II JOHNSON WEEDS ARE WEEDS only train our human point All view because they dow where we do not want them in nature haw cver they play an important end interestln role Theycan mitt conditlona under which eullivnted plants would perish drouth lack ot humus or mineral deï¬ciency They are witnca ot mans toliuru to later the soil rind they grow abundantly when over mln has tailed for they in dicate our error and natures can rcctionsr WEEDS ARE NATURES MEANS ot teaehlnl man and the it we would only pay attention we could under stand met delint the ï¬ner forces through which nature helps story is lnlemtlnl lnii heals and balances WEEDS ARE SPECIALISTS in learning something in the hat lie or survival they will survive under conditions where our cul tivatod plantssound lllroufllt protection and breeding cannot such as horse nelti morning glory launch nus the eamotniles THE rhino ottour within at thosejeeds which allow human steps uld cuilivatlonr lpreadln out with menure or wherevsr nun walks This is the inrflest group lain chlckweed huttercup danA delion plgweed mllloul hum hound speedweli and many oth ers trequent companions of our dens nud yards MINOR GROUPS consist those which show up here and there they are not nocesnrtly weeds unless encouraged by man ilere helonx the pleasant weed at the pinhlnd lemme Iamily the lornler preferring room gravcily soils while the latter an open lllht sandy and poorsoiis This In theborderlinn between cultiv ated and uncultivated lt THE ACID LOVING GROUP tell us exactly when chlngns lie lin in the soil Acidity in the soil increases with llcknt air landing water cultivating too wet soil lhsuttieientdrainnge eit ness oi acid lertiilters and most important otail loss or humus in pislurcs it will appear in the nnd contain lllnbl quarters pian Throw ï¬rm at 359 Also Joyner Ronun Died to tailing health tor year or lnore Jams Ronsn formerly postmaster It Collon and also torrner warden of Shame County and reeve ot Adlala Township died on Monday May so It sum cnson Memorial Hospital Allis ton aged years One ol the lreill best known lumen he was born on October 10 1882 In Colxan son tlltl gt late Patrick Ronan Ind Anne licy don and bad tanned In Adiala or many years hetero retirian one yrrr postmaster at Colxan lie was Romn Cnth nlic ind nn active member of St Josephs Church there all his life Mr nonnn had llisnservcd on several Izrlmtlturill bodies prior to retirement was Reeve of Ad llll tor tour yours after serving on council several years and wus never detonlcd in municipal election ills wile the armin Cilthérine Engn predeceasod him exactly death He leaves one son and tour daughters Josephr and SI ter Veronlcrot St Josephs ilirs Mar iznret Mmulderick IndMrs Anne Convent ln Column one year ago tromthe day of his sodium Loom at mound lithium sisters are Sister st Femmisuperlor st Jo sephs Conllént lit 5L£flharlnes Ind unitary Morrow ot Colnn Tlleiurlerai on Thursday May Ztwns from St llnws Church in Colxnn with Solemn High Mass mill by hilltrolhcr Monsignor Illlonan with llev Ronan deacon and Sagan sub ducon Ohler cietgnnen we Monsignor Kyle Rev Baker Rev Johnson Rev Moika andIlev Somrrville interment was in St James Cemetery andpallbearus were Chllrles Ergrn Vincent Engrn William ndnnn lr John Small John Walsh and item Runan IBV AN EXAMINER WANl All TREIED Come In and let us discuss McGoey Ilev OReiily Rev It stand up against mtures whims THEY MAY BE GROUPED ae cording to their peculiarities There are three groups and they McGoldericlr both at Schontberg and Mrs Knthieen Ryan at hllrk dale Monsignor Rattan Dir actor of St Michaels CIlHEerI Choir School in brother also with you our HOG FEED FINANCE CONTRACTS NU NANCE unlitls term of masses Typical weeds the horsetail daisies and sub 01 THORNTON ARENA WAS FILLED tor the annual mush conductedby music supervisor Poul McKelvey or Alliston kHARDVpAN is armed when festival by pupilsotEssn Township Schools on May at and View shows pirtotmaln floor us audience listens to the indicate thruth their presence what is wrong THE FIRST GIIOUI comprisels weeds living on an acid soil and indicates an incrwlnurncidity To sorrels dotits ladys thumb horseull and this group holding the hawkweed THE SECOND GROUP Pan PESTERING IE5 COSTLY indi cates ll crust formation or hard llere belong the innstnrd wet soil is turned by the plow hard crust is formed through errors in cultivation mainly too wet disclng or rolling Also when the soil dries up atter having becneuitivated before it has set tindgn hard crust also lornts when iiolds are too frequently puif into grain crops with lnsutticlentf root Ind manure crops rotated in between Tilo WEEDS orctllliVA