18 THE anon EXAMINER wannnsoa Junes 1951 Mrs James Kelly Heads St Marys PTA Executive There was good attendance at the annual meeting and election oi oiiicers of St Marys Parent Teacher Associatiun at St Josephs Auditorium last week Capt OBrccht parent councillor was in the ehéir An the executive and conveners hirss Webster converter Vlor games night reported proï¬t ransom irnm that prnie it was decided lo assist lhbSl Marys Cub Pack by dunating color ring Following the business meet ing Eugene Smith chairman at the nominating committee look over the meeting The following were the officers elected for the earning year president Mrs James Kelly vicepresident McFadden sec retary Mrs Moran reas urerghlrs Hurlublse pmnt councillors Ross Saundemlnd Mrs Ed Marion Sister Beatrice and SistervStI Jerome were tied for the parent attendance shield The meeting was followed hya social halthour DAUPHIN CPPnting 500 eat at 23foot street with Asphalt wnuid cost $173 square yard compared with $233 Jgr concrete town engineer ii Erickson estimated in report tnr town enunciit nuai reports were presented by SAVE IN ALI DEPARTMENis punma frlflESEréltEAT 055p WfSPltlAlS Aylmzr TOMATO SOUP Pillbury Gringo CAKE Mil hunkr Asp pEAs Reg Price tin ZiaSAVE 5o 416mm Rent Price tsusAVE on 1702 pltg 9c Hen brie pkg ZSHAVEEc zizsrntgs45r it Price tin Maveise l5oz n49e 7o brief continent ddlr cHEEsE OM ï¬o fulï¬lRIGHT BAKERY spit is yric soMy cadSe priu m4 vs mli 55¢ at themdinr attractions at the third un llnualirodemir held at Alliston ntthe int endot instweek TheSwaettGeurgin grown group of tour gingham checked tap dancerHaroi Gmystone Pauline Purdue Janicevworrod and Joan Bollard top ielt lflop centre Sharon Elmer of Tottenhum Marilyn l4 rnught the danétngt ron right the Ne fumilytrla 1w Ken 12 Dianne 13 put new llte into untold routine with the Sweet Georgia Broth Group Lower right Ros mnry 20 and Grace Sullivan is were well received when they sang thelr duets in the input talent contest gt CLEARViEW 4H CLUB MEMBER IR TIN SOUTHSIMCQEfTO jeet The Milky why 155 girls in South SitMoe are more aware ot the need or milk in the diet need or cleanliness and care of milk and the many different ways 01 preparing milk dishes As part at this project each girl was required to attend seven or eight meetings keep record book write an essay on The MagieMilk Bottle anti bring an individual baked custartl to Achievement Day Achievement Days were held at Nottawusagn Community Hall Duntroon on Saturday May and at the LOL Hall Thornton on Saturday June 0n Achieves ment Day the club members had busy schedule as they judged class of farm amily menus gave reasons on their placings iudged class of baked Custards and completed hIEnuS At both Achievement Days an interesting program of exhibits demonstrations and skits was presented in the atternnnn The Milk Bar was iaverlle topic or the eiub exhibit along with Milk for the Convalescent One member from each club gave at explaining their exhibit and number or clubs presented interesting wIN PROVINCIAL HONORS As result at taking the proitmmatlve demonstrations and skits on varinus top These In eludcd Milk on the lnvalida Tray Play Stile withMilk and Milk the Chiinjsaeiight At the Duntrtion Achievement Day several presentations were made to club memberslllrs5an lord Aikens districtjrdsldcnt at Simone West Womens instilules presenteda provincial honor cer Iitieaie and pin to Mo on Rumble of the Clearview Club Murion is the ï¬rst 4HHolnernnking Club member in Smith Simcoeio re cclve this award in regognitlan ni having comnieten 12 projects Mrs Aiken zlsomresented county honor toutiticates and Pins 10 Patricia Gilien nlCioveri lea Claire Mills and Yvonne Ein erlnn of Avening and Linda Knisiey oi Cains Thevgirls re ceived this award to ompieting six projects At the Thornton Achlevement Day Mrs Wt Campbell diS tricl president of Simone South Womens Institutes made the presentation of county honor certiï¬cates and pins to Margaret Carr and Lois Black of Thornton Helen Sawyer of Gillord and Janet Ross oi Stroudt sterling silverlensnoon bear ting the aiiicial crest nt the Pro and inLvince of Ontario wasrpreseuted COuld my family live on behnltot thehoine eennnniics service at In extension branch ol the departmental agriculture to each at the 155 girls jar their achievement As small Iuken nl appreciation the club lenders and assistant leaders of lhe 18 clubs taking part were also pre sented witna spoon rite eiuus with were Iollows CoukstownMrs Harold Wan less EverettMrs Lewis Galinu their leaders giant Gianniins John Hughes Littles HillMrs Furyk Mrs Dyer nswickMrst Syd Stark Mrs Carlso Thornton rs iennett Mrs 0rvtii Carr Avenin Mrs RobortWalkA er Eunice wntuey metam airs William Emmett Jinan McLeod Long Mrsi Ed Graham Bend HeadMrs Fred Usher Mrs Robinson ivyMrs Stan Ap piegate Mrs Cocltrane StrandMrs DonatcNabb Mrs Muihoiland Cains Corners Mrs Stephenson Mrs Bill Me Quay CtearvicwMrs Duncan McCort Mrs Paddison Clover leaMrs Ruth lrcvelyan Mrs Paul szway Pine TreeJac quelineliielherai Mrs Boyce SinghampinnMrs Howard boug heed Mrs Bell Zion Iubi leeMrs Beatty Mrs nriiitnger LASQUETI ISLAND BC CF Daie Fretts saw an eagle swoop and grab in Salmon 0n the beach Fretls took the ï¬sh away trim the exhausted bird whi had struggled to share with its heavy inan Duntrounlilrs Thursday Legion Auxtliary Rally alv Orillia Tomorrow Night Members at the Ladies Auxil iary in Barrie Branch N0 147 Cnnzdian Legion enjoyed pot luck supper at their regular mun thly meeting last week Members were reminded at the zone rally hcjng held in Oriiiia on bus will leave the Legion Hall at six oclock tomor row evening mothenanddaughter banquet will also be held in the near ul It is planned for Thursday June 21 Mother wanted to see your etchings too 97 On the insurance live p10v1ded Ilia almana responsibility in mnke aunt thatl wife and hildren will ooniiliiie to liuve the things they need iihé aneané live or it he he even eonienftntaiiy disabled Adequate life insurance prop ly arrangedcnn bring the pr clesaygiiurantee of securin to 5117 familyanti to you