Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jun 1957, p. 7

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he stn MEIIii to WHEEL 11 Iun but natureen cuey strou plan 15m 7m UProltcrty for sdldlov Roll mm Imomtn modeln Elllulu mflel mu or some rowed hum ny nur ehool lhnrt dhllm to lnllhflI rm lmmrdlnle pounded Phone11A 12111 or hpply Pruroeu Ave Wlllgudue 19419 ROOM BOARD noon Amt qurm Ior 111 Phone PA um 154 mold on Room end uoerd Ior Hanan people Illm lA If homo AND mum to one In new home with TV pnyllern err ntene PA Mm or pply 119 Cmflnnm st 1111 Aucrlou SALES Md June 11 Aucllon me ol 1m alullell hly Ind In VIII be hfld II Mr bin Wall MI llon Mednnle annlhlu one mile Ural In lllxhltlly on Moonrlone Id SIIE II 140 urn DST Chlrlu ll Thumloll lutllnneer Ollll I74 rrldey evente 1o 11 Auetlon qu or new elee Icll npllrneu house hold lurnllure Includlnl truer rtom wuhen utomule Ind mudrd antn Iry pull ehesterlleld rullei odd eheln eunl Iroler eteturel Imp phlnl end runny other or Inklu too numeruur mentlrm Kellyl hmIn hero undler Ill1t llntwn mum or smart tour ermr dawn and to month ey the ballnru 51 II no Inn 1151 Sole wlll be held whether 11 rule or mine Ieny Courhllu Auetloneer our lintirony June 15 Al lull urn arr Auetlon rule or Home end runles to heed or hlxh qunlll no dle horn end yankl lneudlnn hmod lulul ulth lonls one any llnnnl hluh eleu uney pony rtell Ion end yuumt toek no names Illsl xml eote Ind Illollmll the vlllue ol Irmlnhler on Illlh 11 11x 11111 wert or OrIIIII mull No rerervo lerry Coulhlln Aucllnnrcr phone nunto PA 15449 seturdy June 22 Auelloh role or ereredlluu end voeelnotea herd ol Aynmm Cu and other equipment Ior Eric llellol hr the vulue or you ll Lot Om Tuwnshlp gt3 mm wnI lrom Irleer Cornea or 11 lllrhwoy Salt ttarte e1 5111 Chem 11 Thamlnn Auelluheer 111 11 oo1l aeturday rune 22 Auctlon onto or and houxehnhl turnllure ror Mory Medrelh 111 oz Newton st Sole lhllrn 1151 No rurerye tho ome In mid Terms culh Jerry Calliillln Auctloherr wn SALE OF LAND IN THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE FOR ARREARS OF TAXES NOTICE ls herelly Riven thit the lht or Illldl lllhle to no lnlfl nr or rear or toxee 1n the county or slmooe he been prepred Ind wnh publtrhed to an advertisement April 11 1951 In the Onlorln Guclle Cnplts or nld list or lendr or ed yertlrement can In reen In my mum or will be melted upon meklnu oppll Cutlnnmr sllrn ut the hour or Iwu ocloex 05 thereon 11 lend not Ill told on July In odiourneu rule will he hold on men day July 1951 or two Oclock 11151 It coLIlhrV Treorurer tour or slmeoe Treuurerr oIllce Caurt House horrlo In any or Aprll Insl rlo mums Sm 0E LHIIII Fflll TIIXES County or stmeoe To w1t By vlrlllt or worrentlssued 9y theReeye or the Townxhtp nt lnnlo 111 under hle hlmd end the root or the sold camurnllon benrlnl drte the lath dry or April 1951 role or land 5hr onere or tan in the Townshlp or 1nnlslrl will he held ot the Com munlly 11511 vuluee or stroud ot the hour or two oclock In the utter noon on Thursday the 29th dry or AlEIlsI 1951 unless the mes 11nd casts ere sooner nald Notice here by elven thlt the list ot loudr Inr ole tor arrears or 11x25 wee rlulr llehed In The Ontario Gazette on the Fourth day or IIIy 1951 end thet triple or the sold llst may or had or my oIIlee 11 hunts ere not all sold on August 29th on edieurned rule will he held on