tlON are the ones which like soil that is loose and allow ml essariiy tell at poor soil tact manyot them require one that Is tairly rich Typical weeds are the pigweed and lambs quarters In grain Fields mustard chick weod and purple cookie 0n pu lures buttercups rniikweed and tllisilLS SHORT ARTICLE such as this cannot contain everything reader gets some lntorrnnlion of the most imporlnnt ones and to study the ones in his surrounds about weeds but it is hoped the the was of the usual ht order as arrangedund large choral group eltiiolto Weekend Visitors Weekend Visitors at Paul Rus sells were Mr and Mrsllaui Einkioy and Childrcn Gregg and Barbara also Mr and Mrs Sid Russell all of Toronto Tour of Detroit Miss Reba Rutnweli and her his ttEl Elisabeth had wondertul TAinericnn cities returning on 5Friday Smith nil Irlp Mr and Mrs William Gnrhlm Yhave had weeks motor trip to tSmitl5 Fails to visit relatives Willing Worllers On June the willing Work attended Achievement Day at rhurninn in the morning cus tards and menus were judged in the ritcrnuon the skits and ex hibils were presented Helen Sawycr received he county hung nisrntghl girls rolliverl iti tweeks tour of Detroit and other Matthew and Willlrlln of hmtediciion served by Iltornonn to it close With enttd are tonsil Ita oiiiletl in male to new home chuam require lender can no hudling ln Inrt the name an we live your pm in nnnrrnrtn miriru cul Ill tad or Wlermlrnvrfl North nnmtun vn ttnrr mum in cmparll lira urnti tor North Amerlun Van nlnu lttnun rnd llorlle 11a Burton rhonr IA Hus vr lovely lunch was children and their leaders to bring it most enjoyable SHURGAIN HOG FEEDING PROGRAM 13 FIG BOOSTER START ER Food train to daysto to weeks 10 CG GROWERFced from lo weeks to 120 pounds 15 DC FINISHER nerd min 120 pounds to market weight All feeds made according to ShurGllin Formula using all high quality western grains Accept our lnvlunion in come In and watch us make your feed lrosh daily All tends lit money saving prices Shuranin saves Ind makes you money gt We are Ilsclnse its your tele phone call usgcollect Bnrrie right now hy letlln lugs It we would learn to listen cams tor compiu ng twn uni to the lessons nature rovides in nnc 5t Im the production oi win under Mssmmnd mm 50 THE cost is Low many ditterenl conditions of soils The tune meeting ut lliwldï¬g PA slzlit or RESULTS GUARANTEED Iclirllalc and method at cultivation lord Mission Band was en uiln then we have made the list slap the church on Tuesday wt in the combat against weeds that ladï¬sgd mothers the an am to put them where the helnn mu leE and keep them away trorlt wherg The meeting opened with Mrs 11 MuicutuSL they do not belong For rememr Gitvnn Sawyer welcoming lite hen wherever weeds graw they indies followed hyn hymn The PA 82982 will tell something and wherever girls sang song and Carol they grow they indicate it failure vchnte road the SCllleIEuA love ly duet was sung by Elsie and hulh Simpson The turnschool children and grades and sang song Belly Ann Dales 11 read poem ii SCOTTISH DANCE was performed LauraGemmili Gwen Monday and Eleanor Th2 we EmmiL had piny it Belfry Horn West Gwliljmbury anero Salute to Health 51 Mrs Robert Knit talked to the children on citizenship telling the things In on and not had in order to become agnnd citizen Rev lttr Saunders the Sand Saddle lie rnndé in England rho ï¬nest sport casual cool and light Siz cs to 12 com ARE YOU MARmING HOGS THIS WEEK 0R NEXT THAT WERE FABEOWED DURING IIIE PAST MONTHS Wellyousllouid he andirobnhiy are it your hogs have been on the AIN ssrnvuqo renumovpnoonnn Ilme In at st ntwaytl ï¬oney Imanyhultlness and this is so very lrnd ll themlrketins at hogtttr part orryour lopration SHUMAIN billflcedvlfll hog ore tlllished taster up to month tosterthau litrlllllt nluledvhnKLSIIURGAIN hog feeds will save you this time this money Sourenext time youre neurrthemill tune on in gnarl let us help you set up your SHURrGAIN feeding plans tar your summeriit ters gt Mycmilplny lint to into only uretul drawn Al nilt dliml will ml the min in along to policy olderrinuu arm at lower out tuttirm rind out today you can qualin ior Sun Farm lnnrr once martini driver lltlt phone me Usedldr outdoor lsportpva reatlon eto Very cool Size to 12 CvnE rd arm ifand er qochroné immune rthy tambourine tr ngie ersbelng Carol council tqhira three extra mole The extra cost tolttle county guards so that liveday week for his year is estimated at can beopcrated It the goo $4200 he greater part at which 9° in hit submission whi was the goyernory felt could ho ah piaoed hetore county council on sorhed hyilhe trudget allowed tor the governor pointed the goal