To The Editor The Barrie Examinen SirThrre adenlaJo be great activity going on at llineta these days The sleepy village lr coni lng to life alter long winter Flcbllttlng is taking place almost everywhere Some oi the slimmer residents coming up or past weekends gelling their names In shape or the long holidays Clean ing up repolri and pointing Idlcness have becn The can at replacing your home and its tnmishingr is just about twice what it was to year ogo Examine your tire pmtzction now not allnlhreiirCIand and out it oure only halt innired It Pen Km 7m STATE FARM Anon GRAHAM Bl DDLE PA 83992 25 Napier Street bit changehaxbe¢o made at the Pavilion not only haathe payklngf are beeneniarzed tor easier access and palklnfljul In liptortilla lighting xyilem has been lnsulled to nssure good vials hilin when parking at nighl vatien who would dare to break into someones ear looking tor valuables wouidmow not risk doing so Tree planting has been started in the easternpark next to the Pavilion variety at birth cedar pine hard maple and elm have been planted most at these trees are six to eight years old iintl should assume niceshady spoil In year or two Inside the lover llinels Pavs iilon the anointing really brightened up the place Anytm will enjoy eating snack or drinking good cup at crllltu here The cheesecloth ceiling has been replaced with ilrcrirool cotton malarial at one piece The lhrec colors ot gold white and blue tie in be lly with the rest of the painting band at polished musicians tram Barrie are entertaining with hit tunes old tavorlles and popu lar music Many residents and some visitors train as tar an Item ilton are making hlinets Pavilion their weekend rendezvous Minets Point is coming to lite and will be heard troni more frequently WILLIAM ALBERTt THE vBlBtE TODAY it its mason untrch Serretary Upper Canada Bible Society Nearly all the Bible societies report increasing circulation fig ores and most at such increases are indicative at an improved literacy rate as well as grow ing interest In Christianity in aollvia for example where the population is only shout av million and the Iiterates only 30 per milkthere were 173344 cop ics otthe Holy Scriptures distri huled last year In Peru 110000 copies are given out each year and there is greater rcsrionsih ility heine assumed by church members for spreading the Word of God Similar encouraging re ports come from other parts oi South America But it Is on Atriea that our eyes rest with some anxiety Great changes are taking place in the vast land which used to he called The Dark Continent litany prob lems ol the future social order are arising and must be solved ilpon many ol ihemthe nihle enn illumine the mind and streng then the min The main and Foreign nihle Ipalm Society gives ihunks tor the coin pletinn tit seven new Mriean edi lions this past that the way may be open for which is heard most trom Mrica these days is when will there be arriving the work that promplsthe cries Such facts as these are charg ed with meaning and message tor us all and todays urgent situ nlion should double our clions in spreading this Word ot Lite lo all men Suggested readings for tlin oi Honey arbor school bus and delivery at sups plies luhotels and tion providing the statute board small extra cost SundayPsalms 107343 Monday2 Peter 1121 Tuesday2 Peter 3le8 Fritlayllehrews 12 GLENAFION SALUTE 10morithsold hull calt brought the second highest price torn bull or $1300 at theNntIonat Holstein Sale on May 20 at Oakvlll He was soldby McCague Alliston and bought by Cabana Santa Brigida Euenos Aires At the year hilt prays would any the Aires Boxterj ownsin Annual Meet ic0Low1iTalt rroposotr imr mm The provements to proud into south Honey lliirbor anti extension at snowpiowing were discussed at my and more supplies of eompieteiaibles We mung of WW it is the growth at Wtslur Slnlule held at llayvieiv Ilotcl tort Sev tribe living on the shores of NW mm si water The statute board Lulu Tchad had only 40 people reading the Scriptures l0 yea ago Today there are 5000 rerl Labor llnard dents and tourists attended lhtI meeting chaired by Carl E55 and lively discussion of matters under review took place Lloyd Lctherhy MlF tor Sim eoe East iniormed the gathering 5W by mm mm that he had eonterred with High impel us to lE ways Minister Hunt James Allin car to travel on them before with the result that approval was given for additional snawplowing assist the other loco Illaxler Is an Department at Lands and formed six years ago Euch cominendctl Mn lfetliorhy tor his ettorts