Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jun 1957, p. 6

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HELP WANTED VVACATION HELP WANTED Commencing ttin to August tin Yolflll Mill 1152 YEIII DI IKE wllh II Ill yearn IlIflh 5an dimlion Apply to iir Davis McCall Prontsnné Oil Co Pl lllnn Street Illrrln Ihnilti FArlwly Im JUNIOR MALE CLERK ior lillorvsllrtfl prisltlmf ln eredit iicld lllgb tchool graduate urelerred Generous more benefits niearant warring eeudltlnur Aliirly stating are and education In POST OFFICE BOX 280 BARRIE ONTARIO llulm WAITREssEs FULL TIME Unliorrrtr supplied Cried tlartiug inllw tull ennrneny henciits APPLY UNITED CIGAR STORE lolloa rtlatALt campanion tor elderly wt stow Live in Apply li sophls 5t roast lna BALESGIIILS ior wcesenus only Apt ly taclnons Department store to unlop St West lrr 7W hlAIttlhrl Woman or commercial atu dent tor part time oiilee worlt Typing Apply ltox at liarrie lx letim llxrsltlthCtsll wairess No sunday work Phone PA 59039 tier pm or in perton at locltsous Grill old Post oiilce Square lo7cd rxActlnu wanted tor School Section No plos Suhrrlll applications with tull details lohn oNelll Sccye Tre pnelpston Lcoda IIAVB lrn ediate 0mman tor Nemes aids prect cat nurse and kltcticn help Apply to tire Patton Fultons ltost ltorps nn 5tnypcr phone starts toolo vanish Male clerlt wentod ttlgh Schnnl commercial graduate preterrcd An opportunity to coin wine expul enee in interesting lltIil Apply Po star 280 home om sAthitPN Olt Ladies icon or selling Aluminum Window dlmn ana awnings Must have on Exptrlitncn not necessary WIII give lull training Apply loc Wolrc lirndtord lsoai sALazsLAllir tor jewellery store atternoonr and weeltcndr or tell time Ncet appearance and pleasant personality cmchtlal Apply Weston Credit Jewelers Darrle Experience not nucmnry lons VACAHDN Time Ahendi Earn addi tional income by mliflchentlttfl Avon Cosmeilcr Pleasant and pralltebie worlt near your own home Write Miss Marian Tuwen Apt and till Wilson Ave Toronto it cut ismotnsrr MAttlttsb ltiAN tor trumch retort to to 55 Mllsl he ltillil abstrlner able to drive cor General maintenance ltitowlltdle ol boats essantist wtte willing to help with hausewar Pres cottage plus rclanlllble wage Write Box in llarrle Examiner 16665 PERSONAL lP coNslnnniNa MANUAL ea suit Hornmgdlin Specialtub tnaiL ltdab sod aver clients rich and poor married alrea dy Actu uious secrecy Minotaur Box 11 lcttens Post omen Witint bed ROOMS FOR RENT ROOMS Apply lonlgenla SI or phone PA Lam 454870 FURNISHED Bedroom blaclts trotp downtown nustness man prererred Phase PA adorn no Puanrtitm Housekeeping Room mIituiilI walls trom Cray Coach he pot Phone PA saint artdads Tlnnli noor ltoorn with double beds Stiltblotter business girlr With or without board Phone PA not ruansltlln Proni ltnam automatic beat hatand cold water Adults nea sonubie Phone PA ddsol or PA was 4541 LAan tarnished heusetrecplng room raugetiev included Suluble tar girl Ground floor Reasonable Near 553 Phone PA Hood W9 cLlsAN illrnistted roo suitable lcr or gentlemenepara beds nca lnl llsnley bros ronable minutes trorn Five Points Phone PA ssila alter Artuse D3 dlllib Po inlay 74 glplnln tnnrtl usstr TARPAULIN crtng trigit boa trols set ScottAtwater