September 12th 1951 Trunsllmrs omee thlr 1th day or mm 195 1111mm Treuurer mmrmw AucrION SALE 94111 be held at Eltlc MALLETTS 1n the llluge of Jarrett Lol lCon l0 Ora Tw MILES me Fllmll PRICE CDRNERS arr No 12 HIGHWAY SATURDAY JUNE 22 IV tlnn 1951 nndvuelneled herd or Aynhlres Spruee Menor Ely Gutrn No 91mm bom Iun 1949 clmillcll nod Pull nut frulllllaliAIlrll uty BellehNo 515142 horn Iuly II 1949 Imhened Aptl1 In 1951 send Queen No sauna horn Nnv II 1951 Irerhened April 19 m1 195 rruhened ru 15 1951 nully No mu horn my 19 mlllrlng nd Irerhelu Allnllt 1351 ll NAIIEY Queen No 119 horn Mly 11 19M lroshened May 11 1951 erl 1mm horn March 11 1955 ored wlll Iruhln Aun 11911 not 1951 9Addle redo No mu horn 55 bred to Irehen Iuly Ruby queen 4511 born lflsfl will be rellstered by day 11 Lueyquuen born Aprll 19 1951 wlll he neutered by my 01 me ILus Southerner oil burner med lleellhr stove neep teem ye adMIIk cooler centersn to tor elatlrlcrlwaunlt mlllter mplto Petr stewrt eleetrle eotllo lppe M1111 trlnere 1n derault or pay melu or llxer xhnwn on nllllln on or hetero TUESDAY JULY 1951 the onerhoun null or lIIBI time 111 the courrell chnmber court Ilouoe Ilerrle Ontario proceed to sell hy public auction lhe rold Inmh to pay eueh etreors Inlzcthr with charge 119 Toronto at Phoh PA to gt 41le or promose unilnllll or the Iullnvllrll eeeredlted Judy queen No 596111 horn Feb Ruth queen horn Aprll 15 1151 1111 11mm tlr ROOFING opt111 SIJIPLIE MORROW at MucDONALD lA uno hum 56119 PAINTING DECORATING upeelollre In broh or tory pllhl Inl olro upcrlnt PHONE PA 119209 51075 DA Electric Motors 16 Ross El EMIN FBONE PA 85307 541 ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE later he no Innh HAROLD HART lam um unlu 51 Owen at YLJPA 82200 F4 CAMPING EQUIPMENT For Rent Tenn Trpaullnr comp cou comp 8111ch end Pnrluhlo 1ee11uxes Barrie Tent 82 Awning Ca II nnyneld sl rhono PA Mm soltl SINGER Eleclric Portables ror rent by the week or the month rree ulllmllu on repelre or my make or rewind mlchlnu No ehlrue Ier eervlee all Ihll Ill1 Singer Sewing Machine DUNLOP wrsr PA hm 56711 FLOOR COVERING Arlflfllonfl moor cornu nllulloor end AnnIt Tun Linoleum rlntlo wall lllo laud1e supvled Ind mill no Luluw WOLFENDEN SIGNS NEON end PLEXIGLAS Store Front Dlxpluya Complete slrn sorylce ARGO SIGN COMPANY Ross st Int Buyheld home PHONE PA 5351 5011411 ERICKWORK CARPENTRI REPAIR 0qu WORK DRIVEWAYS SLINGERLAND ll SUNS BUILDING CONTRACTORS PU time no liredrord om 9110le lam 55143 WELLS DUG TLED OLD WELLS RECDNDITIONED centret the larval culvert Ono Itnlm lewen Weeplnl tlle SEPTIC TANK UNITE HADE AND INSTALLED Alr eomnrumr worn PUMP SALES ESERYICE Whitney Concrete Products Alter haulI dill rA an 111 No DRILLIA PA rm H1 BULLDOZING EXCAVATING GRADING CALL ART GORDON Phone PA 31581 LOADING SAND FILL GIIAVIjJL CALL JACK ELLIs PHONE PA 725 WE srtzclAle brush or Ipny Ian ll erln Pinon PA Ho FURNACE And chimney Cleman New lper lnsllled Apply Huron Drlnltle um slmr 11 You wont your newer nrden or wnloolted llterzhy In exponeneed pllarld PA um Hm We nrllllnr altimeter Iree Plume PA lulu or opply Homlueru eye Lelthh 11115 Ame Iun Nunez To hum nrurh tunerran It you or mlned by your denler on Truelt leltemll rule lore lhull nldl eutoul lette to Ellen 9L er MTIIS 94 CEMENT Mlxln with telxtrle motor hold About wh eroto For rent llverea Phqu lor mthfl 11 56510 row ullr tom hone um