Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jun 1957, p. 13

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American Hotel on Monday evening president Mrs Henry president Mrs Harry Michic Kineiiés Insiél New Qllicers Al Dinner hoiviilurli Do You Nego ilinry tor the evening were reprea scnlatives ol sevcrol sister on ganiutlons Mrs Clarence Cor bett president ol the Lions Aux iliiin Mrs Vance Sorop timisl Club president Mrs Rob ert Delaney llresidenl ol the ln nor wheel or the lloiury club lilrs Marjorie llamiilnn con Collnly Juvenile and Family Court Judge was speaker at the nnnuul inslnllatlon dinner ot the xlnottc club It ihe American llo lei on Monday evening Shg outlined in some detail the various dulics involved in her position lo an interested and dim we icncc president of lhe Kiwanis Auxii Guests oi the senlee club iux rresidenl elitl llrtlwn or the Kinsmen club paid surprise visit to the ladies at their dinner meeting to present thgmwilh banner as gilt train the service club lie warmly thunlled the members lol their cooperation during tile past year Among the presentations made gt during the evening witsn 500 per cent pin awarded to Mrs Murry lllicllic who has nut missed club meeting in live yénrs TWO hundred pgl cclll pins were awarded lit MKS ROSS Arch er Mrs William Juckman and Mrs Clayton Wilson and Mrs George Lunau Mrs Geoll Glenn Mrs Joseph Trallan Mrs Harry luofvycblllllfi lightly Lamb and Mrs in or were resented with LoAus mo pcrcenl pinsp minutenon ionn Catapult The dinner tables were dggnr THE WILSON BUILDING steel in gold and purple the lhone PA E4640 Kinsmen colors with Halve Inll 50 to 00° more Momulv PAYMENIS all Comatry it NEW Error bifu their whisper light firm hand vdlhnilirv that gatrypuhouquenl extra auppor litllc flowers top Youll NEW OFFICERS ot the Klnctte Club were tormrnly in stalled in oulcc at their annual installation dinner at the Members the 15158 cxcclitlvi lire front row iett no right Mrs Georgi Lullnu ist vicepresident Mrs William Jnekman past bro tlluts no light in lhe hand turn take such lifts you in no uncertain termslhe stitched undercup lining adds extra up it style 517 rip 3225 ii cup 3240 at 3242 2nd vicepresident Lamb director Mrs John Harry Hadden director Mrs Ron Gretna director Mrs Jet Pllcher registrar Mrs Mrs Geott Glenn treasurer SLIGHTLY NUTIY ingredients sueh as slices oi enriched bread milk eggs sugar unsweetened chocolalc ele are staple items in mosl homes Hercg bit or cullnnry sleight or hand that will turn them inlo an rimhmsialr mlxturc This recipe for Nullcd Chocolate Brcnil Clllv tnrd gives delieulciy set cus lard that has real chocolate flavor The nuts lncluded in the sandwich lilting give very spec ini flavor and crunchy texture to the pudding lThis Inc llnalg streamers in the two shades car rying out lire theme past president Mrs Arellgr conducted the installation cere mony MrsJaekmun reti ng presi dent presented the new execur live head Mrs it Henry with the presidents pin and Mrs neurywlnlurnuoresemm regimen with is past presidents pm very prosperous year wasre viewed by the past president with to new members joining liteI elub She wished Mrsllcnry end her executive successiul year lin 195768 in amazing to see how will your figure Festival tI in Tine white coitbn with embroideredull everythn eup iovo Ill way it looks uud callslove the wayjt given you appeal txglnmour pllfl nontori Hslzoo LivJere Brick row ion to right Mrs Handy Lang bulletin editor Mrs William Brcnilnn secretary to any meal can be assembled in mutter or minutes its de licllius served warm or cold with pouring or whipped cream or with spoontui oi your luvorlle ice cream Murrim CHOCOLATE BREAD GUSTtill Yield about scrvlnils cups milk iiiounces its squares cutup unswcolencd choclr late lookspoons butler lir mnrgurine tablespoons granulated sugar Vi cup chopped nullllcuts slices bread eggs 13 cup granulated sugar Vc telspoon salt is teaspoon vanilin Preheat mClllo 350 mods ernlct lilgasure milk hill top of double boiler add cutup choco to till2 erl Wilton with her Worc hlucllnwgrctl silk dress daughter Jean to Wlllilnt John Glnvgr Vln Colllgr Streci Unlletl Church on Saturday Hit Rob