outboard Phone crass irAtr RITESiiotlnlltti lipmwekdnygr¢cedlnl ngAlrLtrrs eon MoNDAYsATUlDAYrm pan ADLBTS iiiAlI BE TWEONm 10 PA 52414 each word minimum £0 Followlng consecutive Insertions licvword minimalist we CASHRATES wordym mumsoe EulICWIng consecutive lnsettltilm PL wotinitializith we MtisT ttrAm wrlla Dunlap Po Numbers uiJéplkidlmkfl to this cities 54 extra ootllNG EVENTs LOCALE Ailcflo sAles ie word minimunttino onsetuilvo insertions min Iltarsu rerpopalhllitvtorvsby Irivtll uEurotfoIg tfisflzauona Tilt nAltttia thhtiNizlt wtlanlsnhitltlNil it on PosiTIISNs WANTED trounchutrimu desired irorn or VDDM PA mu 10 PAItT Tm aardcul or other worh nted Prim PA tag lilltu would like to do hourworn at sun an hour Phone PA LAWN CUT srylhlng porter wortr tilriled Phone hardy ailerks rAlenxcnnAlult is In er ricnce hilrmled tree PA run ddtnt thL KIZEI child or years old durinr day whllrmothcr worn Phone PA Luna M70 LAlili desires position as companion to middle aged or elderly woman Plume PA mat tiltANcil Manager is yesrr exeeutivo cxparlme in electrical sales held orilcd routine and ilgum rcouires position or trust and hard wort liar to llarrte Exlmlllrlr Locos AccourrlANT boortteeper lyplr hilly erperirncod so years with one rum necentty pulllunhd Desires rail or part time position Moderate re munrrsilan John unit 14 iligh st PA toast 36171 WANTED SCRAP STEEL tut PER lad pothlis lndifllllll lntn Metal PHONE FA Owl HIGHEST PRICES PAID or SCRAP METALS BATTERIES suu Phone PA 66331 or PA 66487 we worldifinrw 32 INDUSTRIAL IRON AND METAL Dunlap strivet Pamela Pboae PA mm or PA aitili ml Barrie Metal Salvage SCRAP IRON METALS FURS RIDES BAGS BAIIERIES FEATHERB LIVE POULTR int he will eatL prid pIld scpeclal prin 535 dellvlntl Pllona Darrin IA PM 425 MAX PUSHKOFF Pardonnfgllig shoot IIIIGENTLY required wtlt re stay 5120 per month tar 3i months leasephone PA nail erter tcd rultebie the cor lm remote colic ble tor operation with in SEED AND FEED AllouT rad husbels or good teed grain tor sale Phone Mirroring illmos stsstt nucKquAT tor sale Asply Msrrew Thornton Dot it lnulrnl Phone ivy ml illown on FARM EQUIPMENT PoNit Tractor Plow and Disc nearou able Phone PA Lssts sswn it BuCK RAKE on 2tou Pord truclt Hubbard lcrroy Phone 9m Le troy lssivo ALLts cnaLMnns Combine it years old in pcriect condition Phone torn ivy soasr zzdt nloN Threshing ilachtne in good condition Apply Arthur Holmes New Lowell Phone utrli Dorrie on zzxit cAsB Threshing Machine also Frost and wag may Kcut Phone Barre an tamer isu 22x nloN sepsriter on rubber shrede ner clever ml elevator Apply William hayclralt Leiroy bsrla W9 HDREB DRAWN toot cockhuh mower years old good working can ultlon Would exchange ipr pigs lphn crona lzo drive belt high clitord Pradiord ideal 355359 MILKING MIDIIIlle Plfll Illd senile on all makes of mllkzfl New surge mitten end all matter ot usedmtlicers We first Illvfl Varythllll the dllrymln plur tit mast eiiecitve Ply Coils ne trot Program an the maritet Phone us today at PA Dun Darrin Parm Sulr ply l1 Muieaster St sarrla 394 NEW IDEA Mowerswe an norm ected by the rtrilte st New idea good rupply or there mowers on hand see us tor good no mo Dion Thresher tutly with shredder Moot McCormick Deer Also nipped Pm Grain hinder title new