice ef the HEPC explains the new the land at caieolaUnx rates or street mam will bill the village it her as torany commercial cue tomer To get the new system started the iigure tor 1956 were convert ed to the new basis or charges now in operation deficit or stimulator last year will he chargeable to the municipality 0n the new basil exact figures will be available or en months street lighting and at the end or this yearandvln tu turc years there will bé no debit or credit balance Drain Problem lighting in future the monthly power in similar man Councilidecided to send rem tentative to Medonte council meeting to obtain lurther in formation on proposed Drain No improvements Amatlolt was passed to open John Street drainwith Council lor Thomas Seymour as overseer Herhert Cuweii of Ortliln was thanked in motion for giving permission tor ditch on his pro perty on the eastern outskirts ot Coldwaler to help relieve drainage problem leller was received from Simcoe County Health Unit re commending regular garbage collection In Coidwaler maln telned out of taxation The com munication said it was under stood there was partial private garbage collection in operation but was intermittent Consensus oi the members was that many municipalities manage with private garbage collection and tblt Coidwater was not really for it villagewide system paid for by the corporation gt Counciivby motion ordered that no village hydro tools or equip ment could be loaned without slip signed by councillor No Decision Council held special meeting in an Mind to arrive at new arrangement with road foreman Roy Galbraith but despite two hours debate some of which was heated no satisfactory decision could be reached The work schedule and salary bdsl for Mr Galbraith will be brought up at another meeting Council decided earlier in the year to dispense with standby time for the village foreman and proposed to pay straight time or services as needed at higher rate This new arrangement was incorporated in motion which Your new low ervicé chorge et 10 cents cheque is prepaid when yougetyourbook of 20 cheques mahha otthe hank Your cheques Goldwaters share to FROM IRELAND The unloading romp at Mutton airport is loaded with newcomers trom Ireland nine children and four nephews of William Burke who came to canauntn spinma Not all or them we able finn Cachnne tor theannual picnic AL hauntilul dinnerJlas enjoyed around 130 than both younrand old enjoyed games and Natalia The last coolest oltheatternoon wuthe snide judging totladies Albert Cormack had qulte job to Ind winner but tlnally the priertentuto Mrs helluhttclrr ot Barrie serum the annuity parted ice cream treat or Changed DI The community club will meet Tuesday June is not halves followed to set in the pic ture but those hocouldtry he shake hands with Mr Burke Mrs Burkels at top ten was to go into eltcct June 1957 Mr Galbraith refused to accept either the schedule covered by the motion or subsequent al lernative proposal Baptismal Service Eight children were baptized by Rev Dnnnid Churchcr at St Matthins Anglican Chunh on Sunday June total ot ll were to have been christened butthree became ill Thoseior whom the rate was performed were Eidee George Silk sen ot Mr and Mrs Orley Silk Barbara Frances Linda Ellen Susan Dale and Sandra Diane the latter two twins the our daughters Mr and Mrs Robert Buchanan Elimbeth Anne daughter at Mr and Mrs Charles Wedge Stephen Tipping sen ol Mr and Mrs Logan Cruise Midland and David John son of Mr and Mrs Robert Tipping Orangeville The June meeting of St Mat thius Chancel Guild was held Thursday afternoon June ti lit the home of Mrs Earl Dobie Whale at Catch Edgar Doble local turkey tarm er was leisurely fishing for eat fish in the North River Tuesday No pusshook quicker servite morning whenjie thought he had suddenly hooked whale Alter 20minute blttlE dur ing which he brought his catch to shore iiiunable pulled Zi pound carp mm the water He also caught carp about half as big 10 daysago Mr Doble was fishing with worms using moot casting rod and 25pound test line He was angling alone at the time on the east shore of the North River near Big Rock Special Interest meeting or wide interest will he held at St Mottlliaa Church Goldwater throughout Wednes day Jan 12 whenithe 23th an nua conference of the Womens Auxiliary of East Slmeoe Dean ery of the Anglican Church eon vencs Sessions begin at 1030 am with holy communion at which Rev Chamber at Cuidwater will bethe celebrant and preach er assisted by Rev Look vnod at St Jaines Church Oril in Lunch will be at 12 oclock At one pm the presidenLe con ferenee takes place and at 130 pmn general meeting will be held with Mrs Jack Oatwayet tor honking by mail tor coopermcnent roserd You pay your bills modern way hy cheque dier service OR rulemen ranrein lt out was esr RANCH IQrillil Deanery nfllgcr Mrs EDenlson of the Toronto Diocesan Board will speak and missionary address will be do iivered by Miss Phyllis Napier tield secretary for the Toronto Diocesan Iliard