enlgrulned II lruussuil to in her honor at her home on McDonald Strut Preslrllng It the table which wrs centred with In or rangemenl oi brby nznsle Ind lorgelmenolr was Mrs Snilllt oi Midland in the allomoon and Mrs ol Wrslnn aunt oi lhevbridg in the evening Tile hrldc wearingn while ny lon dress with polka dots and while shoes received the gucsu mother Mrs Wilson Assisting ln displaying the Storing Garden Tea Trinity WA Event Spring lluwcr formed the rel ting or the dolightlul garilcn lea spunsurcd by the shaman hrnnen ol Trlnlly church We late Cuvgr nnli heal to scititling point over boiling water Meantime cream butter or mnrgnrine blend in the table spoons grinuiuled sugar and nut meats licmove enile mm brood and make bread up into sandwiches using nut mixture is lilting cut into lingers and piece in casserole ldcup size llcril eggs sliglllly stir in the US cup sugar suit and vanilla Using rotary beuler heat milk mixture until smooth stir lnlo egg mixture and pour over sund wich lingers rlnee dish in slightly larger punpnd surround with hot water in depth ol inch oven poneh in preheated oven until custard is setobout 45 mlnutes silver iluile inserted into centre ammonium MENS lian viiiTE siliiiltrs Dozens or lite whlte broadcloth shirts with regular or short used collars High quality 39a floilord Bohr lhg maulKc of hill Il Illuycre Mn time new Miss alpine Lavender Miss nose Glover nnd Miss Darren ciover litter ol the will Thehrlde but cnlemlncd by many lriendn before her wed dlng Monitor and lrlend ullhered It the home at the hridcg pllllllll to Ihower her with gllu Ind the home 01 Mrs Bernice Machiuld on Bum street was lhe 1°an or miscellaneous shower Gucsu were lrlgnds Ill lhe bride She Wig sealed in large chllr decanted wilh streamers at blur Ind whlle Ind her gills wgmclr ricd ltl Ill llrgc basket by Ind hoslcfl Miss Elllnc Lavender her mald honor msn Auxiliary held at the home or Mrs Low on rriduy The guests were warmly wel comed by the hostess Recclvlng were the wA president Mrs Nesbltt and Mrs Allan ilead and Mrs Sherrlng wlvg ei lhe rectors Mrs larmun was in ehurge oi tickets Tc Mill served lrom lhe spac ious dining mom where lhe luble wag udorned with centrepiece ol multicolored spring flowers llankedJiy yellow undies The servers pussed plaies ot assorted piuin and inney breads and cook les The convenor or the suecessiul event was Mrs Coleman Mrs llend Mrs charette and nhly assisted by Mrs nullon Mrs Tldcmnn Mrs James Mrs George Webb Mrs coups Popplclon and Mrs Haber Sitillh and Mrs Fred Webb and Mrs their home in Barrie wNG RBSIDfiNT INVERMAY snsk cr Lily Ernsslngton who England wllh her husband to this dlslrlcl In 19 observed her slsl hlrlhdzy She lived all Mrs lnnm Punk AND MR5 DOUGLAS BURGER DH shown here at their wedding held in Collier Street United Church on May 24 The bride is the runner Mary Eider daughter oler rind Mrs ElderEcotland and the groom is the son or Mr and Mrs Floydaurger ol Barrie The couple will be making Ha in homestead nnlil moving into the village ins year Are you tired ol nightly ups Let us till your rue with cold wove styling tint or shumpoo and sel in land Mrs Grlsclt InLl Mrs Donaldson in the kitchen Miss Wilson mul modern surroundlnts Cnig we in charge at pleasant surprise to the Ce work table snddlrs Gmenvcon mllny visitors was the urrival oi ma MN vengd table oi homemade hak lllrs Lowes daughler Mrs llo ammo SCHOOL lng erl Harvie honour to assist 4m Pouring tor during lhe ntter her mother and greet mrny sowen St ol pudding should collie out cleafli shirts tor year around wear This is gilt all fathers will be proud to receive Sizes 1de 982 Dad has taste in clothes all his very own and weve got the personality styles colors quality and wear ability he likes in sportswear and accessories Choose that fgift Perfect for Fathers Day June l6lh here noun were illrs Sherrlng and lrirnds rl defif wifeé 040 Harvey Woodslllghmguality socksror lath er oi superbly sort wool and nylon blends and 100 nylon Colors galore sized and stretchees iron which to choose All in era 11 be tie Como toWaiker stores and choose thnt special tie Many designs and col nrs

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