phone now Schombcrg own ylji dTiCitll foe wordgonnimumisd lamination Tl ES mitt aortorzerrorr in copy enlua POR sALE rtiurctll PUKSAL PltbPEttTr Poll sAm to attain ERIY OR RENT GRAVEL FILE DELIVERED DENNIS MORAN ANN sr sqlrljll PA 8290 1ctl RUBBER STAMPS MADETOORDER WEAYMOUTHSI BOOK STORE on lilipr 31 Tim IIAIIRIE WALLPAPER SPECIALS PER ROLL 35C 39c 45c 49c 59c ROOM LOTS FEATURED AT PAMAIN PRICES ROBINSON HARDWARE 81 Dunlop St East PA 32431 Tnwti ARIEV Davidson Motorcycle cyl inder Phone PA M053 nANamE good condition neason ahlo Phone PA ulna Lands coLhMAN noor Sunni Pumace rhrpe Phone PA tom lttTcnsN Furrilllila Wooden Table chairs ice box Phone PA Mash iit IIDYB CCM Bicycle good condL lion Allva Craig llunter oars sigma lioovnlt cylinder Vacuum monthr to excellent candltlon Phone PA bim 7virafi TutllalNAttrn Dryer good condition chair with plastic scroll cover Phone PA um 1iltt nerND NPW CGE vacuum cleaner never used Par rrec homc trial phone PA 66512 nxrassuilsn Woods Freezers litre new srlilng tor ance owing Phone PA Mott AH Sizme hlAclllNz Singer scmihutry malls in new condition At trait price Phone PA Moos 74M oAtt DINING Room suite Will well very resronahle ar we have no room tor it Phone an Slmud 7oinil Isuihlnmutstiml lln No me time zunrorllec personable itas ram one tree arm Phone PA 52 my CLlFF BRgxyN mall sh hAnlill PHONE PA 82678 Homes In Barrie and District Income Homes Commercial Properties BEFORE YOU BUY 0R SELL SEE BROWN IT WILL PAY YOUI y50000 DOWN linch tlliNaALttW bedrooms tllrd bath and lttlchtn Forced air all one today $500000 DOWN cortier plant uAltlnootls bedrooms lot cloud to now this otlce tor more deirlu $100000 DOWN liltch sTorthANlt piece bath and bedrooms upstairs one bedroom living downstelts ruu blumcnl bu this beauttrul landscs piece bath room and ltltchen tluw lull price $500000 DOWN TAKES THIS ONE Very large living room dining roam tiled bath and ltltchen ate ctt garage with Lovely trred lot FOR LIALANCE Cnll today tor 5700 DOWN ltoom trame home rooms up stairs not iinlshod turn out or iottrl S800 DOWN HIGHWAY 27 lloorn Prsmc hath and bedrooms 000 lull price BUSINESS PROPERTY STORES PLVs APARTMENTS being sold to Clix an estate price it right and the property shows good returns WE HAVE MANY OTHERS CALL THIS OFFICE BUYING 0R SELLING SEE BROWNI IT WILL PAY YOU CLIFF BROWN gt human IEMBEIIABARRIE AND DtsTnlCT itsAl NATL himheltaNTAnlo nCAL ESTATE lmAltrr dbcdroo inched aved drive NI MonT details Large garage litlAlm ECLAIIVIlPth duty electric stave cream enamel good condition ncmavel coute at sale cheap Phone PA Lima SINGERPanam eleclrle sewing ma chine excellent condition May be seen at it Quebec Loop camp nan den 165 tiuLLtrnzslt oliver AD with trout end loader and leveling blade 3915 Apply coap wreclters Newton nob lnsorr 16IHII Nthrltous summer and tell Indltls clothes all in good condition and nice rtylu sire is as lilgh st or phone Loo PA um REPOSSESSED Pilter oueen tor sale rer what is against it PhonePl Mm or call at Piller Queen Snlu r7 Maple Ave herrie lod illicit RAKES ior Ford and Perguson Tractors Dodge Tmck with duck tte stracbau Edgar PD Phone tum Barrie 1point nsMoNsTttATolt Elnil superrnatle Sewing Machines iully guaranteed Phone PA tomb or cell at zlna sew ing Centre