Think you Fr slum 11 Joe Owen ungain llhtfir tr null Férds 9W EumvlIilnfhixliflmr atm thou1 Merleloud lib beuunllllnuro menu ol In lhfldnlnllcuflllmlm liming log or nooned end other run run or Pelhkk hlntnl llooro tor thelr thronee JlnD Clulpbrll Ind nutty We Ihh to thrill our retrum nellnbunvlud neuron WA lnr thelr may oeuor monounerorenlm or rymp end norl trutqu thawt In an our mill herevernal Throttle II In noheen on nu Ir mnpn Ibo th nllnl Dr smlth mu tho Sm Medicl atoll who dld no much to relleye mrrerln Illa the no out srethley neenl olhe luv the 111th ztto llodehoom Luzlll Nave DOGS AND PET STOCK mLult lurs tor ute Good emu ler eettle douAplly llewhlnu Guthrie or phone cm to sisowl Businus Opportunities tunersmum end lunch room tor rent Lorre errIre rneellent gulhnltleo tnr expheron All ly rlmt Pnsl CHI WANTED uroller Growers chlelu reed mpplled wlth rumnleed tn come to epprvved muttrs Camch ur lor lurther lnrormrtlun Apply 1on ll herrte EJlmlncr nwnw CHICKS BARRED ROCKS sllll herd to out for em ond mm lnlnylllx yem penonel eeheuon he hind our elored flock sumo rolt Much L151 TOM KENNY slIANnr DAY Phone PA Mada Ilnrrle1 IluNTxRs arrm Coeherele ullh ehee weekly till My Ilnlchu etrtlny nit1h ln Iullllst nervlee eoll lluntorx poultry Ferm SlrvulI 41 AUTOMOBILES HALWIGS Balance Owrng Specrals The working mans chance to purchase good Icllablc cur AT BELOW WHOLESALE PRICES BALANCE DWING IS THE FULL PRICEYOU PAY NOTHING MORE I951 HUDSON SEDAN Healer end dermrtu excellent meen nleully thruuehout hurry tor this one lllhee uwInz ONLY $36425 49 MONARCH SEDAN Lovely new hlne nnleh eleen lnlertor heeter Iutktldmlurrunod tlres sm sllllalllxl yolue holonee owing ONLY $29843 49 01135 95th mm mlmlm lInIrh exerntlonelly eren luterler oond urea This one lr donuy unlonee nwllm ONLY $15842 1947 PLYMOUTH DELUXE SEDAN New turquoise tho noun new rent eoyeu lull oll prey sure oulrtandloo condlllon lllvounhnlll lovely llttle utornohlle unlenee owlnl ONLY $199 47 CHEV COACH Loyety new mureon Inlsh clean lu terlor llll new tlres my Ilanuiur economical llttle car llllrry rnr lIlIA one lintnee uwlnl ONLY $2M 1941 PONTIAC six Deluxe Sedan NIco block nntrh good tires elenh rellnllle llltlo outomohlle mollyfur trouhIerree d1lv lnL Rolnnee owtne ONLY $19762 48 PONTIAC SMALL Deluxe Sod Nlee helee lInlsh hunter and detrux eleen lntertor Thl ur hu hrend new motor SttIIllll or or leg then next or motor llalenee ONLY $19768 NO DOWN PAYMENT To FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE see our line display or lele model one owner oetumohllee MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM HALWIG MOTOR co LTD USED CAR SUPERMARKET PA 66652 91 BRADFORD ST 15115 BUYIIIg or Selling flnlnce Ill model Ind true Very Ruonlhll In w1th eompleto truunnce STEVENSON ALL TYPES or INSURMCI PHONE PA 85201 15mm NI1 ulnu slMaNARcll oxoellonl oendlllon Full prtco sea 59 down to reswone 1111 my can be seen It 11 Buy llold 11110 55 BUICK RIVIEII Hlldlflpl mint lllnlllllllloll Eullnlll rlfllfl luck lull elker pow Ileeflnl power Irlei tone llnl Whll Ital mild olee eoelt one owner In mtlu Mun he teen to he amtled qulld trite do my Cown PA 31111 1311 ms WANTE 9241 or 21 Model TFonl Coupe 1950 or 111 Modol Yard cups 913 or To Index Coupe or conch ll clln mutt have only lull plht orIllnlI rurhollterlhl and low villelo how JAN to the en mod 11 Meirruled all Well Ml 13 Rotmoron