righ io Dominion lng Roadere oAmo minus won iho represent iheijvince in the finals the Teennge Sure Driv ln the picture or left Bubhs Assistant ontnrio Market Mon Mr week one ankle called on Many neighbors them but +32 5301 01 Imperial on holds the Essa trophy which was won by JoiinSeotoo or Gait HAWKESTONE Salltd lnr Seolland Mrs Sicwzlri of Tomnio visiied her daughter Mrs Tediohnsione Johnsione and Linda illsi Mrs Stewart Ind husband sall June 15 for Scotland Eng land Holland and Belgium Frnclures Ankle The many iriends oi Miss Lynn Jermcy were sorry to hear sh had the misiamune to fracture Weekend Visllors Miss Orma Johnstone of Keith Point Misses Juan and Margaret Langlord ol Million vlsllcd rela lives over the huliday weekend Mrs Gerry Croii spenl weekend inToronio and niicndcd he lrousscllu lea ol MISS Jenn Leigh who is to be married lunc Toa Ratriille oi Owen Sound over the weekend necently Married Congralulaiions lo Mr and Mrs Allan Vlvlanwhn were married in Orllliu May 17 Farewell Party relativesu lricnds lmlnlly hall Friday evening and presented Mr and Mrs Dim ller Dougnli will many boonlllul and usoiulgms the gills Don made speech and inankcd all on hehail or himsoll and wife and asked all lo visit The young couple silt bonroln large silver bells and lacerovered table centred py large llniiationl MSAnhur Gray the Brow Roll held in friends in Ihe village and gathered al the com Aiier the opening or PROMPT noi at the same limo 32 so lllilllul Eon THE BEST SELECTloN 1955 DODGE ii GENT SE AN 1954 rumour SAVDY SEDAN DELIVERY Ihe SARI MADE sTnEET Poul neld was runner Homllton llnbls Winner olwtem oo tario finals ntKlngsion wasHugh Gal lagher or Gannnoquc shown at right Gallagher lind Scnwn each won 3100 ï¬eld 315 In Toledo Mrs Jen Smith IS spending few flecks in Toledo Ohio Mr and Mrs Glen MeAnhur ol Orangeville and Mr and Mrs Mills oi Dundalk were Vlsiiors al the home Mr and Mrs WI Morning The monthly meeilng oi the Womens lnsiiiuil mill ll the home oi Mrs Clarke Crawlord Wednesday May 22 wllh 22 me lch presenL The president Mrs conducted Motto Put your talents in the Womens lnsiliuie and watch ii something money cant buy which many had an unswer or the call weddingvcake delicious lunch economic and health convcncr Illd social hour Wilh lois of con ers will concluded he evening lloward Prophet who in iurn introduced Mrs Duke ol yillia who gave an enlighten mccilng Alicl vthe large 1954 PLYMOUTn anNonoox CLUB courE 1953 PLYMOUTH enANEnoox EDAN 3999 MILES 1953 MOUTH GRAN noon ill business program and plans Dr he donvcnilon which is to he Huwkcstone phurch Friday May 31 inc mori mg was turned over to llle home Ilraaxisr Ell Unllud PHONE 1952 in Mollflll plum noon cwDCollrE 1952 cuEvnonET DEILDgiE SEDAN RADIO 1951 nobaEREGENT SEDAN 2AM co LTD ing lnlk and demonstration on how lo make arlillelll flowers rugs and iancy apron and was given most hearty vole of thanks Mrs Thomas Jermey Mr companicd her Mrs Crawford and food conveners served de llolona lunch Ilolidly Vlall lllr and Mrs Doug wnron Ind sons oi Toronto spool ihe hol iduy with her mother him How arr Prophet Sunday Service Sharing Sunday June service will he 945 ior Lhi next three months at St AidanrAngilcan Church Sunday Mly ID Misses Joanne OBrien and Tarlo flank ainan Sting very well How Great Thou Art and the choir rendered an anihnm on Sunday lilayZB Rev Dr Lighthourn spoke on rolzaiion season nndMisses Gail PLANT PA 87d46 oErlCE PA 82461 GrenIeIWAJlll lneel al Ill home In GVln Donnflvod nesday lung all pm Anniversary Bervlrei Anniveisarylcnrl¢cs will he held in Grcnltl United Church on SundayJune 16 In Hospital Mn Percy Ford Is pailenl lu lioyai Victoria Hospilal oiier an openlion ilst week llcr many lrleuds wish her speedy rmw cry Miss Margaret Jane