nass st 7od TV EQUIPMRN stark Tuba Tester EICO Scope lirodel unit with probe 177x Hickolt signal Gum erator All in good writing order Phone PA adopt oveningn Au SUMMER COTTAGES FOR RENT bedroom cottage at Dig Point tor summer season Avail immediately For lurther lntorrn atloe phone PA hslzo == LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Plus ready to wean Apply Carnet Dry 1rl2coaltatow som in FIGS weaned weeks Eating well Phone orval carr lvy ism itosos IIDLSIBIN cows trestt and spring inst also llelter Cali lim Caldwell Shanty any Phone tin on sbull uAnDLn Horse years old quiet and well broren sin vlltirtg cream SeP arator tired it months Apply evenings only tidy Pilltey phone are 95 BOATS MOTORS Delaney Boats Ltd OFFER Grille mlhonny nthlimit hL Buchatt mnlnr Isl hall OHM lash ibcedrr strip runabout 55 lohnsan doctrlcltlrtlllt 25 hp All controls mo id Delcrait moulded hull with 1955 Johnson 25 bp All controls Pisa la irelerart mahogany runabout lrild lohnsau iv hp motor electric start convertible top Ltlte now tutti Newcedar rip boats id beam and ALL MODELS OF JOHNSON M0 AND USED ALSO DELCRAPl RUNAHOUTSANI cnutsmss 0N DISPLAY IN OUR snow ltoolii PHONE PA 53491 ll CEDAR SIrlp outlawinfill Dont rl will lirfifiwrt one er fiJmli usethpalro spout oa use by net at on station Can or Pmrm to on CAIiiON REAL ESTATE BROKER Nollid smwni human st East Barrio rnto part Daily Saturdays until FOURPLEX slim ruil price approximately some an tully rented at use per is an excellent invest ment property paving yau better then on your money Maximbk otter nussell Carson at PA Mill $3500 FULL PRICE loo acrca or pasture Illqu and rwrmp buildings lust average $500 worth or strawberries to he sold all property Located in itlnctlug rrea Norm shelrweil I3 ROOM DUPLEX EXCELLENT LOCATION slim PULL Pnlcz tully equipped room apartments with rutanrstlc hot water on heating Lou ed on an isndrca ed lot with gangs and asphalt vs Contact Norm shdlsweli PA Midi NHA RESALE 32000 DowN MonTCAclz AT by slum PULL Ptttct Close to achaolr This is an extremely well laid out it room brick bungalow iully decorated and titted with storm and screens Dont miss itcsli Norm shelstven at PA suit LARGE BEDROOMS Slam PULL Pittcr it you need large rauuty in location close to all schools this it has tully equipped ltitchen with dlsb tvnhllt separate tarnlly tire dining area large living room and piece bath on msln tloor Por ln ection call Norm miss cAllsoN PA mt flmco Open Open ler arty Par lull details call this year Contact PA bdiot beautirutly home and Teller in basement shelaweii PA HM EXECUTIVES HOM mm PULL PRICE$8200 DOWN BALANCE CARRIES Poll $1000 MONTHLY mCLuDlNC INTEREST PluNClPAL AND TAXPs This beautitul custom built brick home fllflllld on belutlmlly lhlilefl II III EVEWIIIIIII yoll wulild In dill typo blurl Ilfle IIIIIE when living Iqu wlth Pi Ilrcplucd on heat edroomr bsrement it you rs log tor better home see this one Par tult details call nusren nnuuctsD irorn atom to slim owner is losing oycr um on thin deal lleurgcntiy needs ihemonay tar other Sn why not ialte advantage on Grove Duplex lst living room of is utter today St noar illllcrest sehooi rioocz bedrooms chen hath now renting an ind linerd rooms and bat per New iorceti air oil heating