when it in their tournament Very em emulation maintain such balance between their mealtimenames noneJuli wontum lwuweeiendlgl when yen held atJhe Armory without too akin pert horn Buttecamp Borden flu msomomuuuon Wise ï¬lm 10 cocktail pirty and be taincd over 100 on Saturday plug Following themes thereve ers returned to the Amoury for th ï¬nals in each event and for closing party Despitethe tap the moilffrntmhers were elther tired iron the competitions tieiron irldzys social activitiesthe party wassucha successth the bartender ran out of glasses and the sluflvto put in the The Amonry our theme oianother rent at es tivlty when thesecond annual Policemans Elli will panda thm tinFriday Aprilll minibus are scheduled to strike up the hand nine oclock end bullet lunch will he served sometime through the evening Tickets are avail able aroundtowm Baystairs Lodgecnterthincda party at 80 on Saturday March 29 when the executive of Kolmar held dlnnenparty lho Neil Hurtiblse ycuesls came from Hmnllton Wehbelleviue secreted cameron Fells Apeordiogto uncut xhtlsilcs walking shoes thatAlook as good the dog population in this wun it they feel bufl nd try has iricreased 200perEeent blushed leathers are leatuie in the last so yeangaa compared tapered Vatylcsï¬hat are Combo provided music or anfevenlng of dancing gï¬gï¬nwiffltflii 350130 re he ddughter Mrs Howard Jory Mrs ow Savannah LOdge wt the scene of steak dinner and business Ownlng dog leads 1d meeting attended by executives of Zone in Barrie The Busi avoidably in Am miles Ind mine hereallher lire Her nts were also arisinelly front in leatherweight dimen ness and Professional Woulens Club here have also chosen Savannah OUT rm in As soon as or colors appear in grace their dlnn eating on April 10 that nieanlngiul mg mm slcekstyles often withmore my heel lift or walking comfort The excellenthlkingot the members ct the newlyorgan And all ot these acasual ahoee lud Mothers Committee olthe Barrie Collegiate Band will are attuned to fashion trends he the special attraction attheir lint fundraising activity1 that syvlng $18801 WW3 Ew hakesale to he held in the show room of the Ball Phnlng er comml0 5091 lean Mill on Saturday Aprll 12 ME William Dancnt and Mrs ahdslcnder puttern5 Wchurchill will hethe coconveners or the delicious 50mm youre comm 8le 511091 underteking youll tingI yourself tatï¬ehlnz Roverl great The annual Easter at the Evening Guild of st Georgea Anglican Church in Allandalejs scheduled for Wednesday April outde Just rememberl to Homemade tanking fancy work white elephant sale and haby mike goo swans am sitttng services are al ered youwont win in agwalk you with ocwttho nnaeoompmy mg 99 Mrs Clifton Ward wtli return tomorrow iron at twoweck flying ing dog walkingisone of the visit to England during whlch she visited with triends in London but forms totexercise cope Famham Surrey and Liphook Hampshlre irchwe id had the distinction fly highligh of training was lpgupf to Guides receiving on makeup ifor hci Brownlcwlngs beauty coiinsellor Miss Smith enrolled the Guide Holland Marsh and also presented several badges olilerence concluded with onor to discuss dulure kits were put on by and Gold Card to Patrol Lender Pat MeFaddtln As eachGuldc came forward hllas Srnlth had few words to say to her Later MissSmith spoke on the law Guide is Loyal Thc Guides then presented on English Treioll emony through which the parents woreshowu what the various mvm c9mm1559n n9 parts of the trefoil atoodlor lesslaner Om 001 The parents were invited to 11 we milm in in aeamptire at whichst gs otdiflcrcnt countries were on MrsMulsey tilled in sum in formationon pitch song ansshe hadattendcd conferences in Switz rlandlivhcrcshe had métthe 09011 night el byFfljil natives otmany or the countries Allandale Guides ngneidfly Jfaps wussung andtheparents nny pa ntg attended were served and cooirieshy rdlnlly greeted by several Guidesrassistcd hy Mrs Moisey Mécdonnld who has loincd lst Allundalc 31s helper for th ir regular nieetlng gt el lousdinner was served the group by the local association of hand ad Distrch the ers were Mrs itidlcy Mr and Mrs Dalton While have returned to liarrie alter two Imonth holiday at their winter home in Florida Bayview Leir Celebraie Birthday Six CharieirMembers The 34th birthday of Bayvlew Aflersa short meetingjnemhcrs Chapter 105 Order of the Eastun and their friends gathered for 35 Hammad Monday New social hour and enjoyed several ngMarch 24 gamesinf bingo under direction 01 The honored guests foxthem William Covertand the entertain feet nouns Willi Guides an easlon were six charter meinbe mcnteommlttee Many lovely sticks and am Cd Mrs Gladys Bell Ernest Burgess prizes were won ordenllond Head PP Mrs Jessie smart Mrs gt uldesvheld success LLead oConterence iu the an spec Communlty him it Bowie tlonfland colors inspection was onimissioncr ALL PREPARE tingLLMar MONTREAL CPI Dr Vl nd gornpony pteur Archambaultl took no Jessie Maw and Mrs erta Stonehani They were cachpresented with cor sage and paid tribute to in verse form by Mrs May Nesbitt Worthy Matron Mrs Rose Calvert PM at or lliaChapter and honorary mem her of Bayview Chapter was also special guest of the evening emu AlenaSmith hcauhlul birthday cake with 34 candles was donated by the Worthy Matron and at her re quest thecnndles werelit by the Post Matrons and Past Patrons who were present gt Mrs Dorian Gigg and her oom mittcescrved delicious hanhuok huflet stylcv with the exception oï¬a head table at which WES gkoblnson Vail mug consisted of gam lAshlngs hoisting the or anddiscussions on oplc phones of being marooned by flood waters in his contend leiesStreet home Although the Si awrence was till well below the dangerJovel he had row likethesr from our collection Fresh and perky ousés that bringa touch spring to skirts ui1dsaits All wonderfullyrfeniin amazing how little car some refuse so flattering 1th hey need Allwush easily and would prefer tostay away from irons Se them todayat yourEvdngclinc hop rnoderntely priced $2 EAR15 left Shun xloeve neuter mi hlcuiewitthtylon lose trim Visitors iron Belhaven and ï¬lm chm Orillia Chapters were givan gm 59 member ottheWorthy clan welcome by Mrs May Nes notary law as we 1° under the co bitt Worthy Matron and William we Mrs Grose an CovertWmtlty Patron flhecveninghroughtto aelose Williams Self embroidery on collar and bodle $59 ContrnShtvtrleév but on ion lasalrlm Fulith unset highynect llttle or no on billable 9mm er In white sum 1249 $5 on 174 am we or Jae uui i3 cï¬owuflmmn to makeuaanmnm am up roar delightt