on hehnli oi the residents ot the area pmgbmw Improving mu Leapard Erma Wareham rosd into south lloney Harbor is tog lo be investigated This whielrservesmumerous tamtiles is about PA miles long and leads onto the Tronscznadn Highway ests with headquarters at Initi Le Ac va Early Life at At Home May l8 ln aiilng health due to stroke and conï¬ned to wheel eil chair since April of last year William James novalr passed away on Saturday ditty IR 1057 at his home on lot at concession at Essa Township allowing heart ottnrlr March 3l lillU son at the lolt Philip and Martha Bovalr had lived there or number olyears and then in Ilaxler where he was married lie hail resided there for the past 40 years He had lollowed farming tor lime and also ran sawmill during his earlier lite and then took up railroading unlit tailing health caused his retirement widow Mrs Sarah linvair and one sonr Robert at home Two by Rev Bevan Mnnks oi norgnnlxed ltlwn pnrt oLthc Severn River Management iirea oi the dollar or dollar on the amount Nolan Toronto ltoads into new areas have to be opened up suiticicntly tnr they and iorcsts lirom relatives antl Anglican Church Utopia present also rellive trom near and tar Inclltdlng nephew Wil lrtd Hartley tit Detre Mr and lie was born in Allistonon Surviving relatives are his daughters predeceased hint Saï¬ilï¬ In and hits amcs Illtins eat at Glenatton Farms while representing E321 In 1949 Them am the Argentine buyers are let to right Guil two granddaughters Mrs Vivian Iermo Decker and Ratoel Bregand Buenos McCann and June BrunskilI Three greatgrandchildren are Evelyn Ethel and lim hlcCanrM nil oi Utopia and twonleees whom he and his wife raised irorn childhood Miss Lillian Kinley at home and Mrs Delbert Thctuneral service on Mnnl mud day May 20 was heltl inthe lennettruneral ilome Barrie conducted by Rev Paul Field or Angus United Church assisted become eligible tor improvement For by the statute hoard Oiticers rerelcctetl lor 195158 was are chairman Carl Ess Wil land lowtliiie commissioners owner pays $5 per year tee and Tolltts and Chester Welsh Site the highways department spends Milt LukecCecil Davis and Jack Les Boucher represents the department oi highways and it Lane the department of lands lino Church ivy interment Mn Brunakill GI Mr and vru in chrut Church Cemetery ivyQPIihearers were Idol Each of Fergus Wlllilm Mc ridden ot Aplo Thomas McFad den ol Uluplz hmls and Daniel ltFItlden Di Barrie and Charles illetaddcn oi Baxter Flowers in remembrance were alumnau ends and Goodleiluw at Montreal heesrne tom Uiupil ll rClIIllch PNJVithlal cheekers rhamygonbby Si itllling Dmcr arent ll CC gt an mu Goodtellow had sir wins and draw no losso ham Friends and neighbors were Mall IIIIIIII data lluil Woed me or llri nuttill trio it saves you Your new low service charge at 10 cenls cheque is prepaid when you get your book ol20 cheques No passbooKquickerservice Deposit slips are in your cheque bucktar banking hy mai or speedier service at the bank quarterly statement is mailed to your home Your chequesare aid for you at the bank as permanent record You payyoui bills the modern way hye que ween Heres how and motley FOR fortress DETAIL NQUIRE AT ous items unlian tme WednesdayActs lads entailed The provincial mem ThursdayHebrews 113240 tier promised the tullest cooper l7 alien possible in the roads prtl SaturdayIlosea 621 gram Members at the board pom Heres your chnnée to make the dealof lifetime on valuepacked used car ortruck Every buy smart clean dependable bargain that will give you many happy miles at carefree troublefree motoring it Its the greohesiI selling spree ut the yezu and you stand to proï¬t handsomely Theres choice selec 19 USEDtARS AllUlRUCItS AyII III taunt Irina In yin1h ALGESUSEST SELECTION touristy Sand BIG lalasdli Attowliltit tow adult turnout EASY Billion limsl tion of late models many of them carrying the Al sign your assurance of quality There are mnkés and models for every purpose every budget Come in today YES TODAYI Choose the car that suits your needs tit the price you want to pay Its your chance to drive home it real bargain airs Murmur Orlllia and Mn Gardiner Mr and tits Rachar qus Mr and llrs IDislxaplrd Mark minnow CIIECKRRS CHAMP Lloyd snouw ttr Tors ron SUMMER anVlNG cuscit vouns NOW at Dhlltililllllillls PA $2431 65 Collier St The First installment oi Titties is line Wednesday June 12 IN ortmm T0 FACllilTAlE PAYMENTS our Town orrltli WILL nn OIEN the tollowing udditionnl hours Fri June from pm to 830 pm Sot June from to l2 noon GIGG Treasurer