call nuts Carson PA tildd has FLOWERS SOD DELIVERED nn LAD Tap CVAuTir PHONE BTROUD 17R ITBMI LAancAPls Gardening norotilllng mdfll Ind Ieldhll ponder phone PA mu iroon PLANT still available at the grcerl bousat Tomato flu Hlllmn Glidenly er mouth TORS3 top To 35 hog NEW 333i itockerlas Datum1 ea helpatou con or 11 ill hwa stLtrir Mr my XAMlNER 195 Lath SSO REALTOR la counn ST IIAlllilI Puurix PA sat sLE BEDROOM BUNGALOW $16300 in top residential rane close to Cain olle and Protestant Schools Tlut lavcly hricr hame inenlim is ieaturer large bedrooms with non bic sltdlna doors in eiagetalarga rnodern slichrn ivlth double sinks and extra rupboardapig dining area and lovely big living room Cottonv built by one oi trnrrtos best it is brand new Owner transiened and must saertite NllA mortgage at slats coma Petey Pont zyenlnga phone PA ham INCOME HOMESIB is normstin not very loodloolilu well built brlctt me on comer lot with tan or rttlng rpsce rt the head or mpcm ltay on llrrdiord Titrea car go with cement noor Then ra ully selrconLatncd apartments plus extra rooms The in floor apart meet it ng roo hug dining room at do it ion ttilchen and bedroanu all heating About ditto down will handle Por tull Ir leulars csil trait cannell Dan ngs phone PA imam COUNTRY HOMEED 320 Just Cart oi tlarrie overlcottlllt latte simcce This lovely room brtctt completely rebuilt with modern it chcn and bnlhmum sits on well landscaped re at ground All the contrarls or town living without the disadvantages Excellenl value at only atom Terms arranged Call George Wright Eweningr phone PA um II ROOM RANCH HUNGALOW Near Codrlngton st School on ma nlilcrnl lot til it ILY The utliul lawns and rhrtrbs and flower beds are out at this world llutit with great care and planned by experts to real ire the uitl ate in convenience All on one iloor with oil radiant healing Just low years old The extras in stone bathrooms open tireplacer with heaieialots rames room lib rary large wprlrahap and car gar are An ad ciulnol describe these values Ynli must see through itno obligation Now being tarriilcetl at about hair price Call yerry Qlilnll evenings phone PA May DOWNTOWN BUNGALOW ting brickI year oldAtlII largo itit chen dining areablg livlag tonal xuofl sired bedrooms extra llnlshcd bedroom in basement ldlccd air all heating Pull price only slum NEAR Gil$9750 0n nice quiet street tug brick bun rolow lust rcw years old Pull basement builtin garage large roomsgood hardwood noon laun dry tubs storms and sereenr immed lott possearlon Terms arranged BRICK DUPLEX$10900 Dial and rge it room2 storey and haliNcwiy decorated Jll throw car dance and other buildings in come over also per month Lot meats ures 12 tls nawn payment about now balance our mortgage FRANCIS STREET$8500 room brtett older home in pottesr unndlllan Has bedrooms upstairs piece bathroom on ground iloar Lovely level lot now in lawns iP mu WANT coon lNVmTlvilzNT GOOD lNcottll PltoPlznTv duplex or triplexWt tiAVr Trista AFTER iltttllts CALL Percy FordPA Mm Dan CanncllPA 671D Jerry QlilnitFA limo George wrightPA 54m BLESSOR REALTOR MEMBER nAnnlz REAL ESTATE BOARD mums ilAnltils Dlsrhicr RMI PHAT BOARD MCGOEY TOUGH phAL STATE nusmass Purim HOME PLUS INCOME room bungalow modern convenieni ces 34 acre lot