Brown pass ed away on Sunday May 17 957 daughter he lale John Brown wonlrnown barb nus man and the lam lilrs Bruin who was the lormtr Jane Campbell her whole life in Speni in Barrie lailhlul mcmhcr oi Si lino drcws Presbyterian Church she was also connecicd wilh ihc EV énln Auxiliary lhe Womens Misslonlry Soclelly Elev James Fergus lninlsicr oi Si Andrews conducled the service on May 15 al lht iuncral home Lloyd Ind Sicclllcy Thll was prlvnic but members or lhe llmiiy conncclion were The Late Mn Many Mrs Alired Money passed away suddenly on Thursday iiin 23 the home 0i her son Ray al Sundridge when she had been or lhe phi low months largely Illended iuucrni scrr vice was held at ihe Jenneil Fun prcscnl and others irom ills lance were Mr and Mrs Lance humble and Mr and Mls llolleri Rumble Tomnto Woods and Mr and Mrs Boyce Oak vllle Mr and Mrs lloy To ronlo Mr and Mrs McMillan and Miss McMillan Quecnsvillo George Campbell Norman Campbell and Alex Campbell Oro 1nlormcni was in Dnrrlo un lon Ccmeicry and lhe iullowlnl were pallbearers rotor Donald son lolm loonkman Kenncill Cavanagh George Camoboll Har ry ll Roche and Arthur McLean iricnds ol the innlily Kendall ind Barbara Pugalcy sang The Lords My Shepherd very swceiiy The old hymns were sung wllh hearty rovercuce Sunday June communion ser vice will be celebrated as ll is he llrsi Sunday he monih Weekend Vlsllorl Mi and Mrs Sedore and Mrs ll Anderson of Toronto spent he hbllday weekend ill the lai iers home here Mrs Vic Bell liirs Harrison Mrs Belly Crawiord and Mrs Nod Connolly attended home and school meellng It larrait last Wednesday evening it was with deep reng we learned the sudden death ol Mrs Jayne Marshall lasi week arrow in ch ence Whether this answer Lo your money problem in cash loan or uxperi counaol you may rely on ill0 Cnnudul mosi rncom rnonded consumer ï¬nance comm puny Youll like HFC Prompt lrlonolly attention and complain irorvioe bricked by 79 yonn ax parience So it you hood up Slowin one dIyyou may bo row with conï¬dence lrom arc The only surviving member of lhe lamin oi lhciale John Brown is George Brown hm lhcr of Miss Brown sllll taking nnaclive purl In he business known as Brown 51 Co Lid Dunlap on floor phnnl 555 Inï¬ll our min AW lulun Eu Ianvii lint ohm IA all PAR IE 1955 195i PLYMOUTH PLAZA COUPE 11954 dnEvnoILETDELim fllAnDTorcotlrE 1955buEvimLET hermit zDil SEDAN 952 rulvromn CONCORD omen lose roNTlAgSTANDAILD Shoals 1951 roerAcSTANDAnn SEDAN lnsl cuEvnomT SEDAN As Is arena flour phoni no RITTEN ronD MAINLINE SEDAN 1959 DODGEREGENT SEDAN 1AWm 1957 XAMiNER 5595 $495 Bl Mr and ruccesslulJann sale on Satur day and have moved in lhelr new home in Barrie 9le To Communlly Wu welcome to he cummunlly Mr and Mrs lamily who have moved in the Arm vauied by Air and Mn Park Irrx Sympathy oi the common ity ll amended to Mr Honey and horny Dunnl Senior Mr and Mlurire Baldwic had heir harlot daughler June anou bapimdon Sunday May 26 31 he Anglluil pflurch Barrie wine The ancient Read ll Trinity ram sue Mrs Andy Park had Mwest or ll Vcensln and ille uchbuknl Iii or iheiiromhoua ations can be securedat the sefreiurys oiiice DADqu DISTRICT COLLEGIATE leTmJTE Blimp firAllous III 1119 bluorlruberly Bell hemoemmll in Arblladalp weigh 10 pounds nny tender nor necemriiy accepied Speciï¬c llFelt memoryTreasurer and DAY GUARANTEE $1595 $i 195 $7595 Si 295 $195 $195 1953 rLylnouTlli CRANBROOK 1952 CHEVROLET STANDinn Cohen 1952 CHEVROLET STANDARD i951 METEonbtlsrom Tubal gt 1950 PONTIAC DELiJXE qOAgu nADIo As IS 1950 STDDEEAKER CHAMPION SEDAN AS ls 195i PLYMOUTH rEAZA SEDAN 1954 STUnEDAnEn cunmroN SEDAN ovenoilrvE$149S 1953 erlllouTllnELwDEDE SEDAN RADIO So nunmz Fon Tll BEST SELECTION WA $l395 Sljws $l95 $1195 $ll95 $795 3795 SEDAN DADm SlibAN 711zéiz£z£ at is lt