Mlehl wmln At Imyot Vluorll llerr on June 19 1951 to Mr end the shorter wtpht rllt mime llElVfiln lovln manna It countr oer 11n am rumor rv e1 molten more III rhe 1m um soue rule on olo om hm vn IIdly In some run cmmnlly 14 1190 Ill III01 yawn 1111111311 run 400 ooee Null us Wynn no lurelo lemme 51 twinin new lireounu nrrn Mort1 Report nm some 1201 To 11 um 1110 open to nurture Ianrl 1229 no he undhm I210 no 91 15 to 119 he on In no 05 on oo no on YIIIIISDAV lute men on Banllh tor the my humor Mullrll l3le rum hlrrtet hrnorl Null lull Eporu Ire1 awn Roundup Rent end unort Ilne heme 5543 $8232 Tr nPoet Tenoruee xrnle ahe homerten cllnle Tufllnl pert um eetree Tlme ltoiurhold Illnll nool Illnd cudell 11rd Ful need 333583 entry shoe ohon $5595 WW chk StetXe can veleselng in the Royal Victoria Hnspilal otter his recent operh lion Mr and IIIrsrDonalll Mills and tllclr lwu children Jack and Jun ct formerly of Win of Illunlrcill are vIsIIing Mr and Mrs Murray Mills far few days eg and now Ray xightley was home hr the weekend mm Ollrlwa when he has been walking rlt postal headquarters since the middle OI Nnvemh in Barrie in he near future to lo sume his pnsiliun as local post master Heuxpeelsrlo he hack Dr rlnd Mrs Salter OI Edmonton Alberta were recent vlsilnrs at the home Mr and Mrs Salter Hayfield Slrcnl They were on their way hnml from Windsor where Dr Seller has been representing the Uni versity OI Alberta ill the Assump tinn College Centennial BORN cltAWlultnAt Rnyal vlntorln Iluspl tot herrle on June 11 1951 to Illr 11nd Mm Alastair crewlord urn slollon douehter lSllllIn Ruth KIIMCKIZAM IoneI VIctnrlll HOSPIIDII llrrrle on Jum 11 1951 to M1 Ind Mrs aerherd Ehmelte 54 Cnmllllu Iron Merle Oliver IIIJLcoorAl Rnyol Vletorlr menul home on June It 1951 tn Mr and the Arthur llulouop Rh nurrle dounhler Wendy Inrul BNICKAI hey1 vloturlo Hus toll uerrle on June to 1951 In Mr end Pills Edward Renleh eo Burrit Counlry club deuuhter YA Hat Itoyul Vlclnrll unsplul Bum on Junt 11 1951 to Mr end Mrs John Ryan 1111 Borrlg sun hmAllAI hoynl vlelorlo Hoepltdl unirte on June lo 1957 to exp and 11m Thomr Mood 11 Adeltoe 5011 Italrte on June 1951 In Mr end Mrs llerhert VtIlnr RR Burnc daughter lulu norlsl MM 51m 111 duuehter DIED multvAt the home or III deuth ter Mrs neyu Arnold Iyy on Mnmlny Iuhe la 11151 lrlrtley Forty oI so nurton Ave horrle beloved hurhend or court nee Norman and deer Miler or Mrs nuvlr Arnald ninety Phyllis Arthur Robert and Henry lovell hrother or rent1111 Mory Poulton George Hurry Bub Arthur and lock on or the county or Durham England In me out your Restlho et the yennelt Iuh erul Home Burrle runerel tuftXXL Cemetery Innis III tMesenlr groveIda service nus Thursdy June ol p111 Ierment st PauI plea corlnthlon Dalila sMIfllaAI Royal Vlclorh Hninllll llerrle on Tuesday June 11 1951 Frances Anurldl trranklel Hum beloved who or Frederlclt SSllthr 59 Granville sn uurrte Reetlnr II the Pcthlck Funeral Home Borne Service In the ehepel Thundly nt Interment BArrII Uhlnn IN MEMORIAM McCAIJSLANDln lovlnl memory or our dvll mnther Ind grundmothu Mary Mecrurhuul who peered Away Juno m1 heeuttlul memory deorer then old or mother whose worth eon never he told Alone Immen all Ind by but lIlIo And whldpanl dont Eflnedtlllll tune nut dlvldc men In our home her memory kn one via loved and can never 121 And Ihouah yam truly be mlny or Ie we wIII