Onii cat garege plus room bungalow currently drsvrlnr saw year income hill price saw with $2500 down cali it ParltcrPAnMu SUMMER HOME At hlg Bay Point Large room rum mer borne completely turnlrited This property was valuatcd at mm but to close estate will aacrlilce yldmii Terms arranged share in rivato gall club is included in price rtrpect this property now hetero seasonal demand increases the price or this typo or Properly Call ParkerPA 34442 COMMERCIAL LOCATION Pat operation requiring large scan shipping tacilltlcs property is ene died with redurity tence large concrete hlocit attire and repair garaga on property call it ParkerPA nun COMPACT ltoou isllNdALow item led amengrt group at line homes where neighbors totrc pride ta ta appearance at their propmy public and separate uhanlr close at band This property is only yesrs old sun is selling tor only doom call lI PartrerPA MODERATE Pittclm HOME heri rooma snd iplece bath upstairs tub chen living room and dining room on main floor This pro erty plus tull sired adiolntng build ng lat valued st over 000000 la log idr Simon with 3300900 down crll lr ParkerPA Mitt 19 DOT SUBDIVISION well planned residential rubdlvirion with is tall sired building locales tbsn one mile irorn tba centra oi EllHed burlness section on paved street bsrgaln tor anyonewitht an eye to speculation Priced at law TERMS ARRANGED Call ParkerPAum ANOTHER Coon SPECULATloNwtth um down hill price aim large bedroom home built on one Acre or ground on the rings or harrisa blg gcrt housing davelaptnent An ex ceptionally well built home with all conveniences Close to popular aunt nter retort bcnmpetent nest mats surviaa onclurlvt and eoairdsnttat listings Priv and NM llnllidnl Dlllu ll It on il th he tttu two lacuna DI hm lint Ill be dirtgr trial lot In in 92 nanla McGOEYégTOUGiI PHONE PAipsiis Pi 4° 7itc°l llTr LACEY REAL ESTATE 98BAYFIELD ST mm as one 51 MARYS SCHOOLlAnEA you 33 brie hm bedrooml dill pls huh Illia llen room and extrs largo ltitcban oil hea pm tum rm hill basement natty mperiy II nut St Mary 00M Upper ADINMIHI lit the its 56th and It only about tree nm em Aullahl rluiil Phil PA I40 NIIA Rule I5 Sloan Ind mns Cull Al on PA I68 liir lull ImamKlan DUPLEX BUI This two storey dup er less than years old hsving too admit llouaeltecping itsomr with bedroom apartment at room artruent dew meat is telrcantalned with repsrsie hydro melon snd Plrlrliiislv oll hes ttnra ran month Indpme lower artruentt Elv than new owner occu led 19 emu mm ArArtrtitm goodsired rooms the Meat yo up nltbed rnd quite centntl Nary dawntats and have and per month Eli IsM income trout the upstairs magi$1135 I°Lefifing entrsnee and httt Adults Pilloytd lA WARD ONE SHANTY BAY ROAD Three bedroom reaturing Two plan with three lng laundry tubs landscaped lot cried only hall bloett deand hd two but each apart Ililt WC basement The tail anytime range This 0° Im llmI an exce en condition ihrougho with good view ihlffifntvhfflzfiltflkflfl owner moving to USA call anytime or an appointment to an see this cuuiandlng horns WARD FIVE ARENA Altle llnoo riill price ior thLt two storey 0R 100319 unrumlshed heated three bedroom hrielt npyn lulled hat and cold wster tine baby welcome rls ye rs on Phone PA Irma lsovro rtd bathroom emu mm