Birthday Party birthday party was enloyed by the Womens Auxiliary of St Georges Anglican Cburch It Flimiiey on June Rev Cburcher of St Matthias Church Goldwater was speaker in opening games at the girls softball league Barrie over whelmed Port MeNieoll 144 at Barrie and Midland defeated Goldwater 65 at Midland interest in Court Hattie Special interest is being taken by some residents at this area in the court battle over custody of twin boys as their foster par enla Austin and Ethel llepton are requent visitors at Sturgeon Bay The Keplons have spent frequent holidays in recent year plan Webbs instead at Wednesday GIeadall leinoon no thy Shannon has gone to Saskaan on three weeks vaca tion with relatives at Sturgeon Bay and were there this spring with the threeyear old twins ilichard and llolland The natural parents liennan and Trudy Moat are ueklng return or the bays and the case has been belore the Supreme Court of Can ada Guest night will be observed June 11 at oclock at Slmeoe Presbytery United Chunh Camp on Georgian Bay near Midland School Board Meet Chairman Charles Danby called special meeting of Cold water public school board to deal with the release at funds torpay men of liens and other accounts connected with conslruetion of the new school Trustees Frank Duraford Cara man Russell and Dan Galbraith were present to ensure quorum but due tolhe importance or the business to be dealt with the meeting was adjourned until full board could be present The resignation of Mrs James from the Goldwater school leaehlng stall was receiv ed and accepted Secretary Wil liam Ilarvle was instructed to ad vertise tor teacher or the kindergarten anderimary class Registrations fur preschool children are being taken at Cold water Friday June re visiting leads in Vancouver Mr 3nd His Rae anti Donal ot Toronto visited with Mrs in on Sunday Day It Cottage air anden Cranslnd spent Wednesda atrlbelr collage at Bala Weddlnr Guests Mr and Mrs Mel Sedgewick jlrudyAand Paul were gucata at the JordanAtwood wedding in St Johns Anglican Church in Pet erbomugh on Wednesday June it wt Annual Members oi Berton Womens institute who attended the WI annual at lvy on June were Mn Ritchie Mrs Cole Mrs Little Mrs Ccell REP holds and Mrs Camplln nrsdtaro Field Day Mrs ll Pettlngtrs nut ledge and large number of the pupils oi the public School at tended Field Day in Bradiord on Wednesday Zone may Members oi the Ladies Auxil liary oi the Canadian Legion who attended the Zone rally and pir ade held in Alliston on Wednes day evening June were Com rude Gould llurat Nicole Dale Magloughlcn Dale Gould Bayerofl Stlnson Hurst Cuigin Gilroy Toronto Conference the ctiniercnrc in Toronto last week In llaspital Robins Is at present patient in Stevenson Memorial Hospital Alilslon receiving lreatmehtJor an ankle ailment From Milliltlrlt Mr and Mrs George Sultan at Midhurst visited with Mr Illtl Rev Gardner attended glintMm Mr and It AIeraht 7i ilcdlithl endsin Barriron Friday Ann Rolliery at Toronto and Michael atAurora Visit with fiends in town Friday evening Meter Trip to West in and Mrs Donald runner Sharon and Gary lett on Friday on motor trip to the western provinces Mr and Mrs George Appleton or Rochester NY are spending week It Mr and Mrs who sons Windsor Visitor Mr endure Harold Goodrich of Windsor visited with Mrs Wiggins on Sunday gt Mr and Mn Reed oi Vie toria BC spent lew dayaor last week with Mrs Palmer Mr and Mrs Paris at Coo town visited with Mr and Mrs at Reynolds on Sunday it Ill posed today the mm so than mean an nor an arm movtn tnov Ind three tunes learn they It fwltrnpgtarel Elner North Assaultll VII Hun Clll Ill loll for flll mum ale Clllphril Limited agenll tor North Amrirm VII Linea Moving and htotlgl Ill Burton Ave lhnnc PA Mus so Hayfield Next to liohlawa flmoenifli Token tipirom it its gt1eoky mi the Turtle Hes never bod trouble with gt Getting beouliiul new Bronltord Root or your home lant holl thelrouhleyou might think too beouiiiul new Brouilord lino tor on average rub thiiik And it costs lot loss than you when home costs less than 5200 That includes labour Heres How Ensv 15 Supplies your nearest Eronllord Dealer Look tor bin hi the Yellow Poqea under Rooilnq Contractors Lumber Dealers or Building amp in to in him 51m the style at shingle you like an Clame your lovnurite colour rear all And your deoler willprchohiy arrange time pay meal plan loo intentionsine Now heres something that only Brontiord can alter to help yon with your new roof Brantlon line nevguoiusivo Check List This Cbaclt List is your guide to really anuquol Askyour denier tor rare copy Even it you dont know Ihinp about rooting Brontiorde elciuaive Check List will show you all the points to watch You can has right on top oi the lob without even qeihng oil the ground And youll be able to talk to your router in thl inn gnagexuuiiinowwnyupuy special attention to pa and volleyf and sinner strips etc on your nice Cindi un not troy rmn maul cr yam

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