etwuyr oe thlnuhre deer mo lhor or you Lovnxly remembered by the new Ill plmd lwny luheJ 11949 Time dnu not drrkerrner rhudowt dim The derortinlrhdrt Illnvelalhlm lovlnrly emerre cute The BARRIE EXA In auteu not up an tanner You humluv 11m 15 You pattern conn com me more uo union stone no her In 34 selullon Amy no cmini vent enu or use 113 me In luu no Willw 1110 wmu CKBB PROGRAMS DIAL 1230 nunluv no THURSDAY ml luv memo no cnunln neporl nun lamt Room doom 30 no liretint its New llrlllhllnlu In The rrbonulleno Itord re Turnere met 11w fllndnhnfl Red rolry ElmI no Hudllnu 2558352335233 flllllAV 11 Thin Im Counln oooru hirer 1mm newt Bulluln uord Nel Ilendhoel Eur rum Renertr Phllu Vnnre Nevuut Womene World woo vrtetr urn pixtn pm an heelml Nee Mudflnu lmleee gnarl Borden leeru Drives New Car InIo Snack Bar blunt110 Jolyne Roxy Dnnllulrls Iulhcrs new car yesterday coat $2100 The vchlcle left the mod and wlunged through the side or snack bar ht Cumocrland Belt 10 mllu north of here Miss DooIItlle and companion Mrs Binnie IImmpsun ul Tumu ru were uninjured but the snack bar was dumnged In the extent DI more 11 $1500 and lb car 3000 b2823 3323 EEEE In her NWT EMBLEM AllA1 11oon Vlclnrlll Hornltel IvorySoup Tm NORTHWEST TERRI sqon hevelts own ttoret emhlem rllld it will prob the muuntalrl artists stretch The creamywhite rock plant Is more to the Territories IIMPIIII TONES my ably be shown my MARKET PRICE WEDNESDAY 1111119 12 noes CATTLE 3665 POULTRY Al quoted by Flret Cooperative Picker Of Onllrlo BIITII sows $240 Hogs $3250 BOG Large Medium CV Crack Pée Wee 11mm Over III Grade Grade Grude Grade 11 Gilda lo lb Gruden Grade 9111111 to 58¢ Iccnrdlrlz to delight and qllIIlty memory or it our hlubllnllMnnlulLW Relvo who 6rd Ilu MINER 9r Ill 85 11IUA1 AYLIVIER GHUIC mum AYLMER CHOICE PEAS xnml nlut nlullilll HELLMANNS 11111101111511 SFEtllel 1151111 Hutou BURDENS MALTED Ml Srlildlll IIylmer Bartlell flylmejr Eflflcyllfid IIyIlue MAJoRPRIZE WINNrERS IN LOBLAWS cAnlLLAc courrsr WILL 151 ANNOUNCED IN oriltNlwsmlRll ADVERTIEMENTOP winning run cALlrollNIA aARnEllFlllflfi GRIIP Bunch Currolsl CALIFORNIA lALMDNFLIIH FULL or Iuvaull Gcnialoujpes iii UNTAIIO GROWN MILD AND Iwur Rosebudnudist roll usunMim rout shunt vrllv MILD AND twin GEN INE IIALIAN Red Qnons Tlnlazlt CAIAu Chill lirruu de ROEFIEOULAIIIIEI rsurfrwlru Flt1 Ilwlltlurl 1019 SOUP wm Pink VelLIquitI Brigrgtnl FAIHEIIS EAV Sunday Juno Idlh Faihsr5 19y hull ArrAcrlvur Inn cell Ilnlllmrl Wedding loll Creams 99 ten IACKAOI its Taslyllreal Ice Iream PPLIES Ilylmer FflIlICYSjrdwloerlies IIyllnertlloice MCI e1 IlyllllerJihoicePéuclle ox rm 319 lutle gt 0111 Tea Bags rnlllrs ANIgt VEGETABLES lAlfllNCEluglINAL rah 14° LAlol Itmcuu tmn ONTARIO GROWN VEOETABLES NOW IN SEASONI ERIIN TOP IIITI wow wulrl cAuLlrLowu non ominous SERVE THEM OFTEN lot on In oz EOJRICI rhrouohpn out 1111 ltOAsr tillers sréw rolt flake ulcull LOILAWI mcutl Illustraanr Lon Idch 250 3115 89c Anono pthvouh FREE CAIIV NDMI Imuuun nu 2O 431 LDILAWI gt Ill5111111 alouun 256 Efilleoflllnhlu olflitu Iinllee 939 213 Loauw ouan PEKDI Bell Label or 15 OF 111 399 COHAUI IRAND 911159 DAILY Lollluws Iresh IIIeuII moon on uusucm EEA I79 wuln When was mutual wuur Louuw Mquvuvul rnruluwlTQ Eerliilcllles how AVAtoot 1N ALI Lontow om ueh LIt erfihln Ill PREMIUMON nlutAv IN ALL tuluw lYolll

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