noon Apartment situated on High or the latte bloclt trout the area living room not water heating NIIA RESALE Down payment onl three bedroom ltllchen 3270000 an ill to l°uIl¥l itsml years yr rdorn modern ltltchen tllrd piece tuli basement rorced ate all decorlllcd Ilnlaltlc find out on use proper Itetiullyl landscaped iront and °° oe car SELF CONTAINED Illrrlllhed In shopping hill DIISG gigs 5mm meat nested business eouplai and taxes heating Tm rshoola and rte tor interest princ nose PA as it anytime First time advertiredl NEAR HOLLY return lnsutbricg cottagelarge let rsrngttaxrr are sit No reasonable price related Les Pope stroud 11713 NEAR BIG BAY POINT ve tar unnhamsovarloottln mnv mml km my mm cold water Available immediate mm mum ly it Peta ltd Phona PA bmt mediate possession Pull price tum down payment and terms arranged to suit any reasonable alter Pope slroud lim CHURCHILL country bungalow an Ruo paved road Ell Highway II rooms unkeuflnu cnmn mam entrance hydro mild hill Witter heat nn Forced If begsg If ed siszeckly Phone PA calls Call Al be laid Foo1 UPPEI Apariirten Hardwood tioorr taxca Pull Pope stroud fill CENTRAL Pamlly home on corner lot rooms bath Hubwnlet all ttuflhx Ilnni on mm FA 77 Attached garage slim Mortgage hunc Les Pope Stroud FARMS Cood llolcctlnlt Perms in name lireA or will laeaie what you re ulre Pno PunNisplsD sum no Room trig and stove PHONE PARKWAV lth erboerrls AdIrITr erItlyIfllrlIIrto latI Miss lbutoq REALTOR Price some wood floors run arrnnrea Pultleltzti heated room modern Les Pope Ids1M STOUTT REAL ESTATE BLAKE STREET Very attractive split level llrll liv lngsliuing lece bath ached gmge so it its sumo down payment 500 mm ham gm lm mm on ment kitchen cupboards hullrid halo No it Highway st Stroud FARM Owing Iliudcillllh otuowaer re have an exce ons rac vs srnt on lrltwsy east pt Barrie its Ion 3A level ICIEI DI nod loam BO IllldEf lfllllvlllall acres weed lot on two sides GUTHRIE rlee taker thlr modern in one ton CONSULT us ON alarw Down Payment arousing Plant and unchang or Propositi IGIIWI Ill LII hail of LII Ill HI lo mi to ppnciura We have good rrlecilon or so to and sore arms in the Barrie area ALso array lellnldl 01 hpraer or all sites iteveral new NHA homer rnd resales PHONES Mulela throughout onnrlfl anal tNVlssTliiniT Phenom iroun Listmu INVle DUNLQP ST WE PHONEPA 8590l um nill roomed ungaiow narrte on No it illgltrva on large let with vegetable churches situated walnut nPAbtsol ltenrtrih laminaTA portiiPA Lita noon llottsa at tiltstit Point Phone PA wit lm mold nirttlahed dais Pbm PA watt innitbed tit soil eoatatnsd Phou PA Esau laor titoollt Ami turnllhad all ventloser PA mi laoul mun iitrrtlshrdApalirrwht shard at Allan islui Sophia lsnn UNFUINIIIIBD lloornr eentnl with rm to non virul no barrio manner midrird in silence as per month noon Apart seit contained Available Immedlllhlic Apply In aunn norm tarnished apartment Private odla Wt micinto AVII new Phnhu PA riare Hm lbdlir llvlngroom wlt brich open nrepiac dining mzlflln Jamal ed lih tuIlmT mm mm are ar eatng mm lot iront and rear including hodgar Nimmm hm hardrurtaccd dflvcwa home screena Tv sr runNisnm licorn Aplrlllielll Pbona lPA lbdnr otpllol Apply to it Thompson st iiilimo tloussxrnPtNa Cottage on late sim coa consult Vern llasttlnt authrla or phone on it tsoani IL 51 one mile rrorn Allandrio Phone PA an 156 available June Ave Phone PA loM alter pm Dul Itlollo PIi mu Doom Apartment well maintained one Most rrom Post orilca Abrialhen Phone PA 51304 soil can py talnetl oil heated Avallai lurie Adult only Phone PAUEMI 56 pm Lu MonllltN iurnlrhed apartment suit able tor workllll couple Private ea Irhlico Contr Phone PA omit lbotds IN Rooyt Apartment tor rent private entranco relt Contained Also Lat tor ISGI apartment IMwaxlnil tune it or Tllilil st between end 53 isull also bcdsltting room anti ttticbenctt Apply a1 nwcn st Phone PA 34050 ibM NEWLY decorated turnlrhed raonta PuttNtstinlr room salt contained artment private both clone to bus slop dullness couple Phone PA Most lboz tt ROOM tarnished apartment hot sun cold water 1pleco bath nest cou gin pnlemd or girls so innisnl 5L arrie isou norm Apartment evsllable Immune lately lit month But end or Ban rie Apply lillcnetllnx st Phano pA Mia 1M4 UPPER Duplex Wall 11 enturnlthed heated conlrsl Ay lhll PAbwI summit MODERN mmed artlrtent lo ll barement with his Strand heated naturnlthed ltent Large landscaped iat monthly ItvaI labia lurto Phe nth to lssiIT 1100 healed and furnlahbd apart waterA silioh st ls mainly arre Phone 1w It in itlghwlai lgtlrialplvoedchpfrzfi ialltnli Real EstateBroker Owen Sm Bun1 truism BARR REAL ETA 50m claninert Opportnnm Prdporty Inimdnll rornsatslsesterouudoyarra otrlca PA bullmom PA it ALL IIDIIBE with lungulilcli Phalllvllt PA Moot cult Phone errt otlheatln or nit Vl Ell Pile borers omcl aunt in stun eenurl locae oralt iIiaoti acre or laitd mild lHHu natilioold lirletr Bungalow codrtng ion or SI Mary School In PIIOM litout dint lioldlng vilry blur in he 51 sets tor VLA room and recre tion room in bi rnerrt With income mi lsdiu DAV sLD at vje central in go rtyldrlirioltihortf on large bedrotImr tiled bath upwdsltrootn down mbd doublagaragb Peflggt IODIRN room lplflmflll with Plan bath and orira ratrsnn guit bta to HUnl mph ply II iareus rsi IsIvni unlit nocuu lilthut end hum shared bath Usa or washing machine No ob rcllon in our child loo tilen st isu hilNaAuiw tarnished ltdrooths not user nil hostd Centralv lava ted llabtr luly ls Apply nos tl nants Esaatlcar lwré NUIKIIHBD Rodin choc riova lght aler supplied Contrrl business erepl New Porn PA used tsos APARTMM tarnished Iatll living room bedroom and ttttchenetl Allalvdale Low rent Separate thinner Pltottr PA unto 45 LAltGI bright voorru Iarra rup boards Ve central Sillulllvlnr elderly cottp Available Iinlrndhlr ly IMllo PA out lstud Monnu well Inhibited large punt Lsrrr rerrlger or Itm cl Must he soon to be pneisled Pttona PA mu atter pm lbMil PulNlnlilD Apartment rultsla tor or girls Completely roilcontatncd Phatla uleview Dairy PA Hui dur lrrg orrlcc hours to ISUrm llllbtrnim Room and ammonia semiorivat bath in quiet hum noar hbrpiisl suitable me or adultL PhonsPA om attrr erlalfl toomd iltmlshad art ntetttirt pod home suit hers eoupl talnrra No ehldi1lth ltenty st Photos PA mu isM IIINIIIIID lhlIsflbni shared bathroom ltent are per month including iaellluet Centrnl Phanr PA Will lsdno holllillrn Apartment ground noor ante chitante 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